Hey devs, the new zone looks really cool! I can't wait for it to go live.
That said, before you make any *more* new zones like that, could you do something? Could you please add a few daily missions to the EXISTING zones we already have? The desert, canada, monster island, etc. Just because I'm a max level character doesn't mean I never want to go to these places again. They are supposed to be part of the "world", so please give us worthwhile reasons to keep going to them even at max level.
Again, new zone = awesome! Great job!
But please add some reasons to keep going to the existing areas before creating more brand new ones.
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Sep 2008
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-Revamp UNITY missions to feature activity in lower level areas
-Relocate some special/holiday events in lower level areas outside of MC - the Circus Mal race would be cool in desert canyons
-Have teleport devices to these areas become a rare world drop
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Omicron - Lvl 4x - Mind
Emerald Myst - Lvl 2x - Claws/Fighting Hybrid
Epsilon - Lvl 2x - Blade
Asterius - Lvl 1x - Electric/Void Hybrid
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Epic Stronghold
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Also I would love some really tough solo missions that reward GCR... probably not gonna happen, but I think it would be really cool. Even have some ideas on how that could be done in a way that works with trinity characters.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Champions Earth has several fictional countries, so we don't have to worry over real-world geopolitics. One in Latin America or Africa could use the Monster Island terrain.
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Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
"playerbase reaction" is not the same thing as "forum reaction"
Typically, less than 10% of the playerbase post on the forums. So "playerbase reaction" will be judged by internal numbers(people playing the new content, and then replaying it again), not forum reaction.
Join Date: Sep 2008
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
The playerbase is great the best one of any mmo I've said that before...but when it comes to moaning CO is top tier.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Also, most toxic online game forum I ever saw was the one for Marvel: Avengers Alliance(not an MMO). Almost every other post was people flaming the devs....
My characters
Also, they do occasionally have clue drops that lead to open-world missions. Clue drops that lead to sets of instanced missions themed around villain groups or potential new threats would be good. Such multi-mission clues could drop after you reach a certain level (15, maybe) and could be zone-specific or even require you to jet around.
One comparison to CoX--the tram system in that game sometimes lead to instanced missions as an extra destination. If Cryptic could do that with the jet, that would be cool; I'm just not sure the game is set up for something like that to occur, this is CO, after all, a different game.
There's also another angle to this. VIPER wants to control the world. Do you really think they would stand idly by while extradimensional forces attempt to undercut their plans? Maybe VIPER should be found in the upcoming new zone as well....
As for Spinny's idea of small amounts of GCR in solo missions...that actually doesn't sound like a bad idea either. Getting some reward for completing tough missions (or sets of missions) would be an alternative (if a minor one) to the usual, but even a small amount could add up over time. Probably not gonna happen, as Spinny said, but it'd still be nice.
Don't forget, though, that there's also Argent and Psi and several other groups whose scope may not be as great as VIPER's...but that could change. Imagine an alliance between several of these gangs specifically because VIPER is a threat to each of them individually. Once such an alliance felt strong enough to move against the snakes, they'd certainly also feel strong enough to move against the world in general or heroes specifically.
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Viper are cool I guess, but I can't help but also think of Cobra and Hydra and to me, those kinds of agent class enemies are, no matter how well equipped and trained, ultimately cannon fodder for real super heroes. Sure, there will be some Viper Bosses and Viper Super Villains and paid Mercenary Super Villains working for viper on a temp basis, but even most of those guys are only a threat due to the forces they can bring to bear on a geographical area or community, like.. well, like a villainous army of terrorists are. Not like a Super Villain or a team of super villains.
I read, "Hydra takes over a small country" and I think "The Avengers roll in and kick a bunch of ****, some people unfortunately don't survive but the heroes did all they could, case closed".
Hydra= Viper, and Avengers = any solid group of player heroes in Champions.
I read, "The Masters of Evil take over a small town and hold it's citizens hostage" and I think, "Oh crap."
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
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It's more quilothic stuff
what solo stuff is there?what it's all group
what are the rewards? is that all
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