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FC.31.20150919.10/.14 - More Bloodmoon Event Changes



  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I can't get into to test. But just from looking at the video and reading comments. The Ghost Ship is underwhelming. It should probably be tougher. And didn't it spawn a Ghost Pirate crew at some point? The pirate spawns should probably be brought back.

    Also regarding the Scourge Gear. That would be awesome.. unless you're planning a special Halloween Lockbox with the Scourge goodies inside of it!!!!

    Why the limitation on where BITE devices can be used. Second the suggestion on at least allowing them in Lemuria. Also second the suggestion of adding Turakian Coin drops to Zombie Apocalypse!!! It's one of the more fun PvP events and no one ever plays it tiger-41.gif. Give us a reason too.. plus you'll expand the content related to the event with minimal effort.

    Consider making Vibora Bay an account wide unlock. Once you unlock it on a character it's unlocked for all characters. Personally I'd love to see level gating removed from all the zones period. It's a barrier to team play.

    Another suggestion would be to have a special portal to VB open for the duration of the event. When the even is over the portal can be closed.

    The Auras look awesome -- really awesome great work.​​
    Post edited by riverocean on
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  • soulforgersoulforger Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    bazodee said:

    Yep, Ghost Ship is quickly done solo. Not much effort needed to avoid the gazillion pirates that spawn.
    As a reward: 10 Tcoins and a secondary gear called Swashbuckler's Stance, which for a high lvl toon is pretty underwhelming.

    Bug: The Ghost full body aura has the icon normally associated with a chest aura.

    lol wut is that? Level 10 gear disguised as a level 40 gear?
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    Arguments about 'fairness' don't really move me. You want a reasonably inclusive event, but if people have gone to the effort of optimizing their characters, isn't it 'fair' to reward them for doing so?

    In CO optimizing for damage means cherrypicking the powers that work best for the specific content. I don't really agree that needs rewarding, people are going to do that anyway just because they want to get top score. For the open mission like it is now that would be "use a backup device (Kinetik) and chain as many spike attacks as you can while nimble mind is active, before the ship is destroyed".
    Post edited by aiqa on
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    too many comments to quote on but.....

    There is absolutely no reason why Vibora Bay shouldn't work just like every other zone in the game. There is no reason you should have to do VBA for all your toons just to get to Vibora Bay. This is honestly something that should have been fixed a long long long time ago.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    My few cents:

    * Turakian coins are for sale at The Drifter, currently on Live, by the way.

    * VB needs easy access without doing the crisis, even after this event is over.

    * Ghost Ship open mission just needs to last longer--it doesn't have to be a 30 minute slog, but even just twice as long as now would be a good idea.

    * Ghost Ship open mission could some more pizzazz. How about making the ghost pirates tricky and necessary to deal with for the win?

    * Please please please do not tie rewards to scoreboard. Aside from scoreboards sometimes being glitchy, they don't count healing or auras. Like others have said, a high score often boils down to using a few charged Backup! devices.


    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • crypticarkaynecrypticarkayne Posts: 181 Cryptic Developer
    Thanks for the feedback, folks! We'll make a few more tweaks.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User

    Honestly this boils down to the fact you can't fix people that want to always be the winner instead of actually having fun.​​

    You can, however, fix events to discourage particular types of behavior.
  • stellariodragonstellariodragon Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    OMG... didn't realize the fog aura leaves a trail. onion-7.gif
    Any way someone could turn on bloodmoon on PTS?

    The pirate ship attack should be every half hour on the half hour like the fallen hero open events.​​
  • jellycupsowbugjellycupsowbug Posts: 378 Arc User

    It looks like an old upgrade. It has a crafting category, description, and half the current level of ability bonuses. The naming convention also matches that of old upgrades.
  • amyjiaamyjia Posts: 242 Arc User

    If you're going to give Turakian coins for BITE, consider giving some for Zombie Apocalypse as well.

    OMG this would be great. Zombie Apocalypse was the Hero Game introduced during the first Blood Moon event along with the BITE missions, so it would be a perfect fit.
    For those who haven't seen it, here is the original Promo video for the Blood Moon Event which includes the undead heroes event, BITE missions, and introduction of the Zombie Apocalypse Hero Game.

    Zombie Apocalypse (like alerts) require at least 5 people to be queued to start an instance as well, so if people want to get coins in a team setting, this could be an option for them.

    The Zombie Apocalypse Hero Game is also accessible to people at a variety of lvls in lvl ranges. So not only can a wide spread of lvls play it, but they get to play with people around their lvl and not have to worry about low lvl people being farmed by max lvl people.

    In closing, I would like to repeat that I also think it would be a good idea to add the Turakian coins as a reward for the Hero Game Zombie Apocalypse as well.

  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    Vibora Bay needs to be made accessible without playing through its crisis zone. This is a ghost town only barely mo0re populated than Lemuria. You are gimping your own even by placing it there when it's still restricted.​​
  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    If turakian coins drop in ZA, there pretty much goes my week.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I have 100+ level 40's and I've done VB apocaolypse about 10 times. There's a reason I use Monster Island for 30-40. VB apocolypse is the reason. All the yoyo missions, back and forth to the house.

    on the subject of the easy to kill 2hr ship.
    I can easily see one or more of the usual suspects parking a character at the docks before the patch is due, relogging straight away and killing it fast, so that they are the only ones who know when the timer is and can farm it.​​
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • wingedkagoutiwingedkagouti Posts: 566 Arc User
    chaelk said:

    I have 100+ level 40's and I've done VB apocaolypse about 10 times. There's a reason I use Monster Island for 30-40. VB apocolypse is the reason. All the yoyo missions, back and forth to the house.

    on the subject of the easy to kill 2hr ship.

    I can easily see one or more of the usual suspects parking a character at the docks before the patch is due, relogging straight away and killing it fast, so that they are the only ones who know when the timer is and can farm it.​​
    Open Missions have a publically displayed reset timer.
  • draogndraogn Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    The only thing I have to add regarding the ships spawn timer is to stagger it some so it doesn't overlap with Tako.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    I've only got two 40s. I've also got two toons, characters I ordinarily find enjoyable, stalled about halfway through the Apocalypse. That's because the Apocalypse is bloody boring.

    Please, lift the requirement for toons 35 and over to complete the Apocalypse before accessing VB. So someone else saved the world that time. So what? And it'll sure help with this new Blood Moon thing...
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

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  • soulforgersoulforger Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    200 zen for the level up pack...well...its not to high...
    Also, I just discovered that if you rapidly use the level up packs several times in a row, sometimes one of the packs does not level up the character.
    Post edited by soulforger on
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    jonsills said:

    I've only got two 40s. I've also got two toons, characters I ordinarily find enjoyable, stalled about halfway through the Apocalypse. That's because the Apocalypse is bloody boring.

    It's a beautiful crisis zone, but much like VB itself, there are too many indoor instanced missions that involve room after room of crappy sewers, warehouses, or crypts. The last time I ran it I grabbed a Roin'esh ooze tunneling device to more conveniently run past all that stuff.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    I've pointed this out on other threads, but maybe this is the place to mention it again.

    The onslaught defenders outside the Until/Unity building do not appear on the mini map the way the others do.​​
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
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  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User

    The onslaught defenders outside the Until/Unity building do not appear on the mini map the way the others do.​​

    Are they worth mission credit?
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    Turakian coins can be bought with Drifter Salvage. Five salvage nets you ten coins.
    This is currently on Live, so if someone can't do the events enough, they could still get enough coins to buy something . . . assuming they have salvage.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • soulforgersoulforger Posts: 1,654 Arc User

    Turakian coins can be bought with Drifter Salvage. Five salvage nets you ten coins.
    This is currently on Live, so if someone can't do the events enough, they could still get enough coins to buy something . . . assuming they have salvage.

    Finally, something to use my salvage on!

  • stellariodragonstellariodragon Posts: 588 Arc User
    The onslaught defenders outside the Until/Unity building do not appear on the mini map the way the others do.
    Are they worth mission credit?

    Shhhhhhhh~! They're secret~! (And yes, they are.)​​
  • kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,634 Arc User
    Yes please to Turakian coins dropping in Zombie Apocalypse!!

    Also, yes please to allowing players access to Vibora Bay whether they have done the Vibora Bay Apocalypse or not.
  • squirrelloidsquirrelloid Posts: 876 Arc User
    Don't suppose we could get the onslaught contact added to the crime computer? Having to go run to one to get the dailies is an annoyance that's totally unnecessary.
  • notyuunotyuu Posts: 1,121 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Quick Question, I don't suppose that we could get personal force field actually fixed, could we?

    I've submitted dozens of bug reports about it and made more than a few threads on the matter, one of which even got a dev response...but alas it was for nothing, the power is still broken in a number of ways...for details.

    In all things, a calm heart must prevail.

    Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.


    Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
  • xrazamaxxrazamax Posts: 982 Arc User
    Can we get bloodmoon activated on the PTS please?
  • tfavsb10tfavsb10 Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    It is an assumption, but one that is based in observation. I don't know how much time you spend leveling alts, but I consider it a populous zone if I run into 3 other people during the course of leveling characters through VB. And that's with having put three alts through that leveling path in the last 6 months. Open missions are almost impossible to complete in that zone.

    I agree with shockwave!

  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,157 Arc User

    Vibora Bay needs to be made accessible without playing through its crisis zone. This is a ghost town only barely mo0re populated than Lemuria. You are gimping your own even by placing it there when it's still restricted.​​

    Please take this into consideration. I mentioned this earlier as did several others.
  • mutantmaidsmutantmaids Posts: 119 Arc User
    With the ghost aura/spectral aura, female characters' mouths show through their faces. It's this way with the Elder Worm Humidity Dome and other stealth effects. Fixing this would be grand, as it's pretty gross.
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    Add another aura to the token vendor with the "legs" effect from the ghost become device on it. Or that would also work as an aura pack together with the genie and elemental effects as this years halloween z-store release.
  • bazodeebazodee Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    To add a voice from the other side of the coin - I enjoy VB Apocalypse. I like being there. In fact, it would be great, if we could return to the Apocalypse map again once it's completed. The map is awesome, the missions are fun, the atmosphere is one of the best in the game and best of all, it opens up the best area in CO (What went wrong with Lemuria anyway??); Cool instances, Dog Pound, Crimson Lounge, Sweetland's Restaurant, Unity 2 crypts - really beautiful settings. I wish some of those instances were open on a permanent basis.

    I haven't been playing the game since time immemorial, but most of my 40s have done VB Apocalypse. It's a must on the hop to 40 for my toons.

    So if the decision is made to unlock it account wide, please put the mission at the helicopter for those of use who do want to rinse and repeat.
    Post edited by bazodee on
    I don't like Sigs, but I'll leave this here anyway. At least I'm not to trying to hypnotise you with moving things!
  • morigosamorigosa Posts: 709 Arc User

    - Made new Blood Moon event auras and vehicles Bind on Account on Pickup.

    I just wanted to drop by and thank you for this; this change on its own makes my interest in the event go from "meh" to "Okay, I need to actually do this."

    The thing with cosmetic rewards like auras and vehicles is this: I hardly ever want them for my existing characters. Something like the new Crimson Demonwing just calls out for making a new character to match its style and color - and if I needed to level that new character to 40 before I could even try to get them the matching device, well... nope. The meat of the game is the process of getting to level 40; if I can't make them look right for that time period, it's just not worth it to me.

    * * * * *

    Aside on the use of Vibora Bay: I see this as an attempt by the devs to get people to realize this zone exists. As such, I think it's a good idea and worth the attempt.

    I'd definitely be in favor of being able to skip the VB Apocalypse Crisis Zone, but I'd also be in favor of it - and all the others, from the tutorial onwards - being replayable. (And all the other missions, too! So many neat instances that are used for one mission and you can never get back to them...)

    For the record, I'm up to about ten level 40s, and I've run all of them through that apocalypse. It's fun and has good rewards, why would you want to skip it? Do not understand.
  • This content has been removed.
  • circleofpsi#4619 circleofpsi Posts: 2,977 Arc User
    notyuu said:

    Quick Question, I don't suppose that we could get personal force field actually fixed, could we?

    I've submitted dozens of bug reports about it and made more than a few threads on the matter, one of which even got a dev response...but alas it was for nothing, the power is still broken in a number of ways...for details.


    Yes on this!
  • circleofpsi#4619 circleofpsi Posts: 2,977 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    aiqa said:

    Add another aura to the token vendor with the "legs" effect from the ghost become device on it. Or that would also work as an aura pack together with the genie and elemental effects as this years halloween z-store release.

    Yes on this too!

    So, is anyone reading Feedback yet?, I really like this idea!
    Post edited by circleofpsi#4619 on
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    cryneting said:

    So, is anyone reading Feedback yet?, I really like this idea!

    Take a chill pill, it's the weekend.

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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    The Ghost Ship on test now has a lot more health that's good and it presents a decent threat to someone that isn't actively paying attention so that's another good. however, the rewards are still meh. It's still rewarding based on ranking and it's still old rewards from pre on alert. No special auras or action figures or anything of that nature you would expect from a seasonal event like this.​​
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    The Ghost ship is a lot better now. One more thing, I think the pirates on the docks need to start moving towards the ship when they spawn. If that would be added I think it's at a good difficulty.
  • crosschancrosschan Posts: 921 Arc User
    Bug?: Bloodmoon is running the Deathlord OM instead of the Takophanes OM. Is this event to run long enough for phases or is this just running the wrong OM?

    Bug: Took out one of the crypts with a friend the other night and got awarded 30 R1 Vehicle Mods(3 different stacks of 10). Also they still drop tons of old gear.

    Oh and since the Winter Event will be after this I thought I would toss in something I recently noticed...

    Bug: Steampunk Electro-Gauntlets(Female): Color Channel 4 is supposed to be Glow but no longer is Glow. Picking a color in Color Channel 4 will cause the Right glove to have the glow but the Left glove will not. Also the Material Selections are gone.

    Suggestion/Request:: It's been requested for years, in regards to the Winter Event, that a Teddy Bear Costume Set(Clarence's Costume Unlocks with a non-damaged re-skin) be made available to the players either via the Z-Store or earnable within the event itself. Since it's October I thought this might be early enough to plant the seed on this and maybe make is happen? Please?

    Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    crosschan wrote: »
    Suggestion/Request:: It's been requested for years, in regards to the Winter Event, that a Teddy Bear Costume Set(Clarence's Costume Unlocks with a non-damaged re-skin) be made available to the players either via the Z-Store or earnable within the event itself. Since it's October I thought this might be early enough to plant the seed on this and maybe make is happen? Please?

    I support this! I wanted the Attack Toys! parts a long time now! Give us the Teddy parts please, it would make a GREAT reward addition for the Christmas event onion-5.gif

    also there are some Steampunk costumes in the code that were never made available for players (yet they got UPDATED to have Metal and leather textures some years ago... for some reason)​​
    Post edited by avianos on
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • sanguinevipersanguineviper Posts: 451 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    aiqa said:

    The Ghost ship is a lot better now. One more thing, I think the pirates on the docks need to start moving towards the ship when they spawn. If that would be added I think it's at a good difficulty.

    I was just on there earlier today messing with it, and at some point (less than 1/3rd damage dealt), every ghost pirate within 10 miles came charging into the ship and promptly killed me. I came back and spent a full Invuln lead tempesting them down as more seemed to infinitely spawn to replace them. Not sure if intended, but it certainly makes it more difficult for one person who isn't a tank to do.

    Snark never dies.
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Farming the Harbinger of Woo for tokens is a little to easy and quick compared to the other options. Killing the Deathlord gives 5 tokens, killing a 3 million HP Ghostship on a 2 hours reset gives 5 tokens (when you are not placing first), and a 2 minute run through a crypt also gives you 5 tokens.
    And you can enter the same crypt lots of times to farm the Harbinger as long as you do not complete the mission.
  • This content has been removed.
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Another thing on bloodmoon that could really do with a change is the fight against the zombies. Players generally have a much higher and survivability and dps than when the event was first made, giving all the zombies and undead heroes 100% or 200% more health and damage would make the fights against those a bit more a challenge and fun.
  • wingedkagoutiwingedkagouti Posts: 566 Arc User
    aiqa said:

    Another thing on bloodmoon that could really do with a change is the fight against the zombies. Players generally have a much higher and survivability and dps than when the event was first made, giving all the zombies and undead heroes 100% or 200% more health and damage would make the fights against those a bit more a challenge and fun.

    Are you looking at as a level 40 freeform or a level 10-15 ranged AT?
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    I would like to see OV's completely disabled during events. If OV's are available we can be sure they will be used by stepping into AoE attacks and trying to get easy kills from unsuspecting players that just want to play the event.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User

    Are you looking at as a level 40 freeform or a level 10-15 ranged AT?

    There's something to be said for changing the level curves for skull-scaled enemies; while the intended design is that both a high level and a low level will be challenged but not overwhelmed, it doesn't really work out that way.
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    aiqa said:

    Another thing on bloodmoon that could really do with a change is the fight against the zombies. Players generally have a much higher and survivability and dps than when the event was first made, giving all the zombies and undead heroes 100% or 200% more health and damage would make the fights against those a bit more a challenge and fun.

    Are you looking at as a level 40 freeform or a level 10-15 ranged AT?
    Both can be much stronger now than when the event was designed, or when AT's were first added to CO. We did not have any heirloom gear back then, no specs and far fewer forms (if any?), not as many devices available, fewer strong pbAoE to mow down the zombies and no vehicles.

    And events should not cater to only new players at low levels (who can just do xp alerts for a few hours to get to level 30) but to the average player, and the average player is much stronger now.

    And as for AT's, try a cursed AT with the onslaught tanking gear. You can easily solo all the undead heroes with that. It's so easy in fact, that a 100% or 200% health and damage bonus seems like a very conservative number.
    Post edited by aiqa on
  • wingedkagoutiwingedkagouti Posts: 566 Arc User
    aiqa said:

    aiqa said:

    Another thing on bloodmoon that could really do with a change is the fight against the zombies. Players generally have a much higher and survivability and dps than when the event was first made, giving all the zombies and undead heroes 100% or 200% more health and damage would make the fights against those a bit more a challenge and fun.

    Are you looking at as a level 40 freeform or a level 10-15 ranged AT?
    Both can be much stronger now than when the event was designed, or when AT's were first added to CO. We did not have any heirloom gear back then, no specs and far fewer forms (if any?), not as many devices available, fewer strong pbAoE to mow down the zombies and no vehicles.
    New players likely do not have vehicles, unlikely know of the Q-store levelling gear (and even then, they're unlikely to have enough Q to buy a set) and almost certainly do not have heirloom gear. They're also unlikely to have any ATs other than the free ones. The scenario I expect to be most common for a newer player is a pre-20 free AT geared with items from mission rewards and random drops.
    And events should not cater to only new players at low levels (who can just do xp alerts for a few hours to get to level 30) but to the average player, and the average player is much stronger now.
    On the other hand, events that take place in any area should cater to players who would naturally be running around in that area. A decent amount of the Bloodmoon event takes place in pre-20 areas.
This discussion has been closed.