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  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You-know-who tl;dr: Whaddya mean, I have to hold my own utensils when I eat? What kind of bull**** is this?
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    spinnytop wrote: »
    I've stated many times that I don't find quest text to be worth reading in general... and even I managed to read the quest text for those missions to figure out where to turn them in.

    Ah, another person who say "i'm better than everyone" with a twist "and I'm ignorant."
    spinnytop wrote: »
    The first time I played this game, figuring out where to turn in a mission was never a problem... never has been in all these years...
    That is great for you, this isn't about you, this is about the state of the game.
    Not everyone has played the game with or like you. Take your ego out of it.
    spinnytop wrote: »
    is the notion that "kids these days all know about the computers and the vidya games" no longer true? Is the latest generation "mmo illiterate"?
    There's a lot of invalid adults that play this game who are not fast at learning, seeing or doing things at all times.
    There's an angel in the park to remind you that we are all not vidya game super heroes in real life.

    The socrates/surhoff mix up mission, I think has two socrates in the socrates, one of them has the mission and one of them doesn't, surhoff accepts the mission for xp, while players are deep in Westside with the mission that doesn't return to the Socrates machine that's on the corner by WCOC.

    Like I said if you are in a team, and your team mate has not completed the mission, your mission arrow will point to the mission and not to the return point. Any noob relying on those arrows is going to be confused about what to do.

    Our Map lacks fast travel.
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,002 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Ah, another person who say "i'm better than everyone" with a twist "and I'm ignorant."

    That is great for you, this isn't about you, this is about the state of the game.
    Not everyone has played the game with or like you. Take your ego out of it.

    So anyone who provides their personal anecdote with regards to the mission system that differs from your own is labelled as being arrogant. Yeah, oookay.

    MMORPGs aren't typically made with accessibility features for the mentally-handicapped nor are the games ever marketed primarily towards them. It isn't the fault of the mission system since it's easy to figure out to the average person. If there really are "a lot" of these invalid adults players around as you claim, there are avenues of help ingame available for them if they simply ask around.
    Like I said if you are in a team, and your team mate has not completed the mission, your mission arrow will point to the mission and not to the return point. Any noob relying on those arrows is going to be confused about what to do.

    Our Map lacks fast travel.

    If the team mate hasn't completed the mission, it's his or her responsibility to sound off. Since it's a team effort then the team as a whole should make sure everyone has done what is needed to be done to complete the mission.

    If everyone else but that person has completed the mission objectives but notice that the mission log doesn't show that it's completed nor point back to the mission NPC, then that's a pretty obvious sign that someone in the team hasn't completed them.
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jennymachx wrote: »
    So anyone who provides their personal anecdote with regards to the mission system that differs from your own is labelled as being arrogant. Yeah, oookay.
    I said 'ignorant' because that is what she admitted to : "Didn't read the mission text".

    ignorant [ig-ner-uh nt] adjective
    1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned:

    jennymachx wrote: »
    MMORPGs aren't typically made with accessibility features for the mentally-handicapped nor are the games ever marketed primarily towards them.
    Who said mentally handicpapped. You are projecting Jenny.

    Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
    One person whose been in game for four years and never on the forum was rolled over by a truck and is on medication 24/7, and it is only via the pain killers they can sit to play Champions, meanwhile it's the pain that doesn't let them sleep and that's why they play Champions.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    It isn't the fault of the mission system since it's easy to figure out to the average person.
    Once again someone makes a comment and you go totally over the top and assume we are talking about systemic problem across all missions. All someone needs to do is get hung up on one mission to get frustrated and stop having fun. Fatal Error solo at level 7 for instance. The masses we've lost to "Kevin Poe is too hard"...hell they melee kids say Talos is too hard and don't get any further into the game than him.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    If there really are "a lot" of these invalid adults players around as you claim, there are avenues of help ingame available for them if they simply ask around.
    Oh really? Asking for a team for twenty minutes is a lot of avenues of help?
    jennymachx wrote: »
    If the team mate hasn't completed the mission, it's his or her responsibility to sound off.
    Yes once again you show your massive arrogance in assuming anyone knows that someone else's mission marker is skewed by an incomplete mission, because you assume everyone is as omniscient as you are.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Since it's a team effort then the team as a whole should make sure everyone has done what is needed to be done to complete the mission.

    Obviosuly you've never team with anyone who has a mission journal that does not match your mission journal.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    If everyone else
    Once again you go to the extreme of 'everyone' without anyone having even implying everyone.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    but that person has completed the mission objectives but notice that the mission log doesn't show that it's completed nor point back to the mission NPC, then that's a pretty obvious sign that someone in the team hasn't completed them.
    And again arrogantly assuming everyone knows how the mission log, mission arrow, mission objectives work or don't work in and out of teams in the game.

    We were discussing a level 12 mission...so your assumption here is that everyone knows everything there is to know about the bugs and mechanics of the game in 2 hours of game play.

    You are wrong, again.
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,002 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I said 'ignorant' because that is what she admitted to : "Didn't read the mission text".

    ignorant [ig-ner-uh nt] adjective
    1. lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned:

    So accusing someone about making it "all about them", "better than everyone" and having an ego equates to what now? We willfully ignoring those things you said?
    Who said mentally handicpapped. You are projecting Jenny.

    Fine, I'll narrow it down to just "handicapped". Does that sate your anal-retentiveness?
    Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
    One person whose been in game for four years and never on the forum was rolled over by a truck and is on medication 24/7, and it is only via the pain killers they can sit to play Champions, meanwhile it's the pain that doesn't let them sleep and that's why they play Champions.

    That's unfortunate, but how is it the game's fault since MMORPGs and video games in general don't have all manner of accessibility features for the disabled or seriously-ill? If I suddenly lost all motor function of my right hand, am I going blame Sony for not providing me a PS4 controller that is tailored to my disability? If I'm under the influence of heavy medication, am I going to start complaining about video games not having a toned-down difficulty to suit my condition?
    Once again someone makes a comment and you go totally over the top and assume we are talking about systemic problem across all missions. All someone needs to do is get hung up on one mission to get frustrated and stop having fun. Fatal Error solo at level 7 for instance. The masses we've lost to "Kevin Poe is too hard"...hell they melee kids say Talos is too hard and don't get any further into the game than him.

    I know it's your M.O. to assume the worst case scenario for everything under the sun and claim that new players quit at 100 examples of obstacles they face ingame, but seeing how we do constantly do get new players who do get out of West Side and on to further things, maybe just maybe new players are able to figure out how to beat him, like you know, using heal devices, knowing when to block, and asking around for other new players also doing the mission if they want to team up.

    But who am I kidding, let's just assume automatically that new players are a bunch of incompetent nubs who are helpless at everything. It's much easier that way.
    Oh really? Asking for a team for twenty minutes is a lot of avenues of help?

    Who was talking about LFTs? Wasn't what you were responding to had to do with figuring mission markers?
    Yes once again you show your massive arrogance in assuming anyone knows that someone else's mission marker is skewed by an incomplete mission, because you assume everyone is as omniscient as you are.

    I guess inter-team communication is dead thing now? No one has to be omniscient at anything. All they have to do is talk and have some basic level of logical deduction.

    I guess I'm being massively arrogant in assuming that people are capable of such things.
    Obviosuly you've never team with anyone who has a mission journal that does not match your mission journal.

    Maybe not, but I've been in teams where everyone had the basic sense to make sure each of them had the specific mission that the team is doing in their journal. I've been in teams where people, even the lower-levelled ones, knew what a "share mission" function is. I've been in teams where everyone made sure everyone else met the criteria for mission completion, and stayed around to help in case anyone didn't. Because teams are capable of teamwork. Who knew?
    Once again you go to the extreme of 'everyone' without anyone having even implying everyone.

    And again arrogantly assuming everyone knows how the mission log, mission arrow, mission objectives work or don't work in and out of teams in the game.

    I guess human beings suddenly stopped having the capacity to learn and inquire about important gameplay features of the game they're playing. Either that or just assume people are clueless morons from the get-go.
    We were discussing a level 12 mission...so your assumption here is that everyone knows everything there is to know about the bugs and mechanics of the game in 2 hours of game play.

    Well they wouldn't have to know "everything there is to know" in 2 hours of gameplay. If they come across a mechanic they don't understand or suspect that they're facing a bug, maybe ask about it in zone chat? Last I checked there is never a shortage of helpful people around.

    Nevermind, let's once again assume people new to the game are clueless idiots by default and that the game does nothing but make new players ragequit because it is that flawed and difficult to figure out.
    You are wrong, again.

    Look who's being arrogant now. :rolleyes:
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jennymachx wrote: »
    So accusing someone about making it "all about them", "better than everyone" and having an ego equates to what now? We willfully ignoring those things you said?
    Please read this very slow because you have problems understanding human communication.

    Nepht admitted to being ignorant of the mission texts while bragging that she's super awesome at finding her way around the game while being oblivious to what is actually going on in the game. This is the English language, you read it, you comprehend it, or you get out of the conversation.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Fine, I'll narrow it down to just "handicapped". Does that sate your anal-retentiveness?
    Why are you picking on the handicapped now?
    jennymachx wrote: »
    That's unfortunate, but how is it the game's fault since MMORPGs and video games in general don't have all manner of accessibility features for the disabled or seriously-ill? If I suddenly lost all motor function of my right hand, am I going blame Sony for not providing me a PS4 controller that is tailored to my disability? If I'm under the influence of heavy medication, am I going to start complaining about video games not having a toned-down difficulty to suit my condition?

    Nobody is blaming the whole game for the failings of some slow people, I'm just pointing out that not everyone is video game pro instantly capable of figuring out Cryptics bugs.

    Arrogant, people like YOU are claiming that the game is absolutely simple to master, even if the players don't pay attention to mission texts or are only in the game a few hours, people like YOU are arrogantly assuming that everyone masters these skills instantly. Then if someone mentions that not everyone does, you go psycho and assume its 'every player' and 'every mission' and 'systemic problems across all the game mechanics'.
    I know it's your M.O. to assume the worst case scenario for everything under the sun and claim that new players quit at 100 examples of obstacles they face ingame, but seeing how we do constantly do get new players who do get out of West Side and on to further things, maybe just maybe new players are able to figure out how to beat him, like you know, using heal devices, knowing when to block, and asking around for other new players also doing the mission if they want to team up.

    ALL NEW PLAYERS JENNY? Does your comment speak for all of them? That is what you are trying to do, speak for multitudes of people you've never met.

    [About Two million players ](have come into the game, entered Westside at some point.

    Where are they?

    Are they in Ren Cen to read and respond to zone chat? Doesn't look like it to me.

    jennymachx wrote: »
    But who am I kidding, let's just assume automatically that new players are a bunch of incompetent nubs who are helpless at everything. It's much easier that way.
    Yes, lets jump to the "ALL PLAYERS" conclusion you so love to jump to.
    It's all or nothing in the manic world of JennyMachX, there are no instances and examples, just extremes.

    jennymachx wrote: »
    Who was talking about LFTs? Wasn't what you were responding to had to do with figuring mission markers?
    It's an EXAMPLE Jenny. Do I need to get out the dictionary again?

    jennymachx wrote: »
    I guess inter-team communication is dead thing now? No one has to be omniscient at anything. All they have to do is talk and have some basic level of logical deduction.
    No they don't just have to talk, someone has to go finish a mission or do a mission twice, and if they are new enough to the game they are oblivious to what is actually happening.
    They have a mission marker, they follow, they are half a map away from where they need to be.
    You assume everyone understand what is happening with the bugs.

    jennymachx wrote: »
    I guess I'm being massively arrogant in assuming that people are capable of such things.

    No in that case you are being massively ignorant for assuming everyone is capable of these things as soon as they start playing this game.
    Go back to school, learn English, its a great language.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Maybe not, but I've been in teams where everyone had the basic sense to make sure each of them had the specific mission that the team is doing in their journal. I've been in teams where people, even the lower-levelled ones, knew what a "share mission" function is. I've been in teams where everyone made sure everyone else met the criteria for mission completion, and stayed around to help in case anyone didn't. Because teams are capable of teamwork. Who knew?
    and because that's how it went for you, that's how it goes for everyone, right Jenny?
    The world mirrors your life experiences exactly, doesn't it?

    I've figured out what you are Jenny. A narcissist:
    -Difficulty with empathy
    -Problems distinguishing the self from others
    -Inability to view the world from the perspective of other people

    jennymachx wrote: »
    I guess human beings suddenly stopped having the capacity to learn and inquire about important gameplay features of the game they're playing. Either that or just assume people are clueless morons from the get-go.
    Do we all speak the same language in game? No. So why assume everyone understands everything equally, why do you do that?
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Well they wouldn't have to know "everything there is to know" in 2 hours of gameplay. If they come across a mechanic they don't understand or suspect that they're facing a bug, maybe ask about it in zone chat? Last I checked there is never a shortage of helpful people around.

    Are you playing the game 24/7. Then you probably don't know that zone chat is dead from abotu 10pm sever time until about 8am server time. Dead, as in questions go unanswered, team requests go unfulfilled, people have to beg for Alerts to get queued. So don't act like you know what is actually going on in game and claim that zone chat is super helpful.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Nevermind, let's once again assume people new to the game are clueless idiots by default and that the game does nothing but make new players ragequit because it is that flawed and difficult to figure out.
    Make up your mind in your extremist rambling Jenny, does the game have a few flaws, or are people new to the game all idiots? Or maybe, just maybe, it could be little bits of a combination of both factors instead of the psychotic extremes you take things.

    Look who's being arrogant now. :rolleyes:
    Did I say I was more right than other people? I just pointed out that you, alone, nobody else, was wrong.

    Learn English, or leave the conversations to the adults.
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,002 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Please read this very slow because you have problems understanding human communication.

    Nepht admitted to being ignorant of the mission texts while bragging that she's super awesome at finding her way around the game while being oblivious to what is actually going on in the game. This is the English language, you read it, you comprehend it, or you get out of the conversation.

    Sure she's bragging about being super awesome or was that you jumping to conclusions?

    Oh and before you go about on your high-horse about having a superior command of the English language, make sure you're talking about the right person first.
    Why are you picking on the handicapped now?

    I didn't realize I was in Tumblr all of a sudden.
    Nobody is blaming the whole game for the failings of some slow people, I'm just pointing out that not everyone is video game pro instantly capable of figuring out Cryptics bugs.

    Arrogant, people like YOU are claiming that the game is absolutely simple to master, even if the players don't pay attention to mission texts or are only in the game a few hours, people like YOU are arrogantly assuming that everyone masters these skills instantly. Then if someone mentions that not everyone does, you go psycho and assume its 'every player' and 'every mission' and 'systemic problems across all the game mechanics'.

    So where exactly did I claim that the game is "absolutely" simple to master or assume that everyone masters things "instantly"? I went psycho when I suggested for players struggling with certain aspects of the game to seek assistance from helpful members of the playerbase? LOLwhut?

    Sounds to me like you're projecting. Oh look, you're guilty of the things you actually accuse me of. How adorable.
    ALL NEW PLAYERS JENNY? Does your comment speak for all of them? That is what you are trying to do, speak for multitudes of people you've never met.

    It baffles me how you're oblivious to your hypocrisy, since all you've been doing is also speaking for "multitudes" of people you yourself have not met.

    And since you failed at comprehending what I said the first time; No, I wasn't speaking for ALL new players. I said "we constantly get new players", being those who do manage to overcome the early parts of the game. They around in game all the time, and in zone chat. There is a difference. Gee, this coming from you, the one with the superior grasp of the English language.
    Yes, lets jump to the "ALL PLAYERS" conclusion you so love to jump to.
    It's all or nothing in the manic world of JennyMachX, there are no instances and examples, just extremes.

    Guess you missed the sarcasm.
    It's an EXAMPLE Jenny. Do I need to get out the dictionary again?

    Sorry, I guess next time I'll use my omniscient powers to know whenever you're talking completely out-of-context.
    No they don't just have to talk, someone has to go finish a mission or do a mission twice, and if they are new enough to the game they are oblivious to what is actually happening.
    They have a mission marker, they follow, they are half a map away from where they need to be.
    You assume everyone understand what is happening with the bugs.

    So what's wrong with talking to teammates in case they've experienced it before or has some insight or personal experience with it being a bug? If a bug is suspected, what's stopping the player from making an inquiry in zone chat, any custom channel they're in, the forums or tech support? Why assume that it's a roadblock they can't get over?
    No in that case you are being massively ignorant for assuming everyone is capable of these things as soon as they start playing this game.
    Go back to school, learn English, its a great language.

    Nice strawman. I never made any assertion that everyone is capable of these things "as soon as they start playing this game". I did however mention that there are opportunities to learn things, be it on their own or from others.

    Guess you also missed the sarcasm in me deliberately misusing the word "arrogant".
    and because that's how it went for you, that's how it goes for everyone, right Jenny?
    The world mirrors your life experiences exactly, doesn't it?

    Strawman numero dos.
    I've figured out what you are Jenny. A narcissist:
    -Difficulty with empathy
    -Problems distinguishing the self from others
    -Inability to view the world from the perspective of other people

    You forgot that I also hear voices in my head. Come on Doctor Internet Armchair, why skimp out on a full diagnosis?
    Do we all speak the same language in game? No. So why assume everyone understands everything equally, why do you do that?

    So if I start playing Phantasy Star Online, an exclusively Japanese-language game, not knowing what the hell to do since I don't understand the language, I'm supposed to blame who now?

    Or I don't know...maybe I should get a basic grasp of the language first if I don't want to run around like a headless chicken?
    Are you playing the game 24/7. Then you probably don't know that zone chat is dead from abotu 10pm sever time until about 8am server time. Dead, as in questions go unanswered, team requests go unfulfilled, people have to beg for Alerts to get queued. So don't act like you know what is actually going on in game and claim that zone chat is super helpful.

    I don't know, are you playing the game 24/7, every hour, minute and second to make an objective assessment of variable time zones and activity spikes?

    No? Then please spare me the pretense.
    Make up your mind in your extremist rambling Jenny, does the game have a few flaws, or are people new to the game all idiots? Or maybe, just maybe, it could be little bits of a combination of both factors instead of the psychotic extremes you take things.

    You don't do a good job detecting sarcasm, even when it's that blatant do you?
    Did I say I was more right than other people? I just pointed out that you, alone, nobody else, was wrong.

    Learn English, or leave the conversations to the adults.

    Well with the way you talk down to people, insult their intellects by insinuating that they're suffering from mental / personality disorders, boast about being superior in some area (language) or claim that they're talking with an adolescent mindset that seemingly make valid grounds for you dismissing their opinions and arguments, I'd say that's one way of telling others how much more right you are than them, pretty arrogantly I might add.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    That is great for you, this isn't about you, this is about the state of the game.
    Not everyone has played the game with or like you. Take your ego out of it.

    You really have jumped the shark now. You're calling people egotistical because they know how to do quest turn-ins.

    Ya blew it.

    Here's an example of what I'm talking about:
    One person whose been in game for four years and never on the forum was rolled over by a truck and is on medication 24/7, and it is only via the pain killers they can sit to play Champions, meanwhile it's the pain that doesn't let them sleep and that's why they play Champions.

    What about crazy people who think computers are trying to steal their souls? To make the game even remotely playable to them we need to have a message from Overlord Xenu flash every few minutes reminding them that the game is not stealing their soul.

    What about people who can't read? All mission text needs to be converted into a video where someone speaks out what the mission text says, and of course every other use of words in the game.

    What about people who are so drunk that the room is spinning? The game needs to have a built in "counterspin" measure so that the uber-drunk can still play the game, as well as some sort of device to automatically detect when a user is that drunk (they're obviously too drunk to turn it on themselves).

    What about people who hate super heroes? The game needs an option to make everyone no longer look like super heroes, and make all super powers instead look like people are shooting guns.

    If we have to accommodate Drugs McGee and Dumbo McCan'tFigureOutHowToEatBread, then we have to accommodate everyone!!!
  • edited May 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    spinnytop wrote: »
    You really have jumped the shark now. You're calling people egotistical because they know how to do quest turn-ins.

    Ya blew it.

    Now we know Caliga's true origin story! :wink:
    spinnytop wrote: »
    What about people who are so drunk that the room is spinning? The game needs to have a built in "counterspin" measure so that the uber-drunk can still play the game, as well as some sort of device to automatically detect when a user is that drunk (they're obviously too drunk to turn it on themselves).

    Bad example. City of Heroes had an entire server dedicated to that very proposition. Amirite, Pinnacle? Where yinz at? Spellbound? Ruune? Friggin' Taser? [raises pint glass] [splashes Guiness on the table]
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    jennymachx wrote: »
    So where exactly did I claim that the game is "absolutely" simple to master or assume that everyone masters things "instantly"?
    In all your texts about what players should do.
    All your 'suggestions' which imply the player already knows to do these things.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    I went psycho when I suggested for players struggling with certain aspects of the game to seek assistance from helpful members of the playerbase?
    Suggested? You expected them to do that and actually get the help as if it was a given.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Sounds to me like you're projecting. Oh look, you're guilty of the things you actually accuse me of. How adorable.
    Saw that coming long ago.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    It baffles me how you're oblivious to your hypocrisy, since all you've been doing is also speaking for "multitudes" of people you yourself have not met.
    Wrong again. You must live to hear that.

    I have met the people.
    I am posting examples based on lots of other people. I've run over a hundred characters through Westside, with thousands of players, used to be eight full teams a day for a while.
    I meet a lot of noobs I go through a lot of the same dialogue about everything in the game with them. There's a lot more to the story, four years of it.

    I don't speak for 'all', never said I did, I said 'stuff happens', and you jump up and say "oh well I NEVER have a problem, nope, never ever ever, not even once have i witnessed such a thing, therefore it is the rarest thing in the game, and if anyone has a problem they can just bla bla bla"


    Once again you are projecting that am doing something that you are doing.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    And since you failed at comprehending what I said the first time; No, I wasn't speaking for ALL new players. I said "we constantly get new players", being those who do manage to overcome the early parts of the game.

    What evidence do you have that any of them encountered anything we are talking about? How do you know they are new players? Where are all the new players that were new yesterday and the day before and last year? What did they get hung up on?
    Do you know if it was anything we are talking about?
    You don't know yet you jump in with your experience being problem free and dismissing the problem.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    They around in game all the time, and in zone chat. There is a difference. Gee, this coming from you, the one with the superior grasp of the English language.

    Yes completely avoid the subject of players leaving the game for having been annoyed by something like not knowing where to turn in a mission and pretend the two million players are still 'around in game'. when there's likely less than two hundred in Ren Cen at "peak."

    jennymachx wrote: »
    So what's wrong with talking to teammates in case they've experienced it before or has some insight or personal experience with it being a bug?

    What part of 'not everyone knows these things, don't you get?
    It's your narcissim showing through again, you can't even fathom that someone else doesn't know what you know, wouldn't do what you know to do.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    If a bug is suspected, what's stopping the player from making an inquiry in zone chat,
    Well first of all a new player is told they are not allowed to speak in zone chat the first time they try to speak into zone chat, they are never told "Hey Hero, you can speak in zone chat now, don't you feel special", not even once. So how would they know to speak into zone chat to get answers? Their first instinct is going to be from a memory of not being able to speak into zone chat.

    Here's a scenario. Hero exits tutorial, types into zone chat "Hello Citizens, Supa Dupa Dave is in the house! Who wants to team up and show me around?"

    The system responds "New players are silenced something something."
    Supa Dupa Dave feels like Dipstick Daryl, dnoesn't try to zone chat for awhile. THEN zone chat is being spammed by people like certain forum members who hate the game they are addicted to (you know who you are) and so he turns zone chat off.

    jennymachx wrote: »
    any custom channel they're in, the forums or tech support?
    More assumptions that anyone would be in custom channel, especially if they are new, ignorance that new players to the game can not post new threads to the forum, and ridiculous expectating that anyone would wait a day or more for tech support for a free to play game.
    jennymachx wrote: »

    Why assume that it's a roadblock they can't get over?
    There's two million players missing, something gives them a bad itch, sometimes it's these problems that someone just came into the forum to shout about being too annoying to deal with.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    I did however mention that there are opportunities to learn things, be it on their own or from others.
    you totally made out people would/could/should simply do these things because you expect the world to work in according to your assumptions.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Guess you also missed the sarcasm in me deliberately misusing the word "arrogant".
    Yep totally missed the sarcasm. I didn't want to just call you a troll but you admit it.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    You forgot that I also hear voices in my head. Come on Doctor Internet Armchair, why skimp out on a full diagnosis?
    I'm just saying what I'm observing.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    So if I start playing Phantasy Star Online, an exclusively Japanese-language game, not knowing what the hell to do since I don't understand the language, I'm supposed to blame who now?
    Stick to Champions Online, and we are not blaming anyone, why do you need a victim or a target? What is wrong with you? Some people are not on top of what is going on in game because of a language barrier.
    Why can't you empathize, instead of looking for someone to blame? We already know the answer to that.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    Or I don't know...maybe I should get a basic grasp of the language first if I don't want to run around like a headless chicken?
    Maybe running around like a headless chicken is part of the fun of learning to play a game.
    Nepht does it, and she likes it, and she can speak English.
    Maybe you shouldn't constantly mouth off that you know what is best for people, it's arrogant, just a suggestion.

    jennymachx wrote: »
    I don't know, are you playing the game 24/7, every hour, minute and second to make an objective assessment of variable time zones and activity spikes?

    Close to it. I've been tracking player counts and staying up with the night shift for four years.
    But that is completely besides the point.

    The point is you are making 'suggestions' expecting that people should get help but you ignore what it's like to try to get help when there are only 53 people in Ren Cen. Or even 100. Or 150 or even 200. I know, because I've watched the same sad story play out in zone chat for four years.

    Look at this way.
    x% of people are new, don't have zone access
    x% of people are new, don't know nothing
    x% of people are newish, play only alerts, don't know nothing
    x% of people have turned zone chat off
    x% of people just went into an alert after seeing a question/call for help
    x% of people logged out when the call for help was posted
    x% of people entered a mission instance
    x% of people entered the tailor
    x% of peopled entered a hideout
    x% of people are in combat
    x% of people are complaining about the game in zone chat causing the text to scroll so only x% of people ever actually get to read the call for help in the first place.
    x% of people are in the tailor.
    x% knows the answer, can't be bothered to help
    If there are a 100 players in Ren Cen: at 1% each that's 13% of people can not/will not help the player asking for help. This is the gamble. If just 8% of players fit into each of those characters that's more than a 100% chance the player asking for help won't get any.
    I've seen it played out for years. It is why we have alerts in the first place.
    If you have 200 players in Ren Cen, like you might at peak or a weekend then a player can maybe get help, because they are still gambling against that list up above.

    Moving on.
    jennymachx wrote: »
    You don't do a good job detecting sarcasm, even when it's that blatant do you?
    You resort to a defense mechanism instead of addressing any issue and when you are told to address the issue you simply address your own defense mechanism as another defense.

    jennymachx wrote: »
    Well with the way you talk down to people, insult their intellects by insinuating that they're suffering from mental / personality disorders, boast about being superior in some area (language) or claim that they're talking with an adolescent mindset that seemingly make valid grounds for you dismissing their opinions and arguments, I'd say that's one way of telling others how much more right you are than them, pretty arrogantly I might add.

    an insulting way of thinking or behaving that comes from believing that you are better, smarter, or more important than other people

    Did I jump into this thread and say "These problems don't happen to me, I just do this that and the other thing and get along fine, la di da?"

    No, that was you and Nepth. That is arrogance.

    Did I say "Lots of players are stupid and can't do things right?"
    No, you and Nepht and maybe others implied that.

    Was using the word ignorant an insult or the correct word to use when someone is 'unlearned', but had every opportunity to learn in four years? I'd say the word fits. Jumping out of one's chair to say "I do everything perfect and I'm not even paying attention" doesn't address anything we are discussing, pointing out that it is arrogant and an egotistical cry for attention isn't an insult, it's an observation like "That bread is moldy and stinks."

    I didn't say I was better, I didn't put myself first even once. I didn't even make this about me.
    I spoke about problems other people have.

    Here this is relevant
    NOTE: The healthy narcissist does not focus exclusively on themselves, demanding that the world reflect back their false manufactured sense of self and an image of idealized perfection.

    demanding that the world reflect back their false manufactured sense of self and an image of idealized perfection.

    Please re-read your comments, that is exactly what you are doing.
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,002 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Alright Next I'll tell you what you want to hear. The game is dying from new players leaving in droves because the system is impossibly hard to understand. Absolutely no avenues of help exist. Night-shift equals 24/7. I expect every player out there to play and think like me, because I'm the shining example of what a great player is and I want everyone to emulate my greatness, because I'm just ******n awesome that way.

    There, happy? That going to help you sleep at night better? Enjoy the moral satisfaction thinking that you're right about how you're characterizing me the way that you see fit, because I personally could give a rat's behind.
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    In all your texts about what players should do.
    All your 'suggestions' which imply the player already knows to do these things.

    Suggested? You expected them to do that and actually get the help as if it was a given.

    Saw that coming long ago.

    Wrong again. You must live to hear that.

    I have met the people.
    I am posting examples based on lots of other people. I've run over a hundred characters through Westside, with thousands of players, used to be eight full teams a day for a while.
    I meet a lot of noobs I go through a lot of the same dialogue about everything in the game with them. There's a lot more to the story, four years of it.

    I don't speak for 'all', never said I did, I said 'stuff happens', and you jump up and say "oh well I NEVER have a problem, nope, never ever ever, not even once have i witnessed such a thing, therefore it is the rarest thing in the game, and if anyone has a problem they can just bla bla bla"


    Once again you are projecting that am doing something that you are doing.

    What evidence do you have that any of them encountered anything we are talking about? How do you know they are new players? Where are all the new players that were new yesterday and the day before and last year? What did they get hung up on?
    Do you know if it was anything we are talking about?
    You don't know yet you jump in with your experience being problem free and dismissing the problem.

    Yes completely avoid the subject of players leaving the game for having been annoyed by something like not knowing where to turn in a mission and pretend the two million players are still 'around in game'. when there's likely less than two hundred in Ren Cen at "peak."

    What part of 'not everyone knows these things, don't you get?
    It's your narcissim showing through again, you can't even fathom that someone else doesn't know what you know, wouldn't do what you know to do.

    Well first of all a new player is told they are not allowed to speak in zone chat the first time they try to speak into zone chat, they are never told "Hey Hero, you can speak in zone chat now, don't you feel special", not even once. So how would they know to speak into zone chat to get answers? Their first instinct is going to be from a memory of not being able to speak into zone chat.

    Here's a scenario. Hero exits tutorial, types into zone chat "Hello Citizens, Supa Dupa Dave is in the house! Who wants to team up and show me around?"

    The system responds "New players are silenced something something."
    Supa Dupa Dave feels like Dipstick Daryl, dnoesn't try to zone chat for awhile. THEN zone chat is being spammed by people like certain forum members who hate the game they are addicted to (you know who you are) and so he turns zone chat off.

    More assumptions that anyone would be in custom channel, especially if they are new, ignorance that new players to the game can not post new threads to the forum, and ridiculous expectating that anyone would wait a day or more for tech support for a free to play game.

    There's two million players missing, something gives them a bad itch, sometimes it's these problems that someone just came into the forum to shout about being too annoying to deal with.
    you totally made out people would/could/should simply do these things because you expect the world to work in according to your assumptions.

    Yep totally missed the sarcasm. I didn't want to just call you a troll but you admit it.

    I'm just saying what I'm observing.

    Stick to Champions Online, and we are not blaming anyone, why do you need a victim or a target? What is wrong with you? Some people are not on top of what is going on in game because of a language barrier.
    Why can't you empathize, instead of looking for someone to blame? We already know the answer to that.

    Maybe running around like a headless chicken is part of the fun of learning to play a game.
    Nepht does it, and she likes it, and she can speak English.
    Maybe you shouldn't constantly mouth off that you know what is best for people, it's arrogant, just a suggestion.

    Close to it. I've been tracking player counts and staying up with the night shift for four years.
    But that is completely besides the point.

    The point is you are making 'suggestions' expecting that people should get help but you ignore what it's like to try to get help when there are only 53 people in Ren Cen. Or even 100. Or 150 or even 200. I know, because I've watched the same sad story play out in zone chat for four years.

    Look at this way.
    x% of people are new, don't have zone access
    x% of people are new, don't know nothing
    x% of people are newish, play only alerts, don't know nothing
    x% of people have turned zone chat off
    x% of people just went into an alert after seeing a question/call for help
    x% of people logged out when the call for help was posted
    x% of people entered a mission instance
    x% of people entered the tailor
    x% of peopled entered a hideout
    x% of people are in combat
    x% of people are complaining about the game in zone chat causing the text to scroll so only x% of people ever actually get to read the call for help in the first place.
    x% of people are in the tailor.
    x% knows the answer, can't be bothered to help
    If there are a 100 players in Ren Cen: at 1% each that's 13% of people can not/will not help the player asking for help. This is the gamble. If just 8% of players fit into each of those characters that's more than a 100% chance the player asking for help won't get any.
    I've seen it played out for years. It is why we have alerts in the first place.
    If you have 200 players in Ren Cen, like you might at peak or a weekend then a player can maybe get help, because they are still gambling against that list up above.

    Moving on.

    You resort to a defense mechanism instead of addressing any issue and when you are told to address the issue you simply address your own defense mechanism as another defense.

    an insulting way of thinking or behaving that comes from believing that you are better, smarter, or more important than other people

    Did I jump into this thread and say "These problems don't happen to me, I just do this that and the other thing and get along fine, la di da?"

    No, that was you and Nepth. That is arrogance.

    Did I say "Lots of players are stupid and can't do things right?"
    No, you and Nepht and maybe others implied that.

    Was using the word ignorant an insult or the correct word to use when someone is 'unlearned', but had every opportunity to learn in four years? I'd say the word fits. Jumping out of one's chair to say "I do everything perfect and I'm not even paying attention" doesn't address anything we are discussing, pointing out that it is arrogant and an egotistical cry for attention isn't an insult, it's an observation like "That bread is moldy and stinks."

    I didn't say I was better, I didn't put myself first even once. I didn't even make this about me.
    I spoke about problems other people have.

    Here this is relevant

    demanding that the world reflect back their false manufactured sense of self and an image of idealized perfection.

    Please re-read your comments, that is exactly what you are doing.

    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • crosschancrosschan Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    OK, nothing personal but you two are boring this topic pretty much into oblivion. I no longer care, in the least, who is correct or incorrect. Now someone will likely point out that I'm a vet and I can look away and stop reading and blah blah blah....

    ...but let's think, for a moment, about the returning player and/or the newbie who sees this thread and thinks,"Hey, I wonder how this game IS doing" and then basically find a thread that's the CO equivalent of walking in on your grandparents. So...please stop. :smile:
    Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
  • jennymachxjennymachx Posts: 3,002 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    crosschan wrote: »
    OK, nothing personal but you two are boring this topic pretty much into oblivion. I no longer care, in the least, who is correct or incorrect. Now someone will likely point out that I'm a vet and I can look away and stop reading and blah blah blah....

    ...but let's think, for a moment, about the returning player and/or the newbie who sees this thread and thinks,"Hey, I wonder how this game IS doing" and then basically find a thread that's the CO equivalent of walking in on your grandparents. So...please stop. :smile:

    Well, everything I've said so far was with intention to try to talk positively about the game and its players in general, to try to say that certain things aren't that bad or problematic. In doing so I've been called arrogant, a narcissist and a child.

    If any new or returning player decides that whatever I've argued about is actual representation of just how horrible the state of things are, then I highly recommend they try the game for free to decide for themselves if things are really that bad.
  • edited May 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • crosschancrosschan Posts: 921 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Why Gradii, was there a shortage on spiteful little boys or something? :rolleyes:
    Join Date: Aug 2009 | Title: Devslayer
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    crosschan wrote: »
    OK, nothing personal but you two are boring this topic pretty much into oblivion. I no longer care, in the least, who is correct or incorrect. Now someone will likely point out that I'm a vet and I can look away and stop reading and blah blah blah....

    ...but let's think, for a moment, about the returning player and/or the newbie who sees this thread and thinks,"Hey, I wonder how this game IS doing" and then basically find a thread that's the CO equivalent of walking in on your grandparents. So...please stop. :smile:

    You know you gone f*&$ed up when someone as calm Cross takes a mental.

    Next thing you know Ashen will be going full postal.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • savnokasavnoka Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    crosschan wrote: »
    ...but let's think, for a moment, about the returning player and/or the newbie who sees this thread and thinks,"Hey, I wonder how this game IS doing"

    Looks about the same as it used to be.
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    No doubt. I'm pretty sure that unless you're COMPLETELY new to MMO forums, you're well aware that this kind of thing happens all the time.
    'Dec out

  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hows this game doing? Its full of unlikable egotistical sociopaths and thats just starting with me and my brother.

    This game should have been called HALL OF DOOM SIMULATOR 2009.

    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    nepht nails it:

    Hows this game doing? Its full of unlikable egotistical sociopaths and thats just starting with me and my brother.

    So, just like every other game out there...and the internet...and the world. :biggrin:
    'Dec out

  • meedacthunistmeedacthunist Posts: 2,967 Arc User1
    edited May 2015
    Well, I suppose it's still running on 0's and 1's, so it goes as usual?
  • gingervitosgingervitos Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    nepht wrote: »
    Hows this game doing? Its full of unlikable egotistical sociopaths and thats just starting with me and my brother.

    Speak for yourself I am a proud mental degenerate.

    Git Gud M8!
    Cause I'm worth it. Playing since 2009.
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    crosschan wrote: »
    Why Gradii, was there a shortage on spiteful little boys or something? :rolleyes:

    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I think we've all had about enough of this post since it's been in trainwreck status for a while. Closing.
This discussion has been closed.