While this isn't exactly a pressing issue, the Free-To-Play chart (
has a few discrepencies that could be ironed out. It'd probably help newer players understand what they'll be getting by playing for free, and the bonuses for subscribing.Firsties~ You could tell that the chart was copy/pasted here, because it still says that Adventure Packs must be purchased by Silver players before they can be played. This was, originally, the case, but was changed quite some time ago. Now, ALL GAME CONTENT IS FREE (hooray!)! It'd be nice if you clarified this in the chart.Second~ The first subject on the list is 'Custom Archetypes'. One can only infer that it refers to Freeform characters. First of all, I'd change it to say 'Freeform' since that's what everyone else would know it as. Also, it says that they're 'Unavailable' to Silver players. Now, while this was initially the case, the introduction of the Freeform Slot purchase has changed that fact. I'd suggest changing the Free-to-Play factoid from 'Unavailable' to 'Purchasable'Tertiary~ The chart doesn't seem to mention that Gold Players unlock a new character slot for having a character reach level 40. This was a fairly large incentive for why I, personally, subscribed, and might be a good thing to point out in the chart.Fourth~ The chart says that Chat is 'Limited' to Silver Players. From my understanding, Silver players only have a 'probation period' in which they can't use Zone Chat, and afterwards they have complete chat capabilities. I suggest clarifying this, as I've played games where F2P players are permanently restricted from chat, and the idea of being unable to talk in a Zone/Global Chat would turn me off of a game.
Finally...~ ALL OF THESE COULD BE REDUNDANT! I don't know, because the little '[?]' icons aren't working! They don't do anything when you click them, hover over them, or what have you. Normally, hovering over these little icons would give you detailed information of the feature, but I get nada! Zip! Zilch! Nothin'! Squat! ...you get the idea!
So, some of these issues COULD have been addressed in the list already, but the information tooltips aren't functioning!
Sooo... this would probably help playing coming in to Champions Online understand the game, and what they are and aren't getting as Free-to-Play members, more efficiently. Understanding what you're getting into, and what to expect, is key to getting someone to play an MMO; with no information on what the game will entail, a person probably won't even give it a shot!
It makes sense, if you don't think about it.
Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
Actually, it seems the "Matrix" itself is an entire image, so the little [?] tooltips aren't even links. They're just part of the static image.
For those too lazy to click a link, here's that image~
I'd like to point out the "Free Live Support" feature for Gold members. Ha. As if.
Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
Yup. For CO humongous player population and crowded servers it's essential.
LTS For Life. Literally.
Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
On the other hand I've never heard them mention anything about checking the general discussion section.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.