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Nevewinter Online Interface

truelokastertruelokaster Posts: 1 Arc User
edited October 2014 in Controls and Interface

I love Champions Online for the reason you all know and love as well. BI've been playing since beta but I also have to confess I had trade it for Neverwinter Online when it came out.

The thing is I eventually get back and I'd like to have the same combat UI look and feel that I have in there and would like to know if that have been done before or if it even possible.

Thanks in advance!
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  • psi2psi2 Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited October 2014
    Whoa. Almost a necro here, but the answer is yes. You can get something almost close to the Neverwinter action interface. It's not perfect. In fact, it has a lot of flaws, but it does make the game feel more akin to its Neverwinter sibling.


    And don't forget to bind the camera offset: /bind w "+forward$$camoffset 1.5"

    Ends up looking similar to this:

  • edited November 2016
    So, why don't they just make it an option in the tutorial to play Neverwinter-style instead of forcing us to fool around with all the different settings? I have experimented with this, but it would be so much better if control settings and key binds similar to Neverwinter could be used with the simple click of a button in the Options menu. Also, I believe if this option was made known in the tutorial, Champions Online would gain a lot more new players. Active dodging would be a definite plus, but I suppose that would have to wait for a Champions 2. Still, I think Neverwinter has a better, more intuitive combat system and key bind layout than any other action mmorpg on the market, including Tera and Blade and Soul. A superhero game with Neverwinter's full combat system (including active dodging with enemy attack telegraphing - red zones - would be golden.
  • revanantmoriturirevanantmorituri Posts: 397 Arc User
    As long as it is 100% optional, and 0% the default. Frankly, I despise the Neverwinter/DCUO interface.
    Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.

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  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    because the normal controls are the standard for this game. NW was introduced, 4 years after.​​
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • > @revanantmorituri said:
    > As long as it is 100% optional, and 0% the default. Frankly, I despise the Neverwinter/DCUO interface.

    Optional means optional, yes. And everyone is entitled to their opinion. But it's obvious that Neverwinter is far more popular than Champions. And I don't think that has anything to do with the genre. Superheroes are more popular than they've ever been.
  • > @gradii said:
    > As long as it is 100% optional, and 0% the default. Frankly, I despise the Neverwinter/DCUO interface.
    > It just takes some getting used to, it's actually far superior for the kind of combat neverwinter has. Changing CO's existing defaults however would be stupid.

    Well, I tried to play this on and off over the last few years, but I couldn't play past level 10 before because the combat system bored me. Don't get me wrong, I played and enjoyed games like World of Warcraft and Everquest 2 in the past, but after playing Neverwinter, I can't go back. If it was an actual role-playing game where fighting was not the vast majority of what you did in the game, I could handle the old school combat systems. Also, it seems that most people don't agree that the combat in Neverwinter is inferior. This game is dead in comparison.

    Oh, and I didn't say to change the defaults. Just make it more obvious to new players that they have the option of playing this game in a different way.
  • > @chaelk said:
    > because the normal controls are the standard for this game. NW was introduced, 4 years after.​​

    That's fine. But Neverwinter is far more popular and more advanced imho. Most of the people that continue to play Neverwinter after they reach max level do so because they enjoy the combat system. It makes sense for a superhero mmorpg to be an action rpg.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    Most of the people that continue to play Neverwinter after they reach max level do so because they enjoy the combat system.

    Is there actual facts to support this?
    Since i'm using 'Free targeting'. No tabbing or clicking on mobs. Way more action related than NWs. And that's not the reason i still play this game.
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  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited December 2016

    That's fine. But Neverwinter is far more popular and more advanced imho. Most of the people that continue to play Neverwinter after they reach max level do so because they enjoy the combat system. It makes sense for a superhero mmorpg to be an action rpg.

    Your MMO waifu is still sh*t though.

    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    > @chaelk said:
    > because the normal controls are the standard for this game. NW was introduced, 4 years after.

    That's fine. But Neverwinter is far more popular and more advanced imho. Most of the people that continue to play Neverwinter after they reach max level do so because they enjoy the combat system. It makes sense for a superhero mmorpg to be an action rpg.

    NW was only put out in 2013, and with a large group old Devs including the ones stripped off this game just after On ALert hit in 2012.
    And from when I was playing, people were playing because it was D&D. A lot of them didn't like the combat and comments were. "If there is another D&D game that's better, I'm out of here."
    The people you play with may like the combat system, others don't.
    So , nobody is playing once they hit max level to get gear? Or more points? Or raise money?​​
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • edited December 2016
    I know because I've talked to people that play Neverwinter. I'm glad you like this game the way it is, but most people don't. Which is why this is not a very popular game. Which is why Cryptic doesn't invest much time or money into it. Sure, it's probably better than the other superhero mmorpgs available to play right now, but there's only three of them that I can think of. You can find easily find out that a lot of people that have played this game don't like it or are pissed that it never lived up to its full potential if you do some research with your favorite search engine.
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,539 Arc User
    edited December 2016

    I know because I've talked to people that play Neverwinter. I'm glad you like this game the way it is, but most people don't. Which is why this is not a very popular game. Which is why Cryptic doesn't invest much time or money into it. Sure, it's probably better than the other superhero mmorpgs available to play right now, but there's only three of them that I can think of. You can find easily find out that a lot of people that have played this game don't like it or are pissed that it never lived up to its full potential if you do some research with your favorite search engine.

    As someone who has played Neverwinter and who plays this game...no thanks. Neverwinter is the Cryptic game I play the least because of how limiting it feels--inferior character customization and a "shooter mode" control scheme that I can't turn off. Interacting with objects is an absolute pain in the **** when some dipshit runs in front of me, so I have to shuffle around until I can get the "interact with object" cursor for my F button instead of the almost-never-desired interact-with-player cursor. Having only 5-6 ability buttons is pretty much garbage. What if I want to look behind me while I run? Too bad! What if I want to target the small, weak mob behind the big ugly demon? Too bad! What if I rolled a bogus class and want to respec to something else? Too. Damned. Bad.

    Oh and that inventory management. I actually -dread- looting **** and opening bags in that game.

    The reason CO is the least popular Cryptic game isn't because it doesn't have Neverwinter's (arguably shitty) controls. It's the least popular Cryptic game because it gets the least attention in terms of updates, game assets, and overall developer man-hours. Make no mistake, Neverwinter has amazing graphics compared to CO, but as far as I'm concerned, that's all it has going.

    When you stack the Champions IP beside goliaths like Star Trek and D&D, it tends to look pretty small, so there's also that.

    - - -

    In fairness though, Neverwinter's holiday event blows CO's out of the water, mainly because there's a lot more to do than chase down a stupid bear with the rest of the server, only to kill it (hopefully without credit getting bugged out) then hop to the next zone instance, rinse/repeat. You know, the same god damned thing we seem to get in every event. ;)
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User

    That's fine. But Neverwinter is far more popular and more advanced imho. Most of the people that continue to play Neverwinter after they reach max level do so because they enjoy the combat system. It makes sense for a superhero mmorpg to be an action rpg.

    It's more popular thanks to the D&D license.. but I hear a lot of bad things about that game. Like... P2W kinds of things.
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,539 Arc User
    ^ It is. Remember, both CO and STO were designed as P2P games that devolved into F2P. Neverwinter was built strictly for the F2P so there's a lot of really crappy things there that you find in pay to win games. Tiered VIP, high-tier stuff available directly from the shop, etc. It's still not as bad as some of the other games out there, like...oh...Forsaken World.
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
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