So, with the unveiling of the new female Thor by Marvel I thought it might be fun for us to make gender-swapped versions of our toons. Hell, I'll even throw in a prize for the best three.
First wins 10 Comic Keys
Second wins 5 Cosmic Keys
Third wins 3 Cosmic Keys
I'll dig around in my inventories and find some nice stuff to add to these prizes too :biggrin:
Here are the rules guys
(which I will be pretty strict on, sorry)......
1) Each post must have a tailor screenshot of the original toon and a tailor screenshot of their gender-swapped counterpart, along with their names (if you want to post costume files instead of tailor screenshots then feel free, but the details are harder to see on them).
2) Only one toon and their gender-swapped counterpart for each post
3) You can make more than one post.
4) You must include a simple justification for the gender-swapped counterpart e.g. Sibling/parallel universe/clone/etc. Please don't make this part too long or convoluted.
5) Include your @handle
6) Last date for posting is the 8th of August (three weeks from today).
I'll do the first post to give you all an example of what I am looking for.
And please, if you want to talk about whether the new female Thor is a good or bad idea, there is already a thread for that. Please do so there..................
Okay, with all that said let's get started !!!
My original toon, Britannia.
And Britannicus.
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the Smurfer Dude and the Smurfer Dudette
Smurfers come in both sexes
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Thanks for posting....just one little thing...............
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Lady Finland(...yea, couldn't figure a better name) His sister/cousin/relative from the future.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Rule 2, man.
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Penelope Quinn, a.k.a. Piffle
Peter Quinn, a.k.a. Poppycock
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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And her male counter part...
Blu Willow
The Male/Female lovers from the Blue Willow china pattern mythology, come to life.
As the story goes, the star-crossed lover were forced to flee their village. Into the mountains they fled, and once there the goddess of the mountain winds took pity on them as they lay freezing, near-to-death, with their love their only comfort. The goddess chose to imbued them, each, with a bit of her power, so that they, and their love, could survive.
She, a Squall, and he, a Tempest, have now returned to the world to protect any who love from the injustice and tyranny. They look very much the same due to there transformation as servants of The Wind Goddess of the Mountain.
Is that too much detail. I can lose the middle paragraph, i think.
Oh, yeah. @zedbrightlander
The Kaiserin
Kais is a shapeshifter, she just decided to use a male shell or something. We shall call him Kaiser.
Nah, s'all good mate
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Female Fantomask
Male, bulky Fantomask
Male Union Jackal
Female Union Jackal (or Union Jackie in this case!)
Current character roaster: The Iconica, Lady Mythica, Black Jackal, Omni-Woman, Fantomask
Currently waiting for: Moar comics! And maybe City of Titans, too. Hopefully!
But Brick isn't the only one of his kind to join their ranks! A female of his species named Ruby Blaze (Original last name was Dexel... she hated it) has joined the Star Wardens in hopes of being Brick's partner... in more ways than one! (She was born under similar conditions like him, so they are only children that are bigger than normal of their species.) She'd prefer it if you just call her the Star Ranger though... just to differentiate her from her man... I mean lover.. I mean partner!
(Design won't be quite the same because females don't have all the same parts, namely the turbine and while they have those shoulders they are under scalloped with no other version.)
(Technically this one is in the character creator. I didn't have any female toons to make this easier on myself.)
Handle: @Kurobasa
The easiest and the most simple story ever:
They guy on the left is the Warmage. The girl is his former student and sidekick. Since he's semi-retired, now it's her turn.
The girl's named the Magician. Obviously, can't have two characters with exactly the same name on the same account.
Of course there's a lot of differences. Height, ethnicity...
Open the chat window in the tailor.
Type /costumecreator.setskeleton female (or use male if already female)
Save, then load on a character that is really that gender. Apply finishing touches and submit. \o/
And, Jerilyn(i made up that name in 2 seconds...) Bedlam. From Switcharoo universe.
I'm not sure about her boots thou...
I'm sorry for breaking the Rule#2. I posted hastily, left even more hastily and forgot to make separate posts.
*You know I'm bad, I'm bad come on, you know
And the whole world has to
Answer right now
Just to tell you once again
Who's bad*
/hat tip to Brou
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Don't worry about that man, they don't have to have exactly the same costume parts to be valid.......for example
A lot of differences here, but still counterparts.
In fact, that makes them a lot more interesting, clever and fun to look at worries man.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Just to clarify, I wouldn't recommend this if you want to be in the top three winners.
Thanks for that info anyway man, handy to know
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Handle: @drgmstr
"Embrace your dreams"
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1.) Nisroc & Nisroxie
3.) ooooooh! i can make more genderbent!
4.) Nisroc was sent to purgatory and was resurrected into a new
5.) @esalmighty
From the OP......
So yup, twin-sister is fine. I also don't mind if the gender-swapped counterpart is an already established character of yours.
They don't have to look exactly the same, except for gender, to be counterparts...see post#19.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Looks like Glenn Danzig
Miss Behavin - Miss Behavin Stunt Double
Even pranksters like Miss Behavin need a break from running from pissed off supers and oversensitive Club Caprice dwellers. For that, she has her stunt double.
You have no idea how hard it is to find someone that can actually fit into your outfit. Edit: Added the goggles in post.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
As powerful as Mentella's mind is, he matches her with his pure physical strength. Here you have it, the ultimates in Mind and Matter, side by side! :biggrin:
Mantello is basically a parallel universe Mentella, if you will. All in good fun, I laughed so hard when I first saw him xD
My handle is @ravenforce
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I am @RavenForce in game
Out of all my toons, I enjoyed this one the most. I guess I just like the Dr. Who style outfit :biggrin:
Mordecai and his gender swapped alternate dimension counterpart, Moriah.
Handle: @drgmstr
"Embrace your dreams"
Come Check Out My PRIMUS Database Page!
Thanks for posting....just one little thing...............
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Thanks for posting....just one little thing...............
oh, and....
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
Aside from the request is there a specific reason for a tailor shot?
Just seems like a strange request since the pictures have already been provided.
My Characters on PRIMUS
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I am @RavenForce in game
Sorry Raven, they're the rules that I posted in the OP and that I'm holding everyone to.
Also, that male version of your character that you posted is another person's toon, isn't it?
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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You don't need a spare one Jon....just a tailor screenie of her counterpart will do.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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No problem, I'll remove my pictures until I can get a shot of both in tailor.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Piffle as Kutie Kitty
Poppycock as Wascally Wolf
There are only few small differences, since both machines are made by the same scientist with the same base design and even some parts being mass-produced.
Razorwing was built with the same abilities like Deathlark, except this time with male and psychopathic brain and without weaknesses like altruism or compassion.
And with mandatory red villainous optics.
And her villainous counterpart from the Mirror Universe, the evil Electrocution!
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Handle: @not1stepbackwards
Special Thanks: Brou@Brou, for letting me shoot part of this story at his Penthouse Hideout
More action at Champions Online Comics @
Hierophant was doing his normal daily magic practice when he decided he should try some transformation magic. Y'know, in case he ever may need to transform into someone or something. Well, he wanted to transform into a cat, but he ended up turning himself into a girl, into Hierophantess.
@rubberlimbs (ugh i hate my handle ; -
Offender - Repeat Offender
Offender and the copycat vigilante who chose the wrong role model, Repeat Offender.
Here is Chisoku! Former Computer Science undergraduate, converted forcefully into a Cyborg Warrior.
The villain group that turned Chisoku into what he is today is the Ayus Clan, a corporation that made its profit by making 'robots' - which were actually drugged, brainwashed cyborgs. After repeated failures and huge losses in profits, they decided to craft a new cyborg assassin - one that would match the skills and appearance of Chisoku. Only problem, they couldn't get another 21 year old male Japanese-American to fill in the gap.
So the simulacrum assassin to Chisoku is known coloquially as Jinsoku! On off-time, she's used as a novelty tourguide/entertainer for the city, and for Ayus' profit. When fighting, however, she is a silent, lightning-fast hand-to-hand combattant. Much like her inspiring design.
and her Multifarian counterpart, Maahester.
That's not to say an AI can't or won't develop an affinity for a gender. Familiarity, social acceptance, emotional attraction...
Or maybe they were just born that way, as Moira Mullins a.k.a. Sister Silicon Prime@KWRussell was.
They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
Piffle (note her cute wig!)
Poppycock (had no time to find a cute wig in his hurry to 'save' his sister)
Will be interesting to see what players come up with would have loved to see a female Xeno
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Then, Satchmo made machine, in his own likeness.
Then the machine wanted to feel pretty. And maybe make a few people go "lolwut." Thus, Satchmona was born.
the best kind of signature