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So now that alerts will be level gated...



  • hockeyplayerx13hockeyplayerx13 Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Here's my 2 cents:

    I see a lot of people complaining in Zone chat, in game, that people need to run missions more. Why? My guess is because they don't want "lowbies" in their alerts because they believe it hurts their chances of success.

    But...is it really the "lowbies" that hurt your chances of success in Smash alerts??

    Certainly, an entire team of lvl 6-11s are going to have a heck of time...but, in truth, a single lvl 6 does not really drag down a team, as long as the team knows what they are doing.

    Most of the time I find myself on a PUG that fails a Smash alert, it is because of one of 3 reasons:

    1. This is the most common: Most of the team wastes half of the alert fighting minions while doing no damage to the boss. Good players will target the boss, and do damage to minions with AoE attacks while also damaging the boss. If you spend 1:00 fighting minions, unless you basically exploiting a weakness, or you have a team of crazy DPS characters, you will fail.

    2. You get someone running from the boss. In other situations, "kiting" is fine...but in timed alerts, it usually just means none of the melee characters can do any consistent damage to the boss. Fail.

    3. You have someone that insists on using knockbacks on Nemesis alerts. Yes, it is fun to max out Enrage and get all big, etc. However, it leads to big failure! Yes, a good team can overcome this, but more often than not...they don't.

    So how do you address this?? Level locking the alerts won't fix stupid behavior. Yes, Nems can have KB immunity turned on, but it isn't going to stop the rest of it.

    Personally, I will gladly take the occasional fails because of a lowbie over the frequent fails due to stupidity if someone can figure out how to correct for that.
  • hockeyplayerx13hockeyplayerx13 Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    And...no thank you. If I have to go back to leveling my new characters through missions, I am done with the game.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,632 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    You won't need to. Grabs will be granting a great deal more experience. You won't be leveling as fast though, but that will hardly be noticeable since leveling under 20 is fast anyways.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    And...no thank you. If I have to go back to leveling my new characters through missions, I am done with the game.

    You'll need to level to 10 through missions, and then you can go back to leveling through alerts. If you can't handle that... hell, maybe it's time for you to be done with the game :)

    Do low levels cause XP alerts to fail? Who knows. Good news is, the upcoming changes are going to make that question irrelevant, seeing as players will technically be able to singlehandedly ensure that the XP alerts will be successful, if they're as good as they think they are, and making as big of a contribution to the alert as they like to claim :3
  • hockeyplayerx13hockeyplayerx13 Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    spinnytop wrote: »
    You'll need to level to 10 through missions, and then you can go back to leveling through alerts. If you can't handle that... hell, maybe it's time for you to be done with the game :)

    Yep, one less paying subscriber. I am sure that is better for everyone involved.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yep, one less paying subscriber. I am sure that is better for everyone involved.

    You just worry about you. Not having fun? Bail. You're not a stockholder or anything.

    Too many people doing this "I'm staying even though I'm not having fun cause it's good for the company" nonsense.
  • xydaxydaxydaxyda Posts: 800 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Yep, one less paying subscriber. I am sure that is better for everyone involved.

    A shame you feel that way but an ultimatum is an ultimatum, best of luck to you!
  • hockeyplayerx13hockeyplayerx13 Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    spinnytop wrote: »
    You just worry about you. Not having fun? Bail. You're not a stockholder or anything.

    Too many people doing this "I'm staying even though I'm not having fun cause it's good for the company" nonsense.

    Oh, I wouldn't stay if I wasn't enjoying the game. I have been a subscriber for 3 years now. I should have bought lifetime (shoulda, coulda, woulda).

    But I cannot see what interest anyone has in forcing people to level through missions. If you want to level your characters through missions...do it. Others want to level theirs through alerts...let them do it. It is great having that choice. After taking 14 characters from 0-40 the 'old fashioned' way, I just to see that I would enjoy going back through the mindless low level missions again and again and again just to work up to a point where I can test new builds effectively.

    For what it is worth, it isn't an "ultimatum", it is simply an educated guess on my part. I have done the content over, and over, and over. It presents no challenge. And if there is no challenge, just mind numbing repetition, then I am sure I will get very bored and cancel my subscription.

    The reason I prefer alerts is that there is at least a chance of failure. To me, that makes the experience more exciting. Unfortunately, there seems to be a contingent of players who want even the slightest risk of failure removed from their gameplay experience. It is what it is. I haven't liked every change that has been made to the game, but I do think that alerts was a great addition to the game. No one is forced to level through alerts, it is just faster and more fun...for some of us.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Oh, I wouldn't stay if I wasn't enjoying the game. I have been a subscriber for 3 years now. I should have bought lifetime (shoulda, coulda, woulda).

    But I cannot see what interest anyone has in forcing people to level through missions. If you want to level your characters through missions...do it. Others want to level theirs through alerts...let them do it. It is great having that choice. After taking 14 characters from 0-40 the 'old fashioned' way, I just to see that I would enjoy going back through the mindless low level missions again and again and again just to work up to a point where I can test new builds effectively.

    For what it is worth, it isn't an "ultimatum", it is simply an educated guess on my part. I have done the content over, and over, and over. It presents no challenge. And if there is no challenge, just mind numbing repetition, then I am sure I will get very bored and cancel my subscription.

    The reason I prefer alerts is that there is at least a chance of failure. To me, that makes the experience more exciting. Unfortunately, there seems to be a contingent of players who want even the slightest risk of failure removed from their gameplay experience. It is what it is. I haven't liked every change that has been made to the game, but I do think that alerts was a great addition to the game. No one is forced to level through alerts, it is just faster and more fun...for some of us.

    Guess I gotta point this out to yet another person... but I'll do it short this time: I prefer alerts, and I haven't leveled through missions in over a year.

    There... another person who thinks I'm trying to force them to level now realizes how silly that sounds.

    As far as the devs trying to force you to level through missions... they're not. That's not why they level gated the XP alerts, and that's not why they swapped the rewards. How anyone gets the idea that they're trying to force players to do anything is beyond me. It takes about 30 minutes tops to get from lvl 6 to lvl 10... I've timed it, and I took my time when I did it. That's the only mission-leveling you'll actually be forced to do. After that, alerts will continue to be the fastest way to level.

    Are characters really that interesting to play from level 6 to 10 anyways? Having to do a few missions for for a few minutes at those levels doesn't seem like a loss to me.
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    1. This is the most common: Most of the team wastes half of the alert fighting minions while doing no damage to the boss. Good players will target the boss, and do damage to minions with AoE attacks while also damaging the boss. If you spend 1:00 fighting minions, unless you basically exploiting a weakness, or you have a team of crazy DPS characters, you will fail.

    On the other hand, I can't count how many times I've seen people rush up to be in front of the camera or just fly to where the reward spawns, just because the boss went down. Meanwhile, the one or two people paying attention are jumping around trying to find that last henchman while the clock ticks down...
  • hockeyplayerx13hockeyplayerx13 Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    spinnytop wrote: »
    Guess I gotta point this out to yet another person... but I'll do it short this time: I prefer alerts, and I haven't leveled through missions in over a year.

    There... another person who thinks I'm trying to force them to level now realizes how silly that sounds.

    I am a little confused...I never meant to imply *YOU* personally, were forcing me to do anything. That is obviously not within your power :rolleyes:

    When I say 'you'...I mean in the broader sense...as in 'those that advocate that players level through missions'.

    See the difference??

    It takes about 30 minutes tops to get from lvl 6 to lvl 10... I've timed it, and I took my time when I did it. That's the only mission-leveling you'll actually be forced to do.

    Thing is, ANY is too much in my book...and I am sure there are others out there that would agree.

    In fact, why even bother?? Just make it so that if you skip the tutorial, you start at level 10. I understand it for new players, but when you just want to throw a freeform together to see how some things work, it is a PITA to have to schlep all over westside killing mobs.
    Having to do a few missions for for a few minutes at those levels doesn't seem like a loss to me.

    Great! Then have fun doing it. Not sure why that should matter at all for anyone else though...
  • hockeyplayerx13hockeyplayerx13 Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    On the other hand, I can't count how many times I've seen people rush up to be in front of the camera or just fly to where the reward spawns, just because the boss went down. Meanwhile, the one or two people paying attention are jumping around trying to find that last henchman while the clock ticks down...

    Yep, been there as well. Stupidity is stupidity.

    However, the WoW rule of 'kill all ads first' just doesn't really apply in timed alerts. Far better to have everyone hitting the boss with AoEs until the minions are dead, then just kill the boss. That isn't always possible, but it works better when it is.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    So how do you address this?? Level locking the alerts won't fix stupid behavior. Yes, Nems can have KB immunity turned on, but it isn't going to stop the rest of it.

    Personally, I will gladly take the occasional fails because of a lowbie over the frequent fails due to stupidity if someone can figure out how to correct for that.

    As long as you realize that you just pointed out that absoloutely nothing is changing in regard to this due to the upcoming alert changes.

    After all, just because you would gladly take the occasional fail due to a lowbie over the frequent fails due to stupidity, doesn't mean that not level gating the alerts would actually prevent any of those fails due to stupidity.

    If anything, you're keeping the exact same number of fails due to stupidity, and just removing the fails due to low levels.

    OH WAIT the above only applies to Smash alerts, which aren't going to be giving XP anymore!

    In fact, you're removing all the fails from XP alerts, since you're going to be able to singlehandedly assure that XP alerts will be successful, no matter how stupid or low level the rest of the team is. If you fail, it means every single member of the team failed :)
  • hockeyplayerx13hockeyplayerx13 Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    spinnytop wrote: »

    since you're going to be able to singlehandedly assure that XP alerts will be successful

    How so? I must have missed something here, because a team of 5 level 36-40s can still fail if...for example...4 people are just leeching and not fighting. There are plenty of other examples of how they could fail as well.

    My point was that a team can fail with, or without, low level players if the players don't do what they should do. And...I think most of the time, players that don't do what they should do use lower level characters as a scapegoat.

    For what it is worth, I don't have any problem with level gating the alerts. What I do have an issue with is making it so that from level 6 through 15, you are going to be stuck doing grabs, which take a lot longer, or missions...which is about as interesting as watching paint dry.

    Why not include XP alerts that are ONLY for 6-10 that are easier than the current alerts??

    That seems preferable to the having to do the horrible 'go-out-and-kill' content.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Hockey, the new XP alerts won't have timers. So long as at least one member of the party is up, as I understand it, the alert won't fail. It might take a while if 4/5 of the players are AFKing it through the alert, but it won't fail per se.

    On the other hand, something you said earlier puzzles me. If you "have to" play the missions, you're "done with this game"? Isn't that kind of like saying that if you "have to" circle around the board, you're never going to play Monopoly again, or if you "have to" ante up you're "done with" poker? The missions essentially are the game - that's where the "RPG" part of "MMORPG" is supposed to kick in.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Posts: 3,781 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    Hockey, the new XP alerts won't have timers. So long as at least one member of the party is up, as I understand it, the alert won't fail. It might take a while if 4/5 of the players are AFKing it through the alert, but it won't fail per se.

    On the other hand, something you said earlier puzzles me. If you "have to" play the missions, you're "done with this game"? Isn't that kind of like saying that if you "have to" circle around the board, you're never going to play Monopoly again, or if you "have to" ante up you're "done with" poker? The missions essentially are the game - that's where the "RPG" part of "MMORPG" is supposed to kick in.

    The alert won't "fail" however if you cannot defeat the boss it will heal back to full when it leaves combat, which mean s every time it defeats you.

    So even without a timer you'll never win and be forced to abandon the alert.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I am a little confused...I never meant to imply *YOU* personally, were forcing me to do anything. That is obviously not within your power :rolleyes:

    When I say 'you'...I mean in the broader sense...as in 'those that advocate that players level through missions'.

    See the difference??

    I'm glad you see the difference, because lately there have been a lot of "rabidly anti mission" people who have been going around pretending people are victimizing them. I'm glad that you're not acting like anyone is victimizing or making you suffer. Keep in mind though that when you directly respond to someone, and use the "you" pronoun, that that person is likely to think that you are in fact referring to them. I hope that clears up any confusion you have about how the word "you" works :)
    Thing is, ANY is too much in my book...and I am sure there are others out there that would agree.

    In fact, why even bother?? Just make it so that if you skip the tutorial, you start at level 10. I understand it for new players, but when you just want to throw a freeform together to see how some things work, it is a PITA to have to schlep all over westside killing mobs.

    I think you need to ask yourself why you're even bothering to play the game at all. Let's face it, spamming your powers at an npc in a smash alert isn't significantly different from spamming your powers at an npc during a mission. I have to question how you can claim to love one so much, and despise the other one just as much... when ultimately, you're doing the same thing in both. Maybe you're just overreacting to the changes?
    Great! Then have fun doing it. Not sure why that should matter at all for anyone else though...

    Sometimes people will use their own experiences to try to help others cope with problems they are having. I was also pointing out how very minor the amount of "mission" content that you'll be forced to do is, to emphasize how little worth you put on alerts... if you're not willing to do even the tiniest amount of missions to then spend the rest of your time doing alerts, how much fun can you really be having in alerts?

    Hell, even I would eat a small piece of fish if it meant I got to have some nice big juicy burgers :)

    side note: it's also somewhat hypocritical that you state that you believe low levels cause alerts to fail, yet refuse to do any amount of leveling through missions before you start queing for alerts. In a way, these changes will actually be keeping you honest to your own beliefs :P

    The alert won't "fail" however if you cannot defeat the boss it will heal back to full when it leaves combat, which mean s every time it defeats you.

    So even without a timer you'll never win and be forced to abandon the alert.

    Well... if you solo'd the entire alert all the way up to the boss, knowing full well that you wouldn't be able to beat the boss, then you really have no one to blame :P Here's a hint: If all 4 of the others are afk at the start of the alert, just leave and reque.
  • hockeyplayerx13hockeyplayerx13 Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    spinnytop wrote: »
    I think you need to ask yourself why you're even bothering to play the game at all.

    Okay, so if I don't enjoy one facet of the game...level up through repetitive, non-challenging missions...I shouldn't play at all???

    I enjoy alerts, especially the more challenging alerts. Mostly I enjoy the character creator, and my characters. Long story short, but this is the only game I have ever played which allows me to bring characters to life that I have had for over 25 years.
    Let's face it, spamming your powers at an npc in a smash alert isn't significantly different from spamming your powers at an npc during a mission.

    In your opinion. In my opinion, they are very different. Going to an NPC to have him/her/it tell you to go and kill 150 weak enemies that pose no threat to you at all is not only boring, but it is unnecessarily time consuming. It is not something I enjoy. You are welcome to have it at it though...
    I have to question how you can claim to love one so much, and despise the other one just as much... when ultimately, you're doing the same thing in both. Maybe you're just overreacting to the changes?

    Maybe you are mischaracterizing what I am saying??

    I don't, and never claimed to, "love" alerts. To me it is a lazy person's way to level through the first several levels, while having a bit of challenge (risk of failure). Can I think of much better gameplay mechanics that I would actually "love"? You bet!! But collecting purple gang clothing in westside over, and over, and over is NOT one of them.

    it's also somewhat hypocritical that you state that you believe low levels cause alerts to fail, yet refuse to do any amount of leveling through missions before you start queing for alerts.

    Umm...did you actually READ what I posted originally?? I said that *others* blame low level characters for losing in alerts. What I said that I believe is that STUPID PLAYERS lose alerts, not low level characters.

    It sounds to me like you have some kind of desire to see low level characters forced out of timed alerts? Why is that?? Because you feel that they hurt your chances of success?? Is that why you are so up on these changes?

    I am just curious, because you are engaging in some very disingenuous debate tactics (straw man arguments, red herrings, misrepresenting what I am saying, false dichotomies) for someone that claims to feel the same way about missions vs. alerts. If that is the case, they why are you so vehemently for these changes??

    Personally, these changes will mean that I cannot decide to just throw a character together and have fun getting that character up to the point where he/she/it has reach the level in which they start to be fun to play. Again, if the alternatives are schlepping all over the map killing hundreds of non-challenging NPCs for very low XP rewards, or doing Grab alerts that take 10-20 minutes each for low XP rewards, it is not going to hold my interest for very long. And while you might not object to doing it, there are many of us that will. But hey, as long as you get what you want out of the game, why worry about the rest of the paying subscribers...even if their choice of play style has no direct effect on you, right??
  • hockeyplayerx13hockeyplayerx13 Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    something you said earlier puzzles me. If you "have to" play the missions, you're "done with this game"? Isn't that kind of like saying that if you "have to" circle around the board, you're never going to play Monopoly again, or if you "have to" ante up you're "done with" poker? The missions essentially are the game - that's where the "RPG" part of "MMORPG" is supposed to kick in.

    It would be more like:

    You can play Monopoly, but you have to move 1 space at a time for the first 250 trips around the board...then you can roll the dice.


    You can play Poker, but you are only allowed 2 cards for the first 250 hands...then you can draw cards.

    It isn't about not doing missions at all. I never said that. What I *did* say was that if I have to go back to leveling new characters through missions, I would be done with the game. And I stand by that. If the changes make 6-15 leveling an exercise in traipsing all over the place killing the same group of 3 easily killed NPCs 2000 times, then I will just go back to SWTOR, where they have mastered that awful style of play from 1 to whatever their top level is now. At least there is a decent story to their drudgery.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    recruitment drive,just now,mine was the highest at level 14, we won the alert
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Okay, so if I don't enjoy one facet of the game...level up through repetitive, non-challenging missions...I shouldn't play at all???

    Not what I'm saying at all. If you'll notice, I'm not saying you should level all the way to 40 through missions. In fact, I'm not saying you should do anything. I'm pointing out that the only thing you'll have to do is level from 6 to 10 through missions, something that takes less than 30 minutes.

    May I point out that you were the one originally talking about quitting the game just because you'll have to do less than 30 minutes of mission content once per character? Not sure why you're trying to throw the idea of you quitting in my lap...
    I enjoy alerts, especially the more challenging alerts. Mostly I enjoy the character creator, and my characters. Long story short, but this is the only game I have ever played which allows me to bring characters to life that I have had for over 25 years.

    In your opinion. In my opinion, they are very different. Going to an NPC to have him/her/it tell you to go and kill 150 weak enemies that pose no threat to you at all is not only boring, but it is unnecessarily time consuming. It is not something I enjoy. You are welcome to have it at it though...

    Like I said before, I'm not much interested in missions. However, I'm perfectly fine with "suffering" through a few minutes of missions, once per character. That's because I actually find alerts fun, so I'm willing to do a tiny bit of moderately less interesting content so I can start doing alerts. I guess I'm just more excited about doing alerts than you are? Just a theory.
    Maybe you are mischaracterizing what I am saying??

    I don't, and never claimed to, "love" alerts. To me it is a lazy person's way to level through the first several levels, while having a bit of challenge (risk of failure). Can I think of much better gameplay mechanics that I would actually "love"? You bet!! But collecting purple gang clothing in westside over, and over, and over is NOT one of them.

    I'm not mischaracterizing you at all... I'm actually asking questions, and trying to communicate to you that alerts aren't going to be ruined and that you won't be forced to run missions (other than 6-10, less than 30 minutes, once).

    I think whether you use the word "love" or "like" is entirely irrelevant. I'm not asking you to propose to the alert que and then try to find some way to procreate with it.

    You'll also note I generally don't have a lot of negative things to say about alerts... in fact, when people start to talk about how they're ruining the game, I always chime in about how the opposite is true. You, on the other hand, definitely just said something negative about them... so, as it turns out, I do actually like alerts more than you do. That makes your constant attempts to make me seem anti-alert and pro-mission just that much more interesting, doesn't it?
    Umm...did you actually READ what I posted originally?? I said that *others* blame low level characters for losing in alerts. What I said that I believe is that STUPID PLAYERS lose alerts, not low level characters.

    Fair enough. We agree here.
    It sounds to me like you have some kind of desire to see low level characters forced out of timed alerts? Why is that?? Because you feel that they hurt your chances of success?? Is that why you are so up on these changes?

    Timed alerts were never a good fit for leveling characters. First, it doesn't make sense to make the most demanding alerts be aimed at people who are leveling up... it makes sense that the challenging alerts be aimed at higher level players. Secondly, the timed alerts aren't very welcoming to a variety of builds, and it gets boring always having to build a dps-oriented character, since quite frankly healer and tank characters aren't much use in a dps race vs mostly harmless opponents, especially when you have infinite respawns. And yes, lower level players are being forced out of timed alerts by these changes, but importantly lower level players are not being forced out of XP alerts.

    Do I feel that lower level players hurt my chances of success? Seeing as the vast majority of alerts are successful, I would say no. So, clearly, that can't be why I'm so up on these changes.
    I am just curious, because you are engaging in some very disingenuous debate tactics (straw man arguments, red herrings, misrepresenting what I am saying, false dichotomies) for someone that claims to feel the same way about missions vs. alerts. If that is the case, they why are you so vehemently for these changes??

    Because I like to level things other than dps character. Because Grabs will be the XP alerts, that means I can start leveling up healers and tanks, and have a lot of fun doing it. I'm fairly meh on the level gating... the only thing that excites me about that is that they might actually have an excuse to balance some of the alerts for higher level players, meaning more challenging and exciting fights. That would be great, since I personally enjoy content that isn't so mind numbingly easy... you might disagree.
    Personally, these changes will mean that I cannot decide to just throw a character together and have fun getting that character up to the point where he/she/it has reach the level in which they start to be fun to play. Again, if the alternatives are schlepping all over the map killing hundreds of non-challenging NPCs for very low XP rewards, or doing Grab alerts that take 10-20 minutes each for low XP rewards, it is not going to hold my interest for very long. And while you might not object to doing it, there are many of us that will. But hey, as long as you get what you want out of the game, why worry about the rest of the paying subscribers...even if their choice of play style has no direct effect on you, right??

    I'm going to give you some important information. It's not my job to care what's good for other players. My only job here is to care what's fun for me. You surprised? You shouldn't be... do you realize that you're following the exact same mind set? After all, you keep talking about how "Grab alerts aren't fun for hockeyplayerx13, so don't you dare make them xp alerts". I find Grab alerts more fun, so yes I'm excited that that's what I'm going to be leveling up my characters with. I find most Smash alerts boring because they are the absoloute manifestation of "Stand'N'Spam" mechancis... you literally just stand there and spam your powers, and I don't see how anyone could see that as their favorite part of the game.

    Yes, there are many people that will object to these changes... but there are just as many that will embrace them. You keep throwing around the idea of you quitting, and then try to pretend that I'm supposed to either be worried or feel guilty that you might quit... but in the end, you're the one making yourself quit, not me.

    And ultimately, it's fine if you want to quit playing. If the game isn't fun for you, go do something else. But please, don't try to pretend like your quitting is some big important thing that everyone should feel super bad about... you're just another player. We all are.
  • secksegaisecksegai Posts: 1,354 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I'm actually a bit surprised that there would be negative feedback towards these changes, since most of us have asked for them since alert went live.

    Allowing a brand new level 8 into warlord never made sense to me, if they knock around 40s, how is a level 8 supposed to offer any real contribution?
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    secksegai wrote: »
    Allowing a brand new level 8 into warlord never made sense to me, if they knock around 40s, how is a level 8 supposed to offer any real contribution?
    Cannon fodder. While Warlord's killing the 8, he's not killing you. :smile:
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • nextnametakennextnametaken Posts: 2,216 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    Cannon fodder. While Warlord's killing the 8, he's not killing you. :smile:

    The level 8's aren't even noticed by the bosses.
    I tested this when On Alert first came out. I made low level toons and wandered around the
    alerts without ever picking up aggro. If I didn't get caught in AoE I never died.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 2,026 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    secksegai wrote: »
    I'm actually a bit surprised that there would be negative feedback towards these changes, since most of us have asked for them since alert went live.

    Allowing a brand new level 8 into warlord never made sense to me, if they knock around 40s, how is a level 8 supposed to offer any real contribution?

    Most of us are still in support of these changes, it's just the few people who are objecting to them are just being quite loud and annoying about it. Also consider that many of the people who are currently objecting are relatively newcomers to the forums, and the people who had wanted these changes don't seem to be around much these days. There's a lot of turnover in this game, sadly.

    It's long overdue, and a good change. I disagree with the people being negative about it, strongly.

  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    Cannon fodder. While Warlord's killing the 8, he's not killing you. :smile:

    So the level 8 is essentially an active defense with a duration of one second (or less) ? :biggrin:

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    ashensnow wrote: »
    So the level 8 is essentially an active defense with a duration of one second (or less) ? :biggrin:
    Pretty much, yeah. :wink:
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,632 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    chaelk wrote: »
    recruitment drive,just now,mine was the highest at level 14, we won the alert

    Who'd you fight against?
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    glass jaw, I mean rockjaw.
    No dinos. no epidemic, no 2GM(that I could see)
    quite a few deaths.
    I think everyone got to tank brefily, Ghoulia was the best at it.
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • secksegaisecksegai Posts: 1,354 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    jonsills wrote: »
    Cannon fodder. While Warlord's killing the 8, he's not killing you. :smile:

    Most low levels in my warlord never made it to the boss fight. Either they would die repeatedly and quit, die repeatedly, or take so long getting through the already cleared path that someone would start and lock them out.
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I think ALL alerts should be gated, obviously different level gates for different alerts, people with no passives or gear have no place in alerts.

    But that is just sensible talk and has no place in the CO forums.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • secksegaisecksegai Posts: 1,354 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    I think ALL alerts should be gated, obviously different level gates for different alerts, people with no passives or gear have no place in alerts.

    But that is just sensible talk and has no place in the CO forums.

    As much as that's meant to be funny... it's so sad how true it is.
  • hockeyplayerx13hockeyplayerx13 Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    I think ALL alerts should be gated, obviously different level gates for different alerts, people with no passives or gear have no place in alerts.

    Sure! While we're at it...why not exclude anyone lower than level 25 from doing anything but the tutorial??? That would show these stupid lowbies a thing or two!

  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    I think ALL alerts should be gated, obviously different level gates for different alerts, people with no passives or gear have no place in alerts.

    But that is just sensible talk and has no place in the CO forums.

    GOOD NEWS! :D All alerts are going to be level gated :3

    Now talk about how you don't think the level gates are high enough so I can make fun of you for thinking you need higher level people to win at easy alerts, then you can accuse me of being a min-maxer and that being the only reason why I think alerts are easy, then I can point out that I'm not a min-maxer and that I in fact make some rather squishy characters that require very active play rather than face tanking, then you circle around back to the beginning of the argument and we can do the whole thing over and over again until eventually we all lose interest and all walk away thinking we made really good points and that everyone else is either secretly convinced we're right and are just too proud to admit it, or just too dumb or stubborn to get "what we are saying".

    Then I'll get back to destroying alerts, and you get back to whatever the heck it is that happens to other people in alerts that convinces them of whatever it is they think about them u_u

  • joybuzzerxjoybuzzerx Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    I think ALL alerts should be gated, obviously different level gates for different alerts, people with no passives or gear have no place in alerts.

    But that is just sensible talk and has no place in the CO forums.

    But I can have gear and a passive at level 6! O.O
  • edited October 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • joybuzzerxjoybuzzerx Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    gradii wrote: »
    I think she was talking about those people who don't get the starter gear, and don't pick a passive right away.

    the same people who die to the first mob they attack.

    I really think gear in this game is far too important for a superhero game and ideally they should have come up with a way to do a gearless system from day 1. :rolleyes:

    I have to disagree, only because the gear in this game is loot dropped stats.

    Would it have made you feel better for them to just make stat boxes? You attack enemies for a chance to obtain a stat box that you then hope for the right stat filler for said box with an icon that just reads +57 and is probably color coded for each different stat?

    You wouldn't call it gear then.

    Instead of Legion Gear, we'd unlock lock boxes for an additional stat box to fill with specific stat boosts.

    All gear is in CO is stat boosts with an icon. This isn't like other games, where gear effects your look.

    And most people want loot to chase after. Not, I just level up to max level and not need to search for anything. Which I'm sure some people might want, but without something to try to obtain in a drop, I think you'd find many leave the game.
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Sure! While we're at it...why not exclude anyone lower than level 25 from doing anything but the tutorial??? That would show these stupid lowbies a thing or two!


    I was thinking at least level 8 so everyone has passives and basic gear ( does make a big difference), but hey if leveling up 2 times in Westside is to much for ya.

    I dont think anyone wants a level 25 gate for basic alerts XD
    joybuzzerx wrote: »
    But I can have gear and a passive at level 6! O.O

    Your gold though and all silver and AT players get their passives at level 8 and that should be the gate for basic alerts.
    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • kelplanktonkelplankton Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I think the solution to the gear 'issue' is just providing more ways to access gear that levels alongside you. I think most of my LTS stipend these days gets turned into Q and then spent on the heirloom Q sets for new characters just so I don't have to mess with gear until they hit 40 (if they ever hit 40).

    But yeah beyond that I doubt they'll change up the gear system much. It works well enough right now, for people who like gear.
    Oldschool CoH player, Lifetime CO and STO subscriber, animator and artist.

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  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What are you guys talking about? Are you not aware that 90% of Superman's strength comes from his cape? If he unequips that thing he can barely even lift a car anymore. And don't even ask what happens when he undoes his belt!
  • kelplanktonkelplankton Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    spinnytop wrote: »
    What are you guys talking about? Are you not aware that 90% of Superman's strength comes from his cape? If he unequips that thing he can barely even lift a car anymore. And don't even ask what happens when he undoes his belt!

    Undoing his belt? I don't think that kind of fanfiction is appropriate for a T rated game's forum...
    Oldschool CoH player, Lifetime CO and STO subscriber, animator and artist.

    Art, Animation, and Stuff:
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  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Undoing his belt? I don't think that kind of fanfiction is appropriate for a T rated game's forum...

    Everybody poops.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited October 2013
  • hockeyplayerx13hockeyplayerx13 Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    nepht wrote: »
    but hey if leveling up 2 times in Westside is to much for ya.

    It IS too much, because ANY of that crap is TOO MUCH.

    It was a horrible WoW clone design from day 1.

    Let go of WoW, and embrace something different.
  • hockeyplayerx13hockeyplayerx13 Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The thing that drew me to CO from day 1 was that it was NOT a WoW clone, but it has aspects of it.

    I don't want to look like everyone else.

    I don't want to be a "class".

    I don't want to have to do the exact same s*** that everyone else does.

    I don't want to have to play the game as if it were on rails.

    I don't want to have to conform to specific builds.

    But most importantly, I don't want to have the EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE with every character I make.

    Get it???
  • sistersiliconsistersilicon Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The thing that drew me to CO from day 1 was that it was NOT a WoW clone, but it has aspects of it.

    I don't want to look like everyone else.

    I don't want to be a "class".

    I don't want to have to do the exact same s*** that everyone else does.

    I don't want to have to play the game as if it were on rails.

    I don't want to have to conform to specific builds.

    But most importantly, I don't want to have the EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE with every character I make.

    Get it???

    Yes, we get it. Having to do 1/10 of your leveling outside of alerts is a hardship so severe, Bear Grylls thinks you're nuts to put up with it. Centuries from now, when archaeologists dig up the server containing this forum, they will find this litany, and you'll be revered as a great tragic hero of our age for having spent 30 minutes in Westside.
    Choose your enemies carefully, because they will define you / Make them interesting, because in some ways they will mind you
    They're not there in the beginning, but when your story ends / Gonna last with you longer than your friends
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    By the way, leveling will probably be at about the same rate, since there will be far, far fewer failed XP alerts. No timer, DPS won't be so crucial, etc.

    What will annoy many, I believe, is that Nem alerts will be for resources, rather than XP. I like this, since it will tend to discourage lowbies without Nems from queuing.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • nephtnepht Posts: 6,898 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It IS too much, because ANY of that crap is TOO MUCH.

    It was a horrible WoW clone design from day 1.

    Let go of WoW, and embrace something different.

    Right so instead of doing the same Westside missions once a toon you want to do the same alerts over and over again ( and fail over and over again cause your level 6 ).

    Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
    They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The thing that drew me to CO from day 1 was that it was NOT a WoW clone, but it has aspects of it.

    The alert changes are not turning the game into a WoW clone.
    I don't want to look like everyone else.

    The alert changes are not removing the costume editor.
    I don't want to be a "class".

    The alert changes are not removing free form from the game.
    I don't want to have to do the exact same s*** that everyone else does.

    Smash alerts aren't the "exact same s*** that everyone else does"? ...weird... if you wanted to do something that no one else is doing, you would be doing missions.
    I don't want to have to play the game as if it were on rails.

    And yet, you want to run Smash alerts... linear? Try stationary. If missions are "on rails", then smash alerts are "in an elevator".
    I don't want to have to conform to specific builds.

    And yet, you want to run Timed alerts, which really only reward the use of dps builds. Grab alerts, and missions, allow you to use any kind of build you want; they never require you to conform to a specific build.
    But most importantly, I don't want to have the EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE with every character I make.

    And yet, you want to run the same Smash alerts over and over and over... on every character you make.. every day...every five minutes.
    Get it???

    No, I don't get it. You say you want one thing, then demand the opposite.

    What I am getting is that you seem to want to do something other than play CO.
  • joybuzzerxjoybuzzerx Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The thing that drew me to CO from day 1 was that it was NOT a WoW clone, but it has aspects of it.

    I don't want to look like everyone else.

    I don't want to be a "class".

    I don't want to have to do the exact same s*** that everyone else does.

    I don't want to have to play the game as if it were on rails.

    I don't want to have to conform to specific builds.

    But most importantly, I don't want to have the EXACT SAME EXPERIENCE with every character I make.

    Get it???

    I think others summed it up nicely for you.

    But still, even after they did all that, I still don't get what you mean? O.O

    Sooo...what exactly do you mean? You're willing to run the same alerts over and over (which I have no problem with mind you), but not missions, and that's considered having completely different experiences?
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