HI guys! This is my second review about the second part of the Virus Story Arc! So...let`s begin shall we?
I was verry excited when the second mission camed out so I started to patch the game.
I knew, from the prevoius mission that, this new mission it will be avalible at the SOCRATES, and yep, I was right! What I liked from the beggining was that I wasn`t supposed to wait some another hours to start the mission! It was active right after I patched the game! So I didn`t needed to wait several hours to start this mission (like in the other events/missions)!
Getting and enterring the mission!
Ok, so I picked up the mission, make it as primary and the arrow pointer pointed towards the jet! "Okay" I said! "Let`s see how it looks like!" And from my surprise, I wasn`t supposed to go in Canada or in Witheout instance to fly up to the Cyberlord ship, the new mission had a completley different instance, which is great!
Here appeared the Super UNTIL Jet and a voice (spanish accent?) who told me that the SuperJet won`t hold long and I need to infiltrate with this cute, tiny ship in the Cyberlord Carrier!
Inside the Cyberlord Ship!
And here I am! In the Cyberlord Ship who looks excatly as in the Whiteout (at least when I came in) and a bunch of Cyberlord henchmens were already there to welcome my arrival!
Anyway, after I defeated those, I actually entered in the ship itself who btw, was full of them! An interesting thing to see is that the interior of the ship itself is spiral...
Anywayz, there were only 4 chambers (3 with the switches and one with the overide for the door)!
What I really liked at the henchmens was the fact that some of them were actually using the player emotes! That was a quite nice thing to see! One was using the pointing emote, one was using the AFK emote where the other one was using the AFK-Standing emote! Here are some examples:

So after I cleared the chambers and the long hallaway, I wanted to enter to the Cyberlord main chamber but WAIT! I needed to find some sort of switches to overdrive the door! I admit, that was tendious at first because I didn`t knew where to find these switches. Of course, after some (quite long) searches I found and activate them!
The Main Chamber!
In the main, were also a bunch of henchmesn (where these guys appear from?

) and I gues their job was to protect Ze Main Boss: Cyberlord! So after I defeated them a cinematic video started to show up, where I could see CyberMind! And also here Cryptic add some humor, what I really liked was when CyberMind called: "Cyber-LARD" That was really funny!
So, after the cinematic got away I was supposed to defeat Cyberlord! Defeating Cyberlord alone is quite difficult if you don`t have some devices! Anyway, after I defeated him I got my reward (resources sadly

Really awsome and nice mission and really nice voice acting! Really love them! What I have seen by now is that the drops are quite rare (at this point I did something like 5 runs and still nothing) but I guess that`s ok! Maybe this way PW/Cryptic stimulate players to do more content rather then alerts!
I only hope, we will get some Cybermind pieces (Helmet, Tights) when it will come the final Mission to this story arc!
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Other than that, I agree it's a fun mission. Definitely harder than Fatal Err0r.
As bwares said, you can use the switches in the rooms, when you clear them, so you don`t need to go back when you cleared all the mobs!
Nemcon and Nemesis Guide
Custom Alerts of Champions Online Complete Guide
II really believe there should be something on this step; some form of resistance.
Why not have an ambush appear at the door of the room when a switch is shut down?
Until I got to the door at the end, and found out I needed to unlock interlocks and override something, so I had to go back and fight all those mobs after all...
I note that all the people who said before that Cyberlord wasn't a hard fight were using Freeforms, mostly specced for a fight like that. It wasn't easy on a Devastator, though - I managed to solo Intranet Deployment on Hero, a lvl 17 Devastator, but Cyberlord's summons made it impossible to complete the mission without gearing up. (I think I need to follow the advice I gave in another thread, and go get a Steelhead Soldier from the first chapter of Whiteout before Hero tries tackling him again.)
I might have more success with Happifun, because Invulnerable is being specified as a good defense against Cyberlord...
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Except that you don't know that on the first run through until you get to the elevator.
Unless for some reason you decide to do a full clear and go into the rooms where you have no reason to believe you have any reason to go into.
On replay it's no biggie. But personally, I'd have appreciated being told on the first run.
This mission suffers the same ill lit doorways as the last.
Team mates fly right past them. Its the same in lots of missions really.
Would help to have some sense of illumination in the area where you are supposed to flip switches.
My brightness is down to 80 something, its awesome this way.
Wish we had a flash light device.
Mission is fun but the once a day thing is ruining the ability to play it.
People are stubborn about running one character.
Maaybe if character switching was as easy as /iam "Bob"
Just FYI, there may be a bug. Somebody posted info that it seems his HP is at the same level as if you were level 40 even if you are lower level. Whereas, the computer virus boss properly scaled HP down if you were a lower level. So lower levels will have a much longer fight than they should.
I soloed this with my ego-blader, who has no flight, but she does have some self-heals. But she was level 40. I've yet to try it with one of my lower level characters to confirm the bug.
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That teleport 40 feet, speak, die, teleport 40 feet back to where you were already defeated trick is kind of goofy.
He could just reach out a hand from the floor and word bubble (i hate those) or subtitle NPC text that vow of revenge.
Then go 'flop' ragdoll and sleep.
Add some drool to make it cool.