Smash alerts give a lot of XP. Except for when you fail, in which they give no XP.
I've seen many people attest to having fairly sporadic periods of success and failure depending on the strength of the group. Sometimes you wind up in a group with the perfect makeup to beat the Smash within 30-45 seconds of the limit. Other times, no matter how hard you try, your group just can't seem to pull enough weight to beat it.
But as it stands, if you -succeed- at Alerts then you can level very quickly. But this also encourages lower level folk to queue for these since they can level quickly. Also, alerts do pretty much nullify world content since you can sit in one place and level entirely through Alerts. . if your group is good.
My suggestion is to. .
A) Increase the timer by one minute. Why? Most of the times I do fail, the super villain is below half of their health bar. This would allow a group to beat it even if they're under par, so long as everyone is participating. Group composition won't matter so much. Five low DPS healers can beat it. Five tanks can beat it. Any group can beat it as long as they aren't full of afkers who want to leech off the group. In fact, most of my failures were with the super villain at roughly 1/3 their health pool or lower, and these situations had multiple healers, multiple tanks, etc.

Reduce the XP per alert. Obviously if you reduce risk, you should reduce the reward as well. Smash alerts could still be used to level, but world content may swing back into things again. It doesn't have to be a large adjustment, maybe reduce the XP rewarded by 1/5 or so, but since there's less risk for failure this will be a balancing factor.
Note that the XP for alerts that do not have a timer (The recruitment and soul siphon missions come to mind) doesn't have to be touched since these will still run at the same risk, and I've honestly rarely if ever failed these. The only time I fail these is when someone on the team decides to dive in and pull everything on the map at once for some reason. But the alerts that run on a timer need an adjustment to make up for teams that have less than ideal compositions.
Nemesis alerts don't need to be touched because they drop questionite boxes, which sufficiently rewards a two minute rush. Besides, I am a strong believer that someone under the level of 25 shouldn't queue for a nemesis alert. I hate being stuck with generic nemeses all day, especially considering infernal is such an annoying nemesis set to fight against (Probably because it's the only thing I ever see).
Really, this would only influence the timed alerts which is where most of my failures personally tend to be. The two minute timer isn't very accommodating to groups who try their hardest but just don't have enough umph to beat it.
I like this suggestion post.
Or how about a reverse timer. Quicker you win better the rewards?
Players even lowbies need to learn to use the police backup for extra firepower to help push against the the timer.
There should be more backup if you manage to maneuver them to the police.
Or backup around the neighborhood so you have a reason "pull him to the snipers" oh yeah!
If not that then more bursts of power up globes. Are those explained anywhere?
I thought they were money when I first started playing.
Most people dont' seem to chase them down in alerts, maybe they need to be more obviously awesome.
Like different one shot powers activate by getting the globes.
Pick up a red and your next attack/heal is red rebuke.
Pick up yellow the next guy who shoots you freezes
Pick up a blue and lightning strikes your target from above.
Lets do that!
Since it seems that the primary factor contributing to failure here is the composition of the group, then you could consider this motivation to put together a premade to run Smash alerts with, though the "here today gone next minute" nature of those smash alerts sort of diminishes the point of that. It also diminishes the need to extend the timer, of course.
Basically, I can do those alerts no problem on my mediocre characters, so I don't really want the reward to be lowered. I'm okay with failing a few alerts. And you know the second they implemented this, you would end up in the situation "Wow, now I'm finishing all these alerts with over a minute to spare...kind of wish they hadn't reduced the reward".
It helps to have some foreskin in these sorts of things.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Please tell me that was a typo. Damn you, autocomplete?
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
I said what I meant and I meant what I said! :mad:
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
This still doesn't solve the problem with afkers or those who just sit back and only use their energy builder but at least this solves the problem having low lvls joining with no idea what to do. I usually suggest to new players that I meet try to get your three SS first because if you go in missing at least one SS you are lacking in a big chunk of damage.
Handle: @drgmstr
"Embrace your dreams"
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I'm kinda afraid to ask what you meant, in that case.
I'm assuming "man up" or something similar.
I'm against the idea. Why? What you're saying is basically "I fail, and that's bad". And you're right, failure is bad. But the onus for correcting it is not on the developer to make this already pathetically easy game any easier. It's on you to step up your game, build a premade, or get used to the fact that failure happens. I lost an alert on my main when the boss had like 200 hp, because I had 3 level 6's and a 10 on my team. Know what I did? Requeued, and got 2 40s and 2 high 30s. Steamrolled the next one. It is the nature of the pug, that this will happen.
I hate that this mmo, more than any other, comes with this sense that people deserve reward without effort. Failing alerts? Well, *obviously* it's the alert's fault. Nerf all content.
RIP Caine
Never been to WoW's forums, have you?
Hey at least they're willing to dance on mailboxes in their underwear for their rewards.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
My chars are well builded, but u don`t need a strong build to win an alert, but I rarely fail an alert! So I don`t think the XP rewards should be reduced orthe timing should be increase, because is cleary not the point here! The XP alerts are supposed to be hard and not easy, because they are the only ones who helps you to lvl up faster!
So yea, I`m against this ideea! And if you really want some good ideeas on how alerts should be improved, please read my thread about alerts improving or how alerts should be so you wouldn`t fail any alert!
Nemcon and Nemesis Guide
Custom Alerts of Champions Online Complete Guide
You get there fastest if you do both.
I'm allowed to hit alerts at level 6, because when I'm on my level 40 and level 6's are in an alert with me, I don't bail.
Because I'm a hero.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Hah I've never bailed an alert.....
Mainly coz I only recently worked out how to
The one who can't shut up formerly known as 4rksakes
About the @handle - it's a long story.
Profound quote.. "I'm not a complete idiot - several parts are missing."
Which is why like in my suggestion earlier in this thread alerts shouldn't be available until 15 when people have went through content to gear up their toon and pick their Super Stats.
While I do not mind going to an alert on my lv 6 brand new alt, I have experience with alerts to know which attacks to dodge/block, where to stand, yadda yadda yadda. Those who are brand new to the game is why I suggest stay away from alerts until 15. If it's alerts like Soul Siphon or Recruitment Drive, yeah I will go ahead and join those below lv 15 due to no time limit but there is a limit, just not as short.
Heck I lvled up low lvl alts only doing Burst or Grabs alerts just as fast as doing XP alerts. XP alerts isn't the only instances out there that give XP.
Handle: @drgmstr
"Embrace your dreams"
Come Check Out My PRIMUS Database Page!
New players churn out of the game, by and large, before level 15.
What is it with you in the numbers? Don't bring that **** in here either.
Handle: @drgmstr
"Embrace your dreams"
Come Check Out My PRIMUS Database Page!
Only brand new accounts should be restricted to lvl 15. I can enter before that and make a meaningful contribution.
On the business end, it's questionable if restricting content to new players is a wise decision... of course, they restrict the costume pieces that new players can use, and costumes are one of the game's biggest strengths... so maybe wisdom isn't really applicable there.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
That would give level 40s something else to get besides extra Questionite on Smash days.
Something like that was mentioned at one point and is potentially in development somewhere along the time stream.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Restricting something like a Smash/Custom alert until lvl 15, is a good ideea, in case, you want to fail some alerts! :biggrin:
Nemcon and Nemesis Guide
Custom Alerts of Champions Online Complete Guide
I will go along with the "please make it pick a Nemesis if ANY is available on the team" thought, though.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
I was saying only about the Dockside Alerts, Trainstoping Alerts, not the easy ones like Soul Siphon, Recruiting Drive or even 2-min Drill!
Nemcon and Nemesis Guide
Custom Alerts of Champions Online Complete Guide
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
OK with me. I wasn't really addressing you specifically, though. My post just happened to follow yours.