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Telepathy and Throwing Blades Discussion

flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Suggestions Box
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  • bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,522 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    YAY Costumes fixes!!!
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
  • nightr0dnightr0d Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Release notes for July 11th, 2013


    -Throwing Blades, in the Gadgeteering power set: This power must now be charged at least 50% before it will fire.

    You got to be kidding me :mad:

    SO i expect a respec after this nonsense. Instead of fixing the issue you changed how the power works. There should be a forced respec for this. Not everyone was script-abusing the issue.

    I knew you would do this Cryptic, I knew you would disappoint me again.
  • strypewolvenstrypewolven Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    nightr0d wrote: »
    You got to be kidding me :mad:

    SO i expect a respec after this nonsense. Instead of fixing the issue you changed how the power works. There should be a forced respec for this. Not everyone was script-abusing the issue.

    I knew you would do this Cryptic, I knew you would disappoint me again.

    You expect a free respec on a power that is only supposed to do useful damage on a full charge. The power was bugged beyond an exploit that was macroable to be insta-spam and cost no energy, no scripts involved. So you're losing your free full damage on a tap, well one thing to say to this, and pretty much quoted from any MMO's Terms of Use/Service.

    "We reserve the right to change the game mechanics, content, or character abilities without prior consent of the players."

    The fact they let us know at all, or request our input is out of respect for the playerbase, they are under no assumption that they *have* to do it, or give you a free change for knowingly selecting a bugged power by your own choice regardless of whatever reason you picked it.

    I'm glad for this fix and looking forward to the mental powers tomorrow. So, yay!
  • underchickenunderchicken Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    The new telepathy powers were FAR from ready. CoS needed to be Support Hybrid only and needed more work. Master of the Mind is the "HEADLINER" of the set? Now that's a good joke TT. That power is the WORSE thing ever. I want to be happy about the game finally getting some new powers, but I sure wish MORE feedback was actually listened to on this set. It's a real shame.:frown:

    I'm gonna go sulk in a corner now, don't even feel like playing anymore.
  • keikomystkeikomyst Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm retconning out of Throwing Blades immediately since this ruins what I used it for, which was hopping into 50 ft range and tapspamming it to take down enemies without the exploit. I picked it up before any of this exploit mess ever happened.

    So, yeah... everything else is just fine and dandy, but this ruined a useful, if abused, power. :/ I don't see you guys going back and actually fixing it either, so Throwing Blades is now officially a lost cause.
  • nightr0dnightr0d Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You expect a free respec on a power that is only supposed to do useful damage on a full charge. The power was bugged beyond an exploit that was macroable to be insta-spam and cost no energy, no scripts involved. So you're losing your free full damage on a tap, well one thing to say to this, and pretty much quoted from any MMO's Terms of Use/Service.

    "We reserve the right to change the game mechanics, content, or character abilities without prior consent of the players."

    The fact they let us know at all, or request our input is out of respect for the playerbase, they are under no assumption that they *have* to do it, or give you a free change for knowingly selecting a bugged power by your own choice regardless of whatever reason you picked it.

    I'm glad for this fix and looking forward to the mental powers tomorrow. So, yay!

    Oh look someone who needs to justify whatever Criptic does!!

    What are you talking about? Changing a power in such a fashion impacts my and other people's characters (not everyone is scrip-exploiting you know). The reason why you don't understand the consequences such a change can have on a build is because you are ignorant. I spent time in creating the build and gearing for the build. I spend MY TIME so yes it matters OK.

    No idea since when you joined CO but I am here since closed beta and Cryptic f***ed me over with their hack-fixes over and over and over again. You have no idea how much time/G their butchering of the code has cost me in fixing some of my builds (this is me spending time fixing and not playing). So you know what, I don't need you to quote me the TOS and telling me they can do whatever they want. I know that already thank you very much.
  • pricanwarriorpricanwarrior Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So much fail, Waiting almost a year for this telepathic powers and well it's sad that they will go to live being all crappy! i rather use the normal mind powers instead of the new ones, yeah that's how bad they suck. They ended up being cosmetic powers. You guys are ruin this game badly. I'm done playing this game. Thanks for killing the fun of this game.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,754 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Release notes for July 11th, 2013


    -Telepathic heroes, rejoice! After extensive study of psionic abilities among supers, six new Telepathy powers have been discovered. Learn more in this blog post.

    Are you ****ing kidding me? Rejoice for WHAT? You decided to take live the LEAST liked of ALL of the telepathy builds.. and you throw us broken powers and expect us to rejoice?

    -Two other new powers have entered the arsenal of Millennium City heroes: Rimefire Burst, in the Fire powerset, and Redirected Force, in the Force powerset.

    Also broken as all hell.
    -Throwing Blades, in the Gadgeteering power set: This power must now be charged at least 50% before it will fire.

    Not a fix.

    - -

    I just can't.

    Goodbye Champions Online.
  • strypewolvenstrypewolven Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    nightr0d wrote: »
    Oh look someone who needs to justify whatever Criptic does!!

    What are you talking about? Changing a power in such a fashion impacts my and other people's characters (not everyone is scrip-exploiting you know). The reason why you don't understand the consequences such a change can have on a build is because you are ignorant. I spent time in creating the build and gearing for the build. I spend MY TIME so yes it matters OK.

    No idea since when you joined CO but I am here since closed beta and Cryptic f***ed me over with their hack-fixes over and over and over again. You have no idea how much time/G their butchering of the code has cost me in fixing some of my builds (this is me spending time fixing and not playing). So you know what, I don't need you to quote me the TOS and telling me they can do whatever they want. I know that already thank you very much.

    So much rage and angst, people quitting, yadda yadda yadda. Tap spamming (exploit or not, and again it could be macro'ed, not scripted. Please get your terminology right) to get bugged full-charged damage is just as much as an exploit. As for the mental build, even post "nerf", and it's damage and output seemed just fine for a support type/debuffer build and I find the animations to be unique and nice appearing. I know it's not for everyone, especially not for those expecting god damage from the build, but eh, I'm still going to enjoy it.
  • heroicsingerheroicsinger Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Yup. I only rejoined for this.

    I quit again.
  • trailturtletrailturtle Posts: 2,291 Perfect World Employee
    edited July 2013
    Telepathy powers aren't going to be for everyone. I know some players would prefer a more crowd control-focused style, but personally, I'm enjoying the new stuff. It's also worth noting that from what I've spoken to Gentleman Crush about this (which isn't much), crowd control and interrupt mechanics weren't working the way he hoped they would. Changing tacks to be debuff-focused was a design choice he made.
  • nightr0dnightr0d Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So much rage and angst, people quitting, yadda yadda yadda. Tap spamming (exploit or not, and again it could be macro'ed, not scripted. Please get your terminology right) to get bugged full-charged damage is just as much as an exploit. As for the mental build, even post "nerf", and it's damage and output seemed just fine for a support type/debuffer build and I find the animations to be unique and nice appearing. I know it's not for everyone, especially not for those expecting god damage from the build, but eh, I'm still going to enjoy it.

    Are you delusional? What's with those absurd accusations. I can complain if I want to so go back under your bridge.

    Oh and you have no idea of programming. A macro is essentially a series of command executions. The same thing you can do with a script. The only difference is that macro is a mainstream word/concept since ppl know of Excel.
  • pricanwarriorpricanwarrior Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Telepathy powers aren't going to be for everyone. I know some players would prefer a more crowd control-focused style, but personally, I'm enjoying the new stuff. It's also worth noting that from what I've spoken to Gentleman Crush about this (which isn't much), crowd control and interrupt mechanics weren't working the way he hoped they would. Changing tacks to be debuff-focused was a design choice he made.

    ITS NOT WHAT YOU LIKE IT'S WHAT WE LIKE YOURE A DEV, WE ARE THE PAYING COSTUMER, if the mechanics of interrupt werent working right then you guys should of keep working and make it right because the telepathic power were suppose to work that way and you guys promise us that. Stop promessing stuff that you cant even make
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I kinda wish feedback would have been taken into consideration for throwing blades. Not a power I've used before, but breaking it completely and destroying its tap function, after all the other ideas people dropped seems a bit silly. Maybe reconsider this one for now? Lower its damage? Something else?
    ITS NOT WHAT YOU LIKE IT'S WHAT WE LIKE YOURE A DEV, WE ARE THE PAYING COSTUMER, if the mechanics of interrupt werent working right then you guys should of keep working and make it right because the telepathic power were suppose to work that way and you guys promise us that. Stop promessing stuff that you cant even make


    1- TT's not a Dev. He's their PR guy/Damage control.

    2- 'Promise' is not a word I remember seeing.

    3- If the guys who make it say they can't get it to work right, then that's all you need to know right there. I'm not savvy on this powerset, but if the people who BUILT it can't make it work right, then I'll take their word for it. Offer a better suggestion instead of yelling 'fix it'.

    4- Calm down.
  • caosdashcaosdash Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well there you have it people, Telepathy Powers!!!

    Another great Feature this game has had put up for us.
    I bet my marbles that this is NOT going to end well. Morel likely a power set ignored, why? Because they refuse to listen to us. And yet they have the audacity to say we don't post feedback. Pfft, so much for DEVS.
  • caosdashcaosdash Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    And dont you dare ask why we're so "upset".
    You know perfectly well why we are Mad. Not upset, MAD.
  • keikomystkeikomyst Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I kinda wish feedback would have been taken into consideration for throwing blades. Not a power I've used before, but breaking it completely and destroying its tap function, after all the other ideas people dropped seems a bit silly. Maybe reconsider this one for now? Lower its damage? Something else?

    Exactly. Give it a quick internal cooldown so its tap functionality remains but it can't be script-tossed, give it a proper activation time, do something that doesn't break the basic functionality of a reliable AoE that fires on tap. Lower the damage too! I'd be fine with a 20/25% decrease!

    Anything but forcing a dumb charge on it. I can't even find anything else to replace it that fits my character now.
  • pricanwarriorpricanwarrior Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I kinda wish feedback would have been taken into consideration for throwing blades. Not a power I've used before, but breaking it completely and destroying its tap function, after all the other ideas people dropped seems a bit silly. Maybe reconsider this one for now? Lower its damage? Something else?


    1- TT's not a Dev. He's their PR guy/Damage control.

    2- 'Promise' is not a word I remember seeing.

    3- If the guys who make it say they can't get it to work right, then that's all you need to know right there. I'm not savvy on this powerset, but if the people who BUILT it can't make it work right, then I'll take their word for it. Offer a better suggestion instead of yelling 'fix it'.

    4- Calm down.

    1. what ever he is, he should take our word serious!
    2. they did promise!
    3. if the guys couldn't make it work at least make it still work around crow control, because making useless debuff stacks it's not a fix.
    4. and no i wont come down because this have been going on for too long, I'm wasting my money to get crappy content.
  • cybersoldier1981cybersoldier1981 Posts: 2,501 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    keikomyst wrote: »
    Exactly. Give it a quick internal cooldown so its tap functionality remains but it can't be script-tossed, give it a proper activation time, do something that doesn't break the basic functionality of a reliable AoE that fires on tap. Lower the damage too! I'd be fine with a 20/25% decrease!

    Anything but forcing a dumb charge on it. I can't even find anything else to replace it that fits my character now.

    I agree here. I was considering this power here, but with this kinda nerf? Yeah, the other boomerang power seems better by a long shot.
  • strypewolvenstrypewolven Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    nightr0d wrote: »
    Are you delusional? What's with those absurd accusations. I can complain if I want to so go back under your bridge.

    Oh and you have no idea of programming. A macro is essentially a series of command executions. The same thing you can do with a script. The only difference is that macro is a mainstream word/concept since ppl know of Excel.

    I'm not even trying to troll. I know you can complain, but why don't you try offering something a bit more constructive like what cybersoldier1981 posted. Prehaps the devs might be a bit more inclined to listen and communicate if people approached this respectfully and logically rather than 'Zomg this suckorz, you suckorz! I quit!'. Exaggeration prehaps, but that's how it reads.

    Before you all mass ragequit, considering I don't think the greater portion even tried it out on the pts, give it a chance. Might find that you like it, or if you don't, then at least you actually tried it.
  • hocofaisanhocofaisan Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Typical Forumite response.

    Gentleman Crush worked extremely hard on these powers, they work great, fit the theme of Telepathic silver age heroes, and are clear signs of new development and focus on Champions Online.

    But as usual its not exactly what some people want so its crap and its more sign of the death of Champions.

    Well I for one would like to thank the devs for their time and effort, and I will be rolling a brand new telepathy character tomorrow.
    ITS NOT WHAT YOU LIKE IT'S WHAT WE LIKE YOURE A DEV, WE ARE THE PAYING COSTUMER, if the mechanics of interrupt werent working right then you guys should of keep working and make it right because the telepathic power were suppose to work that way and you guys promise us that. Stop promessing stuff that you cant even make

    Wow, can anyone else say milenial entitlement?

    You realize there are other players and you don't speak for everyone right?
    There ARE people happy with these powers.
  • towershield#4714 towershield Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ITS NOT WHAT YOU LIKE IT'S WHAT WE LIKE YOURE A DEV, WE ARE THE PAYING COSTUMER, if the mechanics of interrupt werent working right then you guys should of keep working and make it right because the telepathic power were suppose to work that way and you guys promise us that. Stop promessing stuff that you cant even make

    The devs have long since fallen into a pattern of making terrible decisions and excuses for said decisions. Arguing with TT about it is a waste of your time as he seems to actually agree with them.
    hocofaisan wrote: »
    Typical Forumite response.

    Gentleman Crush worked extremely hard on these powers, they work great, fit the theme of Telepathic silver age heroes, and are clear signs of new development and focus on Champions Online.

    But as usual its not exactly what some people want so its crap and its more sign of the death of Champions.

    Well I for one would like to thank the devs for their time and effort, and I will be rolling a brand new telepathy character tomorrow.

    I'd be more willing to actually listen to what you have to say if you started paying attention enough to know what's going on around here or, actually play the game and not pop in half way through an event's Live cycle and ask us how it's going. Posts like this show how much you insist on trolling the forums with half-baked optimism.
  • pricanwarriorpricanwarrior Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    hocofaisan wrote: »
    Typical Forumite response.

    Gentleman Crush worked extremely hard on these powers, they work great, fit the theme of Telepathic silver age heroes, and are clear signs of new development and focus on Champions Online.

    But as usual its not exactly what some people want so its crap and its more sign of the death of Champions.

    Well I for one would like to thank the devs for their time and effort, and I will be rolling a brand new telepathy character tomorrow.

    Wow, can anyone else say milenial entitlement?

    You realize there are other players and you don't speak for everyone right?
    There ARE people happy with these powers.

    how much they paid you to say such bs?

    the people that are happy with this powers are the ones who will be using them as cosmetic powers..
  • hocofaisanhocofaisan Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    how much they paid you to say such bs?

    They do pay me, I admit it.

    They pay me in giving me access to a fun game!

  • caosdashcaosdash Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    hocofaisan wrote: »
    They do pay me, I admit it.

    They pay me in fun.

    I think you got the definition of "Fun" wrong.
  • strypewolvenstrypewolven Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I agree here. I was considering this power here, but with this kinda nerf? Yeah, the other boomerang power seems better by a long shot.

    I disagree, from how the power would behave under normal circumstances is it intended as a from stealth AoE opener, not something to be spammed out of stealth. Granted you can, and with a full charge, do alright, if not optimal, damage.

    In theory, you could go with either 'rang power, and comes down thus to a matter of choice.
  • nightr0dnightr0d Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'm not even trying to troll. I know you can complain, but why don't you try offering something a bit more constructive like what cybersoldier1981 posted. Prehaps the devs might be a bit more inclined to listen and communicate if people approached this respectfully and logically rather than 'Zomg this suckorz, you suckorz! I quit!'. Exaggeration prehaps, but that's how it reads.

    Before you all mass ragequit, considering I don't think the greater portion even tried it out on the pts, give it a chance. Might find that you like it, or if you don't, then at least you actually tried it.

    What exactly is there to suggest? The problem is extremely obvious, namely the tap activation time can be "bypassed". There is no need for intricate or complex solutions or ideas on how to make it work. They should simply fix the bug not butcher the power to cover up a bug.
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    hocofaisan wrote: »
    Typical Forumite response.

    Gentleman Crush worked extremely hard on these powers, they work great, fit the theme of Telepathic silver age heroes, and are clear signs of new development and focus on Champions Online.
    Clearly! Someone who understands our brilliant young development team's vision and hard work! Who else would've thought of making a passive fully modular, capable of using any role? Its genius, I tell you.
    But as usual its not exactly what some people want so its crap and its more sign of the death of Champions.

    Well I for one would like to thank the devs for their time and effort, and I will be rolling a brand new telepathy character tomorrow.
    Same here! All these new powers excite me, I'm going to make a build focused solely on the DoT Telepathy powers and absolutely no use of Mind Break!
  • strypewolvenstrypewolven Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    how much they paid you to say such bs?

    the people that are happy with this powers are the ones who will be using them as cosmetic powers..

    And thus expertly spoken by someone that expected god damage and the idea of 'support' is running dps in the support role. That's totally support right? /sarcasm
  • pricanwarriorpricanwarrior Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Clearly! Someone who understands our brilliant young development team's vision and hard work! Who else would've thought of making a passive fully modular, capable of using any role? Its genius, I tell you.

    Same here! All these new powers excite me, I'm going to make a build focused solely on the DoT Telepathy powers and absolutely no use of Mind Break!

    Lol stop licking their you know what, if they actually were doing a hard work then the game wouldnt be all broken, and we would of have a real good content.
  • caosdashcaosdash Posts: 60 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    And thus expertly spoken by someone that expected god damage and the idea of 'support' is running dps in the support role. That's totally support right? /sarcasm

    No, not "God damage" that gets old really fast. Remember Trowing blades before this patch?

    We were expecting something better not this joke.
    Damage that would make telepathy more of a hit, not lower it down to pure shi*t.
  • pricanwarriorpricanwarrior Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    And thus expertly spoken by someone that expected god damage and the idea of 'support' is running dps in the support role. That's totally support right? /sarcasm

    We wanted moderate damage, and not only damage but keep the interrupts because that would make them a real crow control.
  • akirasanbeerakirasanbeer Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Finally..can move onto other desperate powersets (*coughclawscough*) now. Though that's mostly wishful thinking that they'll review anything else soon...
  • blumoon8blumoon8 Posts: 430 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Well. I kind of like the Telepathy powers. I can definitely see the set up the powers are going for. They do seem to have synergy. I thought they would get MORE love though. :/ However, if there's one thing I can see, it's that Telepathy is no longer as useless as it once was. Maybe these will be enough to bump it up a notch. Not the notch we were expecting... a notch that's a little worn... but its still something.

    I'm kind of surprised that Rimefire was in there for only a couple patches. Last I saw it it had the fireball tap animation colored cyan... which is a tiny bit disappointing. I hope it got a new FX. I was waiting to hear about it on the patches :/

    Regardless, I can't wait. I won't sub yet though until I see if the 3-month deal is coming back yet or not...

    I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.

    I'm @blu8 in game! :D
  • underchickenunderchicken Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Clearly! Someone who understands our brilliant young development team's vision and hard work! Who else would've thought of making a passive fully modular, capable of using any role? Its genius, I tell you.

    Same here! All these new powers excite me, I'm going to make a build focused solely on the DoT Telepathy powers and absolutely no use of Mind Break!

    HAHAHA! I'm gonna make me a CoS Tank with that sweet Master of the Mind power! Best Tank EVER!
  • keikomystkeikomyst Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I disagree, from how the power would behave under normal circumstances is it intended as a from stealth AoE opener, not something to be spammed out of stealth. Granted you can, and with a full charge, do alright, if not optimal, damage.

    In theory, you could go with either 'rang power, and comes down thus to a matter of choice.

    Power intentions and power applications differ, and if it was only intended to basically be an AoE ranged Shadow Strike stand-in, I personally think it would have been pigeonholed into that limited role to begin with.

    As it stands, the Nighthawk Gadgets set only had one easy to use ranged AoE and that was Throwing Blades. Whether you wanted to just hose down some mooks with tapped tosses or go ahead and use it as an AoE Shadow Strike, it was handy and versatile even if the damage was a bit high. Nobody complained about anything but the damage until the exploits happened, and it got so much exposure and widespread abuse that it had to be fixed.

    I took both boomerang powers for A. Lack of a better easy AoE and B. Theme purposes. Now Throwing Blades is going to be a lot less easy to use since you're going to be forced to sit there and charge it, causing a 'why bother?' effect when you can just use Ricochet Throw, get higher damage and wipe out the whole spawn before they get within 50 ft of you.

    It can be argued that EVERYTHING is 'why bother?' compared to certain power combinations, certainly, but I really enjoyed using Throwing Blades as both a tappable power and the ranged Shadow Strike... now it's going to lose one good functionality and that really sucks. :/

    So now, here I am struggling to find a good replacement power now. At least Imbue was replaceable with Ego Surge w/ Nimble Mind... I'm pretty much stuck without a good quick AoE now.
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Lol stop licking their you know what, if they actually were doing a hard work then the game wouldnt be all broken, and we would of have a real good content.

    What are you saying? Look how many bug fixes we've had lately! A lot more than the last months before now. I say its a whole new direction!
  • pricanwarriorpricanwarrior Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    What are you saying? Look how many bug fixes we've had lately! A lot more than the last months before now. I say its a whole new direction!

    YEAHHHHHHHH!!! a whole new direction! like first we were going through the highway to failure, now we going straight to the toilet!! isn't that just wonderful? :) now lets all join hands and frolic
  • lucasjacksonlucasjackson Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    hocofaisan wrote: »
    Typical Forumite response.

    Gentleman Crush worked extremely hard on these powers, they work great, fit the theme of Telepathic silver age heroes, and are clear signs of new development and focus on Champions Online.

    But as usual its not exactly what some people want so its crap and its more sign of the death of Champions.

    Well I for one would like to thank the devs for their time and effort, and I will be rolling a brand new telepathy character tomorrow.

    Wow, can anyone else say milenial entitlement?

    You realize there are other players and you don't speak for everyone right?
    There ARE people happy with these powers.

    This might be the very first time you thought you were trolling, but actually made sense! Kudos! You win some buttons. The kind you sew onto your shirt.

    The rest of you guys all moanin' and hollerin' because your telepathy powers weren't made in your divine image... good lord have mercy. I've seen Duck Duck Goose games with more maturity than you all display.
  • edited July 2013
    This content has been removed.
  • iamruneiamrune Posts: 969 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This might be the very first time you thought you were trolling, but actually made sense! Kudos! You win some buttons. The kind you sew onto your shirt.

    The rest of you guys all moanin' and hollerin' because your telepathy powers weren't made in your divine image... good lord have mercy. I've seen Duck Duck Goose games with more maturity than you all display.

    Gold Star reply.
  • keikomystkeikomyst Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    OK, since we're in the suggestions box now...


    50% charge time requirement needs to go bye-bye. It kills the power's versatility and pigeonholes it into a glorified AoE Shadow Strike or a gimpy, slow AoE attack.

    Add in a proper activation time, .67 seconds seems like the standard. Try that.

    Reduce overall damage (including stealth damage) by 20%.

    If all else fails, attempt a .5 second/1 second internal cooldown.
  • quasimojo1quasimojo1 Posts: 642 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    iamrune wrote: »
    Gold Star reply.

    Yep. Some people clearly had some unrealistic expectations with respect to how many development cycles could go into reworking a small set of powers. It was pretty obvious that some of the most vocal folks would never be fully satisfied. I think the new powers are fine and the animations in particular are very good. I'm relatively happy that we are getting new powers at all after such a long dry spell.
    LTS since 2009. Author of ACT parser module for CO. Founder of Rampagers. Resident curmudgeon.

    "Without data, you're just another person with an opinion." -- W. Edwards Deming
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    One comment, regarding a statement made frequently by some of our newly entitled folks:

    If you don't think this game is fun (and at least one of you has openly denied that possibility in this thread), then why in God's name are you still playing it??? I have never understood this.

    Look, I was called "insane" for daring to hope the new content would be more than an Alert (which, by the way, it looks like I was right). But even I know better than to hang around a place I don't really want to be, playing a game that makes me miserable. That's why I uninstalled WoW, EVE, and SW:TOR. And my life is the richer for it.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • panthrax77panthrax77 Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So much rage and angst, people quitting, yadda yadda yadda. Tap spamming (exploit or not, and again it could be macro'ed, not scripted. Please get your terminology right) to get bugged full-charged damage is just as much as an exploit. As for the mental build, even post "nerf", and it's damage and output seemed just fine for a support type/debuffer build and I find the animations to be unique and nice appearing. I know it's not for everyone, especially not for those expecting god damage from the build, but eh, I'm still going to enjoy it.

    Amen. Throwing blades was a broken power from the get-go, and as they might have been able to fix it better, at least no one's abusing it anymore. To be honest, I'd be fine taking the power for a gadgets build the way it is now, considering it'll do fine damage, it'll just take longer charge. I think everyone's just a WEE bit upset that the easiest way to max out their damage is gone. Personally I like the telepathy powers. Sure they could've put more work into them, but I'm sure they can add more to them later on. But for now, I'm satisfied. Concept-builds for life! :biggrin:
  • panthrax77panthrax77 Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    keikomyst wrote: »
    I'm retconning out of Throwing Blades immediately since this ruins what I used it for, which was hopping into 50 ft range and tapspamming it to take down enemies without the exploit. I picked it up before any of this exploit mess ever happened.

    So, yeah... everything else is just fine and dandy, but this ruined a useful, if abused, power. :/ I don't see you guys going back and actually fixing it either, so Throwing Blades is now officially a lost cause.

    Well the fact that you used tapspamming with it before means you were using it as it was broken in the first place. I'm not an expert on coding, but I think the change was justified. I'm just glad no one will be abusing the power anymore. And it's still usable, just not tappable. Not a huge deal.
  • clawsandeffectclawsandeffect Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    nightr0d wrote: »
    What exactly is there to suggest? The problem is extremely obvious, namely the tap activation time can be "bypassed". There is no need for intricate or complex solutions or ideas on how to make it work. They should simply fix the bug not butcher the power to cover up a bug.

    And if they can't find exactly what's causing the bug? Or don't know how to fix it?

    Have you ever coded a video game? More specifically, have you ever coded a video game that has new code added to it on a regular basis?

    If you haven't, you have no business telling people who do it for a living how easy their job is. Sometimes that stuff isn't as obvious or easy to fix as the people who don't do it every day think it is.

    That's like me walking into a mechanic's garage and telling him he should be able to rebuild my entire engine in less than an hour. Never mind that I've never done it myself. It's his job, and he should be able to meet every demand I make, right?

    This shouldn't be taken as defending anyone. It's just common sense.

    If you couldn't do someone's job yourself, you have no business whatsoever telling them how to do it.
  • keikomystkeikomyst Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    panthrax77 wrote: »
    Well the fact that you used tapspamming with it before means you were using it as it was broken in the first place. I'm not an expert on coding, but I think the change was justified. I'm just glad no one will be abusing the power anymore. And it's still usable, just not tappable. Not a huge deal.

    It might be usable but it's still a 'why bother?' power compared to Ricochet Throw now, and I don't recall ever hearing or seeing that Throwing Blades was broken before people started using the exploit.

    If I'm going to be forced to charge something at 50ft when I have another option that can be charged for better damage at 100ft, and have random misfires when I don't hold the charge button long enough for the 50ft option (PvE and PvP can be hectic sometimes, lag happens, whoops my finger slipped, etc. etc.) ... why bother? I do my best to balance character concept and character performance, and this change is sucking the performance (and fun) right out of the character.

    Hence, why I'm trying to find a decent alternative that still fits and works well, but guess what? There isn't one. I'm not going to settle for SMG Burst because this character doesn't use guns. Lead Tempest is out, Epidemic is definitely out, Shuriken Storm is too weak to even consider, any of the Elemental trees are out...

    The only good alternative for a vigilante gadgets themed character is ... well... charging Ricochet Throw at 100ft now. All because of this stupid exploit and Cryptic's duct-tape fix.

    Well, at least you and everyone else who suffered at the hands of this exploit is happy, right?
  • clawsandeffectclawsandeffect Posts: 155 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    keikomyst wrote: »
    OK, since we're in the suggestions box now...


    50% charge time requirement needs to go bye-bye. It kills the power's versatility and pigeonholes it into a glorified AoE Shadow Strike or a gimpy, slow AoE attack.

    Add in a proper activation time, .67 seconds seems like the standard. Try that.

    Reduce overall damage (including stealth damage) by 20%.

    If all else fails, attempt a .5 second/1 second internal cooldown.

    According to the wiki, it already has a 0.67 second activation time.

    The FULL charge time is listed at 0.83 seconds.

    A 50% charge would require you to hold the button down for...wait for it,.....0.42 seconds.

    Please explain how a .5 second internal cooldown is better than holding the button for .42 seconds. It is functionally the exact same thing in terms of how frequently you can use the power. Except your .5 second internal cooldown would mean it takes .08 seconds longer before you can use it again.

    Has anyone complaining actually looked at how long the 50% charge time works out to being, or is everyone knee-jerk reacting before they've got all the information?

    Is holding a button for .42 seconds really so much worse than tapping it and waiting .5 seconds before you can tap it again? Because I'm not seeing a whole lot of difference between the two.
  • ashensnowashensnow Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    According to the wiki, it already has a 0.67 second activation time.

    The FULL charge time is listed at 0.83 seconds.

    A 50% charge would require you to hold the button down for...wait for it,.....0.42 seconds.

    Please explain how a .5 second internal cooldown is better than holding the button for .42 seconds. It is functionally the exact same thing in terms of how frequently you can use the power. Except your .5 second internal cooldown would mean it takes .08 seconds longer before you can use it again.

    Has anyone complaining actually looked at how long the 50% charge time works out to being, or is everyone knee-jerk reacting before they've got all the information?

    Is holding a button for .42 seconds really so much worse than tapping it and waiting .5 seconds before you can tap it again? Because I'm not seeing a whole lot of difference between the two.

    I suppose that the difference is that some might find a 1.09 (.67 + .42) second investment in an attack with such short range carries a significant opportunity cost compared to other options.

    'Caine, miss you bud. Fly high.
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