In addition to that, I wanted to post multiple videos and images over the next several months expanding that thread, but all the people bickering forced it to get padlocked. Thanks again, braG.
Sleep tight, baby, and when you wake up in the morning and come home from school, you better hope that braGware or whoever else doesn't try to alter anything or knock me out of bounds just to say they're "better," since that's what they've accused me of doing, i.e. taking advantage of technicalities and calling it a victory. If they kill me in a duel but not on a consistent basis, or if people see what's going on in multiple hero games demo recordings, I believe the evidence presented will speak for itself.
Nice excuse, but I see it as trolling and irresponsibility. You play when it's convenient for you and I'll do the same for me.
lol I know for a FACT malware would like to duel you. It's just hard when you have him on ignore and whitelist chat.
Anyway, I'm done talking about this with you. Do what you want. I tried helping you. Now I'm going to try to find a way to make up for all the braincells I lost in the process.
....and now I can't talk to him or you since somebody decided it was a good idea to keep me silent for 48 hours instead of 24, even though I said nothing in chat. deedee tried to duel me again but she brought an alt and then I had to come here telling people they weren't being consistent. Winning 5 duels is not consistent. I wanted to record over several months, basically most of the year, but people got my thread locked complaining with erroneous statements.
I don't need your help, and I surely don't need your second-hand regurgitated information. If I see that he's altered his build then I'll start calling you out again. How arrogant of you to insult me multiple times because of fallacy and then pull your hand back saying you tried to "help." Have a nice day.
Remember, I'm going to be recording all of you most of the time if not throughout the entire year, or however long this game lasts. If I can't record some day, that doesn't falsify anything. I'll try to get as many games as I can with better players, but I was bodyblocked before I could find a more challenging game because my thread got locked. All I'm offering is multiple games, enough to get a clearer picture of what's going on here, but that takes some time. Posting one video before I can get anything else doesn't disprove anything.
Like I said in chat, brad, once you start beating me without stealing builds from green, green saber, strait jacket or whoever else you copy, then I can bow down before you as the king of PvP. Until then, you're just an immature kid who doesn't know what he's talking about. I think green would agree, and I really enjoyed watching him stab you over and over like he wanted to kill you for copying off of him before you knew who he was.
It would be so much easier to just have Luci on ignore, but none of you seem to do that. Why??? I don't get it. Except for reporting for spam 10 times a day, that doesn't count :biggrin: If I don't wanna listen to somebody, I put him/her on ignore. That doesn't happen often tho, sometimes I put random zone chat spammers on ignore, and thus I shall release greatest of my creation upon Hero Games Forum unsuspecting masses. Pity, you won't be alive to WITNESS THE CATAKLYSM. BEHOLD!!!!!!!
THE MEGAAA-Ignore button!!
These hypocrites should meditate on this quote, then they wouldn't always assume that majority always rules. 9_9
"Hey let's have peace!"
"No stop chat banning me!"
"Screw you then!"
Smackwell so beautifully illustrated what happens every time when peace is attempted.
I think this would work quite nicely if I could have a second opinion in chat, unless they want to start making payments. :P Don't like it? Don't understand it? Okay! Ignore me then. But don't prevent me from expressing it just because you don't want to hear. It makes you look stupid like you don't want anyone to know that I might be right. Hey, I'm helping you out here! ^_~
Either way, we've all done all of the same things and apparently it won't end because I can't even communicate to a team or anyone else. You guys better hope somebody else is doing it and that I don't find out you were lying.
These hypocrites should meditate on this quote, then they wouldn't always assume that majority always rules. 9_9
Don't like it? Don't understand it? Okay! Ignore me then. But don't prevent me from expressing it just because you don't want to hear. It makes you look stupid like you don't want anyone to know that I might be right. Hey, I'm helping you out here! ^_~
Except that you're ignoring me in-game and I'm not ignoring you in-game.
~~~The Tidal Tilde Wave of Seperation~~~
I'd rather get STO's level of lockbox suck if worthwhile updates come with it. -Buxom
My reply was directed to whoever is silencing me, not people who do ignore me. Bringing up "who's ignoring who" doesn't really address the point I was trying to make, which was that I don't want to be completely banned from chat by people who don't even understand what's being said or what the reasons are for such arguments.
I did that because you chased after me with 7 people the entire game and insulted me in copvp channel months before I got locked out without assuming that there might've been a legitimate reason for me being annoyed with you. I'm glad you finally asked. Since you seem to approve of attacking me with a team of skilled players, I don't think I want to talk to you anyway.
I don't read chat much when I can't reply, and I don't talk to people that I don't know well enough since I only talk to friends and team mates.
I did that because you chased after me with 7 people the entire game and insulted me in copvp channel months before I got locked out without assuming that there might've been a legitimate reason for me being annoyed with you. I'm glad you finally asked.
I don't read chat much when I can't reply, and I don't talk to people that I don't know well enough since I only talk to friends and team mates.
I wasn't a part of the 7-man spectresquad. Although Myself and 2 others hunted you once. Again, my brain is derpy, so I can't recount my full history with you. While I did talk to and about you in coPvP, all I remember is that I was questioning you about what you thought was OP. I'm glad you answered seriously.
~~~The Tidal Tilde Wave of Seperation~~~
I'd rather get STO's level of lockbox suck if worthwhile updates come with it. -Buxom
I edited my previous reply a little bit. I've also given you the benefit of the doubt several times, so maybe you're trying to tell me that I'm overestimating you. I still disapprove of what you said to me when I was in chat, and I don't know whether to believe you or not, especially since there were 8 people in that game, so that means there were 7 of you, and not only that, I know that several people have lied about this and they have contradicted themselves. I no longer care whether they're aware of any inaccuracy.
Whether you wanted to help them or not doesn't make a difference, because I can see that several people just wanted to kill only me, and some dishonest and/or irresponsible people like malware and brad keep filtering their video information.
In the end, you can say whatever you want, or people can tell everyone that I'm a mutant salamander from outer space, or they can post videos about BASH and tell the world how it proves that the moon is made of green cheese, but I'll always know what I can do and who I've fought, and I never said anything that implied that I always know 100% of the concepts behind any reasons for any wins or losses.
I've seen you guys make illogical statements that couldn't possibly disprove anything I've said, and I've seen many of you misrepresent things that I was talking about, like that LR test that I saw people couldn't be bothered with.
I mean listen to yourselves guys.....
Shag...he's not a follower,but a leader...(drugs are BAD HABITS DUDE)
I just think we owe you a huge CONGRATULATIONS for getting all those people in a BASH match...pretty pathetic ganging up Lucy though
Lucy come on nerdrage more?u just got ganged nothing more...
Thank you,..
Nice. Thanks for the unbiased reply. I'm sure your place will be secure among the stars.
Oh I see what u did there...ur in the space and i'm among the jokes now reading the past few threads i'm yoloing hard...u guys go nuts all the time!
What I did there was show you that your replies are obviously slanted toward the majority, whether you want to be partial or not. Have fun with your life.
What I did there was show you that your replies are obviously slanted toward the majority, whether you want to be partial or not. Have fun with your life.
I do...and yeah being on a private sg and hated by both DC/SOT AND AE is too least i'm not acting like i'm the best like everyone else's easy in the forums,isn't it Lucy?
I do...and yeah being on a private sg and hated by both DC/SOT AND AE is too mainstream...
Don't forget Spectre, LA Coalition, Rise of Darkness, Heroes of Darkness, and a never ending list of other SGs. Not to mention the 99% of players in game. :eek:
Whatever. I just fought blazemist and he almost died at times and so did I. Main reason why I didn't fight much is because the build that I use right now isn't meant to deal with the bugged tractor beam. I use another build that's sort of meant for something like that, and it's definitely one of my favorites, but because of the bug I don't usually do it, especially not in duels. He also did things like use devices, and neither of us died nor were we always trying.
This is why I keep stressing consistency. He's already proven that he was wrong about several of his statements, which none of you have denied so far. He said ebon ruin beats everything. I didn't have much problem with his, and he regained the upper hand at times and so did I. I see no difference here other than his statement about ebon being incorrect.
I noticed also that I saw smoochy following me around, even after the duel stopped. I don't like people following me around everywhere I go and standing 2 feet in front of my face. I consider this to be rude. I can't believe I just had to switch zones to get rid of her. Let's see if I can switch back. I think you all should also be aware of the fact that there's a reason why I quit dueling and started playing hero games instead. Don't assume you already know why.
Once I know whether or not people will fight me, then I can start recording you. Keep in mind that I mostly like to do hero games, so I'll be recording mostly that; I rarely duel anymore and I never said I would always do it. There's a reason why I fight the way I do and why I build the way I do. To assume you already know when I've already heard of cases where several people ask why I fight the way I do is a bad way to start, let's just put it that way. So this is one statement he gave me a lot of trouble for and was incorrect about.
So, blazemist was completely wrong about ebon ruin or he hasn't clarified his statement due to arguments, and I can't talk to anyone, so either way he is being hypocritical about all of this.
I really wish people would stop buzzing around me and standing 2 feet in front of my face, regardless of what their opinion is of me. I just made it back to the zone just to have some other hater stand right in front of my camera, and I can't even ask people to stop.
Another thing people need to remember is that my number 1 goal is to play and have fun, not to prove or disprove anything you ask. I'll use the builds I've mentioned at my discretion, not yours. Be patient.
I really wish people would stop buzzing around me and standing 2 feet in front of my face, regardless of what their opinion is of me. I just made it back to the zone just to have some other hater stand right in front of my camera, and I can't even ask people to stop.
Another thing people need to remember is that my number 1 goal is to play and have fun, not to prove or disprove anything you ask. I'll use the builds I've mentioned at my discretion, not yours. Be patient.
You are a copvp with your fans..btw when will you duel meh plz?
Would you please stop cluttering up with thread with useless insults? I never said I couldn't deal with this or that, or made any statements about coping with anything. Maybe you should start thinking about the purpose of posting such things instead of assuming this or that. You automatically assume that this or that is hard for me, like prank saying that I don't like stealth. So that's two statements that are incorrect so far, about my ability to deal with ebon ruin or stealth, or I misrepresented people. Still far too hypocritical for silencing me 30 times.
Actually, I think that was part of the reason why I had stopped debating with people about fixes and things: far too many people assume that just because I don't like something, that means I don't know how to counter it. I consider this a misinterpretation of facts, and it makes me even more annoyed at those who don't like what I say.
So far, nobody has admitted to being hypocritical, or clarified any of their accusations, so I find that quite distasteful to say the least, and I've been past the point of disappointment already.
No reply so far about malware's dishonesty and omission of facts, and why his "video" of that game is clearly different than my memory of it. Seems rather "convenient" that he would accuse me of just lying about it and being a troll or whatever he wants to say instead of trying to find out why there are clear differences, but I'll let you be the judge as I always have. Either way, my explanation of events makes much more sense than that video, since I was the one playing it. heh
Oh i'm sorry Lucy I wasn't trying to be rude,just a light hearted joke...
Don't add me in the list of the people saying you're a liar and've proven yourself many times and without a sg full of people supporting ya.
This isn't the time for jokes. Look back a few pages and you'll see that I'm clearly annoyed and you might get an idea why. Please don't assume that you know why I'm annoyed. I couldn't even give an explanatory reply to jon in the other thread because it got locked.
Still no serious update from malware about his accusations of me and omission of information. I still think he's biased.
This isn't the time for jokes. Look back a few pages and you'll see that I'm clearly annoyed and you might get an idea why. Please don't assume that you know why I'm annoyed. I couldn't even give an explanatory reply to jon in the other thread because it got locked.
Still no serious update from malware about his accusations of me and omission of information. I still think he's biased.
But, WTF? What was / is this thread about? Very...umm Cryptic indeed. Cover up's? Lies?
Mobs beating on one player? (Lame by the way) As an outsider, but certainly a player that's seen some of the goings on in the ren center...Lucy does have a mouth on her!
When she starts up, go to another instance. I have seen people go over to her and get in her face and crowd her, but yet not saying a word. What is that about? I am not sticking up for her, but some of what she is saying is true. If seeing is believing that is. I have witnessed some of the fights as well and will keep to myself. Anyway...
Let her rant. Does she really need to be ganged in BASH? Does she really need to be silenced all the time? Just IGNORE her if she gets on your nerves!! If you get her chat banned isn't that the same thing? C'mon people!
If you really can't stand her, don't give her the time of day. And don't respond to her.
Problem solved, Right? Just seems like a waste of time otherwise.
But, WTF? What was / is this thread about? Very...umm Cryptic indeed. Cover up's? Lies?
Mobs beating on one player? (Lame by the way) As an outsider, but certainly a player that's seen some of the goings on in the ren center...Lucy does have a mouth on her!
When she starts up, go to another instance. I have seen people go over to her and get in her face and crowd her, but yet not saying a word. What is that about? I am not sticking up for her, but some of what she is saying is true. If seeing is believing that is. I have witnessed some of the fights as well and will keep to myself. Anyway...
Let her rant. Does she really need to be ganged in BASH? Does she really need to be silenced all the time? Just IGNORE her if she gets on your nerves!! If you get her chat banned isn't that the same thing? C'mon people!
If you really can't stand her, don't give her the time of day. And don't respond to her.
Problem solved, Right? Just seems like a waste of time otherwise.
But, WTF? What was / is this thread about? Very...umm Cryptic indeed. Cover up's? Lies?
Mobs beating on one player? (Lame by the way) As an outsider, but certainly a player that's seen some of the goings on in the ren center...Lucy does have a mouth on her!
When she starts up, go to another instance. I have seen people go over to her and get in her face and crowd her, but yet not saying a word. What is that about? I am not sticking up for her, but some of what she is saying is true. If seeing is believing that is. I have witnessed some of the fights as well and will keep to myself. Anyway...
Let her rant. Does she really need to be ganged in BASH? Does she really need to be silenced all the time? Just IGNORE her if she gets on your nerves!! If you get her chat banned isn't that the same thing? C'mon people!
If you really can't stand her, don't give her the time of day. And don't respond to her.
Problem solved, Right? Just seems like a waste of time otherwise.
Thanks. :P I've always seen you as a level-headed and very reasonable and logical person. I'm sorry to see you say these things especially considering you probably don't know why I was annoyed. I also find this very disconcerting since your friend who uses your other account was very rude to me and made me feel like my duel with him last summer or before then was a waste of my energy.
Thanks. :P I've always seen you as a level-headed and very reasonable and logical person. I'm sorry to see you say these things especially considering you probably don't know why I was annoyed. I also find this very disconcerting since your friend who uses your other account was very rude to me and made me feel like my duel with him last summer or before then was a waste of my energy.
Lucy, i'm not quite sure what you're saddened about. Others have stated why they dislike you, i was simply asking a question by asking these folks to reconsider how they interact with you.
As i said, i come in peace. Did not mean to offend. But, i have a hard time understanding responding to someone you don't like. If all of these people truly can't stand you, shouldn't they just ignore you?
I guess you're right, i guess i don't know why you got annoyed completely. But, i also know you do your fair share of talking too.
I just wish both sides would get along is all.
Peace. Nuff Said on the subject. I hope it all works out.
I guess you're right, i guess i don't know why you got annoyed completely. But, i also know you do your fair share of talking too.
I'm not "sad" about this, and I never said I was perfect, but the quote above is the reason why you see a major problem besides just a choice of words.
I'm not "sad" about this, and I never said I was perfect, but the quote above is the reason why you see a major problem besides just a choice of words.
I so wished you didn't focus on the smaller part of the point i was trying to make.
There are two sides, yes? What i said is not a fact to everybody who reads the post but an opinion. If you feel you "Don't do your fair share of talking" just for an example that is your right.
And i have no problem with that. I just go by what i see and hear. I don't assume many things without first seeing or hearing for myself. I am no lemming. And i'm not here to argue. I can take someone not agreeing with my assessment of whatever this is. To be honest about it, i'm a little more than confused. I just thought it lame for many to attack one, and thought i would ask about and get some insight into why that's OK to do.
On second thought, it might not of been such a great idea. I don't think i really want to know why some people do some of the things they do.
I don't think I need to answer anything here except to the people who have been giving me so much trouble; I see a lot of hypocrisy on these boards, and malware and several other people who support each others' statements have already made statements about me which I've proven here to be completely false, and there's still no clarification about whether I misinterpreted them or not.
I still see no proof that my statements were inaccurate or that malware knows everything about what we talked about and I don't, because obviously he didn't kill me on his own with that build. So whether he understands what I said or vice versa, he didn't do enough to win.
That's why he took 6 of his friends to kill me to make sure I died 9 times, regardless of how many people it takes. lulz
I said I was "#1 in pvp by default" because noobware's thugs didn't do enough to prove anything, not because I'm #1. Again, a joke taken out of context.... oh, but you never asked me whether I was serious or not. ^_~ Nice video, m8. Lock the door on your way out.
Nothing really to add to this conversation. I've said everything important on the first page and a few pages back about using the Ignore button AS FOR ITS INTENTED PURPOSE... But seems like the biggest storm is behind us! It's still cloudy, rain n thunder occasionally.
This is exactly the kind of crap that keeps me away from competitive games.
Those are just 2 individuals trying to hide their lack of ability to defeat each other in a duel behind empty words,vids,pics and actions,there still are some of us playing for fun.
You should try it! Expect might get something that way ;D
Nothing really to add to this conversation. I've said everything important on the first page and a few pages back about using the Ignore button AS FOR ITS INTENTED PURPOSE... But seems like the biggest storm is behind us! It's still cloudy, rain n thunder occasionally.
I'm optimistic.
Have me in my weekend activities
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
If stuff like this prevents you from enjoying something you would normally enjoy, then don't let it bother you. What if you didn't care about what I've been saying lately?
If stuff like this prevents you from enjoying something you would normally enjoy, then don't let it bother you. What if you didn't care about what I've been saying lately?
You can beat me up all you like. heh
Geez... I have never seen a guy so completely insecure and just.. angry. Really, man. Let it go.
The hardest part about being hated in a community is how to come back from it. In a game like this, it's really really hard because an ignore covers your entire account.
Might be time to do a gut check.
This message brought to you by the superhero:
Bacon Overlord
All available action figures, check.
Hit the global cap, check.
All lore and event perks done, check.
All 1K mob perks done, check.
All nemesis mob perks done, check.
Break 20,000 perk points, check.
Complete all 5K perk points, stay tuned!
Geez... I have never seen a guy so completely insecure and just.. angry. Really, man. Let it go.
The hardest part about being hated in a community is how to come back from it. In a game like this, it's really really hard because an ignore covers your entire account.
Might be time to do a gut check.
Lol Lucy bacon is not a soldier...he's a leader.
All available action figures, check.
Hit the global cap, check.
All lore and event perks done, check.
All 1K mob perks done, check.
All nemesis mob perks done, check.
Break 20,000 perk points, check.
Complete all 5K perk points, stay tuned!
Geez... I have never seen a guy so completely insecure and just.. angry. Really, man. Let it go.
The hardest part about being hated in a community is how to come back from it. In a game like this, it's really really hard because an ignore covers your entire account.
Might be time to do a gut check.
Of note, I searched for her through the game system specifically to ensure I had her on ignore.
Only Lucidity cares about Lucidity. The rest of us laugh at her and the only reason we bother with videos is to prove she lies & to prove she sucks. She can forum rage all she wants. It just makes us laugh :biggrin:
Only Lucidity cares about Lucidity. The rest of us laugh at her and the only reason we bother with videos is to prove she lies & to prove she sucks. She can forum rage all she wants. It just makes us laugh :biggrin:
Okay, the Duel video proves that I accept duels from her. Lucidity has stated a few times that I'm "always denying her duel requests" when in fact this was the first one she ever sent me. It also proves she can't kill me, as she has also stated how she can and/or has killed me. Which was... Never! The duel video proves she can't even do damage or fight whatsoever, lol. Just runs around... Yawn.
The B.A.S.H. farm video wasn't really to prove anything. It was simply pure fun and joy. It only proves that she is great at making enemies with her trolling. It's all in good fun! Yay CO!
Only Lucidity cares about Lucidity. The rest of us laugh at her and the only reason we bother with videos is to prove she lies & to prove she sucks. She can forum rage all she wants. It just makes us laugh :biggrin:
Yeah, I don't care about people who don't care about me.
Nice excuse, but I see it as trolling and irresponsibility. You play when it's convenient for you and I'll do the same for me.
Here's my reply, post #87
In addition to that, I wanted to post multiple videos and images over the next several months expanding that thread, but all the people bickering forced it to get padlocked. Thanks again, braG.
Sleep tight, baby, and when you wake up in the morning and come home from school, you better hope that braGware or whoever else doesn't try to alter anything or knock me out of bounds just to say they're "better," since that's what they've accused me of doing, i.e. taking advantage of technicalities and calling it a victory. If they kill me in a duel but not on a consistent basis, or if people see what's going on in multiple hero games demo recordings, I believe the evidence presented will speak for itself.
lol I know for a FACT malware would like to duel you. It's just hard when you have him on ignore and whitelist chat.
Anyway, I'm done talking about this with you. Do what you want. I tried helping you. Now I'm going to try to find a way to make up for all the braincells I lost in the process.
Good day.
I don't need your help, and I surely don't need your second-hand regurgitated information. If I see that he's altered his build then I'll start calling you out again. How arrogant of you to insult me multiple times because of fallacy and then pull your hand back saying you tried to "help." Have a nice day.
Remember, I'm going to be recording all of you most of the time if not throughout the entire year, or however long this game lasts. If I can't record some day, that doesn't falsify anything. I'll try to get as many games as I can with better players, but I was bodyblocked before I could find a more challenging game because my thread got locked. All I'm offering is multiple games, enough to get a clearer picture of what's going on here, but that takes some time. Posting one video before I can get anything else doesn't disprove anything.
Like I said in chat, brad, once you start beating me without stealing builds from green, green saber, strait jacket or whoever else you copy, then I can bow down before you as the king of PvP. Until then, you're just an immature kid who doesn't know what he's talking about. I think green would agree, and I really enjoyed watching him stab you over and over like he wanted to kill you for copying off of him before you knew who he was.
These hypocrites should meditate on this quote, then they wouldn't always assume that majority always rules. 9_9
I think this would work quite nicely if I could have a second opinion in chat, unless they want to start making payments. :P Don't like it? Don't understand it? Okay! Ignore me then. But don't prevent me from expressing it just because you don't want to hear. It makes you look stupid like you don't want anyone to know that I might be right. Hey, I'm helping you out here! ^_~
Either way, we've all done all of the same things and apparently it won't end because I can't even communicate to a team or anyone else. You guys better hope somebody else is doing it and that I don't find out you were lying.
Except that you're ignoring me in-game and I'm not ignoring you in-game.
I'd rather get STO's level of lockbox suck if worthwhile updates come with it. -Buxom
I did that because you chased after me with 7 people the entire game and insulted me in copvp channel months before I got locked out without assuming that there might've been a legitimate reason for me being annoyed with you. I'm glad you finally asked. Since you seem to approve of attacking me with a team of skilled players, I don't think I want to talk to you anyway.
I don't read chat much when I can't reply, and I don't talk to people that I don't know well enough since I only talk to friends and team mates.
I wasn't a part of the 7-man spectresquad. Although Myself and 2 others hunted you once. Again, my brain is derpy, so I can't recount my full history with you. While I did talk to and about you in coPvP, all I remember is that I was questioning you about what you thought was OP. I'm glad you answered seriously.
I'd rather get STO's level of lockbox suck if worthwhile updates come with it. -Buxom
Whether you wanted to help them or not doesn't make a difference, because I can see that several people just wanted to kill only me, and some dishonest and/or irresponsible people like malware and brad keep filtering their video information.
In the end, you can say whatever you want, or people can tell everyone that I'm a mutant salamander from outer space, or they can post videos about BASH and tell the world how it proves that the moon is made of green cheese, but I'll always know what I can do and who I've fought, and I never said anything that implied that I always know 100% of the concepts behind any reasons for any wins or losses.
I've seen you guys make illogical statements that couldn't possibly disprove anything I've said, and I've seen many of you misrepresent things that I was talking about, like that LR test that I saw people couldn't be bothered with.
Shag...he's not a follower,but a leader...(drugs are BAD HABITS DUDE)
I just think we owe you a huge CONGRATULATIONS for getting all those people in a BASH match...pretty pathetic ganging up Lucy though
Lucy come on nerdrage more?u just got ganged nothing more...
Thank you,..
Oh I see what u did there...ur in the space and i'm among the jokes now reading the past few threads i'm yoloing hard...u guys go nuts all the time!
I do...and yeah being on a private sg and hated by both DC/SOT AND AE is too least i'm not acting like i'm the best like everyone else's easy in the forums,isn't it Lucy?
Don't forget Spectre, LA Coalition, Rise of Darkness, Heroes of Darkness, and a never ending list of other SGs. Not to mention the 99% of players in game. :eek:
Not sure about heroes of darkness though,I have some friends there XD
igotbigdick as well
This is why I keep stressing consistency. He's already proven that he was wrong about several of his statements, which none of you have denied so far. He said ebon ruin beats everything. I didn't have much problem with his, and he regained the upper hand at times and so did I. I see no difference here other than his statement about ebon being incorrect.
I noticed also that I saw smoochy following me around, even after the duel stopped. I don't like people following me around everywhere I go and standing 2 feet in front of my face. I consider this to be rude. I can't believe I just had to switch zones to get rid of her. Let's see if I can switch back. I think you all should also be aware of the fact that there's a reason why I quit dueling and started playing hero games instead. Don't assume you already know why.
Once I know whether or not people will fight me, then I can start recording you. Keep in mind that I mostly like to do hero games, so I'll be recording mostly that; I rarely duel anymore and I never said I would always do it. There's a reason why I fight the way I do and why I build the way I do. To assume you already know when I've already heard of cases where several people ask why I fight the way I do is a bad way to start, let's just put it that way. So this is one statement he gave me a lot of trouble for and was incorrect about.
So, blazemist was completely wrong about ebon ruin or he hasn't clarified his statement due to arguments, and I can't talk to anyone, so either way he is being hypocritical about all of this.
Another thing people need to remember is that my number 1 goal is to play and have fun, not to prove or disprove anything you ask. I'll use the builds I've mentioned at my discretion, not yours. Be patient.
You are a copvp with your fans..btw when will you duel meh plz?
Actually, I think that was part of the reason why I had stopped debating with people about fixes and things: far too many people assume that just because I don't like something, that means I don't know how to counter it. I consider this a misinterpretation of facts, and it makes me even more annoyed at those who don't like what I say.
So far, nobody has admitted to being hypocritical, or clarified any of their accusations, so I find that quite distasteful to say the least, and I've been past the point of disappointment already.
Don't add me in the list of the people saying you're a liar and've proven yourself many times and without a sg full of people supporting ya.
The almighty smacker of wells will be upon us soon.
Still no serious update from malware about his accusations of me and omission of information. I still think he's biased.
But, WTF? What was / is this thread about? Very...umm Cryptic indeed. Cover up's? Lies?
Mobs beating on one player? (Lame by the way) As an outsider, but certainly a player that's seen some of the goings on in the ren center...Lucy does have a mouth on her!
When she starts up, go to another instance. I have seen people go over to her and get in her face and crowd her, but yet not saying a word. What is that about? I am not sticking up for her, but some of what she is saying is true. If seeing is believing that is. I have witnessed some of the fights as well and will keep to myself. Anyway...
Let her rant. Does she really need to be ganged in BASH? Does she really need to be silenced all the time? Just IGNORE her if she gets on your nerves!! If you get her chat banned isn't that the same thing? C'mon people!
If you really can't stand her, don't give her the time of day. And don't respond to her.
Problem solved, Right? Just seems like a waste of time otherwise.
I completely agree there...
Thanks. :P I've always seen you as a level-headed and very reasonable and logical person. I'm sorry to see you say these things especially considering you probably don't know why I was annoyed. I also find this very disconcerting since your friend who uses your other account was very rude to me and made me feel like my duel with him last summer or before then was a waste of my energy.
As i said, i come in peace. Did not mean to offend. But, i have a hard time understanding responding to someone you don't like. If all of these people truly can't stand you, shouldn't they just ignore you?
I guess you're right, i guess i don't know why you got annoyed completely. But, i also know you do your fair share of talking too.
I just wish both sides would get along is all.
Peace. Nuff Said on the subject. I hope it all works out.
I'm not "sad" about this, and I never said I was perfect, but the quote above is the reason why you see a major problem besides just a choice of words.
There are two sides, yes? What i said is not a fact to everybody who reads the post but an opinion. If you feel you "Don't do your fair share of talking" just for an example that is your right.
And i have no problem with that. I just go by what i see and hear. I don't assume many things without first seeing or hearing for myself. I am no lemming. And i'm not here to argue. I can take someone not agreeing with my assessment of whatever this is. To be honest about it, i'm a little more than confused. I just thought it lame for many to attack one, and thought i would ask about and get some insight into why that's OK to do.
On second thought, it might not of been such a great idea. I don't think i really want to know why some people do some of the things they do.
That's why he took 6 of his friends to kill me to make sure I died 9 times, regardless of how many people it takes. lulz
I said I was "#1 in pvp by default" because noobware's thugs didn't do enough to prove anything, not because I'm #1. Again, a joke taken out of context.... oh, but you never asked me whether I was serious or not. ^_~ Nice video, m8. Lock the door on your way out.
I'm optimistic.
Have me in my weekend activities
@Pallih in game
This is exactly the kind of crap that keeps me away from competitive games.
Those are just 2 individuals trying to hide their lack of ability to defeat each other in a duel behind empty words,vids,pics and actions,there still are some of us playing for fun.
You should try it! Expect might get something that way ;D
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
You can beat me up all you like. heh
Geez... I have never seen a guy so completely insecure and just.. angry. Really, man. Let it go.
The hardest part about being hated in a community is how to come back from it. In a game like this, it's really really hard because an ignore covers your entire account.
Might be time to do a gut check.
This message brought to you by the superhero:
All available action figures, check.
Hit the global cap, check.
All lore and event perks done, check.
All 1K mob perks done, check.
All nemesis mob perks done, check.
Break 20,000 perk points, check.
Complete all 5K perk points, stay tuned!
Come see me on steam (be friends, drink fine wines, clink glasses and KILL STUFF ONLINE!)
Lol Lucy bacon is not a soldier...he's a leader.
Let the record show... I tried.
This message brought to you by the superhero:
All available action figures, check.
Hit the global cap, check.
All lore and event perks done, check.
All 1K mob perks done, check.
All nemesis mob perks done, check.
Break 20,000 perk points, check.
Complete all 5K perk points, stay tuned!
Come see me on steam (be friends, drink fine wines, clink glasses and KILL STUFF ONLINE!)
What exactly is it that your video proves?
Just asking...
Which one?
Okay, the Duel video proves that I accept duels from her. Lucidity has stated a few times that I'm "always denying her duel requests" when in fact this was the first one she ever sent me. It also proves she can't kill me, as she has also stated how she can and/or has killed me. Which was... Never! The duel video proves she can't even do damage or fight whatsoever, lol. Just runs around... Yawn.
The B.A.S.H. farm video wasn't really to prove anything. It was simply pure fun and joy. It only proves that she is great at making enemies with her trolling. It's all in good fun! Yay CO!
Yeah, I don't care about people who don't care about me.
@Pallih in game