Ahhh Hero Games forum... Where nobody is right... And Everybody is wrong. Me mad. It's crying, because it needs help. It's dying of cancer. It's on a life support.
Here is my review of this section of the forum.
There are two main groups in this forum; Malware's group of friends and then there is Luci.
Both sides are responsible of turning this section of the forums into a pile of steaming horse ****.
Making obvious troll threads, threads about bashing others, threads about how good you are - This is awful! why are you guys trying to prove anything to each other? You dignify each others with responses too. The way I see it, while reading this forums,
you're all much more better than that.
The world would be so much better if you just ignored each other. Let the other side have its circle jerking, it shouldn't affect you. Only if you want to be in the center and that's not a nice place to be.
Stop harrashing each other in game too, it's getting ridiculous.
Oh who am I? A nobody. You don't have to listen to me, I just had to let this out of my system.
No. There are only Luci and her fun club. xD
Her fan club posted this thread
IF you read my post, you can clearly see that I'm not taking sides here.
@Pallih in game
You did elsewhere :rolleyes: NT tho.
Just mentioning my name as if it's my fault is proof enough.
:rolleyes: I also mentioned Luci.:rolleyes:
If this is how you'll react, then fine. I didn't really expect anything.
Not really expecting anything from everybody here.
@Pallih in game
One can dream, right? We all play this awsum game and I wanna see us to get along.
@Pallih in game
Seriously, guys. Play nice, or don't play together at all.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
You could just start to completely and utterly ignore Luc. Given what I know abut Luc's personality, that is probably the most cruel thing you could do to them.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
"No stop chat banning me!"
"Screw you then!"
Smackwell so beautifully illustrated what happens every time when peace is attempted.
I'd say that both parties have to stick to it for it to work, but so far, neither party has, while both take the moral high ground in fallacious attempts to show how amicable they are. Also, just because there are two groups arguing, doesn't not mean that everyone is in one of two groups, and is by nature, arguing.
I'd rather get STO's level of lockbox suck if worthwhile updates come with it. -Buxom
Oh, yeah!
I'd like to think you were all alot more mature than this, in fact of those who I have spoken to in game, I KNOW you are all better than this.
Whenever someone is giving me an issue in game I just say this and move on:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvvDE9dwDU8 Press 9 for the line I am talking about.
It's easy and effective.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Threat neutralized.
You can ignore people without it being some sort of "function". Just, once you see their name/portrait.... just let your eyes breeze right past their entire post... don't even read it when other people qoute it.
You'd be surprised how normal this section seems when you ignore the presence of certain peoples' posts.
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
OMG DUDE! Wut is the POINT of Sylux?!!
HAHA I Got Both Your Handles, BRO! You Are SO DEAD, bro!! *_* @shev86
ugh... nevermind.
Didn't we have an epic energy builder duel a few days ago? :rolleyes:
Lets see how things go this time when it comes to making "Peace"
I am all for peace. But this was never my conflict to begin with
You forgots the Me , Brou and Ginger camp I.E the ones that dont give two f$%ks
Heres a picture of a dog with a Kebab on its head.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Kebabs on dogs are wrong and an evil thought.
Here have a cat in space
Sorry. (not really)
Commissioner Cyrax: Well, we buy builds, they buy copybuilds. We start wearing Invulnerability, they buy armor-piercing mods.... and you wearing a ninja mask... falling off rooftops...
...take this girl, unarmed robbery, humorcide, she left me her calling card:
That dog looks less than happy
Anyone need a refill?
I dont know whats even happening am so drunk. Am sorry. I see cats n dogs in this thread, gotta review this tomorrow. or today. damn timezones.
@Pallih in game
YOU...You're grounded.
@Pallih in game
go sleep =P
@Pallih in game
How's your headache?
...I'm not interested in the kinds of hugs that cat is trying to give out. i.e. guess what's behind the word HUGZ...
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
Evidence doesn't WORK in PvP!!
This escalator is too slow... I'll have to take the stairs:
That last step is a doozy. 9_6
Yeah, you know you like these. :P
I took a screenshot when the PvP Council asked me for peace:
e-thuggin' .....like a b0ss. :P
@Pallih in game
pic is a bit distorted :P
(B)eating noobware... like a b0ss.
Tender moments with my inner child and her super-ego.
I Bang Bang Yew! ~*^_^*~ o==={=========> c(x_x).\ Thanks, Sylux.
OMG Tag So Hard! x_x Wut I Do?? u_u I need bild
Tactical nuke to ya b0lloX </3 LUV TAPS (tapped out :P)
Video or it didn't happen. NO REALLY!!! *_*
A flower of light in the field of darkness... surrounded by evil... again >_>
03-13-2013 - B.A.S.H. Hero Games Here's a video of an entire bash match where you made me your sole target, and failed so hard to even annoy me... And in this one, I was even outnumbered! huehuehue! :rolleyes:
You're a very ignorable opponent.
BUSTED! xD You're a very ignorant human being.
Thanks :biggrin:
It was really tedious to edit the entire footage frame-by-frame to make you look as bad as u make yourself look in reality. Oh wait, that's not editing! huehuehueuuuargh Luciditus! wer iz muh savir men sylx!
osnap.jpg [Error: malware detected; shutting down. x_x]
I want some Chinese food.
Two-gun mojo at Sum-Ting Wong's Chinese ninja takeout
just braG-ing. Here you go, br0h!
Oh, I almost forgot... villain games PvP isn't reality. Sweet and Sour Crow. </3
Spectre finally let me join instead of exposing the PvP COimmunity. Right now I'm promoting braGuar's next action flick:
Damn, that looks good. I want some.
@flamingbunnyman in game. Formerly @Roderick in City of Heroes.
Admitting you were wrong doesn't WORK in PvP!! @_@
Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
@Pallih in game