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FC.31.20130110.14 PTS Update



  • sigmaseven0sigmaseven0 Posts: 714 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    ashensnow wrote: »
    You are mistaken. If no one is on the PTS it is because there is nothing there that they are interested in testing. It is up to Cryptic to provide the PTS with content that their testing community are interested in.

    Remember that these are Cryptic's customers, not their employees. If Cryptic makes the choice to put something that their customers do not find appealing on PTS any fault with a lack of testers does not lie with the customers.

    At this rate, they may need to open up pts to silvers.

    PVP is starving without rewards

    1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
    2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
  • somebobsomebob Posts: 980 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    They broke it.
    We saw what the "Skeletor" level enemies did to certain event.

    I thought what broke that was the fact that the Team Up system is broken and can cause severe 'issues' when paired against level 60 mobs?

    And I'd LOVE to see more Scary Mob tech mobs out there. It's too bad that Cryptic doesn't see it being a good thing and refuses to use it.
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  • oyo32oyo32 Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    At this rate, they may need to open up pts to silvers.

    They could also reopen the Z-Store and do other things to attract people back here (such as incentives).

    /wishful thinking
  • wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    hocofaisan wrote: »

    How ungrateful are you guys! Cryptic spends all this time listening to your feedback, and makes one insignificant change and you all throw a hissy fit?

    I mean do you guys read what you post?

    I refuse to test this? Wow guys really? How insulting!

    I think too many of you are invested much to deeply in this game at an unhealthy level. (OOPS! Being a little hypocritical here myself! See post history, LoL!)

    I have 1 toon at 40 (most of my toons are alts afterall), and sure there is a lowering of damage when exemplared down to 30 but even so with my superior gear I am still better than a natural 30 (or shrug, good enough) to do the content!

    I want to point out that many of you (Falchoin and SanguineViper) have stated in the past, the game is way too easy, yet you are lamenting the fact that your damage is lowered in the exemplar formula?

    Can you all see how hypocritical that is?

    I for one welcome these changes, if its what Cryptic has to do to ensure that the event is balanced for as many players as possible, then the rest of you should be welcoming it as well.

    Lets turn those frowns upside down and cheer cryptic on!

    I for one will definately be on PTS giving it a go!

    Wow, chill dude. Admittedly some responses are rather flared up and there are some unnecessary outbursts, however there is full sense why this mission should not be scaled down to level 30. Nevertheless it does not warrant not testing the other aspects of it.

    Let me try to point out the rationale for keeping this mission at level 40 or at least 35 and up.

    1. Majority of players would have a level 40 toon which does not have much else to do. Any newer players can very quickly level a toon to 40 and participate in this mission in a couple of days with smash alerts.

    2. This is supposed to be a Mega-Event and level 30 is really not too Mega. Also, considering all the previous lead up to it has been pitched at level 40 it will really be weird to scale the finale down to level 30.

    3. If scaling players down to level 30 is to make things more challenging which I can assure you is not, we can just raise the bar for the Leviathan attacks.

    4. If level 30 is the mark where lvl 6 toons can be scaled up without too big a disparity, this does not really work either. Lvl 6 performance at other alerts will tell you that no amount of scaling is going to help them very much because they still lack SS, passives etc.

    5. As pointed out by others, any drops will then be scaled to lvl 30 which makes them very worthless to lvl 40 toons and this discourages them from participating in this event.

    I will still be willing to help test this event for the other areas but scaling down to lvl 30 does not make much sense. As long as they use the queue system like Gravitar and not the open map Mega D event which bugs out with the autogrouping, there should not be a major bug issue which cannot be resolved. However, we would certainly like to hear from the devs if they have any genuine backend concerns.
  • skcarkskcark Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lordgar wrote: »
    - The event now autolevels you to 30

    Typical, i blame cryptic, and everyone for causing them to delay a week. Even when these guys "fix" things the have to go and ruin it.

    over 6 damn long weeks of nothing but an over hyped event with barely any programming done, i was completely bored, when i heard there was no auto level to 30, people cna play from 40 i was finally excited. LOLNOPE, Cryptic decided to auto level back to 30. They are aware everyone hates the stupid level 30 crap.

    Now instead we get a completely stupid event, people gave feedback saying the bleak monster doesn't do enough damage to be "tough", well now they realised it's damage, and lowered your level.

    Cryptic,. i HATE this stupid level 30 crap, everyone does. and i hate your damn alerts. Why can't you at least pretend to care rather than doing everything possible to annoy everyone
  • bioshrikebioshrike Posts: 5,491 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Why would I want to bring a level 40 to an event where I am made weaker by being scaled down? How about setting a *minimum* level to participate, for once? Give an incentive to those playing to actually level up their characters. The time it takes to reach 40, since On Alert went live, has been greatly reduced as it is... please don't further invalidate any sense of accomplishment reaching level 40 may grant.
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  • fentonatorfentonator Posts: 48 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    In case folks hadn't noticed, the Lemurian mobs are skele-mobs. The tech is still there (although they con gray to my 40 and purple to my 16, and the difficulty seems about in line with that, so it is fairly obviously not actually scaling them the way it presumably should).

    Tell you what, Cryptic: you can scale me to 30 if *all* of my gear continues to work as-is.

    Otherwise? Yeah, I'll farm it until I get the things I want, *or* manage to buy them somewhere (assuming they're not BoP like so much other stuff). Past that there's really very little point in fighting a mob that looks cool the first half-dozen times but which is almost certainly going to only be dropping loot at level 30 (assuming y'all didn't introduce some grand new tech, here, and that it will in fact behave exactly like the 'big alert' it is clearly built as). Especially not when it negates much of what I've spent time on investing into my primary toons.

    I do exactly enough alerts to earn the daily rewards, and pretty much never otherwise bother. I find multiple other forms of grinding in the game *far* more... well, actually, I shouldn't describe it as a positive. Far *less* eye-roll-inducing.
  • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    people keep mentioning drop rewards
    i ask, What drop rewards? there is absolutely no reward worth trying for in this event.
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,970 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    fentonator wrote: »
    In case folks hadn't noticed, the Lemurian mobs are skele-mobs. The tech is still there (although they con gray to my 40 and purple to my 16, and the difficulty seems about in line with that, so it is fairly obviously not actually scaling them the way it presumably should).

    I hadn't noticed.. I'm not playing the game at all anymore.
  • wesleytansgwesleytansg Posts: 863 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    theapygoos wrote: »
    people keep mentioning drop rewards
    i ask, What drop rewards? there is absolutely no reward worth trying for in this event.

    LOL unless you are into tanks and action figures. Which is why I kept pointing out there has to be some incentives for people to work towards, be it a super rare random legion gear or a near super rare 1 to 2 salvage drops. If the devs look carefully in game, there are not many players who are playing with vehicles or action figures seriously.

    For myself I will probably get the action figure for fun sake but nothing too critical. Please devs, hear the voices of your players.
  • skcarkskcark Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gamehobo wrote: »
    I hadn't noticed.. I'm not playing the game at all anymore.

    You should PM me what you play nowadays, who knows, maybe we both already do play the same thing.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    *yawn* Now that I've woken up to a new day, I will say this.

    Even though my post was fairly harsh IMO, I still think we need some justification as to why if necessary we need to be nerfed to level 40. The last iteration we had the Harbinger was still a pain to take down at level 40. At level 30 I really don't see it panning out well.

    I for one later today will be going on the PTS and testing out this new version and seeing what I make of it. Unless something unexpected happens and its ok, I'll stop complaining. But as it stands, Nemcon, Therakiels Tower, Vikorin the Blind and Gravitar are the only instances where level 40s can use their full power, so far.(I could be really wrong but it's all I could think of right now)

    The Sky Command mission had ALOT of promise. Why? Because we were promised "Scary Monster Tech" which was code for "you can play at level 40". This Tech was removed and never to be seen again.

    The Mega Destroid Invasion was a great testament to fun content from Cryptic (when it worked) and gave promise for open world combat on a large scale, similar to what used to happen in CoH with the giant snowman/beast thingy in Atlas Park (*takes a stroll down memory lane* :rolleyes:)

    Needless to say, everyone is anticipating this instanced mission. I do hope that when a Developer finishes trawling through the posts or heck even the first 10 posts, they'll update this will an iteration without level 30 auto nerfing OR provide an explaination as to why we need to be nerfed to level 30. Personally I'd prefer the first suggestion, but if there is a geniune problem which cannot be addressed in time, then we shall have to face facts.

    I just hope I don't face the same dissapointment when you guys get round to finishing the work which was started 5 months ago, you know that emaciated thing in the corner called New Telepathy.
  • sekimensekimen Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The issue with downscaling people to level 30 isthat it lowers your effectiveness by 50%, that a level 40 character does worse than a level 30 character and that you're downscaled at all. This is a game with level-based progression and lowering one's level after they have "completed" their objective is just a kick in the nuts. That crap made me ragequit Guildwars 2 because it was in all areas. Here, it only makes me want to forget about alerts.

    Like, seriously, I build my characters for level 40 and with some level 40 factors (like cooldown length, buff duration, etc) all in mind. When you nerf me to level 30, I pretty much just have to say "OK, I'm only running Gravitar with this character, because 50% more effort for 50% less effectiveness is bull".
  • skcarkskcark Posts: 715 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    You lost me at "reasons behind the level change" Cryptic have no reason. they do it because they saw people being grateful at being able to play at level 40. And then because people annoyed them with having to postpone for a week, they decided nerfing the level was the best way to get payback for having to be expected to bring some quality to the game by fixing bugs.​​
    Post edited by kaiserin#0958 on
  • cyronecyrone Posts: 1,028 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lordgar wrote: »
    - The event now autolevels you to 30

    I know that I've shared this one somewhere on the forums before, but I find that it's appropriate here as well: Video
    "There is only one way to support a PFF tank: Send Cyrone lots of money weekly... because he's the only one to successfully be a true PFF Tank." - chuckwolf
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    sekimen wrote: »
    The issue with downscaling people to level 30 isthat it lowers your effectiveness by 50%, that a level 40 character does worse than a level 30 character and that you're downscaled at all. This is a game with level-based progression and lowering one's level after they have "completed" their objective is just a kick in the nuts. That crap made me ragequit Guildwars 2 because it was in all areas. Here, it only makes me want to forget about alerts.

    Like, seriously, I build my characters for level 40 and with some level 40 factors (like cooldown length, buff duration, etc) all in mind. When you nerf me to level 30, I pretty much just have to say "OK, I'm only running Gravitar with this character, because 50% more effort for 50% less effectiveness is bull".

    Exactly. It brings a certain meme to mind...I can just picture what it would say:

    Players actually like the content? BETTER NERF THEM TO LEVEL 30!

    Either way, Kaizerin has a point. No point it comming out on LIVE if level 30 nerfing isnt the only thing wrong with this alert. As of now, I am going on PTS.
  • honestresearcherhonestresearcher Posts: 657 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    People who have woken up from Cryosleep for thousands of years, woke up at the thought and sight of end-game level-40-only content happening in Champions Online...but where then screwed out of their time, and have gone back into cryosleep....forever waiting...and very dissappointed, and wont even play it.

    I agree with the vehicle drop chance reduction, but the 40 to 30 change...Cryptic can toss themselves in a fire for that.
  • thelastsonofzodthelastsonofzod Posts: 658 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    This game needs endlevel content.

    I have five level 40s gathering dust for lack of things to do, and no incentive to invest in making more. This mission should be scary tech or level 40, and the next update needs to be ALL level 40 stuff.
  • voyagersixvoyagersix Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    A few thoughts:

    :confused: Please give numbers for the new tank drop rate. You gave us 10% before, so now we're just guessing?

    :rolleyes: Lowbies having access will bury this event. Gate this to 35+ like Gravitar.

    :mad: - The event now autolevels you to 30.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,784 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Combine the event with an xp bonus weekend, and new players could have a shot at leveling a toon to 40 to play.

    I am saddened by the level 30 function. I was looking forward to the event as another Rampage with high-level, higher-skilled toons and players.

    The devs responded to the first round of player feedback. Please respond to this.

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  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    What annoys me is that it was implied from the start that this event will require


    If level 30 is the max for high level skill then level 40 characters must be severely OP. :rolleyes:

    I dont see why we cant use the first iteration with level gating and improvements/additions...it would be the perfect alert/instance in a way.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    Those 2 just don't belong together. We know it and now it seems they know it too.
    And we all know Cryptics BSfactorknob has been on 11 quite along time.
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  • duratokgorehowlduratokgorehowl Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Quite the backlash we've got on our hands! I definitely agree with it.

    I'm curious if we'll be seeing any costume drops from this, and if the Kraken's tentacles have been animated. Will we actually be able to see the Kraken too, or will he become a giant blood of glowing particle effects again?
  • malvoumalvou Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    You tryin' to goof me again, Cryptic?

    I really was excited for this endgame event but now that I'm going to be gimped, I really don't feel the urge to do it.
  • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Quite the backlash we've got on our hands! I definitely agree with it.

    I'm curious if we'll be seeing any costume drops from this, and if the Kraken's tentacles have been animated. Will we actually be able to see the Kraken too, or will he become a giant blood of glowing particle effects again?
    the last time they gave us costume drops, it was costumes already available in the game. and before that it was costumes that were previously 400 day subscriber rewards.
  • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    okay, constructive feedback time, though i think most of these pointshave eben covered throughout the thread.

    -Better Drop rewards!
    lets face it, vehicles are at best alternative travel powers with a few pew pew's, a Tank, while it may be fun to some, is trash to most. you can use legion gear, which is already in the game! or maybe some new gear of some kind. maybe a new aura? we all know how hot Dark Aura is. Maybe make the back up devices come back? That would REALLY give people a reason to do this.
    lets list off some loot:
    Back up devices
    legion gear
    vigilante gear
    Rank 6+ mods
    action figures can be cute [prolly the last thing people want.]
    Aura devices
    large resource rewards.

    This is all stuff that's pretty much already in game, and i guarantee you people would play it in droves if this kind of loot had chances of dropping.

    now onto the major consensus..

    put it back to 40, make it 35+!
    I now your secret agenda here is to try and push people to use more vehicles. Fact is, Vehicles compared to even a level 30 character are trash. your average level 30 with green-blue gear can at the very least double the DPS, double the effective tanking, and double the healing from any vehicles, no matter what rank its mods are. Just make it end game content for level 40's, like its supposed to be.
  • somebobsomebob Posts: 980 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    l1ghtstar wrote: »
    Bug: Alert auto-levels you to 30.

    This is too great not to use. That said:

    BUG: 1) Conflag/Lightning Storm/Avalanche are STILL BROKEN and can NOT actually deal damage to the boss. Your energy will be consumed and you'll see the charge bar, but you will NOT actually hurt your target. I made a huge giant post on this last PTS thread, and I'm not repeating it.

    2) The boss is WAY WAY WAY TOO NOISY. You need to drop drop the volume by at least 25% as the Kraken is just WAY too insanely loud.

    3) Pulse Beam Rifle WILL CAUSE SEIZURES when fighting against this boss! HOLY HELL was it bright and flashy and just wow.

    4) Rewards blow. But you knew that already. Unless you get lucky and snag a tank or the new AF. R1 Vehicle Mods are an insult when mobs drop R4/R5 mods in the world.

    5) You need a better way to tell the players they need to shoot the Exowhatevers! Can you change the mission objective when the boss can't be hurt to say, "Destroy 0/15 Exowhatever"? Or is your mission objective tech not able to be updated on the fly like that?

    6) What are [Crystallos Shard] for? Some new reward mechanic? They stack to 999 and drop a TON in there.
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  • matixzonmatixzon Posts: 120 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    somebob wrote: »
    This is too great not to use. That said:

    6) What are [Crystallos Shard] for? Some new reward mechanic? They stack to 999 and drop a TON in there.

    I have got these from Lemurian mobs in MI, they aren't new.

    I like cats :cool:.

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  • falchoinfalchoin Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    It's good the kraken is immune until vulnerabe. Ideally it would be immune to all effects except crippling challenge and challenging strikes until vulnerable. Otherwise the kraken is a mess of effects and gives the impression it can be damaged. Additionally, all those effects fill the screen for close range and melee characters which makes the fight annoying.

    In my run I got 700Q and 10 rank 1 vehicle mods. Second run netted 700Q, a 10% catalyst, a green secondary (level 40 thankfully) and 10 rank 1 vehicle mods. Neither would not be enough to make me want to run it again on live. Or even once if said rewards are not changed. Rank 1 mods are a joke since rank 4-5 mods drop for level 40's. Personally, I don't care about vehicles which means the rewards are even more useless to me.

    The UNTIL Hoverdisk should last longer. 15 minutes will likely not be enough time to chase down all the fliers multiple times to kill the kraken in lower dps groups.

    The kraken will become vulnerable before all the fliers are defeated.

    There is no perk for completing the event.

    The fliers move too quickly to chase even using the UNTIL Hoverdisk. Oftentimes they would fly out of range for even a single EB shot (using Eldritch Bolts).

    Did not find Sapphire. Found Defender fighting and haxxing his health back to full a lot.

    The big AoE the kraken uses should not have a target hit cap. I'm assuming this was the reason I was never hit since we had a pet spam toon + multiple pheromones.
  • cascadencecascadence Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    somebob wrote: »
    This is too great not to use. That said:

    BUG: 1) Conflag/Lightning Storm/Avalanche are STILL BROKEN and can NOT actually deal damage to the boss. Your energy will be consumed and you'll see the charge bar, but you will NOT actually hurt your target. I made a huge giant post on this last PTS thread, and I'm not repeating it.

    Actually this bug has been in the live server for awhile. I know for a fact with conflag if you try to cast it but you are out of range... it will let you cast it anyway (consuming energy and the animation triggers as well) but the damage won't kick in. You have to get a bit closer to get those powers to actually damage.

    Click up there if you want to find more about the costumes behind my heroines.
  • oyo32oyo32 Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    somebob wrote: »
    Rewards blow
    falchoin wrote: »
    In my run I got... (insert list of useless junk here)
    Really? Rank 1 vehicle mods? I've gotten better rewards out of McDonald's happy meals.
  • voyagersixvoyagersix Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    theapygoos wrote: »
    -Better Drop rewards!

    legion gear
    vigilante gear
    Rank 6+ mods
    Aura devices
    large resource rewards.

    These are the rewards we're looking for.

    Costume drops would be nice, too. I get that you don't have the time, resources or desire to create new costumes, so put in some legacy or grab bag items that are no longer available. They already exist! As is, there is absolutely no incentive to do this content.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    There is no perk for completing the event.

    The lack of perks has been the problem for along time. Titles, history/story and stuff.
    Yea, someone will blurt out that perks are just fluff. Atleast you got something to show what you've accomplished when the Mega/any Event is gone.
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  • gandalesgandales Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    The alert is fun, nothing revolutionary but fun.
    My 2 cents:

    1) There should be a big warning on screen about killing tentacles in order to make the boss vulnerable.

    2) I would make tentacles weaker but spawn more often, so a part of the group should be designated tentacle killers(a perk on that would be interesting). Keep in mind that tentacles are the only think that make the encounter different for tank & spank(some could even think zerging).

    3) Not sure about other rewards but mods are too bad, they should be at least on par to burst alerts, 3 rank 4 would not be much but I think it would make interesting doing the alert.

    Difficulty didn't see too much but I guess the group was pretty strong, probably on an average group the alert would be more challenging. I didn't see any timer so it should be ok.

    Since the alert is already behind schedule I won't propose any deep changes but I think it could definitely be subject to improvement in the future(same as sky command should be)
  • honestresearcherhonestresearcher Posts: 657 Arc User
    edited February 2013

    -Reduce the size of the kraken by 25%...by being too big its just ends up looking.....bad...

    -Im happy with the noises the kraken makes (it WOULD be loud) but it plays its loud screams TOO OFTEN, Reduce the amount of loud shouts.

    -Loot is terrible besides the vehicle..just going to vendor it. Maybe increase Questionite to 1500. Mods should AT LEAST MATCH Burst alerts, dont insult people with rank 1's. I would expect between ranks 3 to 6 dropping.

    -Krakens Difficulty is too easy (how many times have i said this now?). As a 10 man, i'd expect the difficulty to be around as hard as gravitar. Gravitar is a good example of the correct level of difficulty people ENJOY and are successful with, sometimes not.

    -Framerate is terrible (on a good computer btw) and my computers hardware went 5' hotter than any other place in the game..please reduce whatever unnecassary renders there are causing the slowdown.

    -The Krakens animations are too fast and unrealistic.

    -Anyone applying Negative ions (lightning tree) to the kraken are going to cause your customers REAL SIEZURES. Please address this before you hurt people....this is not a joke.

    -Level 30....NO!!! make it level 40. Dont be rediculously stupid against your fanbase. We do not support this choice. We have been waiting years for 40 only content..
  • voyagersixvoyagersix Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gandales wrote: »
    I won't propose any deep changes but I think it could definitely be subject to improvement in the future(same as sky command should be)

    These problems need to be solved before this content goes live or they'll never get addressed. That is how this game works.
  • oyo32oyo32 Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    voyagersix wrote: »
    These problems need to be solved before this content goes live or they'll never get addressed. That is how this game works.
    I kinda doubt they will be addressed period. I wouldn't be surprised if this is how the event will be.

    Speaking of raising the difficulty, I would be fine with this if the autolevel thingermajiger was removed. But this boss is meant to be fought with vehicles as well, so I could only imagine the slaughter vehicle users would experience during this fight if it hit as hard as Gravitar.

  • chalupaoffurychalupaoffury Posts: 2,553 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Level 30? Are you serious? Oh ffs.

    I'll tell you what, why don't we just go ahead and delete all of our 40s? We can't use em properly anyway, so what's the point?

    Yeah, I'm one of the "the game's too easy" people too. The correct response to my complaints isn't to nerf me. The correct response would be to require tactics, like grav can, or interesting mechanics, like the time slow effect in Demonflame. Adds that Debuff, like Brickbusters. We already have a full assortment of exactly what they could do to dumb down the stronger players, and not totally ruin lower people who've been beefed up to 40.

    I feel particularly burnt by this because *I played along with the vehicle game*. I bought keys and kept pushing until I got my Hawk bike. I bought a tank. I got a jet. I was all about giving this stuff a shot, and spent a lot of money to help support its development, since I just started doing it after you announced a new mega event. And now I get to take my main in and get out-dpsed/healed/have less hp than people 10 levels below me.

    Buyer's remorse, guys. Please listen to everyone else in this thread. You're screwing your veterans by doing this, yet again.

    What the heck is so bad about adding new endgame content? It really seems like it's taboo. I'm starting to feel like a horse on a treadmill, with a carrot dangling in front of it.
    In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
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  • somebobsomebob Posts: 980 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    cascadence wrote: »
    Actually this bug has been in the live server for awhile. I know for a fact with conflag if you try to cast it but you are out of range... it will let you cast it anyway (consuming energy and the animation triggers as well) but the damage won't kick in. You have to get a bit closer to get those powers to actually damage.

    Actually, this bug has been around since -launch- AFAIK. It's just that back then, the only mob that was an issue was the Mega-D.

    Now we have a mob who is so big, that it completely screws up said power and makes the bug VERY obvious. Here's a picture:

    BUG WITH MAINTAINED AOEs: https://www.dropbox.com/s/49m3iqluckmun57/COConflagIssue.jpg
    (NOTE: My picture is wrong - the animation won't fire if you're 'out of range despite being in range (blue)', but you will see the maintain bar ticking down.)

    But again, since bug has been around forever, and CO has a dev team of about one right now, there's no chance in heck of seeing this fixed before this launches.
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  • theapygoostheapygoos Posts: 384 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    gamehobo wrote: »

    if we cant get proper content, what makes you think telepathy is coming within the next few years?
    either way this thread isnt about the now cancelled telepathy, this thread is about the lemurian alert.
  • gaelyn1gaelyn1 Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    lordgar wrote: »
    - The event now autolevels you to 30

    But, but, but ... Why this stupid idea, again ?

    Why not up all the low level characters to 40, and let the level 40 characters plays with their normal levels and normal hp, stats and damage ?

    There is almost no end game, Stuffing them is almost the only things to do at level 40.
    Why the players would want to stuff their characters to be nerfed with the sidekick to level 30 's system.
    This is really illogical.

    Why to not autolevels at level 6, the next time ? :rolleyes:

    Cryptic... Your decisions with this game will always surprises me. Even when you have a good idea (plays it at level 40 as the first iteration) you always find the way to change it for something worse. You're really awesome, you know it ?.
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well. 10 pages in, and everyone is saying the same thing. Cryptic, do you know how to handle this?...I bet you don't.
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    So wait...he hasnt changed? In the initial iteration he managed to hit me for 1.4k once for the entire fight...and I was on my level 40 telepath.

    This is depressing...

    and yes I agree (suprisingly) with Kaizerin....Oh btw...can you still swim under him and attack?

    #TelepathyNow (Sadly, my psychic predictions say it aint comming too quickly Q_Q)​​
    Post edited by kaiserin#0958 on
  • theravenforcetheravenforce Posts: 7,123 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Well. 10 pages in, and everyone is saying the same thing. Cryptic, do you know how to handle this?...I bet you don't.

    Of course they will handle it!!! The solution is soooo simple! Release it on LIVE anyway...despite 10 pages of negative feedback..
  • zenebatos2zenebatos2 Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    And this, boys and girls is why i din't play CO for the last 8 months.

    Waste of time and money.
  • sorceror01sorceror01 Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Can I also go on the record as saying that, not only am I also against this "autolevel to 30" nonsense, but I am ALSO against the "slight lowering" of the Tsunami tank drop chance?
    I mean, it was already at 10% chance per player. That's not a large drop chance to begin with. It guarantees that you'd, at most, have to play that mission around ten times if you want one (mathematically speaking; game mechanically speaking, it could potentially take much longer).
    10% is fine. Don't need no "slight lowering" here. You are kind of borking the game's first truly free vehicle drop here.
    I'm respectfully requesting of being informed what the new drop chance is. We were already initially informed that it was originally set at 10%, so you devs should have no problem letting us know what the new, lower per cent chance is.
    And I'll also throw down that "autoleveling to 30" is silly. You guys have the so-called "monster tech" that scales a mob to whichever player is fighting it.
  • stellariodragonstellariodragon Posts: 588 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'll have to add my displeasure to the auto-leveling down to 30.

    Any way you can make auto-leveling only kick in if players are under 30?
  • gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,970 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    I'll have to add my displeasure to the auto-leveling down to 30.

    Any way you can make auto-leveling only kick in if players are under 30?

    They cannot.. if they did they'd be admitting that this should have been level-gated in the first place.
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,619 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Stuff like this should be level gated, period.
  • thesoulstarthesoulstar Posts: 122 Arc User
    edited February 2013
    Stuff like this should be level gated, period.

    Champions Online:Level Gate '13!
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