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New devs and game quality improvement coming in January - Rumor or Truth?

rokurocarisrokurocaris Posts: 1,074 Arc User
I heard people talking about it in the chat.

But I want to know for sure.
Post edited by rokurocaris on


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    arimikamiarimikami Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Unless someone from cryptic comes out and confirms it or noticable improvements happen to CO, I'll be taking it as just rumor.
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    bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Well it's certainly a rumor now.
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    championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,375 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    This would be news to me, but then again, anything is possible. Game development world is kind of cut throat out there. For now, take it with a grain of salt, but if we are looking at massive improvements and new game stuff, then hope for the best.

    I do know I read somewhere, can't remember exactly where, that over in STO they were talking about UI improvements/overhaul.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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    flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Until that actually happens, it's a rumor. Nothing else.

    Pics or it didn't happen, like.

    We had our UI improvements/overhaul. I think it went to worse that it allready was....
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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    lestylolestylo Posts: 375 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I hope this is true but seeing is believing so I'll have to take it as a rumour until something official is said or done.
    "I tried to look at that page but saw only inane comments."
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    championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,375 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    Until that actually happens, it's a rumor. Nothing else.

    Pics or it didn't happen, like.

    We had our UI improvements/overhaul. I think it went to worse that it allready was....

    We haven't had a improvement over haul to the UI in like ever, changing the look of the bag and radar hardly constitutes a change.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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    flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    It was "improvement".
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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    savagedeaconsavagedeacon Posts: 219 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    January is not far away, we will see soon if those rumors are true or not
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    decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I think the standard old saw "Hope for the best; prepare for the worst" applies here.
    'Dec out

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    kenpojujitsu3kenpojujitsu3 Posts: 1,320 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    We haven't had a improvement over haul to the UI in like ever, changing the look of the bag and radar hardly constitutes a change.

    Those were UI changes regardless of how it's minimized, and those two things weren't the only changes to the UI...

    Still, I'm with Finn. I wouldn't remotely call any of it an improvement.
    I think the standard old saw "Hope for the best; prepare for the worst" applies here.

    The way it's been lately it might as well be "hope for anything, prepare for nothing". There's stasis and then there's this.
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    seismecaseismeca Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I think the standard old saw "Hope for the best; prepare for the worst" applies here.

    I prefer "expect the worst and you'll always be surprised"
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    tacofoodsololtacofoodsolol Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I heard people talking about it in -The Collective- channel.

    But I want to know for sure.

    I'm quite certain we can expect the new telepathy powers and the new rampage alert for early 2013.
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    selpheaselphea Posts: 1,229 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The timing sounds about right for a lockbox refresh =p
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    baroness1980baroness1980 Posts: 268 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    selphea wrote: »
    The timing sounds about right for a lockbox refresh =p

    Of course...

    time for the "Hoverbike lockboxes"
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    bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,517 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Even if we do get new devs it would still take time to get anything of substance, and I think the only way people would settle down would be if Cryptic would announce something. Though this is a nice rumor to hear and I hope it is true.

    New people will take time to train, then take time to actually make improvements and test them to make sure they work. Time time time.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
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    visionstorm01visionstorm01 Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    bluhman wrote: »
    Well it's certainly a rumor now.

    Pretty much, and it wont be "truth" until we start seeing those "quality improvements".
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    serendipitynowserendipitynow Posts: 554 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Im not convinced well EVER see anything of substance, but i AM convinced we wont see anything of substance for at least 6 months.

    Id love to be proved wrong, but i doubt i will.

    Of course there will be updates (the bikes and their associated lockbox change for instance) but something substantial, thats a whole 'nother ballgame.
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    rianfrostrianfrost Posts: 578 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    It would be nice, but online, unless its sourced with an official link, It didnt happen. So I'm skeptical but would be absolutely thrilled to be wrong.
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    itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,778 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I am sure we will have so much to talk about soon that we'll be blasting off into the stars.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
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    arimikamiarimikami Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    rianfrost wrote: »
    It would be nice, but online, unless its sourced with an official link, It didnt happen. So I'm skeptical but would be absolutely thrilled to be wrong.

    Pretty much the same. At the moment all we really have is someone posting a new thread to essentially say, "I overheard some people say that something is going to eventually happen somewhere down the line and want someone to confirm it for me."

    Not exactly something to get excited about and I'd be interested to know more about where they heard this rumor since that would seem to be the smart place to go about confriming it.
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    haleakalahaleakala Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    seismeca wrote: »
    I prefer "expect the worst and you'll always be surprised"

    No, no, not always. Sometimes the worst does happen.

    I been a long time leaving but I'm going to be a long time gone.

    Willie Nelson

    T.U.F.K.A.S. (the user formerly known as Scarlyng)
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    rianfrostrianfrost Posts: 578 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I am sure we will have so much to talk about soon that we'll be blasting off into the stars.
    well, here is the thing, on the coh forums, there were people who did seem to be somewhat prescient, usually because they spoke to the devs a lot in less official manners and could disseminate nonspecific hints. arcana, zombie man and even often gg were people that i tended to pay some attention to, because sometimes they really did know things from official sources. so brou, i know you have been active around here a while and on the pts, so are you saying? or just sayin'?:cool:
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    itsbrou#5396 itsbrou Posts: 1,778 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    rianfrost wrote: »
    well, here is the thing, on the coh forums, there were people who did seem to be somewhat prescient, usually because they spoke to the devs a lot in less official manners and could disseminate nonspecific hints. arcana, zombie man and even often gg were people that i tended to pay some attention to, because sometimes they really did know things from official sources. so brou, i know you have been active around here a while and on the pts, so are you saying? or just sayin'?:cool:

    I'm just a player, really; playing the game, just like you.

    To say anything concrete at this point would be beyond anyone's scope(and approximately 4 days too soon). It would be positively backwards, like taking a shower before you get all filthy and gritty instead of after.
    Brou in Cryptic games.
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    bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,517 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I am sure we will have so much to talk about soon that we'll be blasting off into the stars.

    Just like the last UNTIL report. We had much to talk about after that...and got none of the cool stuff out of it. and just about all of the stuff people were really looking forward to never happened.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
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    rianfrostrianfrost Posts: 578 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    ok brou, cool, im still catching up anyhow, i have been here since launch, but not particularly active until november(grumble grumble mother#$%s), so still doing vibora for the first time..gotta say, i like the high level zones looks, both lemuria and vib look darn cool. I'm a sucker for colors. but that can hold for 4 days, then we know.
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    beldinbeldin Posts: 1,708 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    haleakala wrote: »
    No, no, not always. Sometimes the worst does happen.

    And sometimes it gets even worse than you expected :redface:
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    solomonk1ngsolomonk1ng Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I'm just a player, really; playing the game, just like you.

    To say anything concrete at this point would be beyond anyone's scope(and approximately 4 days too soon). It would be positively backwards, like taking a shower before you get all filthy and gritty instead of after.

    Brou, I hate you so much. :wink:

    Reading your posts is like watching Lost. I dunno if your f-ing with us or not, but it's been fun looking at all your clues.
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    gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Posts: 3,781 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    beldin wrote: »
    And sometimes it gets even worse than you expected :redface:

    That's because there is no such thing as "the worst". Things can ALWAYS get worse. No matter how bad it is, there is some way to add more. I mean did a dude come and inject your favorite pet with ebola in front of you and blame it on that thing you said last year so it's all your fault? No? Then it can still get worse can't it? Do you still have the desire to be alive and have fun? Then it can still get worse can't it?

    Most people's ideas of "the worst" are really not even close.
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    clcmercyclcmercy Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Could it be.....*collective gasp*....they're RECOLORING THE REST OF THE VEHICLES TO PAWN OFF ON US!!!!

    Occam's Razor makes the cutting clean.
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    spyralpegacyonspyralpegacyon Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Brou, I hate you so much. :wink:

    Reading your posts is like watching Lost. I dunno if your f-ing with us or not, but it's been fun looking at all your clues.

    I'm pretty sure he's not f-ing with us, but now you have me convinced J.J. Abrams moonlights as a big blue dog. In any case, something is afoot.
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    seismecaseismeca Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I am sure we will have so much to talk about soon that we'll be blasting off into the stars.

    new moonbases?
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    vikaernesvikaernes Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I had plenty to say about hopes and dreams for January, but I think this should do just as well:

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    championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,375 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    bwdares wrote: »
    Just like the last UNTIL report. We had much to talk about after that...and got none of the cool stuff out of it. and just about all of the stuff people were really looking forward to never happened.

    Positively false, actually. Most of the UNTIL report actually happened.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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    agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 1,999 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Of course...

    time for the "Hoverbike lockboxes"

    Well hate to break your heart but that's pretty much a done deal when they get the labor-hours to A) finish deciding what else to put in it and at what odds, and B) fix the handlebars issue. Keep tuned to the PTS, when it's done it typically shows up there unannounced.

    The glitches with the handlebars are the only reason apparently why this hasn't
    come out yet. Same animation limitation issue they were having with the two-handed staff weapons and why they had to abandon that project.

    I'd say it's 99% guaranteed a new lockbox is coming. My topic inquiring if the keys were profitable was answered with a resounding yes.

    arimikami wrote: »
    Not exactly something to get excited about and I'd be interested to know more about where they heard this rumor since that would seem to be the smart place to go about confriming it.

    Hmm, last time people leaked information, forum bans happened. Which is amusing in a sick way because one of the developers was the one leaking the information to begin with, on his own channel!

    So what happens is we twiddle our thumbs, so to speak, while waiting on TrailTurtle to give official news.

    I prefer the cloud model of development, more tranparency with less fear & doubt. Also things tend to get done better and faster (examples include Firefox, Mumble, etc.). PerfectWorld/Cryptic has a very archaic set or intellectual property rules and design cycles. There's definite room for improvement!

    The only way my friend's topic's question shall be ultimately answered is by the devs themselves communicating it

    (that said I'll tell you what I know in private Rokuro, but it amounts to nothing because like client-side-only hue changes, it's... well... only client side. MMO's are ultimately determined by what happens server-side and we've heard nothing at all from Cryptic on that recently. So who knows for sure. Sry, but all I can offer is educated guesses and more rumors)
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    takodatentakodaten Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    If this is true at all, I just want to know why this information is being spread through back channels and whispers? If anything, it could add some much needed hope to what seems like an overwhelmingly bleak outlook on the state of the game.

    I understand the forums are not a good source for an overall outlook. And, that there are always a few doom posts. However, the sheer number of doom posts has risen significantly. That, compiled with the overwhelming jokes/rumors about Cryptic/Champions Online in zone chat paints a horrible picture of the state of this game.

    No word from Cryptic at all, these topics are just being ignored. The number of people on my friend's list keeps growing smaller and smaller. And the feeling of this game not being important to Cryptic/PW grows and grows.

    Don't get me wrong, I appreciate his presence... But, we have a PR guy who hardly does any PR. And, when he does, he totally ignores people's concerns and never actually gives any useful information. Probably has his hands tied, who knows?

    But, I guess if we tie up the sacrificial hamster, use our divining rods, and pull out our secret decoder rings, we can get an update.

    Sorry, just sad for this game that I enjoy so much.
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    bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,517 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Positively false, actually. Most of the UNTIL report actually happened.

    IMMINENT: (In Test)

    Sources confirm that items below are being reviewed internally and/or on PTS (Public Test Server). These include issues, features and fixes that are very close to release. Occasionally there are items in test as part of a larger release.

    ? New Custom Alert ? The Horror of Hi-Pan
    - Hi-Pan seeks power enough to conquer Millennium City at last, and uses a dark ritual to cross over into a mystical dimension to usurp the power of the Dragon?s Eye!
    - Players will confront a bigger, bolder re-incarnation of this sorcerer at a mystical floating Asian temple
    - Rewards will include unique Dragon Armor costume parts, the powerful Dragon?s Eye Mod and more!

    ? Wizard & Witch Costume Set
    - The long-awaited magical collection!**This I count has half-for half a$$ed since there was so much that we were lead to believe would be a part of it and wasn't.

    ? New Rampage Alert ? Blaze & F.R.E.0.N.
    - Featuring the winning submission from the Design-a-Villain community contest, this new Rampage features a true tag-team villain combo, with tough but engaging boss fight dynamics guaranteed to keep players on their toes
    - For those tough enough to pass the test, rich Questionite Ore rewards await

    CRITICAL: (Top Issues)

    Among our duties is gathering intel on hot topic issues in the Player Community, as well as critical threats on the radar of QA and CS. This list does not represent all the issues we are investigating; however, these issues are deemed critical in priority and targeted for rapid response and resolution.

    ? Missions: Lemuria: Crisis in Lemuria: Door into the Aegir is exclusive to a single player
    ? Missions: Mil: City Center: Open Missions: A Bullet Bound for Biselle: Mayor does not spawn to complete the first objective
    ? Powers: Nemesis Frameworks: Darkness and Dual-Blade Frameworks may be causing the nemesis to be removed from the map
    ? Missions: UNITY: Critter reward tables are still dropping the Unity Numerics
    ? Systems: Keybindings: Target Team Member: The Keybindings for F2-F5 d- not target members on an Open Mission team
    ? Powers: Travel Powers: Teleportation: Zoning or changing instance causes the slow fall for teleport to fail
    ? Costumes: Avian Warrior Costume Set: Assorted issues
    ? Costumes: Some Costume Unlocks are not unlocking for all characters on an account**issues still ongoing and or never finished. .

    R&D Report: (In Development)

    Numerous confirmed reports reveal these features are currently in development. They have made it through the design and planning phases and are being implemented. Items in this section will move to "In Test" once complete.

    ? ?Nighthawk ? Friend or Foe?? Event & Themed Content
    - Nighthawk, a dark and mysterious vigilante, will be introduced to Champions Online in a brand-new event, where evidence is conflicted over this anti-hero?s true motives? is he a hero walking the line, or one who?s finally crossed it?
    - Players will investigate crime scenes and confront new challenges to deduce whether Nighthawk is friend? or foe
    - Depending on their deductions, players may find themselves face to face with Nighthawk himself ? or another antagonist**didnt make it through and was once again half way done.

    - As part of this Event, new Nighthawk-themed powers and an Archetype will be released, along with a themed costume set & a cape-glide travel power!
    - Special rewards will even include the Hawkwing prototype vehicle!

    ? Cosmetic FX Auras!
    - Special Aura items slot to add a cosmetic FX aura to you character for the ultimate in customization
    - Aura items will come in all sorts of varieties, from elemental electricity and fire, glow, to darkness and more!
    - Auras will come in many configurations, from adorning hands, to eyes, head, full body and more!

    ? Mod Bundle Packs for Fusion
    - Purchase or acquire huge stacks of single Mods for fast Fusion!
    ? Return of crafting maps and other interiors as purely role-playing instances
    - Free for All!**several still closed and unusable.

    ? XP Gifting
    - Gift some of your experience to your alts or friends

    ? C-Store Coupons
    - Items that give you a discount in the C-store**not done

    Planning Documents Recovered: (On the Schedule)

    These features have yet to enter the implementation stage. However, commitment to their future existence is verified via detailed documents. Some features have a longer development time than others but these updates are verified as next on the list to implement.

    ? Vehicles!
    - A brand-new system for customizing, equipping and riding vehicles into battle!
    - Vehicles will offer all-new powers, including new mechanics such as area-of-effect ground targeting, which can be swapped in and out via fully customizable ?upgrade and equipment? items
    - Vehicles will come with an equipment load-out as standard, which can be completely exchanged with new items such as:
    - Offensive items (i.e. mini-guns, rocket packs, laser pods, etc)
    - Defensive items (i.e. extra hull-plating, flares, smoke grenades, etc)
    - Utility items (i.e. turbo-boost thrusters, self-repairing nanites, etc)
    - Characters will be able to pilot their vehicles in any existing exterior map, as well as in all-new vehicle-centric maps and encounters
    - New content types, such as PVP modes, are being considered for vehicle-exclusive combat as well
    - Vehicles will offer some cosmetic customization, albeit to a lesser degree than the character costume creator**misleading...very misleading.

    ? Lair Updates & Boss Reviews
    - Conversion of existing Lairs to the new encounter system
    - Revision and streamlining, bug fixes, boss review
    - Each debut is accompanied by a thematic in-zone Event! **nope

    ? New Zone Events
    - Large scale, multi-stage, zone events that offer new encounter opportunities and large group game play **nope

    Confidential Source: (In Design Discussion) **probably shouldnt count but it is here--counts as much as stuff mentioned that I cut since it was about things that came out before the Report was finished.
    Deep cover operatives have overheard verbal reports of items in the design discussion stage being considered for an upcoming update. These ideas will need to be added to the schedule before they can be confirmed. Some are quicker tasks while others are much larger in scope, requiring many more resources to design and implement.

    ? Epic ?Confrontation? and ?Invasion? Encounters - for Vehicles and High-Level Heroes
    - Large-scale, multi-team, outdoor assaults against wave attacks of enemies and escalating tiers of boss encounters
    - Collaborative game play has multiple player teams cooperating to take down enough enemies in the current ?tier? to unlock the next ? for example:
    - After defeating enough waves of invading Lemurian shock troops deployed by drill tanks, the next tier of spider-walking Leviathan Weapon Platforms is deployed?
    - If our heroes cripple enough Leviathans, the next tier of Lemurian Command hover-barges ridden by sorceror-Lieutenants must be conquered?
    - Finally, they unleash? the Kraken! A boss fight to end them all?

    ? Alerts Scoreboards & Achievements
    - Track you or your team?s achievements
    - Number of victories in each Alert type
    - Best times to completion
    - Number of bosses defeated
    - And more!

    ? Alerts / Content ?Challenges?
    - Directly challenge another team to one of a number of content challenges!
    - Wager double-or-nothing rewards on which team can:
    - Complete an Alert faster
    - Complete more Alerts successfully without failure in a row
    - And more!

    ? Sidekick ?Pet? System
    - A more permanent, pet-like system for developing sidekick characters
    - Not entirely unlike the bridge officer system in STO

    ? Nemesis Updates
    - Open mission OR in-world dynamic encounters w/ your Nemesis
    - More minion types and options for standard Nemesis content

    ? Hideout additions: Crafting rooms
    - Grant a % bonus to Fusion OR allow Fusion of stacks greater than 5

    ? ?Terror in Time? Halloween Content
    - The villainous vampire Draycul Vladic travels back in time to foggy London to breed an army of vampires before the dawn of heroes?
    - Players will follow him to the past to thwart this plan, teaming up with the great ancestor of the current Black Mask
    - Rewards and associated content include the fashionable Victorian Steampunk costume set, Wolf Transformation Superspeed Travel Power and more!

    ? The return of the Roi?Nesh
    - After their first failed infiltration, a large scale invasion!

    ? The rumored return of Dr. Destroyer!
    - At a special Event?can you guess which one?

    Unsubstantiated Rumors: (The Future)

    Agent, please treat these rumors with the appropriate discretion. Reports of these features are unsubstantiated or come from untested sources. Nevertheless, if these reports can be believed, they represent features and ideas for which the team has great enthusiasm. Items listed in this section need the most discussion and are subject to the largest change. This list does not represent all the things the team may want to do but they are among the most frequently reported.

    ? New ?Island of Dr. Destroyer? Mini-Zone, Lair and Story Content
    ? New Millennium City ?Expansion? Zone (2-3 Neighborhoods)
    - Possibly a dangerous ?Boardwalk Empire? waterfront / casino district, controlled by some of the richest, most famous super-criminals
    - Perhaps neighbored by a ?Hell?s Kitchen? stretch, a perfect birthplace for the likes of ?Dark Champions?

    ? Story Content leading to End Game
    - Revealing the ultimate antagonist for End Game

    ? Expanded Level Cap and Gear Progression
    ? Super Group Missions, Duels, Advancement & Bases
    ? Epic ?Endgame? Faction War Zone (Battleground: MOON)
    - Featuring an all-out Alien war, a Star Guardian alternate advancement path & powers

    ? And much more!!

    So no, MOST did not come out from the report.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
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    championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,375 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    bwdares wrote: »
    ? New Custom Alert ? The Horror of Hi-Pan
    - Hi-Pan seeks power enough to conquer Millennium City at last, and uses a dark ritual to cross over into a mystical dimension to usurp the power of the Dragon?s Eye!
    - Players will confront a bigger, bolder re-incarnation of this sorcerer at a mystical floating Asian temple
    - Rewards will include unique Dragon Armor costume parts, the powerful Dragon?s Eye Mod and more!
    Has been released and for sometime.
    ? Wizard & Witch Costume Set
    - The long-awaited magical collection!**This I count has half-for half a$$ed since there was so much that we were lead to believe would be a part of it and wasn't.
    Has been released and the emanation points they explained would take more development time to enact.
    ? ?Nighthawk ? Friend or Foe?? Event & Themed Content
    - Nighthawk, a dark and mysterious vigilante, will be introduced to Champions Online in a brand-new event, where evidence is conflicted over this anti-hero?s true motives? is he a hero walking the line, or one who?s finally crossed it?
    - Players will investigate crime scenes and confront new challenges to deduce whether Nighthawk is friend? or foe
    - Depending on their deductions, players may find themselves face to face with Nighthawk himself ? or another antagonist**didnt make it through and was once again half way done.
    Has been released, and has been completed.

    ? Vehicles!
    - A brand-new system for customizing, equipping and riding vehicles into battle!
    - Vehicles will offer all-new powers, including new mechanics such as area-of-effect ground targeting, which can be swapped in and out via fully customizable ?upgrade and equipment? items
    - Vehicles will come with an equipment load-out as standard, which can be completely exchanged with new items such as:
    - Offensive items (i.e. mini-guns, rocket packs, laser pods, etc)
    - Defensive items (i.e. extra hull-plating, flares, smoke grenades, etc)
    - Utility items (i.e. turbo-boost thrusters, self-repairing nanites, etc)
    - Characters will be able to pilot their vehicles in any existing exterior map, as well as in all-new vehicle-centric maps and encounters
    - New content types, such as PVP modes, are being considered for vehicle-exclusive combat as well
    - Vehicles will offer some cosmetic customization, albeit to a lesser degree than the character costume creator**misleading...very misleading.
    Has been released and cosmetic customization is available through the mods. Sorry you were expecting a whole different costume creator.

    ? The rumored return of Dr. Destroyer!
    - At a special Event?can you guess which one?
    This has happened.

    Several of the bullet points you pointed at are cosmetic or really not even a high interest, like scoreboards for alerts. Blaze and FREON has some issues with graphical tells and last I heard there was actually some interest to make it something more than just a standard rampage. Auras, well the system is in place, but the items themselves haven't been done. Can't say when but that's what I know.

    As for crafting maps, two are closed and unusable. Not several.

    And actually C-Store coupons we are getting, I've gotten several in the email.

    The only thing that disappointed me was the Halloween one. And what you consider misleading when they said something wasn't going to be as deep as the costume creator seems to be putting your own spin on something. And I'd hardly call The Future item even countable since they even stated the future would most likely not even be reached this year.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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    bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,517 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    After posting I notice it did not stand out too much, but the Future stuff and such should only semi count, as i left the first part off as it only stated things we received since On Alert started.

    Taking both of those out, saying MUCH of the Report came out is still laughable, and several of the "content" we got had much of it left off, ---->Nighthawk<--- They way they painted it at first would have been SOOOOOO much better than what we actually got.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
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    bwdaresbwdares Posts: 1,517 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    No the Destroyer event in now way shape or form counts. We had Destroids for almost 24 hrs and the event was killed in less than a day. The white parts were not highlighted so your IT happened is a no duh and was not a target of my side.
    #Mechanon!(completed) #New Zones! #Foundry!
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    towershield#4714 towershield Posts: 1,208 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    How exactly are vehicle mods considered cosmetic customization when none of them actually alter the look of the vehicle? The only cosmetic differences I see are the paint jobs between the different models and there is no way to change that around from what I've seen.
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    jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,317 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    The Nighthawk event did indeed happen. It worked pretty much as described there - I ran it several times. If you developed greater expectations based on what you read into the description, well, that's not really Cryptic's issue, is it?

    And once again, we have someone deciding what does or doesn't "count" as fulfilling a specific prediction. It's the "content" argument all over again. And as long as the definitions are subjective, there are those who cannot be satisfied.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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    gamehobogamehobo Posts: 1,970 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Stop putting lipstick on the pig. I still wont kiss it.

    That is an epic fail of a report. I'd be a fail if it happened 3 months after release.. but we're going into 2013. The span of time alone is enough to be epic fail.. but then the tiny amount of things implemented (and lesser so implemented as promised) is pure pig ****.
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    mainscrizzmainscrizz Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    The Nighthawk event did indeed happen. It worked pretty much as described there - I ran it several times. If you developed greater expectations based on what you read into the description, well, that's not really Cryptic's issue, is it?

    so, where's the mission then?

    all the effort, to remove it relatively quickly?

    How much are they paying you?
    @Scrizz :biggrin:
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    kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Posts: 2,075 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    jonsills wrote: »
    It's the "content" argument all over again. And as long as the definitions are subjective, there are those who cannot be satisfied.

    :rolleyes: I'd say in your assertion of "subjective" definitions for content, we found in several threads that there's significant overlap in story arcs/zones/miscellaneous missions counting as content, so you can quit the cheerleading again.
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    solomonk1ngsolomonk1ng Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    This should be interesting. :rolleyes:
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    kojirohellfirekojirohellfire Posts: 2,075 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    Not really, unless you enjoy syndicated reruns.
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    smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    If this turns out to be true, then it means the people who said that no one was working on this game and that it was completely being ignored all this time were right.

    I'd rather there was news that they were soon going to unveil all the cool stuff they've been working on.

    As is, if this rumor is true, it doesn't mean we're getting anything new in January... it means January is when we can start waiting to hear word of what new stuff we might be getting, and then we can wait to see if it actually happens.

    Ultimately, this rumor lacks any documentation to support it. My theory is, some people were talking about how they think that after NWO releases they think we'll be getting some devs back, someone else said they think it might release in january, and some people thought facts were being presented.

    Which is silly anyway... after NWO goes live, they're going to develop it to take advantage of its "newness". After they're done developing that game for a year and taking advantage of the initial rush of interest, then we'll... watch as they go on to a new game.

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
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    smoochansmoochan Posts: 2,564 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    I am sure we will have so much to talk about soon that we'll be blasting off into the stars.

    We will not be going to the moon, and we will not be fighting a quallar invasion.

    Champions Online: Be the hero you wish you could be in a better game.
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    pion01pion01 Posts: 758 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    smoochan wrote: »
    If this turns out to be true, then it means the people who said that no one was working on this game and that it was completely being ignored all this time were right.

    I'd rather there was news that they were soon going to unveil all the cool stuff they've been working on.

    As is, if this rumor is true, it doesn't mean we're getting anything new in January... it means January is when we can start waiting to hear word of what new stuff we might be getting, and then we can wait to see if it actually happens.

    Ultimately, this rumor lacks any documentation to support it. My theory is, some people were talking about how they think that after NWO releases they think we'll be getting some devs back, someone else said they think it might release in january, and some people thought facts were being presented.

    Which is silly anyway... after NWO goes live, they're going to develop it to take advantage of its "newness". After they're done developing that game for a year and taking advantage of the initial rush of interest, then we'll... watch as they go on to a new game.

    The thing people seem to forget, or choose to ignore, is that there is already a fourth currently unnamed project in the works by Cryptic. I don't understand why people think that all the game launching Devs who launched CO, then left CO to launch STO, then left STO to launch NWO are going to leave NWO and not launch UNFP (Unnamed Fourth Project) but instead go back to their one unlicensed, low population game?
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    lestylolestylo Posts: 375 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    As much as I do think Cryptic could do more to put out more stuff, I also think there is indeed some "moving the goalposts" when it comes to the idea of content. It honestly feels like the devs are in a "damned if you don't, damned if you do" situation.
    "I tried to look at that page but saw only inane comments."
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