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list of legacy devices in drifter store

jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
edited June 2014 in Items and Crafting
This is what the drifter device kits give
each kit gives 2 random devices
these devices were formerly click gear
devices seem to have the same chance to drop
doubles are possible but unlikely with 40 different devices


*the best, extremely useful
*meh low not worth the slot mostly

*good for specific builds
*cosmetic effect


final list:_______________________________

  • * Alien Crystal - confuse useful to telepathy builds can help trigger multiple collective wills
  • * Asclepial Serum - toxic DoT
  • * Cloak of the Infinite Planes - Rune Sword power - particle damage its an extra power that goes to your powerbar
  • * Contained Radiation - 100 ft particle damage + KB, Zombie stance
  • * Demonic Flesh Graft - dark nimbus Bubble for 15 seconds(shadow nimbus)
  • * Dr. Destroyer's Head - summon floating destroyer drone
  • * Draysha Gas Pistol - team 33% damage buff
  • * Echo's Stick - maintain slashing damage 100ft range
  • * Elder Worm Humidity Dome - passive energy damage resistance turns character transparent
  • * Electric Storm - maintain 25 ft sphere electric damage
  • * Energy Absorbing Crashsuit - gives energy every 87 sec
  • * Eruption - maintain: damage + immunity to damage + travel power cancel
  • * Experimental Artificial Life Injection - 100% damage resist, increases size slightly
  • * Experimental Plasma Rifle- 100ft particle damage
  • * Gunslinger's Legacy - piercing damage
  • ** Ice Grenades - damage + hold
  • ** Khusor's Doom - summon 3-5 gnashers, they stack
  • * Mutagenic Infection - small toxic Dot that spreads to enemies damaging them or allies giving them DoT as well useful in dot elemental damage builds
  • * Necrullitic Elixir - HoT for 300 seconds. Click/Buttonpress Activation.
  • * Neuroelectric Pulse Generator - electric damage plus KB
  • * Nightmare Generator - passive 1% chance summon
  • * Omicron Induced Strength - 100ft, hurl with remove travel powers, chance to knockback
  • * Plasmite - summon level 40 bomb
  • * Poisoned Shuriken - 100 ft piercing damage + toxic DoT + stun
  • * Prototype Psi-Bomb - damage bomb 15 sec delayed explosion
  • * PRIMUS Spark Shield - Reflect 10% damage back to attacker. Passive., note: very useful in electricity builds triggering ionic reverberation
  • ** Psionic Accelerator - 100 ft 90 deg cone ego damage + hold strength
  • * Psionic Echoes- summon 2 Medusa echoes
  • * Psionic Surge - 100 ft, ego damge, KB, disables flight
  • * Ragged Proletariat's Armband - summon 3 Russian navy zombies
  • * Reprogrammed Cowboy Robot - summon 1 cowboy robot
  • * Shadow Pact- summon shadow void
  • ** Teleiosaurus Pheremones - toggle summon dinos
  • * Telekinetic Force Field Inducer - 100ft Hold
  • * Terak Generator - 50 ft range 60 deg cone electric damage
  • * Terak Static Core- 20 ft AoE electric damage
  • * Thunderbolt Wand - 50 ft chained electric damage cancels flight/running
  • ** Vesperine Cloak - very slow flight travel power very useful if you dont have a flying TP
  • * Viper Brainscrambler - ego damage
  • * Void Possession- 15 ft sphere, hold , 33% damage debuff, 100% damage resistance
Post edited by jasinblaze on


  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    no longer needed
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
  • somebobsomebob Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I'd love to see a damage/recharge listing of these items with ten stats (since I'm assuming you're opening tons of boxes on PTS).
    Owner and Lead Moderator for the Primus Database. Post your Hero today!
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  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    nope all this is live
    have a group on my channel that likes shiny things
    the damage and other specs are affected by different builds and levels
    so the numbers i get are different from the numbers you might get
    also i am not paid for this :)
  • somethingwitty94somethingwitty94 Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jasinblaze wrote: »
    what does it do?

    50ft. Chain Lightning that decreases run/flight speed of target.
  • meredyredleafmeredyredleaf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Thanks for taking the time to list these.

    Anyone with the same thing for the costume pieces unlocks, by any chance?
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
  • magitek3magitek3 Posts: 150 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I opened 50 bags on the test server, and Khusor's Doom does indeed drop. I haven't received any of the other "unconfirmed" items.
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2012
    I can confirm Khusor's Doom drops.
  • meredyredleafmeredyredleaf Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jasinblaze wrote: »

    Neato, thanks again!
  • ayonachanayonachan Posts: 557 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Looks like you're missing:

    Demonic Flesh Graft --Bubble for 15 seconds
    Telekinetic Force Field Inducer --100ft Hold
    Omicron Induced Strength --100ft...Pretty much hurl with nttg and a chance to knockback
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,635 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Does Experimental Artificial Life Injection increase your size slightly?
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Does Experimental Artificial Life Injection increase your size slightly?
    you decide
    actually he was using more than the injector , yeah slightly

    list updated
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 2,026 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jasinblaze wrote: »
    you decide
    actually he was using more than the injector , yeah slightly

    list updated

    lol, that and he didn't tell you everything that he was doing, but yeah adds to the supersizing process.
  • agentnx5agentnx5 Posts: 2,026 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    ack. double posted. Was going to edit to add a compliment for this nice listing
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    new and improved, now alphabetized.
  • lohr01lohr01 Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited October 2012

    Of the ones that I managed to get from opening boxes.
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    looks like we got the same results :)
    edit i think i might have a few more, the ones in my list that aren't in yours i actually have and can personally confirm
  • williamkonywilliamkony Posts: 582 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Oooooh, is it possible to benefit from more than one Nightmare Generator? Bunch of those alongside Plasma Beam, Minigun, and Micro Munitions all at once. :D
    Dasher@Tool-box, donning his armor to prance into battle and blitz the enemy! No joke!
    Cupid@Tool-box, stunningly radiant stag ready to play matchmaker between villain and arrow!
    Vixon@Tool-box, frighteningly eager to summon despair for his adversaries!
    Jebin Zedalu@Tool-box, elementalist weaponmaster. ...One of these things is not like the others!
  • lohr01lohr01 Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Probably not as they would most likely share a cool down.
  • williamkonywilliamkony Posts: 582 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    It doesn't have a cooldown, or at least it doesn't list one. Just a 1% chance of summoning a creature with every attack you make. Whether that really means every attack, or if it means every tick, I'm not sure.
    Dasher@Tool-box, donning his armor to prance into battle and blitz the enemy! No joke!
    Cupid@Tool-box, stunningly radiant stag ready to play matchmaker between villain and arrow!
    Vixon@Tool-box, frighteningly eager to summon despair for his adversaries!
    Jebin Zedalu@Tool-box, elementalist weaponmaster. ...One of these things is not like the others!
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    every tick it appears , i have one of these in action, im just afraid to bind my second one
    1. it might not work
    2. if it does work too well it will be nerfed later
    3. oh wait her device bar is full anyways
    btw it looks like a creature made of flame
  • williamkonywilliamkony Posts: 582 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    New question! Does the Telekinetic Force Field Inducer work like Containment Field, in that it reduces damage to the target while the hold is in effect?
    Dasher@Tool-box, donning his armor to prance into battle and blitz the enemy! No joke!
    Cupid@Tool-box, stunningly radiant stag ready to play matchmaker between villain and arrow!
    Vixon@Tool-box, frighteningly eager to summon despair for his adversaries!
    Jebin Zedalu@Tool-box, elementalist weaponmaster. ...One of these things is not like the others!
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    i will have to find you in game to test that one
  • mensarmensar Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Wow, nice list. That must have taken some work.

    Thanks for that!

    This message brought to you by the superhero:
    Bacon Overlord

    All available action figures, check.
    Hit the global cap, check.
    All lore and event perks done, check.
    All 1K mob perks done, check.
    All nemesis mob perks done, check.
    Break 20,000 perk points, check.
    Complete all 5K perk points, stay tuned!

    Come see me on steam (be friends, drink fine wines, clink glasses and KILL STUFF ONLINE!)
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2012
    Rhino Helm (reward from Rhinoplasty) is missing.
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    So this list then, is for the items that can befound in the Drifter Store: Legacy Device Kit for 40 salvage. Anyone know what comes in the Legacy Crafted Costume Kit for 60 salvage?
    When XP earnings during a Double-XP Weekend still feel like I'm underperforming,
    there's something terribly wrong with the reward system...

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Original Join Date: Feb 2010.
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jasinblaze wrote: »
    for lord havelocke
  • lordhavelocklordhavelock Posts: 2,461 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jasinblaze wrote: »
    for lord havelocke
    Thank you!
    When XP earnings during a Double-XP Weekend still feel like I'm underperforming,
    there's something terribly wrong with the reward system...

    You can find/contact me in game as @PatricianVetinari. Original Join Date: Feb 2010.
  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Great list thank you.

    Does anyone know if the devices "level up" as you do, or are they static to whatever level you bound them at?
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    kaizerin wrote: »
    Rhino Helm (reward from Rhinoplasty) is missing.
    was the rhino helm a device or gear originally? all drifter salvage kit devices were originally gear. no original devices were included
    Great list thank you.
    Does anyone know if the devices "level up" as you do, or are they static to whatever level you bound them at?

    they level with you
  • fantasycharacterfantasycharacter Posts: 457 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    jasinblaze wrote: »
    was the rhino helm a device or gear originally? all drifter salvage kit devices were originally gear. no original devices were included

    It was originally gear, that was clickable for a lunge power.
    jasinblaze wrote: »
    they level with you

    great thx.:smile:
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    well i guess I'll throw it in unconfirmed then, haven't seen it or heard about it existing as a device yet
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,088 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    I hate something we payed real money for becoming over nerfed.

    So I can't equip or even use them for while.
    They just go straight to AH after they over nerfed.

    I learned what I have to do after they over nerfed BACKUPS. xD
  • williamkonywilliamkony Posts: 582 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Yet another question! Vesperine Cloak. Is that basically Rank 1 always-in-low-gear Flight? Does it increase Energy Costs like other Travel Powers?

    Also, Jasin, you said you'd need to find me in-game to test the Telekinetic Force Field Inducer? Not entirely sure how to go about scheduling that, but I'm up for it if we ever happen to be on at the same time. XD
    Dasher@Tool-box, donning his armor to prance into battle and blitz the enemy! No joke!
    Cupid@Tool-box, stunningly radiant stag ready to play matchmaker between villain and arrow!
    Vixon@Tool-box, frighteningly eager to summon despair for his adversaries!
    Jebin Zedalu@Tool-box, elementalist weaponmaster. ...One of these things is not like the others!
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    monaahiru wrote: »
    I hate something we payed real money for becoming over nerfed.

    So I can't equip or even use them for while.
    They just go straight to AH after they over nerfed.

    I learned what I have to do after they over nerfed BACKUPS. xD
    a less extreme solution would be to just equip 1 per character

    Yet another question! Vesperine Cloak. Is that basically Rank 1 always-in-low-gear Flight? Does it increase Energy Costs like other Travel Powers?

    Also, Jasin, you said you'd need to find me in-game to test the Telekinetic Force Field Inducer? Not entirely sure how to go about scheduling that, but I'm up for it if we ever happen to be on at the same time. XD

    i'm @jasonblazing in game

    i would classify the cloak and antigrav boots(gamestop preorder) as a rank 0 TP, they go the same speed as walking. so you can "walk" in the air.
    their usefulness would be for a character without flight. for those few times when you really wished you had a flight power
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    just a point of interest someone had 4 teliosaurus hormones stacked all devices not gear.
  • somebobsomebob Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Yet another question! Vesperine Cloak. Is that basically Rank 1 always-in-low-gear Flight? Does it increase Energy Costs like other Travel Powers?

    As mentioned it's exactly like the Gamestop preorder hoverboots, in that you 1) Move Walk speed, and 2) You can only get about 15 feet off of any 'ground' below you before you can't go up any higher.

    That said, as long as you keep finding ground underneath you, you can keep going higher and higher (like say, using window ledges as your 'ground' and such). And you won't fall if you're far above the 15 foot height limit. So you can say, use a travel power to get high into the air and then turn on the cloak to hover in place.

    But as a travel power? It's absolute bunk. Although it does NOT modify your energy costs while on (just like the hoverboots).
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  • williamkonywilliamkony Posts: 582 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    Youch, that's WAY more limited than I expected. Currently, I only have Swinging for vertical movement, which is a bit wonky to use when I'm trying to hang out at max range above an enemy. Was considering going after a Vesperine Cloak to give myself an option for hunkering down at 100 feet.

    I suppose I can just Swing up past 100 feet, and then activate the item and float back down until I'm in range... Way more complex than I hoped it'd be, but it still serves the purpose. XD At least the lack of energy cost increase is good news! I just barely lack the energy management while using a Travel Power (even Swinging) to keep my attacks going permanently, but when Travel Powers are off, I do fine. So, yay!
    Dasher@Tool-box, donning his armor to prance into battle and blitz the enemy! No joke!
    Cupid@Tool-box, stunningly radiant stag ready to play matchmaker between villain and arrow!
    Vixon@Tool-box, frighteningly eager to summon despair for his adversaries!
    Jebin Zedalu@Tool-box, elementalist weaponmaster. ...One of these things is not like the others!
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    edited October 2012
    jasinblaze wrote: »
    was the rhino helm a device or gear originally? all drifter salvage kit devices were originally gear. no original devices were included

    they level with you

    It was an upgrade.
    [Blood of Corruption] is also missing.
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited October 2012
    added thanks
  • williamkonywilliamkony Posts: 582 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Yeehaw, more questions!

    Primus Spark Shield. From my understanding, it reflects 10% of damage taken back at the attacker? Does it have a maximum range for this reflect? Is it constantly active so long as you have it slotted?
    Dasher@Tool-box, donning his armor to prance into battle and blitz the enemy! No joke!
    Cupid@Tool-box, stunningly radiant stag ready to play matchmaker between villain and arrow!
    Vixon@Tool-box, frighteningly eager to summon despair for his adversaries!
    Jebin Zedalu@Tool-box, elementalist weaponmaster. ...One of these things is not like the others!
  • secksegaisecksegai Posts: 1,354 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Omicron isn't an nttg. It removes all travel powers, but doesn't grant immunity after it wears off.
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,088 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    jasinblaze wrote: »
    a less extreme solution would be to just equip 1 per character

    Necrullitic Elixir+Omicron Induced Strength+Psionic Accelerator or Ice Grenades
    +Nightmare Generator+Teleiosaurus Pheremones

    Just each one of them equipped on one toon can make every viable AT much more OP then best FF build without them and what do you think about them then? Most of Multiple Equipper are doing this just for fun not for OP.
    As all of us have only 5 slots for Devices, Multiple Equipper can't do anything so OP. :P

    Those are already part of "Concept" more then just a "Device".
  • gandalesgandales Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    Besides Necrulitic Elixir, which other legacy devices are specially good for a tank?
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    gandales wrote: »
    Besides , which other legacy devices are specially good for a tank?
    • eruption
    • Experimental Artificial Life Injection
    • Necrulitic Elixir
    those three have the most tank like abilities
    many of the devices would help a tank character just not make them more tanky
  • secksegaisecksegai Posts: 1,354 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    monaahiru wrote: »
    Necrullitic Elixir+Omicron Induced Strength+Psionic Accelerator or Ice Grenades
    +Nightmare Generator+Teleiosaurus Pheremones

    Just each one of them equipped on one toon can make every viable AT much more OP then best FF build without them and what do you think about them then? Most of Multiple Equipper are doing this just for fun not for OP.
    As all of us have only 5 slots for Devices, Multiple Equipper can't do anything so OP. :P

    Those are already part of "Concept" more then just a "Device".

    Necrull's isn't worthwhile for pvp with ER so common place. In reality none of the legacy devices will put an AT on par with the current FF pvp dynamics, but can be helpful.

    Unless we start seeing eruption based builds I'm not particularly worried about devices dominating the pvp side. They're simply too expensive to acquire for an activity (pvp) that happens so rarely.
  • jasinblazejasinblaze Posts: 1,366 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    ok made the list final, no new items are going to pop up at this point anyway
  • monaahirumonaahiru Posts: 3,088 Arc User
    edited November 2012
    secksegai wrote: »
    Unless we start seeing eruption based builds I'm not particularly worried about devices dominating the pvp side. They're simply too expensive to acquire for an activity (pvp) that happens so rarely.

    Shall I test it? I got 5th eruption just now. xD
    Well, if I do this, I'll equip on my Melee build cause of my love to my toon. xD
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