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FC.30.20120720a.3 PTS Update



  • ventaniventani Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    If there is any way we could get a skin for boomerang throw that was a Chakram I would be SO VERY HAPPY! Sorry...but, um...DO WANT! :redface:


    I'll go back to lurking now. :biggrin:

    I like this idea. I'd also ask for a FRISBEE! :eek: That is right, the frisbee; the enigmatic recipient of $400,000 dollars of naval research, the wonderous kids toy, ornament of roofs everywhere, and now...instrument of villainous stoperage.

    Foxbat would do it. Will Cryptic?

    Formerly Aeolwind
    Nothing witty, just angst.
    Primus Database of Characters
    40 Count = 6
  • lotar295lotar295 Posts: 903 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ventani wrote: »
    I like this idea. I'd also ask for a FRISBEE! :eek: That is right, the frisbee; the enigmatic recipient of $400,000 dollars of naval research, the wonderous kids toy, ornament of roofs everywhere, and now...instrument of villainous stoperage.

    Foxbat would do it. Will Cryptic?

    I'd prefer a chakram to a frisbee.Add weapon summons and elemental powers from weapons and that would be an added value to them.
  • ventaniventani Posts: 110 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Frisbee > Chakram > Boomerang! I have so few good ideas, cant I have just this?

    Frisbee! Frisbee! Frisbee! Frisbee! Frisbee! Frisbee! Frisbee! Frisbee! Frisbee!

    Formerly Aeolwind
    Nothing witty, just angst.
    Primus Database of Characters
    40 Count = 6
  • ukatoenasniukatoenasni Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Sneak/Shadow Strike are doing a bit better in my limited testing so far. At least for regular content re: level 25. I'll have to do more testing later on to see if it stays consistent, but for now, I'm happy with the usability.

    Not so sure about the damage, though. 17k non-crit at L25 seems banaynays.

    [SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Sneak/Shadow Strike are doing a bit better in my limited testing so far. At least for regular content re: level 25. I'll have to do more testing later on to see if it stays consistent, but for now, I'm happy with the usability.

    Not so sure about the damage, though. 17k non-crit at L25 seems banaynays.

    It doesn't crit ever anyway, at least.
  • ukatoenasniukatoenasni Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    It doesn't crit ever anyway, at least.

    Regardless, my average was still in the 16.8k range, and that's pretty high given my level at the time.

    [SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Regardless, my average was still in the 16.8k range, and that's pretty high given my level at the time.

    Gotta note the 90 second base cooldown too and the chargeup, at level 40 melee role the numbers tend to range from 30k-55k (The top end being with full focus and buffs/debuffs) the bottom end is appropriate but the top end is a bit crazy, Hoping they adjust it so the numbers become 30-40k

    EDIT: No opinion on what numbers you do at certain levels though, it seems overall too erradic to me, I'd like it if they made the number static, not buffed by any self buffs, just equal 1 number at a certain level. ie: 30k @ level 40
  • dataweaver42dataweaver42 Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm not really high on moving the boomerangs and bolos into archery. They're gadgets, they go in gadgets. Short of them making a thrown weapons powerset, I think thats the best course.
    How is a boomerang any more of a gadget than a sonic arrow is? Remember that Archery is part of the Technology framework set; there's a reason for that.

    Asking for a new Framework is a bit much at this point, which is why I asked for those four powers to be moved to an existing Framework rather than spawning a new Framework; and my choice of Frameworks was based on the suitability of the non-attack powers in the set: put boomerangs in Gadgeteer, and they're being paired up with the likes of Molecular Self-Assembly and Medical Nanites; put them in Archery, and they're being paired with Evasive Maneuvers, Hunter's Instinct, and Quarry. From a conceptual basis, which of these is the better fit? EDIT: think of it this way - moving boomerangs and bolas into Archery would not be unlike the way that chains were added to Might: prior to that, Might was purely an unarmed attacks framework; but they were added there because it was the best fit for chain powers short of creating a whole new Chains Framework.

    If a new Framework is doable (which I doubt, unless another four or five attack powers get added), I'd recommend that it overlap with Archery the same way that the Martial Arts Frameworks overlap with each other. Unless they want to come up with new Passives etc., of course: for instance, given the way these powers benefit from stealth, it would be quite appropriate to introduce a ranged version of Night Warrior for it.
  • blademaster5121blademaster5121 Posts: 956 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    How is a boomerang any more of a gadget than a sonic arrow is? Remember that Archery is part of the Technology framework set; there's a reason for that.

    Asking for a new Framework is a bit much at this point, which is why I asked for those four powers to be moved to an existing Framework rather than spawning a new Framework; and my choice of Frameworks was based on the suitability of the non-attack powers in the set: put boomerangs in Gadgeteer, and they're being paired up with the likes of Molecular Self-Assembly and Medical Nanites; put them in Archery, and they're being paired with Evasive Maneuvers, Hunter's Instinct, and Quarry. From a conceptual basis, which of these is the better fit? EDIT: think of it this way - moving boomerangs and bolas into Archery would not be unlike the way that chains were added to Might: prior to that, Might was purely an unarmed attacks framework; but they were added there because it was the best fit for chain powers short of creating a whole new Chains Framework.

    If a new Framework is doable (which I doubt, unless another four or five attack powers get added), I'd recommend that it overlap with Archery the same way that the Martial Arts Frameworks overlap with each other. Unless they want to come up with new Passives etc., of course: for instance, given the way these powers benefit from stealth, it would be quite appropriate to introduce a ranged version of Night Warrior for it.

    Honestly, Archery is bow and arrow, silly to put boomerangs there, and batman used gadgets, what kind of gadgets? BATARANGS! So Gadgets it is. Also, Night Warrior is a ranged version of itself, its 'alldamage' it holds no preference to ranged or melee.
  • thebuckeyethebuckeye Posts: 818 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    BUG: Even after the .5 update, the bug to Den of Thieves still persists. The quest is not completeable at this time as you're not properly credited for completing the sewer portion of that quest.

    This bug has since migrated onto the Live side of the server. But I found a solution. What seems to be happening is that its merging the reward>new mission of go back to kodiak steps into simply Go Back to Kodiak. was able to turn in Thick as Thieves to Kodiak without the extra mission.
  • rstzedrstzed Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Bug:The "Store" button on the Debugger's window has been replaced with a "Purchases Powers" button.
  • stoopidmestoopidme Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    ventani wrote: »
    I like this idea. I'd also ask for a FRISBEE! :eek: That is right, the frisbee; the enigmatic recipient of $400,000 dollars of naval research, the wonderous kids toy, ornament of roofs everywhere, and now...instrument of villainous stoperage.

    Foxbat would do it. Will Cryptic?

    Dammit I thought I was being so unique when I thought of a Frisbee hero. Anyway yes I endorse Frisbee powers.

    Brick_McDuggins in game.
  • stoopidmestoopidme Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Honestly, Archery is bow and arrow, silly to put boomerangs there...

    I would suggest changing Archery to the 'Hunter' tree, but Archery's issue definitely isn't a lack of ranged attacks.

    Brick_McDuggins in game.
  • dataweaver42dataweaver42 Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Honestly, Archery is bow and arrow, silly to put boomerangs there,
    That's exactly like saying "Might is unarmed, silly to put chains there." Boomerangs in Archery is at least as good a fit as boomerangs in Gadgeteer; you just have to be a little more open-minded about what Archery is.
    and batman used gadgets, what kind of gadgets? BATARANGS!
    Tone down the condescension, please: I'm trying to have a civil discussion about this, not an argument. And in the end, neither you nor I have the final say about where these powers should go: our jobs are to persuade the game developers which way to go, not each other. Condescending remarks, shouting matches, and name-calling aren't particularly effective tactics in this regard.

    What other Gadgeteer powers does Batman use? There's the grapple gun, and possibly the smoke pellets (both being added right now); but that's about it. No rayguns, no robots, no nanotech, no orbital lasers. Aside from a handful of cherry-picked powers, the Gadgeteer Framework doesn't suit Batman at all.

    Also, we're dealing with a Batman-inspired Archtype: as such, it can and does cherry-pick powers from various Frameworks to suit its theme. As far as the Night Avenger AT is concerned, it makes no difference which Framework the boomerang powers are in.

    Where the choice of Framework matters is when you're dealing with Freeform characters; and in that case, the fact that the boomerang powers are being created to enable a Batman-inspired AT is irrelevant. What matters is how well the powers fit into the existing Frameworks. And as I said above, boomerangs fit into the Archery Framework at least as well as they fit into the Gadgeteer Framework.
    stoopidme wrote: »
    I would suggest changing Archery to the 'Hunter' tree, but Archery's issue definitely isn't a lack of ranged attacks.
    True enough. OTOH, it could benefit from having a few more low-cost ranged attacks in its repertoire. Though really, adding to Archery is at most a fringe benefit of doing this: the primary benefit is that the boomerang powers will be among thematically similar powers rather than only marginally related ones.

    IMHO, the ideal solution would be a new "Thrown Weapons" framework that parallels the Archery set. But creating a new framework is a major undertaking (see Wind and Earth for a demonstration of this fact), and I can't see a snowball's chance in hell of it happening before the Night Avenger AT goes live. The most I can hope for is what I asked for: move Boomerang Toss, Boomerang Throw, Boomerang Cone, and Bolas to Archery.
  • thelastsonofzodthelastsonofzod Posts: 658 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    arch?er?y (?rch-r)
    1. The art, sport, or skill of shooting with a bow and arrow.
    2. The equipment of an archer.
    3. A group of archers


    gadg?et?ry (gj-tr)
    1. Gadgets considered as a group.
    2. The design or construction of gadgets.

    Archery has nothing to do with boomerangs. You can call it condescension all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that a guy with a bow and arrows is not the same guy who throws boomerangs.

    Boomerangs have a long, and illustrious history as a gadget in comics. They're the weapon of choice for Batman, Boomerang, and Captain Boomerang, all of whom would be defined as gadgeteers. By contrast Green Arrow, the Golden Archer, Red Arrow, and Hawkeye have never used boomerangs. They all stick pretty much exclusively to bows and arrows, because thats where their skills lay.

    Additionally, Batman has used robots, orbital cannons, and nanotech throughout his career. The fact that he has a default arsenal which does not include these items, does not mean they aren't available if he requires them.

    Boomerangs simply fit better with gadgetry. Both from a conceptual point of view, and just the simple fact that they aren't arrows.
  • voiceoftemprusvoiceoftemprus Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    How do boomerangs fit in the archer set? If I was going to argue them out of gadgetry, there is only one other framework they would really fix, MA, with the shurikens. Chains fit Might because when the change was made, most of the "might" NPCs, and many of the mob heavies, had chains powers (oh, and many players asked for the change because of the tier 4 powers only letting us have 3 out of framework powers at the time).
    Good-bye, DevSlayer title, you will be missed.
    Still Waiting on: Archer and the Ultimate Ninja!
    Any chance we can finally get the vibro sword laser sword skin?
    "CO once had devs, but they all fled to STO and NW because they feared Caliga." -matixzon
  • mainscrizzmainscrizz Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited August 2012

    where do i sign to leave boomerangs out of archery :tongue:

    trying to put boomerangs in archery is the same as trying to put a rifle in archery.

    a crossbow on the other hand would fit into archery.
    @Scrizz :biggrin:
  • ukatoenasniukatoenasni Posts: 224 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    I'm going to have to likewise conclude that thematically speaking, the Boomerang (et. all) powers have a better fit within the Gadgeteering set, moreso then they do the Archery set.

    From what it sounds like, you're just coming up with thematic reasons to cover a mechanical want/desire (based on earlier bits of this conversation), and I'm not even sold on the idea that mechanically, the Boomerang powers would actually perform better in Archery (they miss out on just the energy unlock, realistically, beyond the early game; And even in the early game, Concentration can alleviate some of the issue until the next power choice, which isn't even that far in).

    I don't think the argument bears much merit, given the comic-historical view that the majority of small, thrown-objects are a go-to staple of Gadgeteer heroes moreso then it is Archery ones (who can use those kinds of devices, the same as Munitions-based heroes, but generally to a far lesser degree).

    [SIGPIC]Also, this poster rambles.[/SIGPIC]
  • gentlemancrushgentlemancrush Posts: 445 Cryptic Developer
    edited August 2012
    Guys, your feedback is very much appreciated! I'm going to step in here and say that the boomerang powers will remain in the Gadgeteering powerset.

    Additionally I hope to have another PTS push either tonight or tomorrow with what are nearing our final changes for the new powers and this AT. Thank you all for the continued help and feedback!
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    So, no Boomerang Arrow??...
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  • sorceror01sorceror01 Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    So, no Boomerang Arrow??...

    .... you're a bad person, and you should feel bad. XD
  • bioshrikebioshrike Posts: 5,491 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    flyingfinn wrote: »
    So, no Boomerang Arrow??...

    First you shoot the archer off the boat via a rocket, then he shoots a boomerang from his bow, which then annoys you, so you just pull out your gun and pop him one...
    <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::>
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  • lordwolfylordwolfy Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Noticed this bug when attempting to make a new toon on PTS:

    Travel power selection screen "resets" when choosing power.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open travel power window (when first selecting your travel power)

    2. Scroll down past first page of travel powers.

    3. Select any grayed out or available travel power.

    When I did this the window scrolled back to the beginning travel powers at the top of the page and did not select the power I was trying to click on.

    Edit: Apparently this also occurs when selecting Talents as well.
  • mainscrizzmainscrizz Posts: 302 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    lordwolfy wrote: »
    Noticed this bug when attempting to make a new toon on PTS:

    Travel power selection screen "resets" when choosing power.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open travel power window (when first selecting your travel power)

    2. Scroll down past first page of travel powers.

    3. Select any grayed out or available travel power.

    When I did this the window scrolled back to the beginning travel powers at the top of the page and did not select the power I was trying to click on.

    Edit: Apparently this also occurs when selecting Talents as well.

    this happens on all of those scrolling talents, TP, innate characteristic screen, etc.

    There are quite a few threads about it.
    It is really annoying.
    Not only that, Purchased travel powers don't show up for people on the PTS.
    @Scrizz :biggrin:
  • somebobsomebob Posts: 983 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    mainscrizz wrote: »
    Not only that, Purchased travel powers don't show up for people on the PTS.

    Because the PTS's C-Store is about, oh, 9-10 months out of date compared with Live's. That's when they shut it down because of 'problems' (an outright lie) and it hasn't been updated since.

    That means that yes, you get to keep any costumes, TPs, whatevers bought when you copy your character over, but you can't select them again if you try to change them.
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