Hmm. Ms. Krasnaya Slavy is good, strong Soviet candidate. Am pickink zat vun, comrade. o7 For ze motherland!
Haven't done too much lately, been a hectic series of weeks. But the sig. It still stares, incessantly. Gaze into it's soul and see all those that came before and were devoured by my altoholism~.
Magmazone. She has a great colour scheme and for some reason it never even occurred to me to use those shoulderpads to reflect a rock pattern, though it seems completely logical right now.
Going with Windsong! Was tied up between her, Andraste, and Cloak, but since there's a severe lack of (cool-looking) Native-American characters, Windsong wins this one.
I'm going with Saltire, both for the costume and the backstory (it's kind of nice to have a former government operative knocking around that didn't work for the U.S. government for a change...).
I've seen Negledo in-game several times with different costumes, and all of them look pretty freaking boss. But looking at the whole roster, I give my vote to Mosaic. Really striking look, nice color scheme, and a cool concept. Good toon.
*grumbles something about My Characters page offline*
Well then, dunno if she's still in the current roster, but I pick Captain Ku'alia, from the PDB, for sheer cuteness.
He's Miko's Nemesis and is only involved in an SG RP, so he sees no public usage. :V If you're really interested in him, look up Miko's page on the PRIMUS Database... but it's dooooown.
Well, I've only got the five slots at the moment, and it was taking too long to level him, so I decided to bring HandyMan to the Silver side, so...
(Then, once I'd done that, Tex Arcana's backstory made no sense, so he was the next to go. One day, though, when I've gotten my LTS, I'll have the slots needed to bring them back, and they'll look better with access to the High Plains Drifter costume set...)
Hmm. Ms. Krasnaya Slavy is good, strong Soviet candidate. Am pickink zat vun, comrade. o7 For ze motherland!
Haven't done too much lately, been a hectic series of weeks. But the sig. It still stares, incessantly. Gaze into it's soul and see all those that came before and were devoured by my altoholism~.
that Red Winter sure needs some henchie punishment
Picking Katmandu, really dig the armor.
PS: maybe add a link to your toons, Senshi, to make things easier for people. ^_^
Like this one:
I'ma-pick... Xydia! For reasons of nostalgia not fully known to my mortal mind. Plus, she looks neat, and the helmet design is pretty keen. ob
The sig still stares, because I'm too lazy to change it to anything else. FOR NOW.
EDIT: You win this round, word filter. ಠ_ಠ
Picking Myuki cause her helmet is the one that inspired me ^^v
~Lemon Sprite
I'm going with Saltire, both for the costume and the backstory (it's kind of nice to have a former government operative knocking around that didn't work for the U.S. government for a change...).
Wait'll they get a load of me...
But mention for Widow Maker, looks badass (from what I can tell of the superzoomed picture...)
I see Brother Ma'at got upgraded with the Horus armor.
I already liked him before, so here's another vote for him.
Well then, dunno if she's still in the current roster, but I pick Captain Ku'alia, from the PDB, for sheer cuteness.
Good coloring and the Vines pattern on the face is a great touch!
He's Miko's Nemesis and is only involved in an SG RP, so he sees no public usage. :V If you're really interested in him, look up Miko's page on the PRIMUS Database... but it's dooooown.
(not jumping in, next person can have Jon)
(Then, once I'd done that, Tex Arcana's backstory made no sense, so he was the next to go. One day, though, when I've gotten my LTS, I'll have the slots needed to bring them back, and they'll look better with access to the High Plains Drifter costume set...)