@YuriFoxfirega And by backstory, do you mean my Syrvian Virus Wars thread? If so, that makes me happy. I'm always happy to hear someone is reading the things I type. I'll be putting up another few posts in a bit.
Carolyn, cause she's a cute kitty.
Might wanna try those DEMON unlocked pieces on Vex...
Aaand survey sez: Myuki. It's an interesting look and backstory. ob (EDIT: Plus the color combo is awesome.)
@TKane: Sorry for the belated response (was massively distracted last night) - I read the first few bits and have been attempting to keep up but ADD and my backlog of RL stuff has been keeping me from doing too much there. :S I'm a professional lurker, though, when it comes to other people's creative stuff (I never really no what to say).
Oh, that's easy! The Countess of Ashen Glamours! The costume uses a really unique coloration which makes her look royal and mysterious at the same time!
Grail is pretty slick. :O The color combination is fairly neat, and the pieces were used really well.
Figured I might as well get one last round in while my characters still show up. Can't do any serious gaming for a while, so bleh. The sig will always be there to stare at you, though. For all the terrible things you've done! That, or it's grumpy with me.
She totally needs an action figure line! So many options for accessories...
On an unrelated note, I'm quite surprised I haven't come across any Black Rock Shooter clones in recent days.
And you thought YOUR morning commute to work was bad...
@YuriFoxfirega And by backstory, do you mean my Syrvian Virus Wars thread? If so, that makes me happy. I'm always happy to hear someone is reading the things I type. I'll be putting up another few posts in a bit.
It's a toss-up between Husk and Lucid. Nice job on Husk's coloring.
Might wanna try those DEMON unlocked pieces on Vex...
Aaand survey sez: Myuki. It's an interesting look and backstory. ob (EDIT: Plus the color combo is awesome.)
@TKane: Sorry for the belated response (was massively distracted last night) - I read the first few bits and have been attempting to keep up but ADD and my backlog of RL stuff has been keeping me from doing too much there. :S I'm a professional lurker, though, when it comes to other people's creative stuff (I never really no what to say).
Goblin Banker FTW!
(Down one character for the nonce - can't make a new one since the update...)
My heroes
Also your character link should read:
Currently it just gives people their own characters.
(Finally, my char list shows up again!)
Tough call between Pinchy and Experiment 004... but I'ma go with Pinchy, because that's outright brilliant design in action. o7
My crew.
Oh lawdy. Did I make a new toon and completely redo another one? Why yes, yes I did.
After much debate, I think I gotta go with ThermAkustic. Very striking design and coloring.
My Heroes
True Fact: Teach a man to fish, and you lose all your customer base. Does anyone even read these?
Remember... Real heroes are cool.
I feel somehow.. compelled... to say Canadian Shield. For reasons unbeknownst to me!
Clickie-bits in the sig~. Trying to work my way, ever so slowly, to more character slots to diversify the roster a bit more..
Eight Ball. Hands down.
That pun is brilliant, sir!
Oh...and Pokerface is awesome!
(Darnit, seems like my char list broke again...)
Sorry, if I wasn't already rooting for my SG mate, I would have been rooting for you to win.
Be sure and tell 'em Large Mar- Uh, I mean, TKane sent ya. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! If no one gets that reference I'm just going to stop making jokes in the link.
wow thanks
Ghost Arrow looks pretty rockin!
Grail is pretty slick. :O The color combination is fairly neat, and the pieces were used really well.
Figured I might as well get one last round in while my characters still show up. Can't do any serious gaming for a while, so bleh. The sig will always be there to stare at you, though. For all the terrible things you've done! That, or it's grumpy with me.
Poke'em in the eyes!