Here are links to the winners of our previous contests:
Contest #1 - SteampunkContest #2 - Golden age HeroesContest #3 Humans dressed as animalsContest #4 Halloween/BloodmoonContest #5 MythologyContest #6 HumorContest #7 Mad ScienceContest #8 The Holiday SeasonContest #9 PowersetsContest #10 Heroes around the Globe
The theme for our eleventh contest is ....
Heroes from America This contest theme centers around creating nationalistic heroes like Captain America. For example, you can create Liberty Belle or Freedom Frank. Please no Kaptain Kansas toons since we will have a separate contest for all of the 50 states. Save them for that one. This contest is more for the toons geared towards the entire USA. I decided against using STO for this theme. If enough people want to use that as a theme then I will be happy to make it the next one. Please note my 8 year-old son will be helping me judge the contest so be ready for some interesting comments.PROTIP: Take ingame screen shots since the Rate My Champion (RMC) pics never show how good the toons really look. Also, you can share the costume screenshot file too.
1. Make a toon that follows the theme or post one that you already have.
2. Submit screenshots or saved costume files in this thread before the end of the contest. Please no RMC pics. They distort toons and are hard to judge.
3. My decision is final save the drama for the dev comments, please.
4. Have fun!
The second Clarence action figure that ChromeDome donated to the contest in December.
This contest will close on Friday, February 26th. I will post the winners that night.
Also, costume contest #12 theme will be selected by Cervando for winning the previous contest.
Any donations received will be given as prizes. Please let me know if you have something to donate.
Good Luck!
Lady Liberty by Mariel_Martog
Uncle Sam
General Motors by FlyingFinn
The Last Mohican by FlyingFinn
Mister Liberty by FlyingFinn
Dollar Bill by FlyingFinn
The King by FlyingFinn
OSKAR by FlyingFinn
Tin Soldier by Amnail
The LAW SUIT by Citronique
Iron Eagle by Leatherhead
The Libertarian by SusieBot
National Guardian by Ghost_Hand
USA Man by Ghost_Hand
S.T.A.R.R.S. by RandomChance42
Eagle Prime by Teaques
The Aviator by Amnail
General Washington by Urvine
Liberator by ZeeGermans
Golden Glory by Chiroptera
The Spirit of America by SPrime
Freedoms Light by HeavensAgent
Lady Justice by Araushnee
Powhatan Princess by Araushnee
The Penny Saver by Saldan
Liberty Star by Mafalin_
Apple Pie by Mariel_Martog
John Henry by Leatherhead
Sloppy Joe by RancidJellyfish
NSAgent by Cervando
Granny Freedom by Killiandros
As I started doing in the past, I wanted to make a special mention to the costumes I thought were well done and deserved a second look:
The Last Mohican really well done Native American.
Mister Liberty he looks exactly like what Id expect a statue come to life would look like.
OSKAR Great job emulating metal skin on the chest.
The Libertarian iconic look.
Eagle Prime really well done Hawkman type toon
Liberty Star Very well done Capt America meets Green Arrow toon.
For this costume contest I paid particular attention to toons I thought both meet the criteria of being Nationalistic Americana and were complicated/unusual designs.
Now for the winners in reverse order: -
3. Powhatan Princess by Araushnee This toon is a great representation of Native Americans and a young hero. Araushnee did a great job on those eyes they really complete the kid look. I almost ruled this one out because it wasnt a more USA style toon but thought it did such a good job on the costume design it should not be overlooked. Very nice job, Araushnee.
[url] [/url]
2. Liberator by ZeeGermans This toon is both very well made for a USA toon I mean come on its an eagle for crying out loud! But also does a great job really completing the bird look. What I really like about it are the hands/feet/bracers. They make this toon stand out compared to other bird type toons. The shoulder pads are a bit large for my tastes but I think they really help nail the USA theme. Good job, Zee Germans!
[url] [/url]
1. Golden Glory by Chiroptera Wow, our first female winner! I really liked the use of a number of elements in this costume. It used PvP unlocks for the top, its feminine yet superhero-ie, Uses those silly shoulder pads in a perfect manner, and maintains an iconic look. Great job, Chiroptera! You used a number of pieces to make a really good USA style hero.
[url] [/url]
The next contest will be States of the Union!. I will create a new thread for this new contest now. Good luck all!
Both have two looks so enjoy.
Lady Liberty Born i New Jersey Works in New York she has the power to become Made of Pure Copper, Which after a few years has turned her Green in her copper form. her powers are based in energy btw...
Liberty Costume 1: Based on the Statue of Liberty
Liberty Costume 2: Golden Age Heroic Female look
And Former WWE Super Star Uncle Slam
Uncle Slam costume 1: Based on Uncle Sam
Uncle Slam Costume 2: Heroic Pro-Wrestler Look
(on a side note Yes Uncle Slam is also a 80's Thrash Metal Band from LA, and Yes I had a tape of their music at that time...but it was not the reason I choose the name, honestly no inspiration from that band at all, none, non pas )
Just in case you didn't notice, there are a few other countries around
Shh, the US is the only one that actually has "America" in its name. You can't expect them to go around calling it "United," though "The States" is pretty common -- though strictly speaking its even less specific than "America," given that there are actually a number of places with "State" or "States" in their name, and a number of other places that divide their region into states (as opposed to provinces or prefectures, etc).
No need to get all mock-offended. Here, have a fellowship hug!
#1 General Motors, The Big GM himself. The Spirit of Detroid. Part man, part autoparts. Runs on high octane and sweet American pie.
#2 The Last Mohican. Native American hero.
#3 Mister Liberty. The Protector of Independence and Freedom. (O, we have Lady Liberty all ready )
#4 Dollar Bill. (I had this laying around..)
#5 The King himself. He never died, he moved to Millenium City and started his career as a superhero. Secret identy is Bruce Campbell.
#6 OSKAR. Goldplated hero, wielding a huge magical sword.
Created by the army to "Kill those COMMIE *******s!, he was decades too late. The Cold War has been over for centuries, but don't tell him that. Or else you will find a nice little present inside your skull.
Likes: Killing Commies, killing Commies, cleaning his gun, killing Commies.
Dislikes: Commies, anyone above him, a dirty gun.
Personal Quote: "I cannot wait to see you... So I can kill you as a personal favor to Uncle Sam!"
Might make more, but I wanna have at least one in.
Thank you, funny it seems the toons I spend the most time usually don't get mentioned, happened with Bob, and Now Uncle Slam... PS. yes I love WWE and think U.S. (Uncle Slam, aka John Bigboot
I got couple other team America heroes, but Aunt Sam is a strip... exoticdancer, so she doesnt qualify to PG Rating and GeeDouble Ya! was created under influence of bewerages...
Oh and Sam The Eagle ended up looking like Mythology Comp Horus in blue...
FlyingFinn, Mister Liberty rocks. I would love to have the costume data, because in my mind he'd look better with a ponytail and clean-shaven face. But overall awesome. And The King. Does he have psychic powers?
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I understand that this has been quite the field trip -- but I have requested that we meet at the scene of the so-called "traction failure" for a very specific reason. My client's all-terrain radials very specifically mention that chains should be employed in snowy conditions for optimal traction -- and judging by the shivering of the plaintiff, this white stuff we're standing in here sure isn't spun sugar."
And remember, if you don't get paid, HE doesn't get paid!
Edit: Sorry about the quality of the pictures. The Kitchen Sink patch disabled my anti-aliasing, so this is the best I can do.
But he is The King and Bruce Campbell so Pure Awesomness is enough to deal anykind of situation...
I'll try dig up Mister Liberty's costume file up.
And Mariel_Martog, i used my Epic skills of PhotoFiltre
(Gawd, i need to get more Gb's for my costume files )
Yay! I shall now give him a ponytail and shave his face :V
Iron Eagle
An Ace fighter pilot given her very own battle-armor suit.
From the front.
Brandishing her talons.
Defender of smaller government, personal freedom, and legalized marijuana!
1. National Guardian
2. USA Man
The Sinclair Technologies Armored Rescue and Response System was initially developed by inventor David Layton Sinclair to assist firefighters and civilian authorities in emergency situations where a normal human would be unable to survive. When Sinclair discovered corrupt corporate officers were planning on selling the suits for black ops military purposes, he took the only working prototype and began his own crusade against injustice.
front and back:
"my graphics card is crying" picture:
just used force eruption:
First in his tradition garb, then one for when he's feeling extra-specially patriotic. His gear is based of the Bald Eagle, that icon of American birdyness.
A true war hero, The Aviator can fly anything, anytime, anywhere.
General Washington
Cherry trees better watch the hell out! HERE COMES MR. WASHINGTON!
LIBERATOR firing guns, akimbo style:
Nice work .... FOR A GERMAN!
Thank You Sir.
Nope. Next one is going to be based on the states ....
Okay I'll do something else and strike CC from the record!
Edit: Yeah I should have read the contest info
So it seems in the next one we will have more then one California entry...
Beware the Bear Republic
A heroine whose family has been wearing capes and cowels since the dawn of her beloved Country, starting all the way back with her great, great, great, etc. (you get the idea) Grandfather who donned a Boston colonial flag as a bandana-mask and fought a Zorro-esq battle for freedom in the days leading up to the Boston Tea Party.
Golden Glory Front & Back
Glory atop City Hall
But then again the cape was designed for such a use.
That and it's really the only GOOD patriotic star cape. The rest of them are more like either Space Hero capes or Liberace theatre capes.
There's one that's just a generic 5 point star but that's more suiting to a state like Texas than the nation as a whole.
Anyway, I give you:
The Spirit of America
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The Spirit of America represents the very essence of America, which is that even the smallest of man can aspire to greatness.
Freedom's Light
Login Screen (Front and Back)
Don't forget that my 8 year old son will be judging this one ...
I'm attempting to attach 2 characters at this time. I don't know what I am going to end up actually doing. I did 3 others, but I hated them.
Lady Justice
She stands 7 ft tall made of bronze an alloy of about 80% copper and 20% tin. The green colors are a result of purposeful accelerated oxidation of the metal. She has the ability to destroy evil and heal the righteous. Her right hand represents her healing side with plant vines wrapped around her arm and lace glove. Her left hand however, represents her destructive side with chains wrapped around her arm and a clawed glove. These hands are a representation of the scales of balance she is often depicted with in imagery. On her belt and chest she bears a Psi symbol. While only a Greek letter its form is similar to that of her scales. On her left side she carries her sword, and in battle uses this sword in her right hand. With Rebuke she can damage a foe or heal a friend. She is Lady Justice.
My inspiration: I looked at tons of statues and images depicting Lady Justice. I had to come up with some metaphors and representations for the scales of balance since Champions online have no scales; not even for an emblem. It was a challenge, but fun.
Sword of Justice->
Powhatan Princess
She stands a little over 4 ft tall. She is a young girl around the age of 12. She wears the traditional clothing of the Powhatan. Powhatan women wear deer hide skin skirts that come to their knees and wear mantles but no real shirt. This young girls clothing is far more ornamental then the common Powhatan women. Her head and shoulder are adorned with feathers of a turkey. On one arm she has a bracer for battle and on the other a bracer meant for more of an ornamental purpose. She has elaborate tattoos and face paint. She carries a bow and uses it well. This young girl is a Powhatan Princess.
My inspiration: Well this was going to be Pocahontas (only Native American female heroine I could think of), but I think that violates the naming rules. Getting her proportions right for a young girl was a bit hard, and it took me a while to come up with a top that looked like a mantel yet covered her chest up.
She is so small it was hard getting good shots. x.x
Closer View Front->
Closer View Back->
Extra Close Up->
Next time I will upload the images to my server, cause photobucket is terrible. omg...
No your not the only female...
...And I was noticing the trend as well but though it was just me.;)
It's more to do with the lack of decent costume options for females than anything else.
That, and most people don't use the body morphing sliders very much when making female characters, which has a nasty side effect of making most female characters look too much alike.
I always change the sliders, however I have noticed some that just always look similar.
Usually I hit Random 3 times before making a costume, also my main looks very different, but then I was going for a fantasy elf look.
lol, k
Aion had a very nice body morphing system set up. I like to make kids sometimes and it was set up nicely to do that. I've been trying to work with CO's morphing to make a girl, and it's not going as smoothly.
I usually spend 1-4 hrs when designing characters, so I've always played with everything and I find my females look different from everyone, but my main is fantasy elf based too; although drow.
I think there are plenty of good costome options compared to the morphing options. Only things I keep running into is lack of normal jewelry, and anything fancy and/or elegant like like ballgowns. But there sure are loads of mech armor; although I'm not a fan of mech stuff.
I have a feeling my play time is really going to be spent in character creation instead of gameplay. My fiance might be right by telling me to get Poser.
Greyhawk Valley Elf, from second edition. MM originally was a War Wizard from the Elves handbook
I base my drow off of Forgotten Realms pre 3.5 edition. I haven't settled with a character yet in this game, but my user name Araushnee was originally Lolth's name before she was cast out of the Elven Pantheon and turned evil.
From that day forth Penny Saver has been roaming the states stopping evil in it's tracks. It's unknown inventor has yet to be seen again.
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