In this contest, participants are required to post their BEST Champion concepts. I don't encounter too many heroes throughout the game, so I don't really get the chance to see many awesome ones. The point of this contest is to basically see just how creative people can be.
Rather simple. Just post screenshots, backstories, and any other paraphernalia of a single Champion, your best, well-thought out Champion, whether you make them just for this contest or already HAD them! But there is more to it than that:
The first and foremost element you should consider in your entry. What makes the hero different from any other? Is his/her story plain out linear? Or full of plot twists? Is your hero an epic crimefighter? Or just a "beacon shutdowner"?
If originality fails for you, at least there is creativity. Does your hero have a punny name?! Does their name fit their theme? Just how awesome and supercool is their costume?
What's this? Rate My Champion pictures?! How will you show off your hero? Just a boring stance shot? Or will you show them in action?! RAWR!
You must be able to post in this thread.
You must be a member of the site for at least 3 weeks.
"Anything else you need to know?"
Contest ends on November 20.
Knockoffs, ripoffs, and any parodies are not allowed as entries.
Edit: First place will receive a Viper Demolitions Action Figure #95, a UNITY action figure! They will also receive 20 Global along with a forum signature of their taste.
Second place and third place will also be made a forum signature of their taste.
Credit goes to community member Adogg for offering the super awesome UNITY action figure and community lurker LightStarr for contributing the Global. Global prize may increase depending on the courtesy of patrons.
Final Edit: The contest has ended! Congratulations to SneakyCheeks (entry: Lonestar), FractalSkye (entry:Igneous), and Saldan (entry:Stan Steam) from first to third place!
As a gifted young mage Stan Steam seemed to have no direction, until he saw his first Steampunk anime. He fell in love with it after that and started focusing his magic on creating steam powered items. His teachers found it amusing and inventive at first until he started becoming obsessed, and was limiting himself to steam powered items. He eventually created an entire suit and bound a fire and a water elemental inside it to give an infinite source of steam. Leaving his home magic realm and moving to Millenium City he does what he can to help out the people of the earth realm.
- Because all text about PsiLAN is in spanish i'll try to summarize it.
Dorian Destino was born as a normal child in a mid class family. In his teens he becomes the classic lonely boy, nothing that really worries his parents. In fact, his mutant powers were manifesting and he was unaware that he was in fact a psiker so he was uncomfortable with all the psi-static produced when in the proximity of other people. Intuitively he learned how to control all this 'noise' so he could live normally again and his parents dont bother about that teen episode finally ended.
Sadly, his young brother was also a mutant, but not a psiker but a fire controller. All began with a great fever, such huge that he was hospitalized.
When Dorian visited his brother isolated in the hospital both powers activated. First Dorian feel the pain of his brother and accidentally redirected to everyone in the vecinity, causing even more pain and disconcert what in time returned increased to him and he redirected it to the original point of emanation... his brother. When Ismail (dorian's brother) received that wave of psi-pain his powers explode trying to destroy the origin of this pain, destroying the hospital and all the innocents in. Including their parents.
Ismail run away convinced that he had killed his family and hundreds of innocents. He worked in foundries, and in time learned how to reduce his temperature with periodic uses of his powers.
Years passed and Ismail discover his brother survived the explosion but was held in a coma, watched by the scientist of Recios Inc.
When brother meet again a new link was closed and Dorian awake from the coma.
Now, both brothers work for the corporation that rescued and keep them alive, Recios Inc.
Fiebre (Fever) is a fire controller and producer, but with training and the proper equipmet is no longer a danger.
PsiLAN is a powerful psiker who have been training for years by Recios psikers while his body remained in coma. He powers got reduced effect with distance, something strange for a psiker, but in close distances are remarcable. He links minds of teammates (hence the name psilan) and uses technology to manifest psi blades when in combat.
From the original story and character concept a number of ideas have evolved, including the origins of PsiLAN.
A few of them are writen (aye, in spanish, sorry ).
In this stories PsiLAN becomes a bit more violent and seems to lose control of his emotions, something really frustrating for a psichologist and psyker.
With the help of teammates he discovers that his mind has been influenced by a supernatural entity called Delirio (Delirium), whish turns to be a demon who in times created his family.
Dorian's family has been persecuted during the middle age, accused of witchcraft and traits with demons. Initially he though it to be due to a mutant gen in his family. Both he and his brother shows extrange features in his body (Dorian's got a third eye and his brother a pair of horns).
But in fact his family descends from a exiled demon (Delirium) who mated with mortals, so brother are not mutants but hibrids.
PsiLAN now shows psi powers mixed with darkness but this dark matter comes from inside as if it was his own blood or something like that.
Today Dorian and Ismail still have to know what they really are, but for now no more demon ancestors seems to be searching for their lives.
Ok here is my entry: Constructo!
Extended Bio: (BTW I suck at writing back stories)
Constructo started his life out as a prototype small sized construction bot built to help rebuild damage to Millennium City. Spending most of his own money, Professor Kenashi, built Constructo as a proof of concept that robots didnt need to be massive monstrostities to accomplish construction tasks. To costly to replicate, Professor Kenashi took Constructo home to work on him to lower the costs. Kenashi's son, thinking it was a new toy called him Constructo. Unwilling to let his father disassemble him, Kenashi's son pleaded with his father to spare his new toy. Knowing that he didnt need to completely disassemble the bot, Kenashi agreed. Soon the boy and robot became inseperable. After a freak lightning strike, Constructo's advanced A.I. system became sentient. The professor was at a loss to explain what happened. Acting like a young child, the professor began to teach Constructo. Constructo began to learn everything he could, but his favorite thing was reading ad sharing comics with his "brother." Finally Constructo saw his reason for being. He would fight crime. Leaving the professor's house late one evening, Constructo made his way to the city determined to make his "father" proud.
Ok here is my entry: Constructo!
Extended Bio: (BTW I suck at writing back stories)
Constructo started his life out as a prototype small sized construction bot built to help rebuild damage to Millennium City. Spending most of his own money, Professor Kenashi, built Constructo as a proof of concept that robots didnt need to be massive monstrostities to accomplish construction tasks. To costly to replicate, Professor Kenashi took Constructo home to work on him to lower the costs. Kenashi's son, thinking it was a new toy called him Constructo. Unwilling to let his father disameble him, Kenashi's son pleaded with his father to spare his new toy. Knowing that he didnt need to completely disassemble the bot, Kenashi agreed. Soon the boy and robot became inseperable. After a freak lightning strike, Constructo advanced A.I. system became sentient. The professor was at a loss to explain what happened. Acting like a young child, the professor began to teach Constructo. Constructo began to learn everything he could, but his favorite thing was reading ad sharing comics with his "brother." Finally Constructo saw his reason for being. He would fight crime. Leaving the professor's house late one evening, Constructo made his way to the city determined to make his "father" proud.
This is not a bad backstory at all. It has very unique twists in it.
Was working on another part of CORE's history in school today. (2 classes dropped out and a hour break time so I didn't have anything to do for 3 hours)
So I thought I'd write some more. After about writing down 2 A4 pages of text, a moderator figuired I wasn't busy with school work and closed the window without saving. So yeah....fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
This is not a bad backstory at all. It has very unique twists in it.
Well I do admit I was going to make him a toy robot that came alive (Since he's like 4'6" in game.) but couldnt figure out how this toy could be made that can bench press multi ton blocks, let alone throw them 20 some odd feet
Awesome I'm totally going to take part...and I'll use my main..being that he was the one I spent months forming in my mind while waiting for the game to launch.
Hero Name: Lonestar
One fateful afternoon Heather Dade, nine months pregent, was exiting from a local down town shop when a crazed villain attacked the city. It was none other than Professor Irvin Smithers, who after having his wife not only leave him, but turn around and sue him as well as being fired from his teaching job suddenly snapped. Smithers was well known for his work in robotics, as well as his obessive belief in the theroies expressed in Mary Shelly's Frankenstien as being a possible science.
Using a prototype robotic creation and a special suit that he deveolped, he laid segie to the city. The superhero Greenbird responded to the city's cries for help and engaged Professor Smithers in battle. In the heat of the battle Greenbird accidently punctured a canister on the robot's body causing an explosion that Smithers managed to survive. Though he was quickly placed under arrest by the police. The explosion released a small amount of the raidated gas that had been powering the robot into the air, infecting Heather Dade and knocking her out before evaporating into the air.
Greenbird flew her to the hospital where the doctors quickly gave her and the baby a clean bill of health. Unknown to the doctors, the gas had infected the baby altering portions of its DNA but other wise leaving the baby unharmed. Three weeks later Travis Dade was brought into the world where he met his loving parents, Philp and Heather Dade.
But growing up wasn't exactly a fun experiance for Travis, having been born with an immunodeficiency he speant alot of his child hood fighting off illness after illness. Upon seeing their son forced to often play by himself, since the neighborhood children were too nervous to play with an easily sickened kid, his parents bestowed upon him the nickname Lonestar.
When Travis was 17 he was struck with meningitis, which due to his already weak immune system nearly killed him and caused him to be put in the hospital. Upon recovering from this illness...Travis learned that everything that had made him so frail for most of his life had suddenly vanished. His allergies were entirely gone and he found that he had more energy than he could ever have imagined. On an even stranger note his Immune system had reconsrtucted itself to near super human levels, making him immune to a number of illness and desaises. He also discovered one day that he could suddenly fly and lift objects that normal people could only move in their dreams, quickly realizing that these were the very same powers that the hero Greenbird displayed on many occasions. He also found that he could channel his body's energy into controlled psyhcial blasts of force from his hands and other parts of his body..something that Greenbird could not do.
It was at this time that his mother told him of the incident that she had been in just weeks before his birth, and of how Greenbird picked her up and flew her to the Hospital. Travis came to the conclusion that the gas had altered his DNA and had, at the same time, some how absorbed Greenbird's powers due to his close contact with his mother. But that didn't account for his energy abilities, his mother however added that the last thing she remembered thinking was that she could not allow her baby to die. This was the final peice to the puzzle, some how her will to live must have manifiested itself inside him and evolved into his energy power.
On Travis' 24th birthday Harold Martin, known to the world as Greenbird, retired from his superhero ways to live the rest of his life in peace. It was on this day that Travis realized what his destiny in the world was, and couldn't bare to think of what might happen to the city with out Greenbird to protect it. So Travis made himself a costume, and using the nickname that his parents had given him as a child...rose up as Lonestar, the city's newest protector.
The End.
Charging up his power!
And another picture of him fighting his third and most recent Nemesis...Dr. Sparks.
I'm definately in for this... just having a hard time deciding who to enter. Barnstormer my best looking character, but backstory not completely fleshed out yet, Cowboy Justice : decent, but short backstory, ho-hum look, MEGA : so-so backstory and look, or ARMOR, best backstory, but not completely sold on the look right now... everyone? This contest is such a great idea. If you want your background being read, now's the time.
Maybe it's the prize? To be honest, I was going to enter until I saw that the prize was just a cool signature (which, by the way, is pretty awesome). But normally contests like these have more... practical rewards (in-game rewards... like globals, or Action Figures).
I think the contest's theme is excellent, and I know dozens of players that would jump at the opportunity to enter... but only if the prize was worth entering for.
Maybe it's the prize? To be honest, I was going to enter until I saw that the prize was just a cool signature (which, by the way, is pretty awesome). But normally contests like these have more... practical rewards (in-game rewards... like globals, or Action Figures).
I think the contest's theme is excellent, and I know dozens of players that would jump at the opportunity to enter... but only if the prize was worth entering for.
I figured as much. Which is why I am working on adding something more material rather than a sig. I'll let you all know.
Appearance: Vinven is a short male humanoid, with slender but toned figure. Pure black skin, pointed ears, and long white hair tied back accentuating his widow's peak, with loose strands hanging over his brow. He has a softly angled youthful face, small pointed nose, with light violet eyes, and a smirk often on his pointed-arch lips.
He dresses in a skin-tight leather combat suit from neck to ankles, light in some areas such as joints to remain flexible, hardened in vital areas. His black leather combat boots have been modified to make movements quieter. Covering over his combat suit is a long hooded dark violet jacket. A small scarf hangs around his neck which he uses to filter his air. Goggles rested on his forehead allow him to see in different spectrums.
Powers: Vinven is exceptionally fast and agile and capable fighter. He mainly uses a pair of xiphoid, matching katar punching daggers to make quick lethal strikes. Besides his combat expertise. he also commands several shadow powers. He is able to conjure darkness, hide in it, and teleport.
Personality: Vinven is one arrogant, self-loving person, but the only thing he loves more than himself and gold is women. Though he knows that women will eventually be the death of him, he is in constant pursuit of women as well as challenge, danger, and profit.
Origin: Vinven is an ex-assassin, from another dimension. Combining deadly skill and shadow magic. He was highly sought after for his ability to get into places others have difficulty with, thanks to being able to teleport. However recently his reputation has been diminished, due to failing his last mission. He was hired to take out a target, only to find out it was a beautiful woman. Not being one to mix business with pleasure, he decided to just choose pleasure.
However, he fell into this dimension and has found himself repeatedly in prison. Feeling that he needed to adapt until he could find his way back, he became a hero...for hire. He now helps out those in need, as long as the organizations needing the help were willing to pay well. Some may dislike him for only helping those that help his wallet, but there is no doubt he has done much good regardless.
Cecil McRunfast was a boring, rude, and altogether unpleasant history teacher at a small high school in Nondescript Town Virginia. One thing could be said about Cecil....the man was a patriot. <-- (PLOT POINT! REMEMBER THIS.)
On the day of an exceptionally bad lightning storm, our protagonist was taking his normal weekly trip around the monuments in Washington D.C. when his umbrella was struck by a mighty bolt of lightning. As he awoke minutes later, he could remember nothing about who or where he was...however the first thing he noticed was that he was surrounded by American history!
He staggered about until he arrived into the National Archives building...some unnamed force was guiding him until he found himself standing before the United States Declaration of Independence.
After reading the document in its entirety, he decided that he MUST be a colonial soldier sent to protect the people.
Checking his pockets he found his drivers license and discovered his name to be Cecil McRunfast. Deciding this to be a rather unpatriotic surname, he changed it to Justice.
After obtaining a frighteningly large amount of weapons of the firearms persuasion, he now roams the streets of the nations capital as CECIL JUSTICE!
Oh and uh no one at the high school cared the jerk teacher went missing and moved on. <-- (THATS A PLOT HOLE! IGNORE THIS.)
I must say that this looks like loads of fun. Unfortunately, I am still learning things like taking screenshots so I am going to opt out of this contest.
I figured as much. Which is why I am working on adding something more material rather than a sig. I'll let you all know.
I create character concepts for fun not for profit, and i think it is the way it should be. This is a game after all.
So, consider my entry an 'out of contest' one ^_^
PD.- anyway, character background is in spanish :P
Selected journal entries from Jacob Wight, AKA Igneous
June 8th 1993
Well, here I sit in this quiet room recollecting everything, every little event and choice that brought me here. Id have to say that it started back when I was young and dumb. I got Janine, my girlfriend, pregnant and neither of our parents would take anything short of marriage for an answer. So, we had the quick ceremony. I dropped out of community college to take up a job at the local steel mill in Detroit so there would be a steady paycheck to try to support us. The baby came, the job went, and I was desperate to find work. So, I took up work with one of the local mafia bosses. It was small time stuff; break a few knees, make a few deliveries, grease a few gears. I know it wasnt right, but when you need to put food on the table and a roof over your families heads, you do what it takes.
About this time, I came down with some sort of sickness. I was running a constant 103 degree temperature for two weeks straight. I came to find out that I wasnt sick. It was a late blooming mutant power looking to surface in the form of fire control. Mickey, my best friend and partner at the time, called it pyrogenesis and pyrokinesis. I could create and control super heated plasma. Well, when the boss got wind of this, my new talents were put to use. I became the new local fire bug. Coincidentally, it was not long after this that Mickey developed his own powers. He could throw around electricity that his own body generated. So, Mickey and I came up with names for ourselves. I took on the name Igneous while he took on the name Gauss. I took my job and powers pretty seriously. Mickey, on the other hand, was getting drunk on the power.
This power madness came to a head last year. When Doctor Destroyer came to bring down Detroit, Mickey sensed the way the winds were blowing and sided up with Destroyer. Me? I now had my family to protect. And this was my home town. So, I figured I may as well start doing some sort of good for Detroit for all the bad Id done. Mickey didnt take it too well that we were on opposite sides of the tracks. Long story short: Detroit fell and fell hard. With Detroit, I lost everything in my world. Janine and our baby were found dead in the scarred and ruined husk of our house. I took one look at the tell tale electrical burns across the walls and knew what had happened. I didnt even put up a fight when law enforcement came to take me away.
Now, Im awaiting my final sentence. Id done a lot of bad things; bad things that I need to pay for. The judge said hed take my assistance in defending the city into consideration. This usually means two things in the justice system: jack and squat.
Jacob Wight, of all crimes brought to this courts attention, you have been found guilty. The combined weight of your crimes has earned you a life sentence in the Stronghold without possibility of parole. But, taking into consideration your attempts to defend the city against the invasion of Doctor Destroyer, this court feels that a reduced sentence of 25 years is sufficient.
25 years 25 years and Ill be out. And when Im out, Mickey, Im coming for you.
September 1st 2009
Today, I received a visitor; the only one in the past 16 years. It wasnt anyone I knew, though. It was someone from the legal team representing the Champions. At first, I thought they were trying to open a new case against me for some reason or another. It turns out that it was nothing of the kind. Apparently, Defender decided to try out some sort of rehab program for superpowered criminals and my name was on his short list. So, the deal was I would be released early as long as I agreed to fight for his program. At first, I didnt like the idea of being kept on a government leash. But, Ill tell you, there are a couple of strong motivating factors for me taking this kind of a job. First, the Stronghold is a highly unforgiving place. Beyond the usual inter-prisoner violence, Ive also had to dodge a few hits placed on me by my old boss. One of those hits got a little too close for comfort and it cost me some of the sight in my right eye. Then, of course, theres Mickey. To get the chance to make him burn for what he did to my family, Id gladly toe Defenders line.
So, I signed my name on the dotted line and got my leash in the form of a bulky suppression collar. Basically, it has a receiver that any of the Champions can activate to shut me down if I get out of line. Its supposed to burst and release this goop that bogs me down and restrains me. It also responds to various beacons around Millenium City and some of the nations hot spots. If I travel out of bounds, the collar automatically goes off.
The whole job is sort of like probation. If I do good work, eventually I lose the collar and go back to leading a normal life or become another super hero.
October 25th 2009
I woke up today in Mercy Hospital. I woke up and lost it. My body was covered in this dark glassy substance. It was almost like obsidian, but I could see blue flames roiling beneath it. The doctors were baffled, so they deferred the explanation to some experts in the fields of the bizarre. According to the experts, the shell that coated my body was the result of a reaction between my powers and the chemicals used in the restraining sludge found in the collars. At first, I was baffled by how it could have happened. But, slowly the events of the week before came back to me.
Apparently, I had gotten word from some sources that Mickey was still around and using his old handle, Gauss. I managed to pin down some clues on where he would be and turned up information of a heist that he and his gang would be committing at a nearby museum; some lemurian artifacts or some such. I wasnt about to let him get away with it, or anything else. So, I rushed to the museum and sure enough, there he was. He looked right at me; shocked to see me at first. But then he smiled and ordered his goons after me before dashing off into the sky. One quick pool of fire and his thugs were done for. I blasted my way off into the air to chase down Mickey. Damn, he was fast. I remember pushing myself hard to try to catch him. I remember hearing the double booming echoes as we broke the sound barrier. I could feel the intensity of the enveloping flames start to strip off my uniform. The one thing I didnt notice was the alarms going off on my collar. I had breached the perimeter. I could see the blackness swarm over me, but I could also see it start to deteriorate under the heat. Eventually, though, the sludge won out and slowly dragged me downward.
Now, Im stuck like this for who-knows-how long. Defenders little pet project has turned me into something inhuman. But, now Im free. Apparently, the Champions legal team realized the implications of such an accident and how it could affect the operation. They also took into consideration that I was attempting to apprehend a criminal when the incident took place. In a week, the paperwork will be finished and Ill be released. My path will be open to anything. I think Ill keep giving this superhero thing a try.
Ive already got an offer; a business card from a group called Spectrum.
Of course that's a modified look for CO. He did look a bit different when I first envisioned him. Hopefully I can get the hair at least right. I do have a bit of backstory though. This character is probably one of my favourites honestly. I especially look forward to the days we'll have rogues galleries and mission architects. Boy howdy.
PS: A lot of these are really awesome. CORE stood out a lot, in particular.
I must say that this looks like loads of fun. Unfortunately, I am still learning things like taking screenshots so I am going to opt out of this contest.
Good luck guys.
All it takes is pressing the Print Screen button your keyboard. After that, go into your Cryptic Studios folder.
From there: Champions Online-->Live-->Screenshots
All of them should be there, including any costumes you saved!
And Shkar, only if you are sure. I really admire that because I do things for the fun of it as well. I'll be sure to critique EVERY single entry in the contest, top winners or not.
I've also updated the first post with extra prizes!
For along as I can remember Ive always wanted to be more than I am. Being human is boring. Working my **** off for money that was never truly my own, after all I guess I had to pay the bills if I wanted to survive. Each day felt the same just with the slightest change in task. I mean it wouldnt of been half as bad if something interesting happened every once in a while. But being a plumber was never going to be more than just being a plumber, same old whingeing customers complaining about something silly. But what could I do, it was all I knew
Everything changed for me though. After one dreadful day, it must of surely have been one of the worst days of my life. It all started from the very moment of waking up. I was already running late, so no warm tea to wake me up and no breakfast in my stomach. All the way up to dinner I was working on an empty stomach, and the worst thing was, I was never a morning person anyway. I was working with no fuel and very quickly running out of energy. Anyway after dinner I carried on with my work. The thing that got me most was the fact that with all this technology and scientific advances plumbing still never got any easier. I mean human augmentation allowed people to become more than just human, it allowed people to fly among other stuff. But still, plumbing pain in the ****. The main reason my day was terrible apart from the fact I had phone calls coming in left, right and centre for me to be where I couldnt. I had just finished installing a brand new heating system, new top of the range thermo energy conductive radiators and pipe-less water transfer system, Boilers were no longer used, Scientists found a way to tap into surrounding energys as a source of heat, I wont go into the details but these types of system were very expensive and very difficult to fit. I was relieved to finish the job, looking forward to a nice fat wad of cash. Unfortunately the customer refused to pay. I thought they were joking at first, but they were not. Before I could even begin to argue it, they pulled a damn weapon on me. Fearing for my life I left, furious and out of pocket. You think you can trust people
After returning home at 8:00pm I had found my house trashed, lucky I had no family of my own otherwise they may have been hurt. I walked into my living room to find a note. It read Youre never seeing your money and if you attempt to alert the authorities you will regret it! This pushed me over the edge I was furious, my blood boiled and my head throbbed. I passed out due to extreme stress.
While I was unconches I had the strangest dream. I was running through a dark empty hallway, it was almost endless. I ran and ran eventually into a solid glass wall. There was no way passed it that I could see. This situation just made me even angrier, first work now this twisted **** dream. This dream felt so real, I knew I wasnt conches but it felt so vibrant and physical. I had no sense of time and felt as if I had been stuck there for hours trying to bust this wall down. I used my fists, my feet and my shoulders. I couldnt break it. Still burning with anger I started running at it full speed from further and further distances. But still it would not break. I became fearful afraid that if I didnt break this wall down I would become trapped.
I could see just past the darkness enough to see through the wall. Behind it I could make out a faded figure facing me. It looked as if it wasnt completely there, almost like a shadow. I shouted it, no answer either It couldnt hear me or it was being ignorant. I punched the wall out of anger. As I punched the wall, the shadow got a bit denser it was easier to see now. I could see a facial structure and made it out to be male. He was looking straight at me, as if he was waiting for me to do something. I waved my arms in the air at him shouting, HELP ME OUT! HELP ME! Still no response from him. Surely he could clearly see I was stuck. I punched the air in rage. He got denser again I could see what he looked like now... Me, he looked like me. Id had enough of this wall. Enraged I clenched my fist and began to run towards it. Every step I took closer the figure got more and clearer to see. My fist began to glow bright blue as I got close I lunged my arm through the glass, it shattered, the shards twirled and danced, with the remaining light from my burst twinkling off them. The darkness cleared and I could not see the strange person anymore.
I awoke, and there standing over me a sinister looking clone. He spoke Finally Im free . I asked him who he was. He replied with You dont know do you, I am Coalition and I have been feeding on your negative emotions. Now Im free I can achieve my full power. He grabbed me by the throat Your body will make me complete once I fuse with you. Not knowing what was going to happen I swung for him, my fist collided with his arm. He dropped me. I figured we were probably evenly matched. I swung for him again this time hitting his face. No we were not an even match. He was weaker and probably needed to unite me to gain full strength quickly. Although, he knew how to use his abilities. He raised his arm and shot a ball of crimson energy in my direction. I lifted my arms to block and activated some sort of energy shield, it absorbed the attack and I felt as if I had drunk 10 stimulant drinks, I was gobsmacked. Knowing I didnt have time being amazed at what I did, I thought I would try something. I lifted my hand up and focused, hoping to launch an energy ball of my own. A blue flair fired from my palm, then another and another. Not knowing how to control it sort of went into rapid-fire mode, I were launching balls of blue energy all over the place, Coalition did not know where to turn he deflected with the same shield. Here was my opportunity, I focused some energy into my fist and as I launched into attack I lifted off the ground and began to fly. I swear he didnt see this one coming. Flying through my front room I struck his jaw launching him through a wall into my garden. Im sure I felt it crunch I went outside to find him, he was gone.
Knowing I was no longer a normal human I began trying to piece all this together. So far what I know is this, I broke a mental barrier unlocking some sort of hidden abilities. Coalition is a manifestation of my emotion forming from my trapped abilities or something, and he wants to fuse with me to gain more power. Then I figured something else out could I gain his power and reverse it. I didnt know the terms of the unification so I thought best to stay away from him until I knew more. I decided to call myself Gouitsu, out of irony really, as it means unification.
Nothing was left for me at home. I left the morning after for London. As I drove past the house I had worked at the day before I noticed it was nothing but a pile of ashes. I wasnt shocked, because I had a feeling I knew who it was. After all he was part of me. Revenge I guess
I didnt drive all the way to London, I never did like to drive for too long. When I got so far, I got out of my car and attempted flight. I found it difficult to get off the ground in such a calm state, but with a little bit of focus I managed it. After an half an hour of flying and crash landing I finally got the hang of it. From then on it took me no time at all to reach London, usually it would take about 4 hours from the East Midlands. I was going to UNTILs London HQ. After all I needed to register myself as a hero. After the registration had been completed they sent me off for combat training. They could tell I was a rookie so it must of seamed to them like the best thing to do for now. The 6 weeks I was there I learned how to wield a sword, these skills would be ideal for situations where using my powers would be risky. After the training they sent me off to Project Greenskin, knowing it would be the best way for me to learn how to use my powers. Unfortunately I didnt manage to reach the desert. While I was in Millennium city it was attacked, by the Qulaar. What sort of hero would I be if I didnt stay and help?
Huh...just noticed the no parodies rule...mines not a very good parody given the facts that I made it up on the spot in 10 min and I'm terrible BUUUT its a parody nonetheless....guess I'm out too =/
CHAMPIONS INFORMATION SERIAL NUMBER: 33058922 NAME: Mega Girl SECRET IDENTITY: Unknown STATUS: Active BORN: 1997, Oct. 23, Millennium City AGE: 12
VIDEO INTERVIEW:{It's a bright sunny day in the park. Mega Girl sits in a chair across the park table from you staring at her hand as she flexes and unflexes her fingers. The mechanisms that drive them give off a soft whir. Her eyebrows furrow.}
I'm still getting used to this power armor. It's not as easy to control as you'd think.
{You can't help but notice right away that, although she's only a little girl, she seems quite mature for her age.}
{She smiles suddenly and looks at you.} Sorry - here I am for your interview and all I'm doing is complaining. Let's start over! My name is Mega Girl and I'm a super heroine! {Her goggles slip a little and she reaches up to adjust them, blushing.} I help people who can't help themselves. I designed this power armor to help me do that. Here, take a look!
{She does something to her right arm's power glove and it slips off. Grunting, she sets it on the table in front of you.} Gee - they're always heavier when they're not turned on. I need to fix that... {Amazement settles over you as you peer inside the glove. It looks like the inside of a car engine! Mega Girl grins and wriggles in her seat a little.} Amazing isn't it? I built the first design when I was 10 - this one here is my third version. Finding plutonium for the core was a little difficult- {You back away from the glove.} -but I managed.
{Struggling a little, she picks the glove back up and slips it back on her arm. A soft hum resonates from it and she breathes out.} Yeah... definitely too heavy when it's off.
{You ask her a question.}
Oh! My favorite is Defender! He's amazing! {Her eyes brighten in admiration.} His power suit is actually the inspiration for my own suit! If I hadn't been able to see it up close during the recent Kwu... Qul... alien bug invasion, my suit wouldn't even be anything near what it is now!
{You ask her another question. She giggles, one of the rare moments her childish nature stands out.)
Of course I have a secret identity! I'm not going to tell you though, silly. That would defeat the purpose of me having one!
{You start to ask her another question when suddenly several police cars speed by, their sirens wailing. Mega Girl looks at you and raises her eyebrow.}
Hold on a second - I'll be right back. {With a burst of blue light, she flies off after them.}
My God, you all. Not a lot of people participated, but I am pleased to say that the entries were quality over quantity. Contest ends Midnight PST. Meaning right on November 21 for those in the PST timezone.
ok, this looks fun, ive had a hard time deciding on what "HERO" of mine to use, i like them all so much, but after long hard though i have decided to give you all.........
The names and places have been changed to protect the identity of the innocent (this character is loosely, and I mean loosely based of my life experiences).
Wilbur Worthington is your average middle aged geek who at the age of 40 still lives in his parents basement eating Hot Pockets watching porn and reading comics and RPG books (Rifts mainly). Wilbur being lazy and sedentary from years of computer games and porn along with the overeating and general sloth has become a FAT SWEATY GUY, unfortunately he has also developed diabetes and various other health issues namely SUPER MEGA HIGH CHOLESTEROL and high blood pressure, he has also had to have part of his left foot amputated due to diabetic complications. With his lack of mobility he searched the internet for ways to improve his life, because we all know the power of the internet to improve our lives right?
Well Wilbur found some schematics for a sweet sweet hover disc and thought he would make one because that would just be awesome. So in the years I took him to build the hover disc (Wilbur is mechanically inept) he did a lot and I mean a lot of research on various things besides porn on the internet and stumbled upon some hidden sites and data of a secret organization called PSI. Some of the information was about their strange research into mind expanding exercises (AHHH TH E E WORD) and techniques to unlock the humans potential to expand their consciousness and to cause physical manifestations of mental powers such as mental blasts causing and peoples nightmares to come to life and various other powers.l Wilbur found that these exercises (AHHH TH E E WORD) came very easy to him and after a few months he became fairly proficient with some of the techniques he had learned.
Not being content any longer to live in his parents basement he set out with his trusty hover disc BERTHA to see if he could possibly expand the powers of his mind and to go to the headquarters of these PSI people and look for work.
And on a side note he knows that with such awesome mental power comes great responsibility so to give back to humanity by using his great mental prowess he will try to make the ultimate recipe for Hot Pockets.
Contest ends tonight at Midnight (PST). You guys have fantastic concepts. It won't be easy choosing the top 3, but I will be sure to review every single Champion just so your entry isn't just an entry. Don't expect any negative feedback. I'm not a concept guru. lol
Since you guys took the time to type up backstories for my lowly contest, I think it would be fair to share the backstories of my top 5 characters. I'll keep them brief, because it ain't about me.
My mains are all apart of an all-female Super crew called "The Femme Fivers."
A French fashion designer and patron of aesthetic formalism. Valerie Le Blanc was hosting a fashion show in Paris when she came across a geisha. She was intrigued by her beauty, and inquired on her sense of fashion. Since then, Valerie grew an interest in Japan and all its wonder.
She travels to Japan in hope of spreading her beauty and "newfound battle prowess." "Glamurai" is extremely self-centered, and honestly believes she is the most beautiful heroine of them all. She now resides in America.
Glamurai is both the leader and founder of The Femme Fivers.
An action figure created by famous Japanese inventor Dr. Fluorescent before he was killed in a nuclear explosion in his lab.
Ami was programmed to believe the world is all just a huge children's anime so that she is able to keep a nonchalant attitude even in dangerous situations; also to keep her in-character. Ami ventures around the world in hope of spreading love and peace, while at the same time taking out baddies with her army of toys.
Ami's spirit and cheer keeps The Femme Fivers up to spark during combat.
The Internette
The Internette is a computer network materialized into human form. She was found by a young girl named Kasey, after she emanated from her computer screen. With powers similar to the functions of a virus protector, The Internette surfs throughout Millennium City to cleanse citizens of any "impurities".
The Internette, or "Webz" as Kasey calls her, holds an emotionless persona. She is constantly virus scanning and updating her versions. When enemies draw near, she retaliates as if they are "viral".
She serves as intelligence and support for The Femme Fivers.
Trigger Harpy
A cybernetics specialist and soldier of the Brazilian Battalion gone cyborg. Vera Leighton lost her life after a nuclear bomb annihilated her base of operations in the Burning Sands Desert. Miraculously, she was the only one whose body was not completely obliterated by the explosion.
Fortunately enough, her brain was unscathed. With limited cybernetics scientists, her team of experts decided to create a mechanical replica of Vera containing her brain, creating an ultimately strong and intelligent weapon.
Trigger Harpy is the most formidable and loyal member of The Femme Fivers.
School Buster
Lola was just an old, country school bus driver. Ridiculed on a daily basis for having a Southern accent in the big city, Lola one day wished to prove that she wasn't just some redneck. She secretly started practicing cybernetics after reading a comic book featuring the most profiled hero of Millennium City, Defender.
Everyday after she picks up the kids from school and drop them off at home, she would head into her little work cabin for experimentation. Lola finally develops a power armor that she calls "B.U.S" or "Beat Up System", made from nothing but bus parts.....
"School Buster" uses her strength to protect those in need. She may not be intelligent as The Internette, or graceful as Glamurai, but she gets the job done, and is a beloved member of The Femme Fivers.
Contest ends tonight at Midnight (PST). You guys have fantastic concepts. It won't be easy choosing the top 3, but I will be sure to review every single Champion just so your entry isn't just an entry. Don't expect any negative feedback. I'm not a concept guru. lol
Since you guys took the time to type up backstories for my lowly contest, I think it would be fair to share the backstories of my top 5 characters. I'll keep them brief, because it ain't about me.
My mains are all apart of an all-female Super crew called "The Femme Fivers."
A French fashion designer and patron of aesthetic formalism. Valerie Le Blanc was hosting a fashion show in Paris when she came across a geisha. She was intrigued by her beauty, and inquired on her sense of fashion. Since then, Valerie grew an interest in Japan and all its wonder.
She travels to Japan in hope of spreading her beauty and "newfound battle prowess." "Glamurai" is extremely self-centered, and honestly believes she is the most beautiful heroine of them all. She now resides in America.
Glamurai is both the leader and founder of The Femme Fivers.
An action figure created by famous Japanese inventor Dr. Fluorescent before he was killed in a nuclear explosion in his lab.
Ami was programmed to believe the world is all just a huge children's anime so that she is able to keep a nonchalant attitude even in dangerous situations; also to keep her in-character. Ami ventures around the world in hope of spreading love and peace, while at the same time taking out baddies with her army of toys.
Ami's spirit and cheer keeps The Femme Fivers up to spark during combat.
The Internette
The Internette is a computer network materialized into human form. She was found by a young girl named Kasey, after she emanated from her computer screen. With powers similar to the functions of a virus protector, The Internette surfs throughout Millennium City to cleanse citizens of any "impurities".
The Internette, or "Webz" as Kasey calls her, holds an emotionless persona. She is constantly virus scanning and updating her versions. When enemies draw near, she retaliates as if they are "viral".
She serves as intelligence and support for The Femme Fivers.
Trigger Harpy
A cybernetics specialist and soldier of the Brazilian Battalion gone cyborg. Vera Leighton lost her life after a nuclear bomb annihilated her base of operations in the Burning Sands Desert. Miraculously, she was the only one whose body was not completely obliterated by the explosion.
Fortunately enough, her brain was unscathed. With limited cybernetics scientists, her team of experts decided to create a mechanical replica of Vera containing her brain, creating an ultimately strong and intelligent weapon.
Trigger Harpy is the most formidable and loyal member of The Femme Fivers.
School Buster
Lola was just an old, country school bus driver. Ridiculed on a daily basis for having a Southern accent in the big city, Lola one day wished to prove that she wasn't just some redneck. She secretly started practicing cybernetics after reading a comic book featuring the most profiled hero of Millennium City, Defender.
Everyday after she picks up the kids from school and drop them off at home, she would head into her little work cabin for experimentation. Lola finally develops a power armor that she calls "B.U.S" or "Beat Up System", made from nothing but bus parts.....
"School Buster" uses her strength to protect those in need. She may not be intelligent as The Internette, or graceful as Glamurai, but she gets the job done, and is a beloved member of The Femme Fivers.
Awesome characters...I espically like , Glamuria, The Internette and School Buster^^
My God, you all. Not a lot of people participated, but I am pleased to say that the entries were quality over quantity. Contest ends Midnight PST. Meaning right on November 21 for those in the PST timezone.
Gonna be tough choosing winners no doubt.
I have a question. I have back story for my character but I wrote it years ago and I just won't have time to adapt it to the CO universe. Can I submit it even though it's not CO just to give the gist of my guy?
Mighty Pencil
Here's some better action shots; sorry, they all had to be done in the Powerhouse. That's the only place my computer will let me use full setting at.
Thumbs Up
Smoking Guns
The Sharpener
Rawket Lawnchair
PB with Stinger
Bang Bang Bang
Cmon i dare ya take another step
You can read his origin story here :
My favorite flying shot
Steam's patented Steam Pyre
Full Frontal Steaminess
Outside of his suit
The Rise of CORE:
Storming the Argent building with Bluebaul.
During the invasion:
Countering the Hunter Patriots in Canada:
Awnsering a distress call in the city:
Edit: Not a classic hero's tale I guess, but I've worked out a lot of lore for both Hawkins and CORE aswell as a future rival yet to be announced.
Profile and origins: Link (spanish)
- Because all text about PsiLAN is in spanish i'll try to summarize it.
Dorian Destino was born as a normal child in a mid class family. In his teens he becomes the classic lonely boy, nothing that really worries his parents. In fact, his mutant powers were manifesting and he was unaware that he was in fact a psiker so he was uncomfortable with all the psi-static produced when in the proximity of other people. Intuitively he learned how to control all this 'noise' so he could live normally again and his parents dont bother about that teen episode finally ended.
Sadly, his young brother was also a mutant, but not a psiker but a fire controller. All began with a great fever, such huge that he was hospitalized.
When Dorian visited his brother isolated in the hospital both powers activated. First Dorian feel the pain of his brother and accidentally redirected to everyone in the vecinity, causing even more pain and disconcert what in time returned increased to him and he redirected it to the original point of emanation... his brother. When Ismail (dorian's brother) received that wave of psi-pain his powers explode trying to destroy the origin of this pain, destroying the hospital and all the innocents in. Including their parents.
Ismail run away convinced that he had killed his family and hundreds of innocents. He worked in foundries, and in time learned how to reduce his temperature with periodic uses of his powers.
Years passed and Ismail discover his brother survived the explosion but was held in a coma, watched by the scientist of Recios Inc.
When brother meet again a new link was closed and Dorian awake from the coma.
Now, both brothers work for the corporation that rescued and keep them alive, Recios Inc.
Fiebre (Fever) is a fire controller and producer, but with training and the proper equipmet is no longer a danger.
PsiLAN is a powerful psiker who have been training for years by Recios psikers while his body remained in coma. He powers got reduced effect with distance, something strange for a psiker, but in close distances are remarcable. He links minds of teammates (hence the name psilan) and uses technology to manifest psi blades when in combat.
- PsiLAN
- Fiebre (Fever)
- PsiLAN in combat
From the original story and character concept a number of ideas have evolved, including the origins of PsiLAN.
A few of them are writen (aye, in spanish, sorry ).
PsiLAN, oscura psinergia (PsiLAN; dark psinergy)
In this stories PsiLAN becomes a bit more violent and seems to lose control of his emotions, something really frustrating for a psichologist and psyker.
With the help of teammates he discovers that his mind has been influenced by a supernatural entity called Delirio (Delirium), whish turns to be a demon who in times created his family.
Dorian's family has been persecuted during the middle age, accused of witchcraft and traits with demons. Initially he though it to be due to a mutant gen in his family. Both he and his brother shows extrange features in his body (Dorian's got a third eye and his brother a pair of horns).
But in fact his family descends from a exiled demon (Delirium) who mated with mortals, so brother are not mutants but hibrids.
PsiLAN now shows psi powers mixed with darkness but this dark matter comes from inside as if it was his own blood or something like that.
Today Dorian and Ismail still have to know what they really are, but for now no more demon ancestors seems to be searching for their lives.
- PsiLAN in red armor.
Hope this translated summary trasmits a bit of the feel for the character
Extended Bio: (BTW I suck at writing back stories)
Constructo started his life out as a prototype small sized construction bot built to help rebuild damage to Millennium City. Spending most of his own money, Professor Kenashi, built Constructo as a proof of concept that robots didnt need to be massive monstrostities to accomplish construction tasks. To costly to replicate, Professor Kenashi took Constructo home to work on him to lower the costs. Kenashi's son, thinking it was a new toy called him Constructo. Unwilling to let his father disassemble him, Kenashi's son pleaded with his father to spare his new toy. Knowing that he didnt need to completely disassemble the bot, Kenashi agreed. Soon the boy and robot became inseperable. After a freak lightning strike, Constructo's advanced A.I. system became sentient. The professor was at a loss to explain what happened. Acting like a young child, the professor began to teach Constructo. Constructo began to learn everything he could, but his favorite thing was reading ad sharing comics with his "brother." Finally Constructo saw his reason for being. He would fight crime. Leaving the professor's house late one evening, Constructo made his way to the city determined to make his "father" proud.
This is not a bad backstory at all. It has very unique twists in it.
So I thought I'd write some more. After about writing down 2 A4 pages of text, a moderator figuired I wasn't busy with school work and closed the window without saving. So yeah....fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
lol. That happens to me a lot.
Hero Name: Lonestar
One fateful afternoon Heather Dade, nine months pregent, was exiting from a local down town shop when a crazed villain attacked the city. It was none other than Professor Irvin Smithers, who after having his wife not only leave him, but turn around and sue him as well as being fired from his teaching job suddenly snapped. Smithers was well known for his work in robotics, as well as his obessive belief in the theroies expressed in Mary Shelly's Frankenstien as being a possible science.
Using a prototype robotic creation and a special suit that he deveolped, he laid segie to the city. The superhero Greenbird responded to the city's cries for help and engaged Professor Smithers in battle. In the heat of the battle Greenbird accidently punctured a canister on the robot's body causing an explosion that Smithers managed to survive. Though he was quickly placed under arrest by the police. The explosion released a small amount of the raidated gas that had been powering the robot into the air, infecting Heather Dade and knocking her out before evaporating into the air.
Greenbird flew her to the hospital where the doctors quickly gave her and the baby a clean bill of health. Unknown to the doctors, the gas had infected the baby altering portions of its DNA but other wise leaving the baby unharmed. Three weeks later Travis Dade was brought into the world where he met his loving parents, Philp and Heather Dade.
But growing up wasn't exactly a fun experiance for Travis, having been born with an immunodeficiency he speant alot of his child hood fighting off illness after illness. Upon seeing their son forced to often play by himself, since the neighborhood children were too nervous to play with an easily sickened kid, his parents bestowed upon him the nickname Lonestar.
When Travis was 17 he was struck with meningitis, which due to his already weak immune system nearly killed him and caused him to be put in the hospital. Upon recovering from this illness...Travis learned that everything that had made him so frail for most of his life had suddenly vanished. His allergies were entirely gone and he found that he had more energy than he could ever have imagined. On an even stranger note his Immune system had reconsrtucted itself to near super human levels, making him immune to a number of illness and desaises. He also discovered one day that he could suddenly fly and lift objects that normal people could only move in their dreams, quickly realizing that these were the very same powers that the hero Greenbird displayed on many occasions. He also found that he could channel his body's energy into controlled psyhcial blasts of force from his hands and other parts of his body..something that Greenbird could not do.
It was at this time that his mother told him of the incident that she had been in just weeks before his birth, and of how Greenbird picked her up and flew her to the Hospital. Travis came to the conclusion that the gas had altered his DNA and had, at the same time, some how absorbed Greenbird's powers due to his close contact with his mother. But that didn't account for his energy abilities, his mother however added that the last thing she remembered thinking was that she could not allow her baby to die. This was the final peice to the puzzle, some how her will to live must have manifiested itself inside him and evolved into his energy power.
On Travis' 24th birthday Harold Martin, known to the world as Greenbird, retired from his superhero ways to live the rest of his life in peace. It was on this day that Travis realized what his destiny in the world was, and couldn't bare to think of what might happen to the city with out Greenbird to protect it. So Travis made himself a costume, and using the nickname that his parents had given him as a child...rose up as Lonestar, the city's newest protector.
The End.
Charging up his power!
And another picture of him fighting his third and most recent Nemesis...Dr. Sparks.
ARMOR it is...
And now, with pictures!!!
ARMOR Tech Specs Report
Gotta grab some decent screens tomorrow (should be asleep already, work in the morn)
But this was a great idea, win or lose I'm loving some of the stuff people are entering...
Maybe it's the prize? To be honest, I was going to enter until I saw that the prize was just a cool signature (which, by the way, is pretty awesome). But normally contests like these have more... practical rewards (in-game rewards... like globals, or Action Figures).
I think the contest's theme is excellent, and I know dozens of players that would jump at the opportunity to enter... but only if the prize was worth entering for.
Only just saw this today, but I'll try and get some screenshots and a... err... condensed origin story.
I figured as much. Which is why I am working on adding something more material rather than a sig. I'll let you all know.
Appearance: Vinven is a short male humanoid, with slender but toned figure. Pure black skin, pointed ears, and long white hair tied back accentuating his widow's peak, with loose strands hanging over his brow. He has a softly angled youthful face, small pointed nose, with light violet eyes, and a smirk often on his pointed-arch lips.
He dresses in a skin-tight leather combat suit from neck to ankles, light in some areas such as joints to remain flexible, hardened in vital areas. His black leather combat boots have been modified to make movements quieter. Covering over his combat suit is a long hooded dark violet jacket. A small scarf hangs around his neck which he uses to filter his air. Goggles rested on his forehead allow him to see in different spectrums.
Powers: Vinven is exceptionally fast and agile and capable fighter. He mainly uses a pair of xiphoid, matching katar punching daggers to make quick lethal strikes. Besides his combat expertise. he also commands several shadow powers. He is able to conjure darkness, hide in it, and teleport.
Personality: Vinven is one arrogant, self-loving person, but the only thing he loves more than himself and gold is women. Though he knows that women will eventually be the death of him, he is in constant pursuit of women as well as challenge, danger, and profit.
Origin: Vinven is an ex-assassin, from another dimension. Combining deadly skill and shadow magic. He was highly sought after for his ability to get into places others have difficulty with, thanks to being able to teleport. However recently his reputation has been diminished, due to failing his last mission. He was hired to take out a target, only to find out it was a beautiful woman. Not being one to mix business with pleasure, he decided to just choose pleasure.
However, he fell into this dimension and has found himself repeatedly in prison. Feeling that he needed to adapt until he could find his way back, he became a hero...for hire. He now helps out those in need, as long as the organizations needing the help were willing to pay well. Some may dislike him for only helping those that help his wallet, but there is no doubt he has done much good regardless.
...sooo, guess I'll tag the thread while I decide.
On the day of an exceptionally bad lightning storm, our protagonist was taking his normal weekly trip around the monuments in Washington D.C. when his umbrella was struck by a mighty bolt of lightning. As he awoke minutes later, he could remember nothing about who or where he was...however the first thing he noticed was that he was surrounded by American history!
He staggered about until he arrived into the National Archives building...some unnamed force was guiding him until he found himself standing before the United States Declaration of Independence.
After reading the document in its entirety, he decided that he MUST be a colonial soldier sent to protect the people.
Checking his pockets he found his drivers license and discovered his name to be Cecil McRunfast. Deciding this to be a rather unpatriotic surname, he changed it to Justice.
After obtaining a frighteningly large amount of weapons of the firearms persuasion, he now roams the streets of the nations capital as CECIL JUSTICE!
Oh and uh no one at the high school cared the jerk teacher went missing and moved on. <-- (THATS A PLOT HOLE! IGNORE THIS.)
The End?!
Cecil Justice -
Awesome! Let me know soon so I can enter mine (and let all my buddies know too). And another question: We can only enter one character right?
Yes. I want everyone to focus time on just one Champion rather than diffusing ideas amongst a gang.
Good. That's the way it should be. Shweet! Just lemme know the official prize and I'll rev up the 'ol thought machine.
Truely one of the coolest things I've seen in the forums.
Maglama, I can donate a unity action figure. I like what your'e doing here and would love to help out if I can. Send me a tell if you are interested.
Good luck guys.
If anyone's interested
I create character concepts for fun not for profit, and i think it is the way it should be. This is a game after all.
So, consider my entry an 'out of contest' one ^_^
PD.- anyway, character background is in spanish :P
June 8th 1993
Well, here I sit in this quiet room recollecting everything, every little event and choice that brought me here. Id have to say that it started back when I was young and dumb. I got Janine, my girlfriend, pregnant and neither of our parents would take anything short of marriage for an answer. So, we had the quick ceremony. I dropped out of community college to take up a job at the local steel mill in Detroit so there would be a steady paycheck to try to support us. The baby came, the job went, and I was desperate to find work. So, I took up work with one of the local mafia bosses. It was small time stuff; break a few knees, make a few deliveries, grease a few gears. I know it wasnt right, but when you need to put food on the table and a roof over your families heads, you do what it takes.
About this time, I came down with some sort of sickness. I was running a constant 103 degree temperature for two weeks straight. I came to find out that I wasnt sick. It was a late blooming mutant power looking to surface in the form of fire control. Mickey, my best friend and partner at the time, called it pyrogenesis and pyrokinesis. I could create and control super heated plasma. Well, when the boss got wind of this, my new talents were put to use. I became the new local fire bug. Coincidentally, it was not long after this that Mickey developed his own powers. He could throw around electricity that his own body generated. So, Mickey and I came up with names for ourselves. I took on the name Igneous while he took on the name Gauss. I took my job and powers pretty seriously. Mickey, on the other hand, was getting drunk on the power.
This power madness came to a head last year. When Doctor Destroyer came to bring down Detroit, Mickey sensed the way the winds were blowing and sided up with Destroyer. Me? I now had my family to protect. And this was my home town. So, I figured I may as well start doing some sort of good for Detroit for all the bad Id done. Mickey didnt take it too well that we were on opposite sides of the tracks. Long story short: Detroit fell and fell hard. With Detroit, I lost everything in my world. Janine and our baby were found dead in the scarred and ruined husk of our house. I took one look at the tell tale electrical burns across the walls and knew what had happened. I didnt even put up a fight when law enforcement came to take me away.
Now, Im awaiting my final sentence. Id done a lot of bad things; bad things that I need to pay for. The judge said hed take my assistance in defending the city into consideration. This usually means two things in the justice system: jack and squat.
Jacob Wight, of all crimes brought to this courts attention, you have been found guilty. The combined weight of your crimes has earned you a life sentence in the Stronghold without possibility of parole. But, taking into consideration your attempts to defend the city against the invasion of Doctor Destroyer, this court feels that a reduced sentence of 25 years is sufficient.
25 years 25 years and Ill be out. And when Im out, Mickey, Im coming for you.
September 1st 2009
Today, I received a visitor; the only one in the past 16 years. It wasnt anyone I knew, though. It was someone from the legal team representing the Champions. At first, I thought they were trying to open a new case against me for some reason or another. It turns out that it was nothing of the kind. Apparently, Defender decided to try out some sort of rehab program for superpowered criminals and my name was on his short list. So, the deal was I would be released early as long as I agreed to fight for his program. At first, I didnt like the idea of being kept on a government leash. But, Ill tell you, there are a couple of strong motivating factors for me taking this kind of a job. First, the Stronghold is a highly unforgiving place. Beyond the usual inter-prisoner violence, Ive also had to dodge a few hits placed on me by my old boss. One of those hits got a little too close for comfort and it cost me some of the sight in my right eye. Then, of course, theres Mickey. To get the chance to make him burn for what he did to my family, Id gladly toe Defenders line.
So, I signed my name on the dotted line and got my leash in the form of a bulky suppression collar. Basically, it has a receiver that any of the Champions can activate to shut me down if I get out of line. Its supposed to burst and release this goop that bogs me down and restrains me. It also responds to various beacons around Millenium City and some of the nations hot spots. If I travel out of bounds, the collar automatically goes off.
The whole job is sort of like probation. If I do good work, eventually I lose the collar and go back to leading a normal life or become another super hero.
October 25th 2009
I woke up today in Mercy Hospital. I woke up and lost it. My body was covered in this dark glassy substance. It was almost like obsidian, but I could see blue flames roiling beneath it. The doctors were baffled, so they deferred the explanation to some experts in the fields of the bizarre. According to the experts, the shell that coated my body was the result of a reaction between my powers and the chemicals used in the restraining sludge found in the collars. At first, I was baffled by how it could have happened. But, slowly the events of the week before came back to me.
Apparently, I had gotten word from some sources that Mickey was still around and using his old handle, Gauss. I managed to pin down some clues on where he would be and turned up information of a heist that he and his gang would be committing at a nearby museum; some lemurian artifacts or some such. I wasnt about to let him get away with it, or anything else. So, I rushed to the museum and sure enough, there he was. He looked right at me; shocked to see me at first. But then he smiled and ordered his goons after me before dashing off into the sky. One quick pool of fire and his thugs were done for. I blasted my way off into the air to chase down Mickey. Damn, he was fast. I remember pushing myself hard to try to catch him. I remember hearing the double booming echoes as we broke the sound barrier. I could feel the intensity of the enveloping flames start to strip off my uniform. The one thing I didnt notice was the alarms going off on my collar. I had breached the perimeter. I could see the blackness swarm over me, but I could also see it start to deteriorate under the heat. Eventually, though, the sludge won out and slowly dragged me downward.
Now, Im stuck like this for who-knows-how long. Defenders little pet project has turned me into something inhuman. But, now Im free. Apparently, the Champions legal team realized the implications of such an accident and how it could affect the operation. They also took into consideration that I was attempting to apprehend a criminal when the incident took place. In a week, the paperwork will be finished and Ill be released. My path will be open to anything. I think Ill keep giving this superhero thing a try.
Ive already got an offer; a business card from a group called Spectrum.
((And now for the screenshots))
Various outfits:¤t=IgneousCostumes.jpg
Fire Flight:¤t=IgneousFireFlight.jpg
Fire Ball:¤t=IgneousFireball.jpg
And Pyre:¤t=IgneousPyre.jpg
I hope you've enjoyed the presentation.
Like so.
Of course that's a modified look for CO. He did look a bit different when I first envisioned him. Hopefully I can get the hair at least right.
I do have a bit of backstory though. This character is probably one of my favourites honestly. I especially look forward to the days we'll have rogues galleries and mission architects. Boy howdy.
PS: A lot of these are really awesome. CORE stood out a lot, in particular.
EDIT: The Corpse fights ninjas,
undead heroes,
and the paparazzi.
Can't get a break!
All it takes is pressing the Print Screen button your keyboard. After that, go into your Cryptic Studios folder.
From there: Champions Online-->Live-->Screenshots
All of them should be there, including any costumes you saved!
And Shkar, only if you are sure. I really admire that because I do things for the fun of it as well. I'll be sure to critique EVERY single entry in the contest, top winners or not.
I've also updated the first post with extra prizes!
Keep up the entries. These are fun to read.
Heres the pics
Main costume
Same with no cape
"Blade Wielder" Costume
"The Unyielding" SG costume
Origin of Gouitsu
Told by Gouitsu
For along as I can remember Ive always wanted to be more than I am. Being human is boring. Working my **** off for money that was never truly my own, after all I guess I had to pay the bills if I wanted to survive. Each day felt the same just with the slightest change in task. I mean it wouldnt of been half as bad if something interesting happened every once in a while. But being a plumber was never going to be more than just being a plumber, same old whingeing customers complaining about something silly. But what could I do, it was all I knew
Everything changed for me though. After one dreadful day, it must of surely have been one of the worst days of my life. It all started from the very moment of waking up. I was already running late, so no warm tea to wake me up and no breakfast in my stomach. All the way up to dinner I was working on an empty stomach, and the worst thing was, I was never a morning person anyway. I was working with no fuel and very quickly running out of energy. Anyway after dinner I carried on with my work. The thing that got me most was the fact that with all this technology and scientific advances plumbing still never got any easier. I mean human augmentation allowed people to become more than just human, it allowed people to fly among other stuff. But still, plumbing pain in the ****. The main reason my day was terrible apart from the fact I had phone calls coming in left, right and centre for me to be where I couldnt. I had just finished installing a brand new heating system, new top of the range thermo energy conductive radiators and pipe-less water transfer system, Boilers were no longer used, Scientists found a way to tap into surrounding energys as a source of heat, I wont go into the details but these types of system were very expensive and very difficult to fit. I was relieved to finish the job, looking forward to a nice fat wad of cash. Unfortunately the customer refused to pay. I thought they were joking at first, but they were not. Before I could even begin to argue it, they pulled a damn weapon on me. Fearing for my life I left, furious and out of pocket. You think you can trust people
After returning home at 8:00pm I had found my house trashed, lucky I had no family of my own otherwise they may have been hurt. I walked into my living room to find a note. It read Youre never seeing your money and if you attempt to alert the authorities you will regret it! This pushed me over the edge I was furious, my blood boiled and my head throbbed. I passed out due to extreme stress.
While I was unconches I had the strangest dream. I was running through a dark empty hallway, it was almost endless. I ran and ran eventually into a solid glass wall. There was no way passed it that I could see. This situation just made me even angrier, first work now this twisted **** dream. This dream felt so real, I knew I wasnt conches but it felt so vibrant and physical. I had no sense of time and felt as if I had been stuck there for hours trying to bust this wall down. I used my fists, my feet and my shoulders. I couldnt break it. Still burning with anger I started running at it full speed from further and further distances. But still it would not break. I became fearful afraid that if I didnt break this wall down I would become trapped.
I could see just past the darkness enough to see through the wall. Behind it I could make out a faded figure facing me. It looked as if it wasnt completely there, almost like a shadow. I shouted it, no answer either It couldnt hear me or it was being ignorant. I punched the wall out of anger. As I punched the wall, the shadow got a bit denser it was easier to see now. I could see a facial structure and made it out to be male. He was looking straight at me, as if he was waiting for me to do something. I waved my arms in the air at him shouting, HELP ME OUT! HELP ME! Still no response from him. Surely he could clearly see I was stuck. I punched the air in rage. He got denser again I could see what he looked like now... Me, he looked like me. Id had enough of this wall. Enraged I clenched my fist and began to run towards it. Every step I took closer the figure got more and clearer to see. My fist began to glow bright blue as I got close I lunged my arm through the glass, it shattered, the shards twirled and danced, with the remaining light from my burst twinkling off them. The darkness cleared and I could not see the strange person anymore.
I awoke, and there standing over me a sinister looking clone. He spoke Finally Im free . I asked him who he was. He replied with You dont know do you, I am Coalition and I have been feeding on your negative emotions. Now Im free I can achieve my full power. He grabbed me by the throat Your body will make me complete once I fuse with you. Not knowing what was going to happen I swung for him, my fist collided with his arm. He dropped me. I figured we were probably evenly matched. I swung for him again this time hitting his face. No we were not an even match. He was weaker and probably needed to unite me to gain full strength quickly. Although, he knew how to use his abilities. He raised his arm and shot a ball of crimson energy in my direction. I lifted my arms to block and activated some sort of energy shield, it absorbed the attack and I felt as if I had drunk 10 stimulant drinks, I was gobsmacked. Knowing I didnt have time being amazed at what I did, I thought I would try something. I lifted my hand up and focused, hoping to launch an energy ball of my own. A blue flair fired from my palm, then another and another. Not knowing how to control it sort of went into rapid-fire mode, I were launching balls of blue energy all over the place, Coalition did not know where to turn he deflected with the same shield. Here was my opportunity, I focused some energy into my fist and as I launched into attack I lifted off the ground and began to fly. I swear he didnt see this one coming. Flying through my front room I struck his jaw launching him through a wall into my garden. Im sure I felt it crunch I went outside to find him, he was gone.
Knowing I was no longer a normal human I began trying to piece all this together. So far what I know is this, I broke a mental barrier unlocking some sort of hidden abilities. Coalition is a manifestation of my emotion forming from my trapped abilities or something, and he wants to fuse with me to gain more power. Then I figured something else out could I gain his power and reverse it. I didnt know the terms of the unification so I thought best to stay away from him until I knew more. I decided to call myself Gouitsu, out of irony really, as it means unification.
Nothing was left for me at home. I left the morning after for London. As I drove past the house I had worked at the day before I noticed it was nothing but a pile of ashes. I wasnt shocked, because I had a feeling I knew who it was. After all he was part of me. Revenge I guess
I didnt drive all the way to London, I never did like to drive for too long. When I got so far, I got out of my car and attempted flight. I found it difficult to get off the ground in such a calm state, but with a little bit of focus I managed it. After an half an hour of flying and crash landing I finally got the hang of it. From then on it took me no time at all to reach London, usually it would take about 4 hours from the East Midlands. I was going to UNTILs London HQ. After all I needed to register myself as a hero. After the registration had been completed they sent me off for combat training. They could tell I was a rookie so it must of seamed to them like the best thing to do for now. The 6 weeks I was there I learned how to wield a sword, these skills would be ideal for situations where using my powers would be risky. After the training they sent me off to Project Greenskin, knowing it would be the best way for me to learn how to use my powers. Unfortunately I didnt manage to reach the desert. While I was in Millennium city it was attacked, by the Qulaar. What sort of hero would I be if I didnt stay and help?
NAME: Mega Girl
STATUS: Active
BORN: 1997, Oct. 23, Millennium City
AGE: 12
VIDEO INTERVIEW: {It's a bright sunny day in the park. Mega Girl sits in a chair across the park table from you staring at her hand as she flexes and unflexes her fingers. The mechanisms that drive them give off a soft whir. Her eyebrows furrow.}
I'm still getting used to this power armor. It's not as easy to control as you'd think.
{You can't help but notice right away that, although she's only a little girl, she seems quite mature for her age.}
{She smiles suddenly and looks at you.} Sorry - here I am for your interview and all I'm doing is complaining. Let's start over! My name is Mega Girl and I'm a super heroine! {Her goggles slip a little and she reaches up to adjust them, blushing.} I help people who can't help themselves. I designed this power armor to help me do that. Here, take a look!
{She does something to her right arm's power glove and it slips off. Grunting, she sets it on the table in front of you.} Gee - they're always heavier when they're not turned on. I need to fix that... {Amazement settles over you as you peer inside the glove. It looks like the inside of a car engine! Mega Girl grins and wriggles in her seat a little.} Amazing isn't it? I built the first design when I was 10 - this one here is my third version. Finding plutonium for the core was a little difficult- {You back away from the glove.} -but I managed.
{Struggling a little, she picks the glove back up and slips it back on her arm. A soft hum resonates from it and she breathes out.} Yeah... definitely too heavy when it's off.
{You ask her a question.}
Oh! My favorite is Defender! He's amazing! {Her eyes brighten in admiration.} His power suit is actually the inspiration for my own suit! If I hadn't been able to see it up close during the recent Kwu... Qul... alien bug invasion, my suit wouldn't even be anything near what it is now!
{You ask her another question. She giggles, one of the rare moments her childish nature stands out.)
Of course I have a secret identity! I'm not going to tell you though, silly. That would defeat the purpose of me having one!
{You start to ask her another question when suddenly several police cars speed by, their sirens wailing. Mega Girl looks at you and raises her eyebrow.}
Hold on a second - I'll be right back. {With a burst of blue light, she flies off after them.}
CC Costume JPEG:
Standard Pose:
Seriously, Great job on this one. One of the best I see yet
Gonna be tough choosing winners no doubt.
The names and places have been changed to protect the identity of the innocent (this character is loosely, and I mean loosely based of my life experiences).
Wilbur Worthington is your average middle aged geek who at the age of 40 still lives in his parents basement eating Hot Pockets watching porn and reading comics and RPG books (Rifts mainly). Wilbur being lazy and sedentary from years of computer games and porn along with the overeating and general sloth has become a FAT SWEATY GUY, unfortunately he has also developed diabetes and various other health issues namely SUPER MEGA HIGH CHOLESTEROL and high blood pressure, he has also had to have part of his left foot amputated due to diabetic complications. With his lack of mobility he searched the internet for ways to improve his life, because we all know the power of the internet to improve our lives right?
Well Wilbur found some schematics for a sweet sweet hover disc and thought he would make one because that would just be awesome. So in the years I took him to build the hover disc (Wilbur is mechanically inept) he did a lot and I mean a lot of research on various things besides porn on the internet and stumbled upon some hidden sites and data of a secret organization called PSI. Some of the information was about their strange research into mind expanding exercises (AHHH TH E E WORD) and techniques to unlock the humans potential to expand their consciousness and to cause physical manifestations of mental powers such as mental blasts causing and peoples nightmares to come to life and various other powers.l Wilbur found that these exercises (AHHH TH E E WORD) came very easy to him and after a few months he became fairly proficient with some of the techniques he had learned.
Not being content any longer to live in his parents basement he set out with his trusty hover disc BERTHA to see if he could possibly expand the powers of his mind and to go to the headquarters of these PSI people and look for work.
And on a side note he knows that with such awesome mental power comes great responsibility so to give back to humanity by using his great mental prowess he will try to make the ultimate recipe for Hot Pockets.
screenshots of FAT SWEATY GUY.
Contest ends tonight at Midnight (PST). You guys have fantastic concepts. It won't be easy choosing the top 3, but I will be sure to review every single Champion just so your entry isn't just an entry. Don't expect any negative feedback. I'm not a concept guru. lol
Since you guys took the time to type up backstories for my lowly contest, I think it would be fair to share the backstories of my top 5 characters. I'll keep them brief, because it ain't about me.
My mains are all apart of an all-female Super crew called "The Femme Fivers."
A French fashion designer and patron of aesthetic formalism. Valerie Le Blanc was hosting a fashion show in Paris when she came across a geisha. She was intrigued by her beauty, and inquired on her sense of fashion. Since then, Valerie grew an interest in Japan and all its wonder.
She travels to Japan in hope of spreading her beauty and "newfound battle prowess." "Glamurai" is extremely self-centered, and honestly believes she is the most beautiful heroine of them all. She now resides in America.
Glamurai is both the leader and founder of The Femme Fivers.
Andromedoll 2.0 [Super Anime Chibi Robot Doll Ami]
An action figure created by famous Japanese inventor Dr. Fluorescent before he was killed in a nuclear explosion in his lab.
Ami was programmed to believe the world is all just a huge children's anime so that she is able to keep a nonchalant attitude even in dangerous situations; also to keep her in-character. Ami ventures around the world in hope of spreading love and peace, while at the same time taking out baddies with her army of toys.
Ami's spirit and cheer keeps The Femme Fivers up to spark during combat.
The Internette
The Internette is a computer network materialized into human form. She was found by a young girl named Kasey, after she emanated from her computer screen. With powers similar to the functions of a virus protector, The Internette surfs throughout Millennium City to cleanse citizens of any "impurities".
The Internette, or "Webz" as Kasey calls her, holds an emotionless persona. She is constantly virus scanning and updating her versions. When enemies draw near, she retaliates as if they are "viral".
She serves as intelligence and support for The Femme Fivers.
Trigger Harpy
A cybernetics specialist and soldier of the Brazilian Battalion gone cyborg. Vera Leighton lost her life after a nuclear bomb annihilated her base of operations in the Burning Sands Desert. Miraculously, she was the only one whose body was not completely obliterated by the explosion.
Fortunately enough, her brain was unscathed. With limited cybernetics scientists, her team of experts decided to create a mechanical replica of Vera containing her brain, creating an ultimately strong and intelligent weapon.
Trigger Harpy is the most formidable and loyal member of The Femme Fivers.
School Buster
Lola was just an old, country school bus driver. Ridiculed on a daily basis for having a Southern accent in the big city, Lola one day wished to prove that she wasn't just some redneck. She secretly started practicing cybernetics after reading a comic book featuring the most profiled hero of Millennium City, Defender.
Everyday after she picks up the kids from school and drop them off at home, she would head into her little work cabin for experimentation. Lola finally develops a power armor that she calls "B.U.S" or "Beat Up System", made from nothing but bus parts.....
"School Buster" uses her strength to protect those in need. She may not be intelligent as The Internette, or graceful as Glamurai, but she gets the job done, and is a beloved member of The Femme Fivers.
Awesome characters...I espically like , Glamuria, The Internette and School Buster^^
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I have a question. I have back story for my character but I wrote it years ago and I just won't have time to adapt it to the CO universe. Can I submit it even though it's not CO just to give the gist of my guy?