I didn't know where else to post this, so here it goes.
I noticed that BLOCK has issues when auto-assist was turned on, where it would cancel out while holding it whenever changing targets and all. Also, I noticed there was a responce delay with BLOCK from when you press it. What I'm providing here is going to only Slightly speed it up on when it starts to block, but it locks you into block mode so that it doesnt cancel out. It's also nice for when you are trying to stratagize your way out of a messy fight, and re-coop from it, and cant be bothered with holding down block while falling back to a safer area.
The following commands will be listed in the following format..
<<command to type into chat>>
<<descripting and what it does, or doesnt do>>
/bind SHIFT "PowerTrayExec 1 16"
This will make it so that pressing SHIFT will toggle block ON. It will not toggle it back OFF. Any ability you use, healing or otherwise will auto cancel the blocking,when means after you attack you will need to toggle it back on if you want to have it.
/bind CTRL+SHIFT "PowersCancelAllActivations"
This will make the CTRL + SHIFT keys pressed together, to cancel the block ability. This is if you want to cancel it after a fight is over, without using a different ability. One benefit of this, is that if you are casting an ability on acident, you can use this combo keys to cancel it, and quickly use it again without having to wait for recast and all. (ex: orbital strike, you use it, it charges fully, then hits.. there is NO other way to cancel this ability).
Let me know if this is helpfull, or you would like some other ideas, as i have done a few with pets commands, and the newer "using healing pets as a party healer" with the newest patch notes
. I won't go other those unless asked for though, as they are mostly for healing chars, with added healing pets, etc.
Oh hey look! A toggle! Amazing.
I'm going to take that reply as a joke, and assume you aren't being a ***** about it. Alot of people don't know about that ability, and some want to use what they are fimilar with, being the SHIFT key. I could care less about shift being regular block anymore, now that i know i can make it a toogle, with the standard default block.
I really don't think they would take this about, only reason is because with bot, they can simply do a "KEY PRESS" instead of a "KEY TAP" in the bot program. It's very simple to get around that, as i"m a programmer as well and you can manipulate the keys very easily with the right program anyways. Them removing this, would be almost like them removing ALL of them toggle ability in the game. It's just not something i see them doing, but I have been wrong in the past, so who knows. I do agree, and plead to the devs.. don't remove toggles .. it allows us to play the game how we wish to play it, as the reasons we don't play all those other competitor mmos.
Btw, you can also do the following in place of the previous command I posted.. If you have an abilty you want to apply to yourself every time you block. (ex: Mindful Reenforcement or ). Place the ability into the ALT7 slot, and do this binding instead... It will use the ability, followed by toggled block .. very handy
Your account has been credited with 1 internetz.
But how the HECK did you figure out the commands?
In a game notable for its LACK of coherent documentation, it seems impossible you could ever just 'figure it out', so how did you get this info? Makes me feel like a dork. I was just going to post how to do a battle yell bound to a keystroke, seems stupid now.
I would love to see your binds for pet attack and pet healing both, as not being able to bind pet attack to a key (I like to keep my pets on passive at all times so I can control what they attack and when) has kept me from playing a few different powersets now.
For the Pet HEALING bots keys.. this is the one I allready wrote up
For the binding of pet commands, there is acualy a few different posts for that, but I'll post here the ones i use personaly..
Pet attack - CTRL + A
Pet Stay - CTRL + S
Pet Assist - CTRL + Z
Pet Dismiss - CTRL + X
Well, it's word of mouth, yes. But also, I used to be a GM for SWG when it first came out, and as anyone that played SWG, there was ALOT of macroing, and commands that could be used. figuring out which commands to use here, is probly the hardest part really.
About the battle yell that you would want to do.. here is a basic script idea I quickly came up with.. let me know if this does what ya want.
/bind SHIFT+Q "/yell input_text_here"
that would make the SHIFT + Q make you always yell to the zone. Not sure what reason you would need ot do this, but here it is anyways
Just glad you did - works great - thanks!!
This doesnt seem to work, can anyone clarrify..? ive tried putting the power in several different slots...
This assumes that you have block - set to the default (Shift) key. If you moved it to something else then replace shift with whatever key you have set block. Then you post this text into the chat and it should work. Hope that helps.
Still thanks for shareing this info.
that's assuming you don't have all other mouse keys bound to something else, which i do personally. Just preference, shift works well for me, and yes it's simple to change block to toggled ability with a mouse, it doesn't provide a way to change it to work with a keyboard press. But thanks for the input anyways
ok, let me break it down a little...
/bind SHIFT "PowerTrayExec 1 13 $$ PowerTrayExec 1 16"
/bind ---- that is to bind the follow key you type in
SHIFT ---- this is the key to be bound
PowerTrayExec 1 13 ---- this uses the ability on the top row of hotkeys, last bottom before the travel abilitys
$$ = AND .. meaning AND do the following as well
PowerTrayExec 1 16 ---- this will activate the ability you have in the block slot on your hotbar
So if it's not working, either...
1. you aren't putting the 2nd activation ability into the 13th slot, next to the tevel abilty, the one ability you want to use automatically when you use block.
2. you don't use SHIFT for blocking, and if that's the case.. if you cant figure it out, let me know what it is you use, and I can help you.
3. you aren't typing in the command correctly, and leaving something out.
I know it sounds like I'm putting blame on you, I'm not. Sorry if it comes off that way, I'm just trying to help. Let me know if ya need anything else.
I have a bad nervous condition, so when I get stressed my fingers do twitch, and this means that I can unintentionally drop block. I've tried binding it to middle mouse and other solutions, but nothing really works. This has, and it's helped to smooth out the rough edges in my play-style.
A hearty thank you to the OP!
i figured out that it is possible to make walking an 'always on' instead of a 'hold key' thing.
I'm not sure if key binding in the game will work with this method, but editing a keybind file works for certain, so here's how I do it:
Whilst in game type in /bind_save_file c:\games\co.txt
This will create a new folder with a keybind file called co.txt.
Go to this directory via My Computer, or however you would browse your drive. open the txt file.
If you've made any changes from the default keybind configuration, you should see these in the list.
Use the following format to add 2 new binds into the txt file:
X "walk 1": Toggles walking ON
Y "-Walk": Toggles walking OFF
where X and Y are two different keys. I myself use Q to walk, so i just make sure that i use Q in conjunction with ctrl, alt or shift as a reminder that Q is my walking key.
once thats been set up, save the file, and when in game, type in /bind_load_file c:\games\co.txt. It will load the modified bind file, and the keys you set up will now control walking, and you wont have to hold either of them.
Also a question for Temil, is there a way to have a toggle block, just enough to qualify for Force Sheath from Force Shield to appear, on the same button as the normal block? As in like, Shift toggles your block from page 1, maybe Alt Shift toggles block for 5 seconds then turns it off?
I would make this myself but I cant figure out what the numbers actually mean. The 1 is what? Is this like telling it to be true? And the 13 and 16? What do these actually refer to? I can't seem to figure out the order for the keys. Like how is 13 Ctrl7? Isn't that listed as power 14? I'm so confused.
Did I mention this is awesomely useful?
If you find that toggling walk, I'd very much like to have it.
To initiate the walk
/bind Z walk 1
To stop walking
/bind X walk 0
I'm at work right now, so I can't look up my bind file. If those don't work try walk1 and walk0 (i.e. no spaces)
And there you go, consolidated to one key. I take no credit for this.
Good thread to save.
/bind 3 powertrayexec 1 2
3 is the key you bind to, 1 represents toggling/maintaining the power as ON, and 2 is the power tray number. 3 is 2 in that respect because the energy builder slot is 0.
I had figured it out, but THANX!!
/bind 1 ++powertrayexec 1 1
Here is your cookie:
currently there isn't any kind of TIMING or WAIT times that can be added to a /bind .. so I would say with the way the game is curerntly, no. cant add a wait time causing it to wait 5 secs, then remove it again.
But on that, iif you use the toggle abilty I posted, then active any other ability after that.. block will drop auto maticly.. you dont have to turn it off, as other abilitys will turn it off.. so if it helps, maybe would another /bind to force the 1 key (energy builder) to be turned on help.. to force block to drop? or no?
here is the breakdown of how the 13 and 16 works...
VIRTUAL HOTBAR! (dont touch, just look.. hehe)
| | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 15 |
| 16 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 14 |
Where you see 16, that's block. Where you see 14, that's the BOTTOM flight ability.
the 1 that you see is the /bind means ON/MAINTAIN. If changing that to a 0, it will mean OFF. But I have found out that doesnt always work, so doing a "clear all abilitys" is needed some times, as the hotkey I posted. I allready submited it as a bug, so no biggy.
(hint hint devs.. if this option is SUPOSED to be avalible to us, please give us a /wait command as well. or /pause command. thanks!)
the toggle block still works, it's just the 2nd ability auto-activate with block is what they changed.
/bind delete ++walk
(I've also used ++up to gain altitude while flying or teleporting.)
Hehe but where is our glass of milk?
I have shift as normal then i bind the F key with the toggle.
/bind f "$$+powertrayexec 16"
Works for me.