I can't put the primary stats for each type of crafter on my enhancement items. My Mystic can do Str/Dex, my Science can do End/Ego/Int and my arms can only do End and some of the odd ones.
I have a 400 Science that can't make any useful Primary or Secondary items, they are all basically trash items now. I can't make any Dex based items at all.
I think someone restricted the items a bit too much now.
Same with me...i lost a lot of choices when it comes to crafting...I'm going to assume its a bug and it needs to be fixed. Lucky for me I crafted a bunch of stuff the other day.
Before i had 20+ choices now i have 6ish and the worst of them ..lol
No +int in science???? has to be a bug
oh i can get +str tho >.> strong dumb scientist
Also i had to hae spent atleast 40 gold buying all those enhancements if not more
So i ask...whats the deal here?
You get int in utility, that's about it, and it's not a bug.... this is how it's always supposed to of been, I was hoping they threw that idea out at launch and just hadn't changed some of the text in game but no. I can take the content gaps, the low money in the econ, the high retcon costs, the power nerfs, and all that. But a worthless crafting system makes it hard for me to bother logging in.
Guys, the stats have always been limited to specific slots, we had a bug where the custom stuff wasn't being properly limited, but every single mission reward, every single Nemesis and Unity and PVP Upgrade, every single fixed stat crafted item, etc. has the correct slots on the stats, etc. You are able to get to the correct max stat values with those layouts, that's what the game was designed around.
This mean that my level 40 primary offense purple item in science is supposed to cost 78 rare mats? Had hoped that to be a bug too. I take it the random drop items were broken too in that way considering I could find ones that in the fixed system broke the restrictions, Like a cyber (minor int) mutated (major con/pres) item?
I'm going to agree with there being way too many restrictions on what we can craft now. I was quite happy to see before that I could actually craft every piece of gear I wanted to use for my character. At the moment, I'm using majority blue lv 38 crafted gear with a couple pieces of purple lv 40 nemesis gear. With the restrictions to what we can craft now in place, I'll probably only be making one or two pieces tops for my future characters. It was nice to be able to really focus your character towards a couple stats at the expense of being well rounded, and the crafting system completely supported that. Not so much anymore. Considering the lv 40 purple crafted gear are terrible for the amount of resources they need, the restrictions make the crafting system almost pointless.
To me, this is the biggest disappointment in the game. It's a game of unparalleled customization...except in crafting where you must either choose the craft assigned to your stats. I sure hope it changes someday. Right now, half of my characters have taking crafting paths that are completely counter to concept because that's the one that gives me my stats. I just don't understand the logic....
the fact that when u mouse over the Enhancements for sale by trainer you cant tell what one actually does is a problem. I'm looking at about 8 different enhancements that all say the same thing in the tooltip. without having to alt-tab and pull up a forum post to find out what these enhancements ACTUALLY DO), it would be nice to just be able to see "Enhances mini-map radius" or "enhances critical strike %"
instead of "adhesive" for 8 different enhancements.
secondly - the crafting system was GREAT the way it was before this change. to be able to craft items and put the stat that YOU WANT or is valuable to your framework is way better than putting useless stats on it. it takes away from the crafting angle almost altogether. Why bother even leveling a skill that one out of every twenty items u can craft are actually useful. the items that drop in the game have their stats predetermined. the purpose in MAKING something is to be able to MAKE WHAT YOU WANT.
i'm not going to "craft" a bookshelf that looks completely stupid and doesnt do what i want it to do.
why would you expect me to make a primary defense tool that doesnt do what i want it to do.
and "game balance" is based off of everyone being able to do the same, have access to the same.
what about those at high level that already made the items that are now unable to be crafted?
are the imbalanced, overpowered because they have something that can never ever be achieved in the game now?
Crafting was king /because/ it could bend the rules of what the fixed stat stuff was, infact almost everybody I talk to says the fixed stat items are worthless. Now we're all just cookie cutter to the items already in game, we just get to pick what flavor of cookie we are from about five choices ish. Oh and can I please get explained to how con and pres combo makes sense as sciences /only/ major defense stat option?
Yeah, I'm a little concerned about this. I took science for my munitions with the base stats of DEX/EGO because that's what the trainer suggested. After looking at the combination it looks as though I flat out cannot make DEX/EGO combination items and have a lot of holes where I cannot make either DEX or EGO. In fact, it looks as though Science is probably the worst choice for DEX/EGO munitions despite being suggested.
I thought the mixing and matching of enchantments was an interesting idea, but I'm not entirely impressed with the implementation.
Guys, the stats have always been limited to specific slots, we had a bug where the custom stuff wasn't being properly limited, but every single mission reward, every single Nemesis and Unity and PVP Upgrade, every single fixed stat crafted item, etc. has the correct slots on the stats, etc. You are able to get to the correct max stat values with those layouts, that's what the game was designed around.
It sounds like that Arms can't buff the stuff Arms is supposed to be good at though.
i guess the dev's just don't understand that their player base was happy with the way crafting was.
they want to tell us "this is how we designed it it was broken before"
if we all have access to the same enhancement combinations per crafting selections then its balanced. you leave it the way you have now made it you're upsetting a LOT of customers.
Pretty crappy way to try and force people to actually buy UNITY and PvP items I mean not that anyone will anyways because their beyond crap but I mean lets not lie this is why you changed it.
Aww well this bites, the ability to customize freely like that is what I loved the most and it allowed crafters to actually matter since they could create items that had things just how people wanted. And heck they still were only at certain levels and only up to blues and you often needed to hit all three types of crafting to get all the things you want, wasn't that enough?
Guys, the stats have always been limited to specific slots, we had a bug where the custom stuff wasn't being properly limited, but every single mission reward, every single Nemesis and Unity and PVP Upgrade, every single fixed stat crafted item, etc. has the correct slots on the stats, etc. You are able to get to the correct max stat values with those layouts, that's what the game was designed around.
And now that you've been made aware that the bugged implementation was superior to the intended design, how do you intend to remedy the situation?
I feel sorry for the tankers that took con and presence for their super stats, finding gear for them just became almost impossible.
This is my major concern. While I understand AP's point that there are certain stat combos (superstats or not) are harder to focus on than others. Someone who chooses INT/REC can get their chosen stats in 2 Major slots and 6 minor (Basically all but 1 slot). Someone who chooses CON/PRE, or STR/DEX can only get them in 1 Major and 4 minor. (5 slots as opposed to 8).
Considering the reasoning for wanting certain stats, ie CON/PRE for health and aggro gen for a tank. STR and DEX for a Melee fighter.So why are some '2 stat combinations' are actually less viable compared to other such combos, especially when some of the more limited ones actually have very purposeful reason to be together? If its an issue of the stats having to be split on concern to stronger stats, like not being a tank and by nature having higher healing also why are they all tied to that stat when some stats are considered far less useful? (Pre does Aggro, Healing, and Pet Health)
If this is the case why not tie things to different attributes (Pet health to Ego or some such). Or rather why not have the bonuses tied to more than one stat pet health is majorly gained from Pre and minorly from *other stat*?
Personally, my biggest concern is about the "have vs have-not" problem. I know many people that crafted sets of gear focused just to their primary stats. +70 to a stat on all 3 primary pieces, +17 to the same stat on all 6 secondary pieces. Made a few sets (one set recovery, one set end, one set con, one set dex, etc) and now they have an advantage over other players that can never be rectified.
Personally, my biggest concern is about the "have vs have-not" problem. I know many people that crafted sets of gear focused just to their primary stats. +70 to a stat on all 3 primary pieces, +17 to the same stat on all 6 secondary pieces. Made a few sets (one set recovery, one set end, one set con, one set dex, etc) and now they have an advantage over other players that can never be rectified.
That is in my opinion a much more valid and important point.
Speaking as one of the "Haves" I have a ridiculous amount of Dex and Ego from my gear. I will be looking at what is available and be crafting a new set under the new rules. My larger concern is that most of the special offensive enhancements don't actually work though.
Personally, my biggest concern is about the "have vs have-not" problem. I know many people that crafted sets of gear focused just to their primary stats. +70 to a stat on all 3 primary pieces, +17 to the same stat on all 6 secondary pieces. Made a few sets (one set recovery, one set end, one set con, one set dex, etc) and now they have an advantage over other players that can never be rectified.
Guys, the stats have always been limited to specific slots, we had a bug where the custom stuff wasn't being properly limited, but every single mission reward, every single Nemesis and Unity and PVP Upgrade, every single fixed stat crafted item, etc. has the correct slots on the stats, etc. You are able to get to the correct max stat values with those layouts, that's what the game was designed around.
Well there is what was "intended" and then there is what actually works. The previous way worked very well and gave a good advantage to crafting in comparison to normal drops. Sure the stats could be a little less than same lvl drop and that's fine, but it let you customize them from all that craft had access to so you could get what you wanted. When I saw that I thought the concept was "the shizzle" and haven't seen as good of crafted items since EQ2. But with this patch you went and removed the main advantage crafted items have over drops.
Some kind of an advantage is required when implementing crafting to make it viable. There has to be some reason to use it over normal drops, not just allow you to make items that are the same. I'd hope you look it over and re-consider allowing us to craft the items like before.
Also on a side note to Triniak's comment above: The crafted items are tradeable, we just need a better auction house with an item request section so that these crafted items can be given to the "have-nots". People who craft having some advantage is not the flaw, lacking a way to get it to the people who don't have the craft is.
Also on a side note to Triniak's comment above: The crafted items are tradeable, we just need a better auction house with an item request section so that these crafted items can be given to the "have-nots". People who craft having some advantage is not the flaw, lacking a way to get it to the people who don't have the craft is.
Sure, until you equip them and then they became bound.
I wasn't saying that you shouldn't be able to craft items with better stat layouts than dropped gear, I was saying that since they changed it so that you can no longer make as GOOD of crafted gear as you could before, anyone who built up sets of gear prior to this fix to the system will have a huge advantage over everyone else.
For example: I have a character that has a full set of recovery gear, I can get +312 recovery just from my items (if I chose to equip them all) and since regen keys off of recovery, my regen health is much higher than any other character that didn't make that gear. Same with any other stat, I'll have a significantly higher "top end" for my stat than any player that makes gear from this point forward.
Sure, until you equip them and then they became bound.
I wasn't saying that you shouldn't be able to craft items with better stat layouts than dropped gear, I was saying that since they changed it so that you can no longer make as GOOD of crafted gear as you could before, anyone who built up sets of gear prior to this fix to the system will have a huge advantage over everyone else.
For example: I have a character that has a full set of recovery gear, I can get +312 recovery just from my items (if I chose to equip them all) and since regen keys off of recovery, my regen health is much higher than any other character that didn't make that gear. Same with any other stat, I'll have a significantly higher "top end" for my stat than any player that makes gear from this point forward.
Ah I see what you meant now. I suppose it's a consolation prize as they may not have a good way to remove those items. Haven't you noticed that all the OP items from missions they removed are still in-game and full power if you were lucky enough to get them on a char.
Ah I see what you meant now. I suppose it's a consolation prize as they may not have a good way to remove those items. Haven't you noticed that all the OP items from missions they removed are still in-game and full power if you were lucky enough to get them on a char.
*nod* I didn't really have a good solution for the problem either, was just stating it was my primary concern with the correction to the crafting system. It's happened in almost every game I played, items or systems get changed and you are left with pre-nerf and post-nerf versions of things. Luckily this is early enough in the game that I don't expect it will become a huge issue (esp. once we get our first level increase to 50 or what-have-you).
Hmm, more and more I want to pull my lifetime subscription off quick, there are just way too many changes that are really destroying the fun. They should have noted this in the main patch notes, not sneak it in and say oh, this was how it was "suppose" to be. I use to defend Cryptics actions but this just really spoiled it, I have a crafting profession now that does'nt cater to what I wanted to retcon to. Currently my charcter is gimped, once again.
Im really, really disappointed, actually sad. I really was enjoying this game but now the game is being reduced from being epic to just generic.
And the OP players still have the OP gear so once again not only am I gimped, I also can't compete with them at their level, this is so fustrating. They should have kept this in PTS a little longer.
Say what you want about the crafting system, as far as I was concerned it was almost perfect and flexable. I mean we are suppose to depend entirly on drops? Drops may not cater to your charcter and it's not like they have like 100 lairs with uber gear all over the place like WoW. Then I could understand. Crafting good gear is the only way we had a chance to stand up to really tough Super Villians and Cosmic bosses, I'd like to see how people do againts them now in the couple of weeks as players max out their toons and crafting professions.
That is in my opinion a much more valid and important point.
Speaking as one of the "Haves" I have a ridiculous amount of Dex and Ego from my gear. I will be looking at what is available and be crafting a new set under the new rules. My larger concern is that most of the special offensive enhancements don't actually work though.
Played about with the system. All of my gear was valid except my Primary Defence (phew!) however the Major enhancements on Primary Defence suck pretty hard.
Compared to the 67 dexterity I had on my pre-nerf primary defence (a stat I use to raise my defensive ability through lightning reflexes so to me it made conceptual sense) Exoskeleton is a very pale comparison.
These need looking at imo as the complete lack of major stats on Primary Defence (with the exception of constitution, a stat I have to date managed to avoid taking any of) is a big weakness when passive defences scale with stats that aren't available on these items (with the exception of Defiance and half of invulnerability).
Aside from that I was very much missing the extra damage from my superstats as I was well beyond the new hard cap before.
This also ruins the idea of getting a third or possible fourth stat "super" via items. I had built a Single Blade with Str/CON super-stated and was expecting to get DEX/PR up to decent levels via items. I can't do that anymore since while I used to have STR/DEX Offense, CON/PRE Defense and Utility would be Str or CON combined with PRE or DEX depending on if I was trying to tank or trying to do more damage and swapping between sets as needed I no longer can. I still have my two STR/Rec secondary offensive items which I can no longer craft and I'll be needing come 40 as I need a bit of extra Rec to get my AoE attacks off without having to open with my energy generator.
No all of that goes by the wayside and when with my 400 skill I look to make items I'm scratching my head what I want my utility items to be because I can't enchance any of the stats I need(STR/CON) nor want(DEX) except Presence and useless to me EGO or INT. And if I'm not tanking Presence is not that useful to me.
I can understand taking away my defense set bonuses to all as I could be granted an extra 50% resistance to all forms of attack via the old system. I understand locking that into place so I can't say screw the stats I want the bonuses on all the various damage types and only putting those type of things on but for everything?
Come on we enjoyed the old system, the new system most of my crafted items are now worthless to me, and I can see keeping what I've made before the change to 40 and beyond unless 40 rare drops are as good as the crafted ones I used to make.
Same with me...i lost a lot of choices when it comes to crafting...I'm going to assume its a bug and it needs to be fixed. Lucky for me I crafted a bunch of stuff the other day.
Before i had 20+ choices now i have 6ish and the worst of them ..lol
No +int in science???? has to be a bug
oh i can get +str tho >.> strong dumb scientist
Also i had to hae spent atleast 40 gold buying all those enhancements if not more
So i ask...whats the deal here?
You do realize whats coming next right? Can we say items getting nerfed that were never supposed to be made.
I lost 66% of my enhancement choices. I can no longer make the items I'm currently wearing.
Ego is no longer available to a Martial Arts/Sword fighter? That makes absolutely no sense at all. And the "if it was available as I advanced" comment is not valid because I saw a LOT of Dex/Ego things on the way up.
I have a purple and blue item that are identical in every sense, so I knew that itemization was borked and was relying upon crafting. Now crafting is useless too?
Talk to a science crafter, they can get you offense stuff that is pure dex, and utility that is pure ego... as for your defense stuff? You'll have to pick con or pres.
Talk to a science crafter, they can get you offense stuff that is pure dex, and utility that is pure ego... as for your defense stuff? You'll have to pick con or pres.
I can make pure Dex (I use LR). But the stuff I'm wearing is +70 while the best I can make now is +67. What I'm looking for is Dex/Ego that's > 70 pts, like 40/40.
I lost 66% of my enhancement choices. I can no longer make the items I'm currently wearing.
Ego is no longer available to a Martial Arts/Sword fighter? That makes absolutely no sense at all. And the "if it was available as I advanced" comment is not valid because I saw a LOT of Dex/Ego things on the way up.
I have a purple and blue item that are identical in every sense, so I knew that itemization was borked and was relying upon crafting. Now crafting is useless too?
point me at the blue and the purple that are identical so I can look at them and see if something is broken.
Yeah, I noticed that I can't enhance particular stats with my Mysticism/Avatar build that I use too. For instance, END, I use to be able to increase, and now I can't.
In fact, if I remember right, I use to be able to increase Every stat, and now I'm only able to do a couple. I have this horrible feeling that this was actually a fix, but I'm hoping not. I enjoyed being able to choose which stat out of all the stats I could make.
It was like 2 weeks ago. I held onto them for a few days but got no replies so I sold them. Sorry, bank/bag space is a premium and I'm a bit of a pack rat.
The random drop items don't obey the restriction system by the way, I found a cyber (minor int) secondary defense item tonight. Which was removed from my crafting list.
Imagine my disappointment when I couldn't remake my primary offense with the mojo enhancement instead of pure single stat like it is now.
Since one of my superstats is above the now official 32% cap I wanted to lower the stat on it to add the mojo enhancement, so I can still be at cap and get a bunch of free hp...but couldnt .
So, my 360 skill on Arms Ordnance is useless, cause cant use any Enhancements on Munitions, Dex/Ego? I shoulda take Science or Mysticism then..Hooo boy, and just as i was "not too confused" about crafting.
I paid resources for every enhancer I could buy. I'm now seeing that more than 2/3 the ones I bought are no longer valid/useable...how about a refund for all the cash spent buying things that I can no longer use?
Guys, the stats have always been limited to specific slots, we had a bug where the custom stuff wasn't being properly limited, but every single mission reward, every single Nemesis and Unity and PVP Upgrade, every single fixed stat crafted item, etc. has the correct slots on the stats, etc. You are able to get to the correct max stat values with those layouts, that's what the game was designed around.
Your bug made for a better crafting system.
Ever notice how often people say "yeah, the crafting system is garbage until you can make custom stuff."
That's because the random crap stat combinations you created for the 3 crafts are terrible, and they aren't what people need or want.
The crafts are unique enough in the special items, and the special blueprings that drop. Put custom crafting back the way it was.
Not to mention, people blew 20+ gold on the old enhancements.
I paid resources for every enhancer I could buy. I'm now seeing that more than 2/3 the ones I bought are no longer valid/useable...how about a refund for all the cash spent buying things that I can no longer use?
I would also like an answer to this. I bought all the enhancements. Now I have garbage to choose from. How do you guys plan to repay the people who spent tons of gold on enhancements that they can no longer access? Seriously you people keep listening to the whiners and they are driving you into the ground. Those same whiners are the lvl 40 rushers who have all the items they want who could care less about the rest of us. Now they get to keep their items while we can never match said items. All you've done is succeeded in making an already bad pvp system worst by creating a wider gap between players. Now we will have people of equal skill not being truly equal because one player will outclass another player by up to 100 stat points if not more.
Great now i can custom craft the exact same items as the non custom ones.
Crafting is now mostly useless except to make some consumables for yourself every now and then
I'm speechless this is....
oh and btw you still haven't fixed timeless in the mystic minor it's still calling for ARMs components instead of mystic ones. But it doesn't matter anymore since now no one will be making any crafted items like that anymore you can reallocate your resources to some other aspect of the game. <still :mad:>
This entire thread does a good job of mirroring my thoughts. The game is super-customizable...except in crafting where there is very little. I made a thread about this very thing if anyone wants to head over and comment on it: http://forums.champions-online.com/showthread.php?t=72071
My main two examples of why it sucks are these:
1. I have a character whose theme is that he has been empowered by magical artifacts to be extremely strong and extremely durable. He's a warrior from the ancient world come to modern times. Well...magical crafting is crud for my stats. I can take it, sure, but it's not very useful. What is useful? Arms. *sigh* At least fighting styles are a part of arms. Though it makes no sense that my character would learn kung fu. Rather, he should be enchanting more potent artifacts, but that just isn't an option.
2. My main character has Con and Rec as his primary stats. Which crafting option works for that? Even without considering theme (which is a crying shame to do), there is still no area of crafting where I can boost both of those stats well. One with a little of the other I can do, but nothing boosts both stats well.
So, basically, the most customizable game in the industry forces shoe-horning and broken concepts in crafting. And it's even more of a shame considering that other than that, the crafting system is pretty darn good in my opinion.
Not that it's truly an answer to all these issues; but going through the first page or two of this thread http://forums.champions-online.com/showthread.php?t=72369 and taking a look at the posts between the us and AP might give you a little more info on why things are as they are, for now anyway. (I'm necessarily saying I agree fully with everything said, but its good perspective at least.)
2/3rd of all custom recipes for all lines of crafting get flat out removed. A character with arms/Ordinance is unable to make ego items, even thou it makes perfect sense that arms/ordinance would be the spot on craft for a munitions character. And to add insult to injury, evryone quick enogh on the leveling to get the old flavour of items can keep them?
Do you not see a problem with this? Becasue I sure do.
Also, why is this kind of problem not fixed before release? Id venture that half the people out there have picked suddenly suboptimal crafting skills for their characters, with no realisitc way of realizing that they would ever have a problem with it. WIll there be a free retcon for crafting now?
2/3rd of all custom recipes for all lines of crafting get flat out removed. A character with arms/Ordinance is unable to make ego items, even thou it makes perfect sense that arms/ordinance would be the spot on craft for a munitions character. And to add insult to injury, evryone quick enogh on the leveling to get the old flavour of items can keep them?
Do you not see a problem with this? Becasue I sure do.
Also, why is this kind of problem not fixed before release? Id venture that half the people out there have picked suddenly suboptimal crafting skills for their characters, with no realisitc way of realizing that they would ever have a problem with it. WIll there be a free retcon for crafting now?
I don't know where you are getting this from about not being able to craft EGO items in ordinance. I'm 400 Ordinance and can craft EGO items just fine. They are called Controlled and Enhanced and you can only apply them to Utility slots.
They went too restrictive on the choices.
Before i had 20+ choices now i have 6ish and the worst of them ..lol
No +int in science???? has to be a bug
oh i can get +str tho >.> strong dumb scientist
Also i had to hae spent atleast 40 gold buying all those enhancements if not more
So i ask...whats the deal here?
the fact that when u mouse over the Enhancements for sale by trainer you cant tell what one actually does is a problem. I'm looking at about 8 different enhancements that all say the same thing in the tooltip. without having to alt-tab and pull up a forum post to find out what these enhancements ACTUALLY DO), it would be nice to just be able to see "Enhances mini-map radius" or "enhances critical strike %"
instead of "adhesive" for 8 different enhancements.
secondly - the crafting system was GREAT the way it was before this change. to be able to craft items and put the stat that YOU WANT or is valuable to your framework is way better than putting useless stats on it. it takes away from the crafting angle almost altogether. Why bother even leveling a skill that one out of every twenty items u can craft are actually useful. the items that drop in the game have their stats predetermined. the purpose in MAKING something is to be able to MAKE WHAT YOU WANT.
i'm not going to "craft" a bookshelf that looks completely stupid and doesnt do what i want it to do.
why would you expect me to make a primary defense tool that doesnt do what i want it to do.
and "game balance" is based off of everyone being able to do the same, have access to the same.
what about those at high level that already made the items that are now unable to be crafted?
are the imbalanced, overpowered because they have something that can never ever be achieved in the game now?
crafting was fine the way it was.
I thought the mixing and matching of enchantments was an interesting idea, but I'm not entirely impressed with the implementation.
It sounds like that Arms can't buff the stuff Arms is supposed to be good at though.
they want to tell us "this is how we designed it it was broken before"
if we all have access to the same enhancement combinations per crafting selections then its balanced. you leave it the way you have now made it you're upsetting a LOT of customers.
i'm already downloading aion...
And now that you've been made aware that the bugged implementation was superior to the intended design, how do you intend to remedy the situation?
This is my major concern. While I understand AP's point that there are certain stat combos (superstats or not) are harder to focus on than others. Someone who chooses INT/REC can get their chosen stats in 2 Major slots and 6 minor (Basically all but 1 slot). Someone who chooses CON/PRE, or STR/DEX can only get them in 1 Major and 4 minor. (5 slots as opposed to 8).
Considering the reasoning for wanting certain stats, ie CON/PRE for health and aggro gen for a tank. STR and DEX for a Melee fighter.So why are some '2 stat combinations' are actually less viable compared to other such combos, especially when some of the more limited ones actually have very purposeful reason to be together? If its an issue of the stats having to be split on concern to stronger stats, like not being a tank and by nature having higher healing also why are they all tied to that stat when some stats are considered far less useful? (Pre does Aggro, Healing, and Pet Health)
If this is the case why not tie things to different attributes (Pet health to Ego or some such). Or rather why not have the bonuses tied to more than one stat pet health is majorly gained from Pre and minorly from *other stat*?
That is in my opinion a much more valid and important point.
Speaking as one of the "Haves" I have a ridiculous amount of Dex and Ego from my gear. I will be looking at what is available and be crafting a new set under the new rules. My larger concern is that most of the special offensive enhancements don't actually work though.
Yes we need some answers on this .
Well there is what was "intended" and then there is what actually works. The previous way worked very well and gave a good advantage to crafting in comparison to normal drops. Sure the stats could be a little less than same lvl drop and that's fine, but it let you customize them from all that craft had access to so you could get what you wanted. When I saw that I thought the concept was "the shizzle" and haven't seen as good of crafted items since EQ2. But with this patch you went and removed the main advantage crafted items have over drops.
Some kind of an advantage is required when implementing crafting to make it viable. There has to be some reason to use it over normal drops, not just allow you to make items that are the same. I'd hope you look it over and re-consider allowing us to craft the items like before.
Also on a side note to Triniak's comment above: The crafted items are tradeable, we just need a better auction house with an item request section so that these crafted items can be given to the "have-nots". People who craft having some advantage is not the flaw, lacking a way to get it to the people who don't have the craft is.
Sure, until you equip them and then they became bound.
I wasn't saying that you shouldn't be able to craft items with better stat layouts than dropped gear, I was saying that since they changed it so that you can no longer make as GOOD of crafted gear as you could before, anyone who built up sets of gear prior to this fix to the system will have a huge advantage over everyone else.
For example: I have a character that has a full set of recovery gear, I can get +312 recovery just from my items (if I chose to equip them all) and since regen keys off of recovery, my regen health is much higher than any other character that didn't make that gear. Same with any other stat, I'll have a significantly higher "top end" for my stat than any player that makes gear from this point forward.
Ah I see what you meant now. I suppose it's a consolation prize as they may not have a good way to remove those items. Haven't you noticed that all the OP items from missions they removed are still in-game and full power if you were lucky enough to get them on a char.
*nod* I didn't really have a good solution for the problem either, was just stating it was my primary concern with the correction to the crafting system. It's happened in almost every game I played, items or systems get changed and you are left with pre-nerf and post-nerf versions of things. Luckily this is early enough in the game that I don't expect it will become a huge issue (esp. once we get our first level increase to 50 or what-have-you).
Im really, really disappointed, actually sad. I really was enjoying this game but now the game is being reduced from being epic to just generic.
And the OP players still have the OP gear so once again not only am I gimped, I also can't compete with them at their level, this is so fustrating. They should have kept this in PTS a little longer.
Say what you want about the crafting system, as far as I was concerned it was almost perfect and flexable. I mean we are suppose to depend entirly on drops? Drops may not cater to your charcter and it's not like they have like 100 lairs with uber gear all over the place like WoW. Then I could understand. Crafting good gear is the only way we had a chance to stand up to really tough Super Villians and Cosmic bosses, I'd like to see how people do againts them now in the couple of weeks as players max out their toons and crafting professions.
Played about with the system. All of my gear was valid except my Primary Defence (phew!) however the Major enhancements on Primary Defence suck pretty hard.
Compared to the 67 dexterity I had on my pre-nerf primary defence (a stat I use to raise my defensive ability through lightning reflexes so to me it made conceptual sense) Exoskeleton is a very pale comparison.
These need looking at imo as the complete lack of major stats on Primary Defence (with the exception of constitution, a stat I have to date managed to avoid taking any of) is a big weakness when passive defences scale with stats that aren't available on these items (with the exception of Defiance and half of invulnerability).
Aside from that I was very much missing the extra damage from my superstats as I was well beyond the new hard cap before.
No all of that goes by the wayside and when with my 400 skill I look to make items I'm scratching my head what I want my utility items to be because I can't enchance any of the stats I need(STR/CON) nor want(DEX) except Presence and useless to me EGO or INT. And if I'm not tanking Presence is not that useful to me.
I can understand taking away my defense set bonuses to all as I could be granted an extra 50% resistance to all forms of attack via the old system. I understand locking that into place so I can't say screw the stats I want the bonuses on all the various damage types and only putting those type of things on but for everything?
Come on we enjoyed the old system, the new system most of my crafted items are now worthless to me, and I can see keeping what I've made before the change to 40 and beyond unless 40 rare drops are as good as the crafted ones I used to make.
You do realize whats coming next right? Can we say items getting nerfed that were never supposed to be made.
Ego is no longer available to a Martial Arts/Sword fighter? That makes absolutely no sense at all. And the "if it was available as I advanced" comment is not valid because I saw a LOT of Dex/Ego things on the way up.
I have a purple and blue item that are identical in every sense, so I knew that itemization was borked and was relying upon crafting. Now crafting is useless too?
I can make pure Dex (I use LR). But the stuff I'm wearing is +70 while the best I can make now is +67. What I'm looking for is Dex/Ego that's > 70 pts, like 40/40.
point me at the blue and the purple that are identical so I can look at them and see if something is broken.
In fact, if I remember right, I use to be able to increase Every stat, and now I'm only able to do a couple. I have this horrible feeling that this was actually a fix, but I'm hoping not. I enjoyed being able to choose which stat out of all the stats I could make.
I posted their stats here awhile ago: http://forums.champions-online.com/showthread.php?t=67465
It was like 2 weeks ago. I held onto them for a few days but got no replies so I sold them. Sorry, bank/bag space is a premium and I'm a bit of a pack rat.
Since one of my superstats is above the now official 32% cap I wanted to lower the stat on it to add the mojo enhancement, so I can still be at cap and get a bunch of free hp...but couldnt .
Your bug made for a better crafting system.
Ever notice how often people say "yeah, the crafting system is garbage until you can make custom stuff."
That's because the random crap stat combinations you created for the 3 crafts are terrible, and they aren't what people need or want.
The crafts are unique enough in the special items, and the special blueprings that drop. Put custom crafting back the way it was.
Not to mention, people blew 20+ gold on the old enhancements.
I would also like an answer to this. I bought all the enhancements. Now I have garbage to choose from. How do you guys plan to repay the people who spent tons of gold on enhancements that they can no longer access? Seriously you people keep listening to the whiners and they are driving you into the ground. Those same whiners are the lvl 40 rushers who have all the items they want who could care less about the rest of us. Now they get to keep their items while we can never match said items. All you've done is succeeded in making an already bad pvp system worst by creating a wider gap between players. Now we will have people of equal skill not being truly equal because one player will outclass another player by up to 100 stat points if not more.
Crafting is now mostly useless except to make some consumables for yourself every now and then
I'm speechless this is....
oh and btw you still haven't fixed timeless in the mystic minor it's still calling for ARMs components instead of mystic ones. But it doesn't matter anymore since now no one will be making any crafted items like that anymore you can reallocate your resources to some other aspect of the game. <still :mad:>
My main two examples of why it sucks are these:
1. I have a character whose theme is that he has been empowered by magical artifacts to be extremely strong and extremely durable. He's a warrior from the ancient world come to modern times. Well...magical crafting is crud for my stats. I can take it, sure, but it's not very useful. What is useful? Arms. *sigh* At least fighting styles are a part of arms. Though it makes no sense that my character would learn kung fu. Rather, he should be enchanting more potent artifacts, but that just isn't an option.
2. My main character has Con and Rec as his primary stats. Which crafting option works for that? Even without considering theme (which is a crying shame to do), there is still no area of crafting where I can boost both of those stats well. One with a little of the other I can do, but nothing boosts both stats well.
So, basically, the most customizable game in the industry forces shoe-horning and broken concepts in crafting. And it's even more of a shame considering that other than that, the crafting system is pretty darn good in my opinion.
Just my thoughts.
2/3rd of all custom recipes for all lines of crafting get flat out removed. A character with arms/Ordinance is unable to make ego items, even thou it makes perfect sense that arms/ordinance would be the spot on craft for a munitions character. And to add insult to injury, evryone quick enogh on the leveling to get the old flavour of items can keep them?
Do you not see a problem with this? Becasue I sure do.
Also, why is this kind of problem not fixed before release? Id venture that half the people out there have picked suddenly suboptimal crafting skills for their characters, with no realisitc way of realizing that they would ever have a problem with it. WIll there be a free retcon for crafting now?
I don't know where you are getting this from about not being able to craft EGO items in ordinance. I'm 400 Ordinance and can craft EGO items just fine. They are called Controlled and Enhanced and you can only apply them to Utility slots.