If what I've read from guides is correct, I should basically just slot mods that raise my superstats as my priority? But what confuses me is what to put into slots that don't take SS mods? For example, the 3 characters I'm currently working on are TK Ranged, Infernal ranged, and HW (All 3 being built for DPS). Crit chance? Offense? Power cost reduction? Something else?
Assuming a new player here without a ton of access to currencies.
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Epic Stronghold
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Also keep in mind that diminishing returns will kick in the higher your mod totals going. E.g. If you already have a high crit chance, adding a second Gambler's Gem in a 4 slot piece of offensive gear will probably not give you the same boost that the first one did. You will also see DR in terms of the bonuses that ever incraseing stat mods give. You just have to weight what your objectives are.
> When you get your 4 slot final gear you will probably want a mod that boosts the damage of your main type of attack. E.g. the Ironclad mod for your HW build.
> Also keep in mind that diminishing returns will kick in the higher your mod totals going. E.g. If you already have a high crit chance, adding a second Gambler's Gem in a 4 slot piece of offensive gear will probably not give you the same boost that the first one did. You will also see DR in terms of the bonuses that ever incraseing stat mods give. You just have to weight what your objectives are.
Ok, I'm 99% sure right now that I'm going to stay pretty casual. Which basically means I'll probably be ending my gear grind will end at SCR Heroic primaries (is that right?) and other than that everything else is just for kicks. Joining the occasional Kiga/Ape fights, doing dailies, farming costume unlocks, messing with crafting etc.
So if my path is going to be fortuitous > Heroic for gear, I just need advice on how to slot those. My current 3 toons are Infernal ranged (EGO/END/CON), TK ranged (DEX/REC/CON) , and HW (STR/REC/CON), all DPS freeform. Sorry for so much detail, I just figured the more you know the better you can answer, thanks!
You may want one END mod (or END on a secondary or two) for your TK and HW, just to utilize the higher Equilibrium. Beyond that my usual way is to spread the stats in roughly equal measure across the three SS'.
For DPS characters the Offense Primary should probably be crit severity with crit chance from mod (to reduce the impact of diminishing returns for both), for Defense Primary you can't really go wrong with health both on the gear and from mod (defense can be useful if you have specs that use the gear bonus), Utility Primary going for cost reduction on both gear and mod is quite useful for all three characters since none have INT as a SS.
I got the crit chance on my ranged Infernal blue gloves but that should be fine right? I'm only sitting at around 28% according to my character sheet, it's not a crit build with Ego/End/Con superstats so I figured extra crit chance would be a good DPS boost
Epic Stronghold
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