Serene Abyss
- The next Chapter is available! If you have completed the previous mission, speak with Dr. Ka to get the next mission.
- Added Mystical Smoke costume transformation as the mission reward.
- New Perk: Unlocking the Mystical Smoke transformation on 10 characters unlocks the transform on your account.
- Fixed a display error with Ladyhawke's pointer mission.
High Noon at Snake Gulch
For the next week this event will be running.
- Added journal category for this event.
- Event enemies no longer drop currency, costumes or action figures. All costumes removed will appear in the Trade Paperback store at a later date.
High Noon: Event Store
Removed many items from the event store:
- Flintlock Pistol and Card Sleeve costume can now drop from Cowboy Robots.
- Knife Strap costume can now drop from Red Banner.
- Metal Auras have been moved to the Champion Recognition store.
- Branding Iron and Yodel devices have been moved to the Champion Recognition store.
- Pickaxe and Sickle costumes have been moved to the Nemesis store.
- Steampunk Goggles, Mouth Cover, Mask, Dino Maw Helmet and Eye Blade will appear in the Trade Paperback store at a later date.
- Added a variety of consumable items to the Misc store.
- Emotes and Costume transformations have been removed from the store but can drop from the High Noon open mission and Asciing for Trouble alert.
High Noon: Open Mission
The following items can drop from the open mission:
- Cannon, Rustbucket, Steampunk Swords, Cowboy Boots and Steampunk Pistol costumes.
- Military Emote and Countdown Costume Transformation.
- Piercing damage threat booster and threat reduction mods.
- Various action figures.
High Noon: Alert
Added an alert version of Asciing for Trouble. This alert will be active while High Noon is running. Must be at least level 20 to queue.
Notable changes from the open mission version:
- Increased number of Cowboy Robots to defeat.
- Gunslingers attack in waves and no longer have a timer.
- Increased Ascii Oakley's durability and increased the time limit to defeat her to 10 minutes.
The following items can drop from the alert:
- Steampunk Hat, Belt, Holsters, Western Rifle, Spurs and Revolver costumes.
- Whistle Aura and Whistle Emote.
- Ascii Munition mods.
High Noon: Missions
- Increased the amount of currency gained from daily missions.
- Removed defeat Cowboyrobots mission.
- New Mission: Complete High Noon at Snake Gulch mission 5 times. Awards the Poncho costume.
- New Mission: Complete Asciing for Trouble mission 5 times. Awards the OVERRIDE loyal sidekick.
- New Mission: Queue and complete the Asciing for Trouble alert.
- New Perk: Unlocking the Military emote on 10 characters grants you the Militia title and unlocks the emote on your account.
- New Perk: Unlocking the Whistle emote on 10 characters grants you the Whistler title and unlocks the emote on your account.
- New Perk: Unlocking the Countdown Costume Transformation on 10 characters grants you the Final Countdown title and unlocks the costume transform on your account.
- These new perks are retroactive. You will have to log into the character with the unlocked item for credit. It may take a few moments to give credit. If you unlock an item on a character, you may need to relog for it to properly credit.
- New Perk: Unlocking the Heart emote on 5 characters grants you the Big Heart title and unlocks the emote on your account.
- New Perk: Unlocking the Overwhelming Power Costume Transformation on 5 characters grants you the Overwhelming Power title and unlocks the costume transform on your account
- New Perk: Unlocking the Beam of Light Costume Transformation on 5 characters grants you the Spotlight title and unlocks the costume transform on your account.
- These new perks are retroactive. You will have to log into the character with the unlocked item for credit. It may take a few moments to give credit. If you unlock an item on a character, you may need to relog for it to properly credit.
Toy Master
- Removed Toy Master exchange store for High Noon.
- Perks removed from the store have been changed to grant when you unlock or use their respective items. Example: Unlocking the Black Hat action figure will grant you the Black Hat perk.
- Added Ascii Oakley as a new Grab alert boss.
- Ascii can drop the Robo Curls hair costume.
- Some Cowboy vest textures have been improved.
- Updated Ascii Oakley's look.
- Cowboy Robots now use different weapons.
I'm liking the whole new alert bosses thing. Hoping at some point we maybe see some new alert maps/types in the regular queues as well.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
ASCII boss no longer has its giant yellow wireframe tell for her Boom! attack, Lead Tempest.
[NPC] ASCII Oakley: Snake Gulch Ain’t big enough for the two of us, varmint!
"Ain't" shouldn't be capitalized.
[NPC] ASCII Oakley: You done gone and riled the wrong robot, gunslinger!
There should be no comma there after the word "robot." The sentence is saying that you, the player, messed with the wrong robot gunslinger, ASCII herself. Wrong and robot being the adjectives, gunslinger as the noun. You could also interpret it as wrong being adjective and robot gunslinger being the compound noun. Either way, there would be no comma there. As it currently is with the comma, its referring to the player as a gunslinger, which wouldn't make too much sense. The voice acting pacing confirms this.
[NPC] ASCII Oakley: Dance Fool, Dance!
If I'm being really nitpicky, this should be "Dance, fool! Dance!"
Then in August 2017 the event store featured: Mecha Horse Head, Steampunk Hat, Steampunk Pistol, Steampunk Belt, Steampunk Holsters, Titanium Horse.
February 2018 the event store featured: Fingerless Gloves, Card Sleeve, Tech Eye, Eye Patch, Neckerchief, and the ankle knife accessory.
November 2018 the event store featured: Steampunk Mask, Gear Sword.
In 2019, the event store featured: Rustbucket Helmet, Undercut Hair, Dino Maw Helmet. Then later in the year we got Heavy Cannons and Cowboy Boots.
This year, we have a Poncho we can unlock. Since many of these costume pieces are no longer available to purchase for Snakebucks, this event store feels rather empty as there are currently only five options to choose from and three of them are tech pieces while only two are Western themed; Heavy Cannons, Rustbucket, Gear Sword, Cowboy Boots, Steampunk Pistol 2. And if you happen to already have all of these unlocked from previous years, there's nothing to buy from the event store..
As always, here is my obligatory yearly request for Ascii Oakley's ranged root Dance Fool Dance to be made into a Munitions power, and a link to ideas for future High Noon content:
Bloody Hell everything feels rushed "VARIETY"
W...why did you release the next part of the Serene Abyss THE SAME TIME with High Noon event?
with it being 1 day on PTS? Nice
Of course the majority of people are gonna ignore Serene Abyss for a Limited Time Event!
Kills every hype
The Cutscene kept glitching and it always make the players face on the right instead of the center ranch
The no warning attacks is deadly, Instant attack no warning
Ascii's AI against tanks is abnoxious!
Against Melee tanks she will keep moving away [/FOLLOW INTENSIFIES] Good luck if you are Heavy Weapons, everything roots you
Against Range tanks she will keep moving close to 20-30 feet range
Okay, who keeps wishing on a friggin' monkey's paw? I was actually totally up for grinding the event to get the emotes on 10 characters, but now the only way I'll get them is to buy them on the Auction House. Fun.
To be fair, these little story missions they've been adding take like fifteen minutes, maybe a half hour at most to beat. Not like it's a big time investment, heh.
I have good news for you Avi, Serene Abyss is permanent content so it doesn't matter. It isn't competing with High Noon for attention.
What I wanna know is why they stuffed ladyhawke in that back end of the ravenswood campus like some secret goblin. I had to wander around a bit before I could find her. Do they not want people knowing about this content just like they don't know about QWZ or TA?
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Ladyhawke needs to stop assaulting my characters every time I log in with them and every time DEVs update the pointer mission
Still feels lukewarm to release it on the same time, those permanent content additions are supposed to be celebrated! Hell the first part was released along with the Lockbox
Now imagine if they brought back Eidolon THE SAME PERIOD with a next big event
I have a sneaky feeling Eidolon coming back might actually be an event itself.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Swords and Shields!
Plant Abilities!
I'm having the same problem and I know for sure I have that perk and more than 10 characters who had the military emote prior till today. I waited on each character till they got perks and title unlocks, and even relogged after the 10 mark, but still, no account wide unlock. Curious, does anyone have account wide military emote yet? Maybe I'm just doing it wrong or it's bugged?
About say the same for Lemuria.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
The second rule is: always bring sunscreen.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Which i don't understand why they did that and not just using L1L-D0GG13 again
What adds insult to the injury is that in NI the AFs have glowies on them to suggest they are something special, which they clearly aren't anymore.
We need an AF bag now I guess.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Swords and Shields!
Plant Abilities!
It's literally worse than getting nothing. If you got nothing you wouldn't have to scroll though your inventory to find it to toss it in the garbage.
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
My characters
Overall, this used to be my least favorite event, but now it's so much better! Although part of that might be that there's nothing in the store that I want so I'm only doing it for the "do 5 times" rewards and not trying to get anything. But like I said earlier, I would have been perfectly okay with getting the emotes for 10 separate characters during this event, especially the way it is now; as it is, I'm doing the open mission once a day on one character and getting the sidekick on a couple others, and that's it.
Also what are we supposed to burn this currency on exactly? I got enough currency for a vehicle on 7 characters ATM but a vehicle that binds to character on pick up has zero value as any characters powerful enough to do this mission already have vehicles. Back when the vehicle bound to account you could add a vehicle to a new character. Might as well be paying 750 to remove an inventory slot. It's nice that items are being added as drops but you need to give us something to spend currency on. Otherwise there's not much point to it.
I guess that's my question. Will the currency expire/be removed at the end of the year or after the event?
All currencies expire at the end of the year.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Sure wish I could sell unwanted AFs to Toy Master still. He looks so lonely and forlorn now that everyone ignores him.
No, it's been two per year.
This is all we have Jaazaniah1, it's from earlier in this thread
If you join the unofficial Discord you will get more. It's where our main dev mainly communicates and chats with the community.
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods