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The "I am not happy" thread

Is this permitted? Are we allowed to express our disatisfaction with the direction the game has taken on the past 2 years as a form of feedback or will this thread also get locked and censored?
  • I am not happy that we lost subscriptions.
  • I am not happy that costume slots are now character bound instead of being account wide.
  • I am not happy that LTS lost first their 100 days rewards and then the exclusive costumes that replaced that.
  • I am not happy that LTS lost the advertised free character slot upon hitting 40.
  • I am not happy that LTS lost it's advertised pidgin support.
  • I am not happy that growth was nerfed.
  • I am not happy that there is now a character slot cap.
  • I am not happy that there is now a costume slot cap.
  • I am not happy that lockboxes now drop costume pieces instead of costume sets.
  • I am not happy that opening lockboxes is no longer profitable due to a) the introduction of Dual Stat mods and b) the continual split of vouchers into even more vouchers while keeping only 1 of them worthwhile
  • I am not happy that vehicles are no longer supported and in fact it's been progressively made harder and harder (reducing MK2 to MK1, making event vehicles BoP, removing vehicles from Lockboxes) to get good vehicles or weapons, even when spending Zen.
  • I am not happy that participation in events is now encouraged through increasing grinding instead of making said events more fun or engaging.
  • I am not happy that we now have overpriced limited time sales.
  • I am not happy that Eidolon of Destruction was removed.
  • I am not happy that challenging content is no longer supported and instead time and resources are wasted on easy, sometimes soloable, content that doesn't even offer good rewards to incentivize players doing it (Destroyer's Lab, Death Rattle) and that feedback pointing this out is handwaved and dismissed.

Think I didn't miss anything. Post what doesn't make you happy of the current state of the game down below o3o​​


  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    yeah same
    How to block a user with μblock:
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    I’ll add one however..

    I am not happy that PTS has become a straight to Live port.
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,228 Cryptic Developer
    Hey guys, I've had to remove quite a few posts from this thread that were inappropriate, rude and way off topic. Keep things civil.​​
  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    Yes, behave please, don't get my thread locked >:(​​
  • draogndraogn Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    I'm not happy with the price changes to the recog vendors while at the same time reducing how many tokens the various missions give.
    I'm not happy with the increase in cash shop prices, with the claim that it was due to the increase in quality.
    I'm not happy with them trying to sell items (costumes, trinkets, w/e) in the cash store that they know have major bugs. With the claim that they'll fix it the following week.
    I'm not happy with the pointless change made to the character select screen.
  • i am not happy that the color palette for travel powers (or really, ALL powers) is so limited, so i can't color my chain swing the same color as the chain props on the character that has both of those things​​
  • chaosdrgnz43chaosdrgnz43 Posts: 1,683 Arc User
    I am not happy that the devs keep changing things to be less fun while they claim otherwise.

    I am not happy personal magnifiers are not being worked on despite being in PTS for more than a year.

    I am not happy how kaiz is the only dev that actually gives a f.

    I am not happy Grond still hasn't been revamped.

    I am not happy that collision boxes are wonky. (Looking at you Terror Siphon)

    I am not happy that you can no longer be the hero you want to be.
    Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
    - - - - - -
    Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
  • mordray001mordray001 Posts: 220 Arc User
    I'm not happy I can't color my TK blades black...
    I'm not happy I can't color my laser sword red...
    I'm not happy I can't dual wield laser swords... that are red...
    I'm not happy that this game doesn't have a good brawler set that isn't loaded down with knocks or is just some remake of martial art...
    I'm not happy that the best punches in the game are all the same...
  • gokussj1001gokussj1001 Posts: 2 Arc User
    I'm not happy that PvP gets no attention :/
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    I'm not just happy, no matter what.
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
    And playing by myself since Aug 2009
    Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
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  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,569 Arc User
    Most of the above I don't really care about, but I am unhappy that when they dumped subscriptions they promised that those who maintained their monthly subscriptions without a break could continue to do so, but didn't add in a way to update the payment methods (e.g. credit card expires or is stolen).

    I am not happy about players who don't put any money into the game.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • xacchaeusxacchaeus Posts: 309 Arc User
    I'm not happy that there are a bunch of power tweaks and nerfs without any clear path as to where this game is going, thus making me unhappy that I have to rebuild my characters all the time for the same content.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,211 Arc User
    • I'm not happy with the constant feeling that the game doesn't really Evolve over the years, despite playing every day, being up-to-date with patchnotes and PTS! The game has been in Maintance mode even since the creation of NWO
    • I'm not happy that PWI keeps ignoring CO and not giving it more resources, DEVs and Advertisement (especially with the hype of super heroes movies)
    • I'm not happy for all CO's wasted Potential and outdated-forgotten features (Power Emanation points, Freeform Build-switch e.t.c)
    • I'm not happy the that Multy Build system for Freeforms doesnt actually allow for Multy-FF build system (different specs, stats, powers e.t.c)
    • I'm not happy how more tighter it became to specialized on TANK with the ADV points distribution (also DODGE TANKING)
    • I'm not happy with the Onslaught Villain Update - Period
    • I'm not happy with the friends I lost the past 3-4 years who quitted the game
    • I'm not happy that Overperformed SPECs getting nerfed but Underperformed and Bugged Specs weren't neither buffed nor fixed
    • I'm not happy with the amount of BUG REPORTS not being addressed
    • I'm not happy that the Bugs and Glitches from the FIRE Revamp have YET to be fixed
    • I'm not happy with how much the Power Revamps got slowed down
    • I'm not happy with the state of the current UNREVAMPED powerframes (Force, Gadgets, Telepathy, Earth, Archery, Celestial DPS)
    • I'm not happy that CO is in an state of endless grindfest Events
    • I'm not happy with the fact that Event still cause memory leak and resource issues
    • I'm not happy that CO is focusing mostly on Events! It's draining busy work, feels lazy, Rehash the same things and it's Quantity without Substance
    • I'm not happy with the Removal of Power Replacers
    • I'm not happy with the outdated and abandomed Mission arcs
    • I'm not happy with not having a proper Testing timeframe for PTS
    • I'm not happy with Lootboxes
    • I'm not happy with the new costumes' quality (from both Lockboxes and Zstore) most of them feel rehash or reskined from existing
    • I'm not happy with the new Z-store costumes! We barely get them anymore, they are overpriced and their quality is questionable
    • I'm not happy bring content which ON ALERT (2012 update) removed from ingame, to sell in as limited time Questionite item for 2,000,000 Q each
    • I'm not happy with the REMOVED Content - Period.
    • I'm not happy with the Outdated limited colour palette for skin and costumes in Tailor
    • I'm not happy that I'm getting fewer and fewer Freeform build ideas which synergize 2-3 powerframes
    • I'm not happy that FIRE with Clinging flames in everything gets the MOST synergy than other powerframes
    • I'm not happy with the Sluginess of Heavy Weapons
    • I'm not happy with the lack of Heavy Weapon skins. The game is trying to be Quirky with all those weapon skins (Frypan, Swordfish, Stop Sign e.t.c) but we don't even have proper heavy weapon skins (Polearms, more hammers and axes e.t.c)
    • I'm not happy with the lack of Martial Arts Staff Powerframe
    • I'm not happy with the state of Laser Sword
    • I'm not happy that the part-timer animator is being used to make MEME Dances instead of making new power animations and adjusting existing powerframes (see heavy weapons and self root, without animation adjustment it breaks your spine)
    • I'm not happy that Power Skating animations are still buggy and break your spine
    • I'm not happy with the constant ALERT Queue Bugs and Pyramid of Power being the worst Burst alert that never circles because without queuing for it, creating an vicious circle
    • I'm not happy with DEVs' idea of challenging content being alerts which constantly assault you with mobs (Save the Earth)
    • I'm not happy with the CHAINS reskins for every freaking Melee powerframe
    • I'm not happy with the lack of ELEMENTAL melee powers
    • I'm not happy that Non-Toggle Power Armour powers got ignored and can't stand by their own
    • I'm not happy with the lack of more Multi-damage types Passives, there is a reason Night Warrior is so theme friendly for my Warlock (Fire, Magic, Dimensional) and my Elemental mage (Fire, Ice, Electric, Earth) and other builds that use Cross-powerframe builds
    • I'm not happy that we still don't have Custom sidekicks and propably never will.
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • draogndraogn Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    I'm not happy that most of the powerframes have lost their unique style and all are becoming boring/bland. Now most of the powers are build x and rupture with Y. They all need/needed work, but this wasn't the way to do it.
  • mordray001mordray001 Posts: 220 Arc User
    draogn wrote: »
    I'm not happy that most of the powerframes have lost their unique style and all are becoming boring/bland. Now most of the powers are build x and rupture with Y. They all need/needed work, but this wasn't the way to do it.

    Actually I believe that was an attempt to minimise the number of stacks of any one debuff on a cosmic at a time. Some of the talk I've seen on Discord suggests that the engine doesn't like it when high numbers, no idea what that amounts to, of debuffs are affecting a target.
  • panthrax77panthrax77 Posts: 308 Arc User
    I'm not happy that power reworks have become less frequent than before. Not happy that a lot of recent patches have stripped away more content than they've given. Not happy that communication from the devs isn't the best.

    Still happy to be playing but it's easy to point out a lot of things that I don't like recently. Hoping to see some more benevolent changes in the future, and ones that don't seem to come with heavy caveats.
  • nbkxsnbkxs Posts: 777 Arc User
    I am not happy that the nerfs drove away all of my friends that went to play other games that didn't do this.
    I am not happy that I can't even get the gear that I need for a fresh character anymore, because of the previous reeason.
  • spordeliaspordelia Posts: 477 Arc User
    Words are very unnecessary. They can only do harm.
  • panthrax77panthrax77 Posts: 308 Arc User
    spordelia wrote: »
    Words are very unnecessary. They can only do harm.

    I don't like threads like this, myself. I'm usually a very optimistic person and I know things are always easier said than done.


    Given the recent updates that have really backpedaled a lot of content recently, as much as I know there are likely sustainable reasons for these changes, the lack of communication for why these changes are happening and lack of helpful changes to make up for them are frankly pretty concerning. I think threads like these are helpful for players to express their frustration in a way that's visible to the devs; one that will hopefully invoke a helpful response on the matter.
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    I'm not happy that Finn is not happy.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    panthrax77 wrote: »
    spordelia wrote: »
    Words are very unnecessary. They can only do harm.

    I don't like threads like this, myself.

    Me neither, but in the past 2 years this has been my experience with the game

    "Alright I'mma min max this build so I can optimally perform in this challenging content"

    *Eidolon removed*

    "Well, I guess I can still make fun builds and see if they work"

    *major nerfs across the board to ADs/AO/Passives and increased intree power requirements due to debuff-refresh-rupture mechanics across all sets*

    "Fine! We still have costumes. Time to embrace the rencen afking while looking cool endgame"

    *tokens get nuked and events become more grindy*

    "...I think I want to talk about this"

    *creates thread*​​
  • nacito#6758 nacito Posts: 982 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    I am not happy with the direction the game has gotten
    I am not happy that what I used to have fun with in this game got straight up removed
    and I am not happy how that took away the friends I got here
    now I'm alone and still looking for something to do with the time I use to spent on this game
    Just another reptile lover, known in game as @nacito

    This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,163 Arc User
    Rewards are not rewarding enough for most replayable content.

    I don't mind grinding "tokens" for gear/costumes/devices/mods/etc as long as I can get a few of the appropriate tokens to eventually purchase the desired item. Some content does this. Most does not. Which means, for me, most content goes untouched.​​

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,538 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    I'm really only unhappy about the following:
    • Event vehicles are now bind to character on pickup. Vehicles were kind of blah before, but now, why is anyone going to grind for them unless its something truly stand-outish, such as the taco throne or weird flower. Or if they have above-average weaponry (Mk 3 grav pulse, etc)
    • The existence of forms with highly-specialized trigger conditions and one specific stat as the "stack to the ceiling" stat.
    • The fact that healing forms seem to be pushing toward scaling with useless stats like rec instead of actual stats that matter, like presence. There's dps forms that scale with dps stats (strength, dexterity, ego, etc) so it makes sense that healing would scale with a stat that actually affects healing, like pre. "But presence is too good so presence-based forms double-dip (just like the dps forms)," but to that, I say "give base presence proper DR like literally every dps stat.
    • Trade paperback store sucks. Most of the rewards are garbage, with the ones that are even remotely good being gated behind absurdly rare token drops. Please use STO's phoenix prize pack as an example, because there's good stuff in nearly every tier for that.
    • Limited-time sales with high costs. I'm looking at you, old crafting travel powers. It'd a better Q-sink to leave them in the store full-time at that price--except for the really-expensive one because that just isn't worth it...ever.
    • So-called debuff "refresh" mechanics in general. They just add bloat to builds when it'd be better to just have them apply what they currently refresh. Current appliers could be made more appealing by not requiring an advantage to apply their respective debuffs, while refreshers would due to generally being more convenient powers to use overall.
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
    • I'm not happy that we don't have a fair reward system. I explain, doesn't matter if you tryhard to get a good score or just do the min score and sit down, the chance of getting the run reward is the same for these 2 cases. Doesn't make sense to be a top player in CO if you don't earn anything for it.
    • I'm not happy that we don't have good rewards on lairs and adventure packs. Vikorin, Bronze King, Therakiel, that lair on the Viper in Monster Island, that lair on the Canada, the APs, even TA, is a waste of time. TA and Vikorin drop items to sell, I want a top item for me to use: a gear, a mod, a device, something that will be useful. Also, my biggest frustration is with DUC, the best mod in the game is achieved through luck in a stupid alert.
    • I'm not happy that we have this system of getting currency to exchange for an item in the store. There is no point in putting 2~3~4 weeks of event if you can collect coins and exchange for what you want in the first week. This system spoils all the dynamics of the events, since the person does the daily missions to get the currency and does not participate until the next day.
    • I will edit later adding 100 items
    The real @becca_black - solo player, AE member

    PhD with the thesis: DUC does not exist and those seen were holograms.

    Mayor of MC #1.

    The most reported person in the CO.

  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    • I'm not happy that we have this system of getting currency to exchange for an item in the store. There is no point in putting 2~3~4 weeks of event if you can collect coins and exchange for what you want in the first week. This system spoils all the dynamics of the events, since the person does the daily missions to get the currency and does not participate until the next day.

    Oh yeah, this. Though the damage is already done so it's too little too late to revert, I miss when, for example, Bloodmoon you'd do the OMs in the hopes of getting a drop that you could later sell or trade for a substantial amount of money. I wish event stores would have never been introduced, or to have kept the stuff you can get at stores minimal while most of it you get from drops or trading with other players. That's how you encourage player participation and that's how you have a healthy game economy.

    Removing event stores now would cause a greater damage though.​​
  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,163 Arc User
    lezard21 wrote: »
    • I'm not happy that we have this system of getting currency to exchange for an item in the store. There is no point in putting 2~3~4 weeks of event if you can collect coins and exchange for what you want in the first week. This system spoils all the dynamics of the events, since the person does the daily missions to get the currency and does not participate until the next day.

    Oh yeah, this. Though the damage is already done so it's too little too late to revert, I miss when, for example, Bloodmoon you'd do the OMs in the hopes of getting a drop that you could later sell or trade for a substantial amount of money. I wish event stores would have never been introduced, or to have kept the stuff you can get at stores minimal while most of it you get from drops or trading with other players. That's how you encourage player participation and that's how you have a healthy game economy.

    Removing event stores now would cause a greater damage though.

    I like the event stores that allow you to purchase an item that you've been farming for, but never got as a drop/reward, however still got event tokens so that eventually I can buy it.​​

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
  • mordray001mordray001 Posts: 220 Arc User
    Got a new hate...

    I hate how some in the player base thinks that because they have the best gear or the most personal time to burn that they are somehow representative of the majority.
  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    mordray001 wrote: »
    Got a new hate...

    I hate how some in the player base thinks that because they have the best gear or the most personal time to burn that they are somehow representative of the majority.

    Wild some do this. This is why I prefer to do polls or general surveys so that the devs can get a bigger picture o3o​​
  • metalheart#4270 metalheart Posts: 1,112 Arc User
    What? Not being happy is mainstream now? Well guest I'll be happy then.
    nJ54tmw.gifThis Is The Ghetto Gothix
  • This content has been removed.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    mordray001 wrote: »
    Got a new hate...

    I hate how some in the player base thinks that because they have the best gear or the most personal time to burn that they are somehow representative of the majority.

    That's why it's best to just speak for yourself and not worry about what is or isn't the majority. Nobody has ever really been able to quantify things like "the majority" or "the average player" or any of that stuff that people try to use to make their opinion seem more important. Not even lezard's amazing polls o3o
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,538 Arc User
    panthrax77 wrote: »
    Not happy that communication from the devs isn't the best.
    While our community manager often seems like he views this game as "that other thing I sometimes have to deal with that takes away valuable STO time," we do have a dev who dedicates time to hanging out in our (unofficial) discord channel and regularly interacts with players there. I'm not sure how it could be any better than that, because that's arguably better communication than even big-name games like WoW.
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,569 Arc User
    I find Discord a waste of time. Too much chaff to wheat for me (yrmv). The Dev should be interacting more on the official CO forum. Much could be given if there were better communication here.
    aesica wrote: »
    panthrax77 wrote: »
    Not happy that communication from the devs isn't the best.
    While our community manager often seems like he views this game as "that other thing I sometimes have to deal with that takes away valuable STO time," we do have a dev who dedicates time to hanging out in our (unofficial) discord channel and regularly interacts with players there. I'm not sure how it could be any better than that, because that's arguably better communication than even big-name games like WoW.

    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • selpheaselphea Posts: 1,229 Arc User
    So! I was randomly chatting with a friend who still plays CO and decided to check the forums. Can't say I'm not happy but I miss some things that CO used to have, and some things other games are doing make me happier so here's my top 3.

    I miss flexible power choices. Freeform doesn't feel freeform anymore. You have to take a specific set of powers that work within a powerset. Or you could take a buncha random things and be sub-optimal. I think many things can be standardized like how Challenge is done instead of powerset-specific. Like, take an advantage to add this debuff using this skill or something like that. I also think certain things, especially debuffs, should be moved from per-character level to a party-wide level so that only one person applies a debuff and everyone benefits regardless of powerset.

    I like other games' content cycles. Every 2 weeks or a month in some games, there's a new event with a neat little story arc. Then there's event missions to run. Event tokens exchange for endgame gear. And here in CO, when alerts first dropped, there were always players queueing. Warlord was fun, Hi-Pan was fun. Then it just kinda tapered off and went to 10 player stuff, then to some PvP thing, then some dungeons, then to open world cosmics on a schedule. For a small game, just find one thing, do it really well and stick to it. Make it so that players can easily find people like literally by pressing an autoqueue button or something, and add a route to endgame gear off that kind of content, then put that format on a calendar to make sure something new is always in the pipeline. That roadmap needs to be there so players can be like "yes things are happening in this game".

    I like costumes, hideouts and other fun customization stuff. I don't like that they seem to be pushed out at a frigid pace. They're cash shop items aren't they? And I think the base models cover many possible types so at this point so updates might just be retextures with slight model tweaks. Make and sell more of them please.
  • colonelmarikcolonelmarik Posts: 185 Arc User
    I would probably list many of the things I've seen here, but I can't comment on those because of my ONE thing.

    I'm not happy I can no longer subscribe.

    I played this game for a LONG time. I sank a lot of actual money into it, and that's not even including my monthly subs. Now, there are no more subs, and I'm not about to pay for a lifetime sub to a game that's as old as this and has been on life support for years.

    I'd love to sub for a month or two at a time, play for a bit until I get bored, then leave... only to come back again in a few months. That's how I play a lot of older games, and I'm sure there are lots of others who might do the same. I said it before, they're losing revenue from people like me, and I'm losing a game I do enjoy playing from time to time.
    Once, I was simply called Mojo. Now, I'm forced into a new name, but don't be fooled, I'm the original STO Mojo!

    Crafting, Exploration and Interaction as it should be:
  • guardiannexusguardiannexus Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited January 2020
    I am not happy with not having new story content on a more consistent basis.

    I am not happy that I can't really explore more than Qithothic/Magic based situations in Champions further. Nighthawk urban angle villains is a lot of fun endgame, the last mission anyway.

    I am not happy that there are not structured PVP missions like Bank Robbery and running away, Save the citizen or Mastermind versus hero PVP integrated into a Hero Games mission storyline to engage players.

    I am not happy that there are no variations in the Nemesis system after 10 years that don't have me fighting every villains' death ray plot.

    I am not happy that I can't craft mods more than 5 at a time.

    I am not happy that there are no missions at the Ravenclaw academy that involve students for you as a professor or a student that either makes new sidekicks that you can gain or purchase.

    I am not happy that there is not structure of story missions like the following. Basic missions like the start of Ladyhawke missions to an adventure pack then a story wrap up in a comic series.

  • h3r0o0o0h3r0o0o0 Posts: 8 Arc User
    I'm not happy that with the low player base we have after the might revamp and the shortage of every role, most people still don't bother to know how cosmics works, they don't bother checking guides or ask how they work, they don't bother improving their builds or making a critical role, they don't bother asking for advice, just go and hope they can get their free SCR and GCR, yet still manage to make cosmics even more hard for those who are willing to spend an effort to make it work, like showing at dino when your dps is lower than 2k and complain about why people didn't miss a check for you to get credit, hitting baby and getting breath on everyone, hitting hearts and stacking lava under cc and healers, don't know the proper position for ape when they get aggro and it become 3 hours ape, using CC on kiga's dogs, keep dying at kiga from storms or standing still when he face the dps side and on top of that they never bother asking what did do wrong? why i died? or why is cosmics taking longer to be done? no, they spam "I'M DOWN I NEED HELP" as a hybrid dps because they are so important to res and die again to make things worse.
  • nbkxsnbkxs Posts: 777 Arc User
    'why I died?' -Every CEDD in 2020
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    I would probably list many of the things I've seen here, but I can't comment on those because of my ONE thing.

    I'm not happy I can no longer subscribe.

    I played this game for a LONG time. I sank a lot of actual money into it, and that's not even including my monthly subs. Now, there are no more subs, and I'm not about to pay for a lifetime sub to a game that's as old as this and has been on life support for years.

    I'd love to sub for a month or two at a time, play for a bit until I get bored, then leave... only to come back again in a few months. That's how I play a lot of older games, and I'm sure there are lots of others who might do the same. I said it before, they're losing revenue from people like me, and I'm losing a game I do enjoy playing from time to time.
    Wait until the LTS is on sale. Grab one. Then you have the same benefit as the intermittent sub, except with a lower cost over time (even at full price it's paid off after about two years) and with the stipend building up even when you're not playing.
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    I’m pretty sure the argument of little money over time vs lot of money immediately has been mentioned several times over the years by subbers.

    So going LT isn’t helpful to his complaint.
  • areeeareee Posts: 847 Arc User
    I'm not happy.. with the way perm pets are done. There are alot of choices but for heals? Healing drones. Dps? Machinegun robots. I've tested them all, those two types out perform all the other pets. Yet they're all small time damage and easily destroyed unless you build and spec for it, ignoring the dps specs.

    I share the unhappiness about vehicles.

    I share the unhappiness about the broken and ignored stories that are found through the game.

    I share the unhappiness about the lost ability to sub. Some people just can't fork over a couple hundred dollars in a single lump sum. (No matter how much they want to make a grypon)

    I am unhappy with the vast array of damage boosting gear and mods while healing power is left with a few paltry mods and not one healing power boosting set.

    I ... am ... VERY unhappy with the vast sea of raw potential this game has that has been left to molder and rot. Like vehicle missions through the grand canyon, the walls covered in weapons firing down as you race against a timer to get to a base and rescue those held captive inside before they are executed.

    I am unhappy that there are no ground vehicles. No Rumbling motorcycles. No tire screeching armored vehicles with machineguns on the front and rocket launcher on the roof. No skateboards for that skateboard ramp down on Westside.

    I am unhappy with forced flight power block in certain missions.

    I am unhappy that I miss most sounds simply because the area you hear things is the camera and not your character.

    I am unhappy that I can't switch the sound to play in the background so when waiting 15-20m alert I miss out on it because I was doing something else other than staring at my character while waiting.

    I am VERY unhappy with the gambling parlor added to the Vehicle shop.

    I am unhappy that reported old cosmetics with errors or missing textures remain unfixed even after multiple reports in the forums point them out.

    I am unhappy that my beast characters can't wear most of the head parts in the game because they clip through to the human head shrunk down and left inside them.

    Eh.. I better stop here or it will get too big.
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    I'm not happy with....
    • The way you've made it really difficult to people to come back and enjoy the game for a month or two.. that cash grab over LTS was so short sighted.
    • The way that when you do come back (and I do, from time to time), you find nothing much to do other than:
    • Fix the characters that got broken in the last power revamp (six, last time), and
    • Wait for Alerts to pop... oh, the Burst queue is broken, still, and...
    • Wait in Vain for the Rampage queue to fill, or...
    • Wait 20 minutes for the next event boss or Cosmic to load.

      There are lots of other games I could be playing where I can load into them straightaway and have things to do. But not in CO, not anymore. All the long-term goals got trashed (too easy), the short term content is broken or deserted, and the lack of QC has really started to show.

      I'd love to be able to load the game, bring out a favourite character and just jump into something, be it an Alert, a Rampage, a Unity campaign for some obscure power replacer or costume part, an Adventure Pack for the fun... but it's all just broken and generally janky.
  • wickedwillowwickedwillow Posts: 22 Arc User
    I am not happy that I bought a lifetime sub when this game launched and would not bother to still log in occasionally if it wasn't for that. I do not find repeating the same content over and over again to be fun.

    I am not happy that there is never any new content, new zones, new levels, etc....just rotating annoying events.

    I am not happy that they finally gave us something besides the aforementioned rotating events in the form of Death Rattle "the first 4 chapter story arc" back in June 2019 with the promise that "Death Rattle is just the beginning. After these four episodes release, we’ll move to the next four episode Arc, and the next, until the mystery is laid bare and all is revealed." .....and we are still waiting for that next four episode arc......(which will likely never come because they have a habit of making plans that they never follow through on)
  • I have been playing since the beginning more or less. I remember Kevin Poe used to have a different outfit when you fight him for the first time.

    This game is, a great idea. Create your own super hero - something that isn't done very often in MMORPGs. We've got plenty of games like Elderscrolls Online that take us through the standard demons, elves, orcs, etc but this game was unique in how customizable it was and the choice of power. Sure we have "classes" but the real game shines when you used to make your own hero from the ground up. You had to know what stats and power sets worked together or your build was ****. With a rich source of content to draw from, this game should be a lot better. Being based on the super hero version of Dungeons and Dragons, it is supposed to have a variety of content.

    But as the game changed directions and lead directors, the game has declined over the years. You used to be able to unlock entire costume sets from lockboxes. Now, you have to unlock individual pieces. Content is the game's Achilles heel. What keeps people playing is new content. The costumes are great but I play the game not for a glorified chat room with avatars. ****, it's not Gaia Online. A lack of new power sets and powers beyond ultimates which are often behind lockboxes is also prevalent. I probably could make a fake water power character using blue coloured force and wind powers but it's never the same as the real thing.

    Sure the dev team is bigger for Elderscrolls Online but they do costumes and aesthetic right by also giving you good content to play through while selling cosmetics like auras and costumes as cool extras. When the core of the experience is to play missions, a regular flow of new ones helps retain players.

    The lack of being able to play a villain beyond Onslaught is also staggering. A simple Alert where you and a team of players are doing a heist like GRAB The Money and Run could easily be implemented, with fighting a random Champion like Defender backed up by MCPD and UNTIL forces as the enemy. Even allowing us to run our own bank heist complete with our choice of henchmen and facing down a Champion at the end could be a way to use the current game to make something new. Add in a few fluffy "villain" missions from new contacts and we have ourselves an alright take on being a bad guy. If you can make new contacts and have them give players missions, you can give us some aspect of a villain mode.
    This will revitalize the game.

    I don't like the tokens being wiped every year and the limited time sales of exclusive costume pieces with a handful of keys. Is the game suffering so much that you need to frantically throw up limited sales?

    Until I see improvement, largely I am not playing this anymore. Elderscrolls Online recently got me back because of the content they are producing this year involving vampire lords. It's an example of how a game can bring people back with good content.
    And I get this is a small development team and it's an old game but when you have to try and gamble to unlock individual pieces of a costume just 5 years ago you would get the whole thing for the price of one key opening the right box, I can't support it.

    So how to improve? New power sets, more new missions, the villain mode I suggested and this game can be salvaged and actually make more money because the quality of content is there to attract new and old players. Super heroes are supposed to be popular things these days, and yet this game isn't as good as it can be. Sure there's no MARVEL name on the door, but the potential for this game is great.

    I am trying to articulate my experience in a way that isn't disrespectful and constructively offer options.

  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    I am not happy that they finally gave us something besides the aforementioned rotating events in the form of Death Rattle "the first 4 chapter story arc" back in June 2019 with the promise that "Death Rattle is just the beginning. After these four episodes release, we’ll move to the next four episode Arc, and the next, until the mystery is laid bare and all is revealed." .....and we are still waiting for that next four episode arc......(which will likely never come because they have a habit of making plans that they never follow through on)

    regarding this, last I heard they are currently working on Death Rattle part 2 and making good progress.

    If you were expecting these to be released every 3 or 6 months then...yeah...no. At best we will be getting a new set of four 5 min speedrun chapters per year.​​
  • horripilantehorripilante Posts: 342 Arc User
    You people know we used to have a dev team of like 20+ people and now..well, we have a more reduced one.
    Also Cryptic owns the Champions IP, so they dont have a risk to lose it unlike with other of their games.


    - I am not happy that ALL and EVERY single one of my costume suggestions, Travel power suggestions and sidekick suggestions have not been prioritised and introduced into the game so far
    - I am not happy that we dont have a dedicated team of atleast 3 people enslaved forced tasked to make 4 new hideouts ( 1 new concept/layout with 4 skins) every 60 days aswell as thinking of new functionalities and gimmicks for those.
    - I am not happy we dont re-use many of the other maps as Altered/parallel universe locations (like the Resistance MC redesigned map)
    Now picture locations like:
    * Dry Lemuria
    * Flooded Southeast Desert
    * Greek Monster island
    * Evergreen Hell/Spring Horror Canada
    - I am not happy that both Heroes and Villians that appear around the Nemesis missions are not used on other missions/alerts/content
    - I am not happy that the Bunker Buster Robots dont get to star on their own Open Mission, fighting a Giant Squid/Crab /Not-Godzilla/ some generic huge monsters.
    - I a not happy that theres no chance of GROND VS Mecha GROND ever happening in any form.

    mine are maybe not as solid or in need of attention as others posted above , but still wanted to mention that.
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    Metropolitan Island and Monster City
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,569 Arc User
    Not sure how you could possibly leave out daylight Vibora Bay. So obvious.
    - I am not happy we dont re-use many of the other maps as Altered/parallel universe locations (like the Resistance MC redesigned map)
    Now picture locations like:
    * Dry Lemuria
    * Flooded Southeast Desert
    * Greek Monster island
    * Evergreen Hell/Spring Horror Canada
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
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