So, someone mentioned the other day that it is not possible for a Silver player to convert a leveled AT to an FF character. For example, say you're a gamer and you got bored with your old game and saw that CO had been around for a decade, so you figure it must be good. So, you jump on, grab a cool-looking AT, say the Tempest, and level it up, kind of enjoying the content since it is your first time through. Then you start playing endgame content and you join a few endgame channels and people are talking about builds and you get some inspiration and decide you want to tweak up your build, so you go to buy a token to convert your level 40 Tempest to an FF and FIND OUT YOU CANNOT DO THAT?
Is this really a thing???
- - - - -
Used to be coach on the forums. Still
@coach in game.
Buying a FF slot creates a separate empty slot.
The devs said they are looking for a way to make converting silver into FF possible.
I don't know why you felt the need to type that in caps locks. Did you know that my dog IS NOT A GREAT DANE?
Far as I can tell everyone in that situation just shrugs like it's the no big deal it is and either keeps playing their AT or does something to get a FF. It's not like having to level a second character if you want to play something other than what you leveled up your first character as is some insane crime in MMOs, or anything but a standard fact of the genre.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
The game has three types of character slots:
Silver: These can only be archetypes, either the base free ones or those that have been unlocked through the zen store or events.
Gold: These can be freeform, or any archetype, including those you haven't unlocked for play as Silver.
Special: These are the freeform slots you get from the zen store.
The slot types are constrained by what kind of character they can hold.
A Silver slot can become a Gold slot when you subscribe. You just have to use the conversion button and pick the option to keep your archetype. This does not burn up your free retrain token. If you unsub, you can then switch back, also for free . . . almost. Your Specialization tree will now be borked, and you'll have to either pay 50G to reset it, or use up one of your character respecs.
A Gold slot can become a Silver slot, but ONLY if the character in that slot is an Archetype that you have access to as Silver, or if you convert it to one using your one freebie retrain token. You cannot convert a Gold (or Silver) character to a Special freeform slot.
The Special freeform slot can be bought in the Zen store. It will be an empty character slot that you start a new character in. It will not let you convert an existing character. If you change subscription status, it doesn't affect the character in the slot. It'll be accessible in either Silver or Gold account status.
Finally . . . they're going to be getting rid of subscriptions, so don't subscribe. They've delayed the rollout, but it's very likely they'll proceed at some point, so if you make a character in a Gold freeform slot, its fate is basically up in the air at this point. If you want a freeform, you can wait until the freeform slots go on sale again and pick one up. Maybe farm some Q to help pay for it while waiting.
As far as leveling a new character: It doesn't take long. There are fairly regular bonus XP events, and the leveling is decently fast anyway.
Yes it's really a thing. Been a thing for seven years. It's just as stupid as it was back then and yet some people still defend it for some inane reason.
Or you buy the FF Slot and play the game, because you know you being a gamer.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I don't know if I agree with this part. It might be a good time to subscribe actually. It's hard to tell right now until they come out with more information. But, the plan they recently announced indicated that as long as you kept paying for your sub, you would keep the benefits even after they stopped offering new subs. The problem was that if you let it lapse then your sub ends and you can't sign up for a new one. Meaning all your freeform characters are stuck in an unplayable state unless you convert them to an archetype. That's what all the fuss was about and that is presumably what they are trying to address by delaying the change. Probably...
The way I look at it is that if you subscribe and they end new subs you have the option of keeping your sub active to retain freeform or cancelling if the way they finally implement the change is not to your liking. It's not like there is a contract or anything.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Welcome to the internet. We love first-timers.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
That would actually be Spinny's message to you. There was absolutely no need for the caps there. Than again, to many people assume that making an entire section out of caps is making a point, when, in reality, a single word in the section would have sufficed.
You could be right. But IMO it's rolling the dice. I'd hold off until they make a more firm announcement of their plans. OTOH, if you wait for an announcement to sub, it may be too late.
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You forgot to use caps lock.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
The planned (and now delayed) subscription change is that they would no longer be accepting new monthly subs. If you have a monthly, and are happy with it, just keep paying your $15/month; so long as it doesn't lapse, nothing changes for you. Same for LTS (which is still on sale, and I wouldn't be surprised if the sale stays there until the week after the change happens) - the only thing that will stop is the monthly subscriber reward costume piece. Even the stipend continues, remarkably enough.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Nope, you cannot class change, just race/gender/faction change.
-Convert an AT to another available AT regardless of Silver/Gold status
-Convert a Silver character slot to a Gold character slot and back
-Convert any character to a Gold Freeform character when subscribed
-Convert any character slot to a Special Freeform slot
It's important to distinguish the type of slots you are using. Silver slots are limited to the ATs you own. Gold slots have access to all ATs and are Freeform capable, but are locked to the subscription. The Special Freeform slots can be used by either subscription status freely and are the Freeform slots available for purchase in the store. Currently there is no way to convert any slot to the Special Freeform slot, but there's plenty of ways to go from AT to Freeform and back if you're dipping into a subscription.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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What ways? The only way I know of is to use a retrain token. Those can add up fast after the first free one.
It is currently possible to go from Silver AT to Gold AT and back again freely - if you maintain the same AT as both Gold and Silver (that is, don't change your AT; if it's a premium, you'd have to own that as a Silver). That will apparently soon become moot.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Champions Online does. If you level up a FF, when you reach 40, you can retcon it from it's base, changing everything. I have actually done this plenty of times, leveled as something easy, like a defiant electrical dps, then changed it entirely to something different when it hit 40. Did that for my healer, actually.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Other than that, games with fixed classes rather than open build systems typically don't allow this. So in WoW, once a warlock, always a warlock. This has lead to me paying for rename tokens when [expansion of the moment] decides to take a colossal dump on what was my favorite class the moment before. Over the last few expansions, WoW's devs have had some sort of fetish for pruning abilities that people like and in many cases, completely redesigning how [class X] plays.
Edit: Oh, I think FF 14 has its own approach in the form of switching jobs without having to throw away your previous class's abilities. I could be wrong though because I don't play that game. At least not right now.
First 3D is important to note, the 3D part. MMOs have been around since 1974 (in the form of a game called Mazewar), these games, while not your more modern MMOs, were still MMOs in their most basic form despite being MUDs, the first fully graphical MMO was Neverwinte Nights, a game that was played on AOL from 1991 to 1997 (thats right, the Neverwinter Nights you most likely know...was not the first Neverwinte Nights). Otherwise, yes, the first 3D MMO, was indeed Merdian 59.
FFXIV (and FFXI before it) work on the Job system, where any character can play every class in the game if they want. In fact, they encourage a certain degree of diversity, as you can slot in abilities from other classes while playing one in particular. So your Gladiator (sword and shield type) can get off a good opening archery shot to grab aggro, or your Summoner (pet class) can toss in some heals while the critter chews on the enemy.
Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.
Supporter of the Titan Project.
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