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Give Meteor Blaze the Overpowered Debuff and Vorpal Blade the Commanding Presence ADV

avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
edited April 2018 in Suggestions Box
Damage wise Meteor Blaze is pretty underwelming and dissapointing ultimate
The lower CD doesn't excuse it's performance and the Fire Patch actually hurts DPS builds with existing menthods of applying Fire Patches on the battlefield

Since it already has the limitation of being a 50 Feet Ultimate it would benefit from the Overpowered debuff, remove the fire patch if it is needed and adjust the DPS of the power but please BUFF it, the ultimate has no ADVs and no other options to build around it. It could be useful for endgame debuffer

Second suggestion is to give the Single Blade Ultimate, Vorpal Blade, the Commanding Presence ADV since it became a norm for all melee-ultimates to own an agro adv and Vorpal Blade shouldn't be an exception to the rule

It's really weird that Whirling Dragon Strike has both the Overpowered debuff and the agro ADV, i thought ultimates could only have 1 of those available​​
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Post edited by avianos on


  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    Naaaaaaaaaaaah. Give it like a 50' area instead and make it do extra damage in a 10' area. What is this a meteor or a hot coal that popped out of my grill?
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,539 Arc User
    Either the 20% damage debuff or threat bonus seem to be pretty standard for ultimates these days, so I'm not really sure why meteor blaze has neither on top of being a low-damage, low-radius ability. Something like this would be more fitting, I think:

    1.5 cast time
    0.5 activate time
    90 second cooldown
    Targets foe (10 max)
    50 feet; 40 foot Sphere

    Deals Fire damage to all targets, creates a Pyre Patch, applies Clinging Flames, applies Overpower, and Knocks them toward the center of impact. Deals more damage to foes that are closer to the point of impact than those who are further away.

    Note: Damage should be somewhere between Gravity Driver and Stormstrike since Unlike Stormstrike, it's charged, but the charge is less than that of Gravity Driver.

    [2] Rank 2
    [2] Rank 3
    [1] Commanding Presence: Generates bonus threat​​
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited April 2018
    I still don't understand how you managed to screw up such a cool looking ultimate, you summon a freaking METEOR for crying out loud, especially right after the Electric revamp which we got the badass Storm Strike which is popular both in DPS and TANKS
    And then we got Devastating Strike and Whirling Dragon Strike which are both freaking AWESOME

    In comparison, this Ultimate is not as bad as the DPS output of Power Chord, Fractal Aegis and Endbringer's Grasp (which is what happens when you design ultimates around a specific gimmick which becomes useless in endgame) but it's not great neither

    In fact I still believe the Fire revamp was very Rushed and Barebones job (heck there are still unsolved bugs since it got revamped) From personal experience It disappointed me and caused me to take a 3 months break from CO until the next revamp

    A lot of people kept mentioning ingame and in forums during the PTS testing that Meteor Blaze was really underwelming and the fire patch should be removed, and they were right!

    The Firepatch is worthless aditional damage if you already have Flashfire (1 firepatch limit) so this alone punish Fire-focus DPS Builds

    and it comes with Zero advantages
    Do you want to use it for Debuff? You can't
    Do you want to use it for Agro on a Fire Tank? You can't
    Do you want to use it for support with a possible use of a Healing Rune? You can't
    What can you do with it? Mediocre damage which comes with a really limited range

    Again, they are called ULTIMATES for a reason, they should reflect that, not dealing less damage from an optimized Fireball build
    This ultimate needs the Overpowered ADV because there is nothing more overpowered than summoning a Meteor from space​​
    Post edited by avianos on
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    I mean, you're not actually summoning a meteor. You would wipe out the entire area you're in if that were the case. You're just creating a fireball a few feet in the air and having it hit the ground. It's called meteor for funsies.
  • nbkxsnbkxs Posts: 777 Arc User
    I concur on this, as it is, meteor blaze is absolute garbage, you get far more dmg out of a single rimefire crit, as it is, for any decent fire build, it's just a dismissable power that most people will never touch.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    Hey It's me again, why am I doing this? Because I want the power to BE GOOD and Viable and not get ignored!

    After playing for a long time now with 2 character who have been using this Ultimate (1 is Fire DPS Build)
    I can confirm that this Ultimate, SUCKS

    and Now that all Ultimates were revamped to have a Lower CD, the existance of this power is still obsolete (since it had Low CD to make up for the low damage, distance and range)
    and no I won't stop reminding it since I like building Elemental builds
    1. The 15 Foot Sphere is aweful for AOE, consider other range Ultimates have 20 to 40 foot sphere. Especially paired with the fact this ULT has 50 ft range limit compared to other powers

      • Meteor Blaze is 50 ft range ultimate with 15 ft sphere AOE
      • Mental Impact is 100 Ft range ultimate with 20 ft sphere AOE and has Overpowered Debuff
      • Gravity Driver is 80 ft range ultimate with 40 Ft sphere AOE and has Overpowered Debuff
      • Crashing Incantation is a 50 ft range CONE ultimate with 20 ft sphere AOE and has and Overpowered
    2. Has no ADV for neither agro nor Support as always stated
      You would say "BUT WAIT, Crashing Incantation also doesn't have any special ADV", Yeah but Crashing Incantation is an actually GOOD ultimate

    3. The fact that it applies a Pyre Patch that replace your already existing Pyre patch, sabotaging your build!
      Because big chances are, you already have a power that applies a Pyre patch, from a plethora of updated powers from various powerframes that can apply 1 via ADV
      and due to the fire revamp, you cannot have more than 1 PyrePatch on the Field
      You can instantly replace Meteor Blaze's Pyre Patch with your regular one!

    So we have an ultimate that
    • Lacks damage
    • Lacks range
    • Lacks Utilities and Debuffs
    • Sabotage and Cannibalize it's own Powerframe

    This ultimate, NEEDS BUFFING
    1. Upgrade the ft sphere AOE to be at least 20 ft (the 50 ft range can stay since Fire is a 50 ft powerframe after all
    2. Remove the Pyre Patch and the Adjust Damage
    3. GIVE IT OVERPOWERED DEBUFF I cannot stress it enough consider all those new ultimates getting Overpowered like it's candy
    4. Replace the Pyre Patch with a FISSURE from EARTH effect instead, that would be more useful and wouldn't replace your existing Pyre Patch. And Provide synergy with EARTH *WINK WINK* and makes sense on theme too, the damage from the Meteor caused an Impact crater
    5. or just make the Pyre Patch of this Ultimate stackable
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    One thing Meteor had going for it was that it had the shorter of the two cooldowns that Ultimates could have, but now all Ultimates have that shorter cooldown, so now relative to before Meteor actually became weaker than it was since every ultimate got that advantage. All the ultimates that had the shorter cooldown should actually have gotten something in return for all the other long-cooldown ultimates getting that, since none of them were nerfed in response to being improved in that fashion.
    avianos wrote: »
    This ultimate, NEEDS BUFFING
    1. Upgrade the ft sphere AOE to be at least 20 ft (the 50 ft range can stay since Fire is a 50 ft powerframe after all
    2. Remove the Pyre Patch and the Adjust Damage
    3. GIVE IT OVERPOWERED DEBUFF I cannot stress it enough consider all those new ultimates getting Overpowered like it's candy
    4. Replace the Pyre Patch with a FISSURE from EARTH effect instead, that would be more useful and wouldn't replace your existing Pyre Patch. And Provide synergy with EARTH *WINK WINK* and makes sense on theme too, the damage from the Meteor caused an Impact crater
    5. or just make the Pyre Patch of this Ultimate stackable

    These are some neat ideas. Another neat idea could be applying the "Furious Blaze" debuff to targets, a debuff that causes them to take 1000% damage from Burning effects.
  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    edited November 2019
    You know you are balancing the game wrong when even @spinnytop doesn't try to whiteknight it with a "BEANS o3o"​​
  • vonqballvonqball Posts: 942 Arc User
    Yes, please buff this power! It's not like fire couldn't use a bit more oomf.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    Hmm You posted on the thread, but it didn't got pumped up... which means

    YAY, this thread got the Tag of Death that prevents it from being on front page \o/


    You can't run forever from this flaming poo Ultimate
    spinnytop wrote: »
    These are some neat ideas. Another neat idea could be applying the "Furious Blaze" debuff to targets, a debuff that causes them to take 1000% damage from Burning effects.
    That would also be awesome

    My issue with Fire Patch is that will get wasted on the Next Firepatch/Fire Grenade​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    avianos wrote: »
    You can't run forever from this flaming poo Ultimate​​

    It's actually really easy to run from cause the radius is so small o3o

    Also why do Ape's meteors knock me to kalamazoo but a player meteor only knocks down? `_` Seems unfair.
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    spinnytop wrote: »
    It's actually really easy to run from cause the radius is so small o3o
    Unless you are a Dinosaur

    WAIT NO Even a Dino used as Meteor deals more damage than Meteor Blaze
    spinnytop wrote: »
    Also why do Ape's meteors knock me to kalamazoo but a player meteor only knocks down? `_` Seems unfair.
    Reality is often Disappointing
    Enviroment meteors don't play by our rules​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    If Meteor had like a 200' knockup that'd be satisfactory for me.
  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    Since this topic has been tagged to sink I will take advantage of this free real estate of No One's Land to point how hypocritical and immature sink tagging topics you don't want people to see is.

    The dev team claims they make changes by "people's demands" (for example Arcane Flight leg switching fix, or Overseer Flight's existence) yet I've never seen "people" asking for these changes (Overseer Flight only occasionally, but I've never seen anyone complaining or calling Arcane Flight's leg switching a bug).

    Yet here you have a topic, a recurrent topic that has been made and discussed by multiple people in the span of these 2 years...
    and it gets swept under the rug?

    While I can give a pass to a lot of things in consideration of the dev team's size and budget, this is highly unprofessional. Simply replying to the topic and saying "I don't have time for this" would work better to silenceing it down than shadow banning it. Again we fail to understand the importance of keeping a transparent communication with the community.​​
  • vonqballvonqball Posts: 942 Arc User
    Maybe an advantage that leaves some "ape poo" lava after the impact? The adv could be called "It burns when I...."
  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    It should do that by default instead of applying an effect that you are already applying by default of using a Fire Powerset.

    Like even Hydras leave a patch of fire different than Flashfire type fire patches​​
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    lezard21 wrote: »
    Since this topic has been tagged to sink I will take advantage of this free real estate of No One's Land to point how hypocritical and immature sink tagging topics you don't want people to see is. ​​

    um... it's a necro of over a year dude. It has nothing to do with "topics they don't want people to see" LOL tin foil hat off!
    lezard21 wrote: »
    The dev team claims they make changes by "people's demands" (for example Arcane Flight leg switching fix, or Overseer Flight's existence) yet I've never seen "people" asking for these changes (Overseer Flight only occasionally, but I've never seen anyone complaining or calling Arcane Flight's leg switching a bug).

    They're not allowed to fix or make things people didn't ask for now? o3o That'd suck, some of the best stuff we have we didn't even ask for.
    lezard21 wrote: »
    Yet here you have a topic, a recurrent topic that has been made and discussed by multiple people in the span of these 2 years...
    and it gets swept under the rug?

    Yes, however will people know how upset they are about Meteor Blaze without this topic to remind them? Dx
    lezard21 wrote: »
    While I can give a pass to a lot of things in consideration of the dev team's size and budget, this is highly unprofessional. Simply replying to the topic and saying "I don't have time for this" would work better to silenceing it down than shadow banning it. Again we fail to understand the importance of keeping a transparent communication with the community.​​

    Okay you must be trolling. It takes a special brand of forum looney to suggest a dev give that kind of a response without acknowledging the poop storm that would follow xD not gonna lie, you had me in the first half!
  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    spinnytop wrote: »
    um... it's a necro of over a year dude. It has nothing to do with "topics they don't want people to see" LOL tin foil hat off!

    True, but the issue has become relevant again now that all Ultimates have the same cooldown Meteor Blaze has, taking away the one thing it had going for it considering how underwhelming it is in every other aspect. I'd rather necro a 1 year post than create yet ANOTHER topic on the matter.
    spinnytop wrote: »
    They're not allowed to fix or make things people didn't ask for now? o3o That'd suck, some of the best stuff we have we didn't even ask for.

    They are allowed to fix or make things people didn't ask for. But don't say you did it because people were rioting outside of Cryptic HQ holding you hostage till you fixed or made thing cause, you know, that will end causing people to think "hey, we've been requesting this other thing! why haven't we gotten this other x thing!". It's an ongoing problem with communication and transparency o3o
    spinnytop wrote: »
    Yes, however will people know how upset they are about Meteor Blaze without this topic to remind them? Dx

    Again, recent changes have made the problem with this power worse causing the discussion to start up again.
    spinnytop wrote: »
    Okay you must be trolling. It takes a special brand of forum looney to suggest a dev give that kind of a response without acknowledging the poop storm that would follow xD not gonna lie, you had me in the first half!

    This response has been given frequently and I've rarely seen a poop storm. Most of the people here are aware of the dev's team size and resources limitations, and much rather appreciate an honest acknowledgement of the problem and recognize not having the time or resources to look into it at the present, than sweeping it under the rug which gives the impresion that the devs either don't see the problem or care about it.​​
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited December 2019
    Keep it CIVIL please guys! Focus on the POWER itself and how it can be IMPROVED
    I would hate to see the Thread get Locked after getting Shadow Banned
    vonqball wrote: »
    Maybe an advantage that leaves some "ape poo" lava after the impact? The adv could be called "It burns when I...."
    No. It should have that as innate after effect instead and replace the stupid Fire Patch which is huge part of the issue as i mentioned
    lezard21 wrote: »
    True, but the issue has become relevant again now that all Ultimates have the same cooldown Meteor Blaze has, taking away the one thing it had going for it considering how underwhelming it is in every other aspect. I'd rather necro a 1 year post than create yet ANOTHER topic on the matter.

    Pretty Much why I bumped my Thread
    • It's Still Topical
    • The Ultimate CD changed made this power even more flawed
    • People posted here already expresssed their dissatisfaction with this ultimate
    • Literally nothing changed with this since 1 year i made this thread. If things were completly different I would make a new thread, but they are NOT! Other ultimates pretty much got BUFFED with lower CD but this change did nothing for Meteor Blaze which whole gimmick was Low CD-Short Distance-Below Mediocre Power and Effects

    and it's true Fire Revamp had a lot of Oversights and Bugs which hasn't been resolved to this day

    If bugs and issues persist, I'm legaly allowed as the thread's creator to Bump it
    Well EXCEPT of the plethora of BUG REPORTS forum threads I made the past years and haven't event been touched... can't Bump those, that would be annoying! But i'm planning to make a personal List with Bug reports I posted and were fixed or ignored! Especially since the List of Know Bugs has been Devolved into nonsense from some specific people who don't even know what they are reporting :grimace:​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    re: Known Bugs list, Kaiserin has cleaned up the thread from most of the gibberish and apparently she checks that topic often, so logic would dictate it's best to post bugs there....

    which does not mean your post can't be deleted, like when I crossposted the list of revised powerset bugs into that thread last week and had the post deleted :v​​
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    lezard21 wrote: »
    True, but the issue has become relevant again now that all Ultimates have the same cooldown Meteor Blaze has, taking away the one thing it had going for it considering how underwhelming it is in every other aspect. I'd rather necro a 1 year post than create yet ANOTHER topic on the matter.​​

    They wouldn't droptag the new topic because it wouldn't be a necro. So the question becomes... do you really want to shed light on this, or do you want a reason to make outlandish claims? For former, new topic, for latter, necro old topic.
    lezard21 wrote: »
    They are allowed to fix or make things people didn't ask for. But don't say you did it because people were rioting outside of Cryptic HQ holding you hostage till you fixed or made thing cause, you know, that will end causing people to think "hey, we've been requesting this other thing! why haven't we gotten this other x thing!". It's an ongoing problem with communication and transparency o3o​​

    Good thing they never made that claim then, otherwise you would be complaining about them making that claim and... oh..
    lezard21 wrote: »
    Again, recent changes have made the problem with this power worse causing the discussion to start up again.​​

    Again, necroing is still against the rules. You can both follow the forum guidelines and talk about meteor blaze. It's possible! I'll even prove it!
    lezard21 wrote: »
    This response has been given frequently and I've rarely seen a poop storm. Most of the people here are aware of the dev's team size and resources limitations, and much rather appreciate an honest acknowledgement of the problem and recognize not having the time or resources to look into it at the present, than sweeping it under the rug which gives the impresion that the devs either don't see the problem or care about it.​​

    You've rarely seen a poopstorm in response to dev comments!? ON THESE FORUMS!??! Once again I must make the statement "Yeah, you're definitely trolling" NGL I guess you had me in the second half too!"
This discussion has been closed.