Can we have a daily where we get a rampage token or have a specific perk to be able to get that piece of Justice Gear? Like how the Eidolon costume pieces are perk locked or maybe even how the Sacred costume pieces are perk locked. Either way, rampage RNG is good/bad for people when it comes to the tokens. I mean, I just would like an easier way to get Justice since sometimes people get 1 token per rotation of the rampage and some get none.
Please share thoughts on what you think of this.
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I think the best middle ground would be to add a Vigilance: Rampages in which you clear one of each Rampage per cycle and get a box with a random Token. It's still farmable with Alts, but not in a way that would completely break the system in half.
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For example, I actually like Fire and Ice. But I hardly ever run it anymore, because I already have all the ignimbrite I need. Being able to sell the tokens would give me a reason to actually turn up when there's a run forming that just needs a tank for Frosticus.
if they do that, they might as well just cut out the middleman entirely and make the justice pieces cost 400 GCR instead of 200
1. They keep things as they are until they revamp the Rampages to be real GCR-level content, then completely switch them over to GCR drops, then remove the token cost from Justice gear entirely and give them the same GCR/SCR cost as other gear of that tier.
2. Remove tokens, completely disconnect Justice gear from rampages, and keep rampages as they are now ( arguably the less attractive solution ). They would remain as relevant as they should be as a source of SCR and questionite for people who want to do "big group content" of alert-level difficulty, with damage numbers decreased to ensure that nobody has to do any real organization to put them more in line with other queue content. Obviously rampages cannot hand out GCR in their current state, both because their challenge doesn't warrant it and because it would cause a large amount of GCR inflation.
Personally I have no real love for the second solution but I thought I would put it out there since it seems to be popular to provide "no work" solutions... even though the current team has shown that they are very much willing to put the work in to implement real solutions that actually improve content. The current token setup was a temporary adjustment that put token costs in line with the time/effort involved to acquire them. I'm sure we'll see a real solution at some point, but I doubt anymore minor temporary changes are going to be implemented since the current one already addresses the issue.
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RNG is not great when it's used to grant the main reward - like in Rampages. I'd much rather have it take longer to get a token but see tangible progress towards getting one than have it be a random drop.
All that said, I agree with Foxi's point that we are past quick fixes. If anything is going to be done with Justice Gear / Rampages then it should be an overhaul. Otherwise leave it alone.
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I would assume the devs would want to go in an retool that actual content so that it's difficulty across ALL the rampages is worthy of dropping GCR, before GCR to token conversion is done, and before they even think of adding GCR as a reward to them.
To me THAT would take longer . . . but I could be misreading it/misunderstanding what folks are saying.
Delete Rampages and cannibalize their assets to create new content.
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