It because it bugged, and people are not able to join the real same team?
It because you don't know about this function?
Don't care, cause you have an awesome character?
Something else?
When I play with my support type characters (my favorites), I want to feel useful. I want all the awesome auras helping my team to overcome the event the most effective way. But people don't team up, I feel useless.
When I play with my damage focused, I want that help to fill the gaps. My lack of defense, increase my damage, convenient healing.
Similar issue is with resurrection. All my Freeforms have it, but people simple can't wait a few seconds for me to help them. =/
Sometimes I can understand, as I do wait everytimes, but is like 50/50 chance that someone will care to resurrect me.
Note that this is a problem only in these events. It doesn't happen in the regular game. Again, I don't know the cause.
No one Teams Up in Blood Moon Undead Heroes. (ok, some people do)
Did the people change or what?
And about others doing the resurrection to you. I find it unneccesary. Yeah, i do.
It usually rezzes you in the middle of combat in OMs and charging your Passive makes you vulnerable.
And most of the times it faster just to hit the Spawn button. Or you can spam the 'Help I'm down and just laying here' button dozen times..
But that's how i feel about it.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
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I've never once seen a negative effect come out of teaming up, so there's no reason ever not to, that I can think of.
Whenever I'm fighting one of the bosses and I notice I'm the only one in teamup, I just say in local or zone "teamup" and more often than not I'll see the teams fill up. So I think for the most part it's people forgetting to do so. I often forget, too.
Usually when we do cosmics there's lots of prep time, so everyone gets a chance to team up before the action starts. With Bloodmoon it's more or less non-stop.
As far as throwing reses around, most of the time there's no one around to res anyone so people just don't expect it. In cosmics, when I can res, I tell people not to recover and just ask for a res instead, and that usually works. So you could try that.
The more powerful your character is, the less stars matter. Even then, those stupid star refills drop all over the place. Good thing they stack to 999.
As for teaming up, that's a new thing. Content basically never required it before, so no one ever bothered. There are probably quite a few premade teams running around for crypts. Real Team is way better than Teamup. If you have one of those hilariously OP toons tanking the Fallen Hero zombies and someone spamming a good AoE, no one probably needs to bother with teamup.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
My characters
Or better yet, just delete forms and give everyone an innate stacking damage/healing bonus that automatically builds up and replenishes energy every 4 seconds while in combat. That's pretty much what forms are already, so it's not like anything of value would be lost.
For some people it may be as simple as them not being used to it. I think that it's hard to compare these undead heroes to mega-destroids. They may have 2.5 million HP but they aren't one-shotting characters that do not block their attacks.
It's also just not as necessary to survive.
And if others are not teaming up then the benefits are reduced anyway, and so the lack of teaming feeds into less people bothering to team.
2) As for toggles, I think that they should all be chargeable while moving. I can charge IDF while flying back to the fight. I try to charge enrage after re-spawning and I keep getting interrupted by other players pushing my character around as they appear at the respawn point or try to move back to the fight.
Player collision in this game is a mystery to me, though, and something I would like to see changed.
It always seems like my characters get pushed around by whoever while none of my characters seem to ever be able to push anyone to make a space for themselves at dino or Kiga or whoever.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I try to never team also - I will be the weakest link in that chain and others deserve better. Test Toons 1 and 3 only took new powers and never spent AP or Specialization until at least a month after hitting 40, so I have no problem taking an hour on a ten minute mission if I can figure out how do it faster each time without getting killed. (Test Toon 2 was deleted at 12 as non-viable.)
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Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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If you join teamup and get into group 3, make sure group 1 and 2 exists.
When the lower number groups do not exist, the higher number group do not get any aura.
Due to the teamup window always starting very small, checking up on which groups do or don't exist requires some window management. And join-leave-join, check up on group numbers, and if needed change to another group, is not hugely fast. Against the BM zombies, with some high dps groups, it can take up a significant portion of the fight.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
The only exception was Spinnytop taking my healers thru the Q zone, which involved THEM having to wait around for me to run/fly back from my most recent death.
doh... wrong teamup- 30/11
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Never be afraid to say, "I'm new to this", or, "I'm not so good at this". Most people already realize that it's easy to help others get better. Those that say, "If you're new, go away" aren't all that numerous, and should be ignored--the game doesn't belong to them.
There are a limited number of exceptions to this rule, which don't occur too often, such as someone specifically looking for a tank when you're not one (for 5-player content only, doesn't refer to open missions). Don't worry about backing off and doing these things later if you feel that's the best idea at specific times.
It is easy if I'm alone but very difficult to find out when several team up formed with some people joining on each.
And. What?
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
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