An introduction for those who may not know or have misunderstood who I am;
Im going to be honest, so dont freak out as this is an introduction!!
Im known as Cat to those around here and in game, I go by
Adventure Cat in other
social medias. Im a big fan of cats, both big and small, but with my history for animal rescue and growing up in farm life, I enjoy working around and with animals and in nature,, im not a "dude" nor do i enjoy city life. My Italian heritage generally makes people uncomfortable, I grew up in an environment where we hug and kiss when ever we meet and part friends and family, it was rude not too, and outrageous to neglect to give a hug and kiss to your mom or grandma! Ive seen this often makes people uncomfortable. Uptight people get nervous from what I gather as a lack of love growing up (im guessing) and the media fed ones see it as flirting, but I blame that on the tough guy stereotype and over-sexualized media and entertainment, it seems to have ruined the close bond people would normally have, and has seemed to make them stand-offish and cold IMO.
I enjoy a laugh, both silly, cute and even dead pan humor. I try to be light hearted about things and not too serious, because I enjoy socializing with others, especially those who also enjoy humor and simple things in life like cute pets and a shared laugh. I will even make fun of myself from time to time, given some of my weaknesses for some of the games content Im unable to do or ignorance of some things I never knew about or took the time to learn. I like using gifs and memes, mostly of cats as emoticons. To help keep the mood lightened even during a disagreement to reassure the other I have no ill will towards them. Its actually my belief like my master taught me to love my neighbor as I do myself, people can push your buttons often on social media, and a handful have gotten my goat a few times here. But they are still human beings on the other end, and as my master taught me, if I wish to be forgiven I must also forgive, and as He has loved me, so to must I also love in return.
Im generally pretty strait forward out of respect for people to say whats on my mind which often gets me in trouble due to the political correctness that had been working hard to omit out constitution in my country "
Im American." I was in fact raised to be one and was even a Boy Scout, and later in life a Christian. Yes I believe in Jesus so I will confess that without concern if someone gets their shorts in a bind or not, because if I deny Him before men He will deny me before the Father...No amount of threats, mockery or brow beating from men will get me to say otherwise since Im responsible for doing this openly when it comes up. Its who I am, and I shouldnt have to change being who I am when that isnt expected of anyone else! Mind you, (Im not here to preach, nor have I) But I will be honest with my answers IF ASKED! Which means out of respect for Him and those who I speak, im open and honest. When you ask you will get whats on my mind.
Bullies get under my skin too, so I have often stood up for people who where ether being piled on or where not there to stand up for theme selves. Ive also seen what hatred can do to people, and try my best to warn people not to walk that path out of concern for them. Its ruined lives. When they begin to troll or openly express prejudice for others. This makes some people very angry at me and you may have seen some of them continue to
follow me about the forums unable to get past it. Tactful and ruthless with their underlying digs, they can make one a bit uptight sometimes when they hang on every word, so
I am guilty of expecting to be bitten when they show up. So forgive me if
I may seem too defensive at times. (once bitten twice shy)
Take the time to get to know me if you have interest, Im often in the game when i can find a chance to get on, given my work schedule around my farm, my employment and taking care of a disabled relative, Im a bit chaotic in my play times, and may often get called away from the keyboard. But im not that hard to get along with once given the chance. I have a bunch of toons, 95% of them are lolat puns or ideas I came up with to try out for fun, but you will most often catch me as Apothecary (Healer) Doragon (Tank) Blaze (DPS)
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Have you ever thought about teaming up with me or someone else to make videos? Doing the missions like Whiteout while taking a moment every so often for a closeup of our toons for us to upload our own dialogue for them? (fan made cartoons) champs could use the advertising tbh!
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Maybe nobody's "following you around the forums" at all. Maybe some of the things you say are just cringy enough to warrant a response, specifically by people who hold polar opposite world views to yours. You could avoid those responses entirely by, you know, keeping those unpopular views to yourself. This is a public forum, where open discussions take place. It's not a one-sided vehicle for soapboxing, so if you try to use it as such, you're going to get replies by people who disagree with whatever you might be trying to say.
Let's try an experiment! Try going for a whole month without bringing up your political or religious views, and I bet those "mean, biting replies" will practically vanish.
PM me for this kinda discussion in the future, to answer this would get me flagged...again!!
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Im not allowed to discuss it, ...even if you guys are, but please dont take things out of context, twist things or use my censoring to take cheap shots.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Show me how easy you guys are to get along with for a change, if your able...
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
1) Check your political views at the door. It seems like most people here hold opposing views to yours, so do you really think you're going to change their minds? Or are you going to end up merely solidifying their own opinions even more? Either way, it's probably going to end up derailing threads and otherwise starting flame wars that the mods will eventually have to deal with putting out.
Political "debates" on forums, facebook, etc can be pretty much summed up like so:
Guy 1: "I believe __________"
Guy 2: "You're wrong! [short essay]"
Guy 1: "No you're wrong! [short counter-essay]"
Guy 2: "NO YOU'RE WRONG BECAUSE [article]"
Guy 1: "THAT'S BIASED BECAUSE [counter-article]"
Guy 2: "Whatever, you're ignorant/dumb/don't know what you're talking about/etc!"
Guy 1: "No, YOU'RE ignorant/dumb/don't know what you're talking about/etc! [another article]"
Guy 2: "You're still wrong! [meme]"
Guy 1: "[counter-meme]"
* This exchange loops for awhile, until finally concluding
Guy 2: [leaves discussion, his own opinions even more solidified than ever before because THAT SIDE is crazy]
Guy 1: [also has his worldviews fortified after having argued with someone who was CLEARLY wrong]
Productive, right?
2) Stop trying to play the victim card every time someone disagrees with you. There's a difference between "your political views suck" and "you as a person suck." Fact 1: I have nothing against you personally, I just think some of your world views are yucky. That's fine though. It's your right to have them. Fact 2: You're not being "censored" or otherwise targeted by any mods. That's utterly ridiculous, if not outright paranoid. I've noticed that my posts tend to get deleted at times as well, but the difference is that I don't get bent out of shape over it. I don't think I'm being censored or otherwise oppressed, but rather, I'm self-aware enough to realize that perhaps whichever posts of mine got removed might've been because I was heading too far off topic, or that I maybe I got a bit too fired up. I can admit that's something I do sometimes.
perhaps if you feel Im not friendly enough you could, i dont know, show me how you would excel congenial behavior and see if things mellow out from there? You know, to avoid making a scene...and actually put an equal amount of effort in so you dont look hypocritical, and its not a one sided attempt to get along!
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
But if you want to complain about or point out my faults, bring it to a PM and lets leave our forums having more of a friendly face and not drag out squabbles openly. Debates and ideas is one things, but how things went in the trump thread is what we should try and avoid!! Im sure you guys want to represent your SG's with dignity, so If your for it, the best way to not see a problem is not to bring it up again, agreed?!
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
By the way, the best way to bury the axe and forgive is to let it die quietly. You don't always need the last word. Maybe take a break from the forum if it's getting you this worked up. As it is, it's kind of attracting debate. The topic is directly about who you are, and you've been around here for a while, so what else would they discuss?
I'm locking this by the way, so that more people (online, thousands of miles away) don't feel tempted to comment on your interesting and very elaborate and lengthy views on personal interaction and religion. On this website where it isn't exactly possible to hug/kiss people. Hang out with family or real-life friends if that's what you enjoy!
If you need advice on what is and isn't appropriate to put into an introduction thread, feel free to ask or take a look at some of the other topics posted in this forum section!