Should honestly become accessible some way or another.
Not putting this out here for personal gain, I'm a Lifetime Subscriber, I literally have all current monthly rewards available.
Putting this out there because the only casual headset costume piece in the entire game requires you to lifetime subscribe if you want to use it. Something that generic should not be held hostage by a subscription deal that expensive. Incentivising subscriptions is a good thing, there is no doubt, but you can keep these items from effectively being locked out of availability, and still incentivise through the system.
As an example, items that were from last year, or five months ago, become available on the Collector Vendor, maybe even in their own category, requiring a few different stacked vouchers to buy just one, to make them feel expensive. Even a deal like that, which you may view as poor, is better then staring at a vanity piece through the looking glass, knowing you need to pay baseline $300 to acquire it.
Feel free to post and discuss potential work-arounds for this, keeping in mind that we don't want to make the subscription incentive redundant, as a game like this relies on incentivising monthly pay.
[A Place to Post Power Concepts] - I don't update this thing as often as I want to, but it is not abandoned!
[Daily Login Rewards] - They sure would spice things up a bit!
[Monthly Rewards and Silver Players] - Surely there should be
some way to get them, no matter how difficult!
[Discussion Concerning Event Powers] - Feel like you're missing out on Holy Water? Uh, probably shouldn't.
[Discussion Concerning Energy Stats] - More or less what it says on the tin, there.
[Analysis of Sorcery Copy-Powers] - I showcase some visual chopjobs, and such.
[Analysis of a Poison Spread Bug] - The different interactions Virulent Propagation and Bite has with all poisons.
This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day