Lets be honest here, hermes rec is borderline useless atm, with it you can buy elixirs which are meh tier if you know how to block, 1 healing item, temepoary teleports and a respawn point kit.. so what I prepose is this
we remove hermes rec from the game, replace the reward drop spot in the mission with 1GCR [per mission] and move the items that the vendor had into the SCR store.. and adjust the prices..
or alternaitvly.. add some useful stuff to the vendor..
In all things, a calm heart must prevail.
Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.
Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
1 GCR per mission isn't "like candy". It's minuscule. In a zone no one goes in despite being the fastest way to get SCR and some Questionite. Either no one knows this zone exists or it's too difficult for most people. Plus, the Warzone is supposed to be group content. Isn't that the criteria for getting GCR? End game group content? That 5 day mission for 5 GCR is stingy.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
While not necessarily worth the time for SCR, 1 GCR actually would be appropriate. Even if every Q-zone daily gave 1 GCR per, the giant animal slayers would still get far more GCR at a much faster rate, plus any of the crap that's gated behind "killing [thing] X number of times."
Here's some math:
6 GCR per day (proposed) every day with a goal of 250 GCR => 41.6 days worth of full Q-zone dailies. Over 1 month per piece of distinguished gear is long, but reasonable by CO standards. Those dailies aren't a walk in the park for the type of person who's still gearing up.
1 GCR per day (current) is...ugh. => 250 days of Q-zone farming. In over half a year, YOU TOO CAN HAVE 1 PIECE OF DISTINGUISHED GEAR! That's terrible and nobody's going to subject themselves to that kind of daily grind.
Outside of worms summons doing ridiculous damage compared to other zone mobs, those quests aren't too bad. I start on the right side of the map and do a clockwise circle, hitting each tower and small outpost in order, ending on the roof of the OM if I still need the gems / arcana.
It's the turbo respawn on Ammo Resupply that makes me shank happy.
But yeah, the Warzone dailies should give out a bit of GCR. Giving players some choices isn't a bad thing. It's not like people are going to suddenly stop doing Cosmics for whatever pitiful GCR they can get from Warzone dailies. Even the TA daily is 5 GCR and you can't tell me it takes long for a farm team to run that.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009