Foxbatcon is in town! All mobs can drop Foxbat Swag bags and Mayor Biselle has a daily mission for finding Foxbat!
We've added some new rewards this week and new rewards will also be introduced next week! Also check back next week for the real Foxbat Hunt mission!
- Added Cartoon Hands and Massive Rocket costumes to the vendor.
- Added Permanent Throwing Pins device to the vendor.
- Added Fisticuffs aura to the vendor.
- Added Inventor Archetype to the vendor.
- Added Mime emote to the vendor.
- Added a green quality Rock as a potential drop to the Foxbatcon Swag Bag.
- Added Practical Joke Defense mod to the vendor and as a potential drop from the Swag Bag. This mod increases health and knock resistance.
- Added One Use Throwing Pins as a potential drop to the Foxbatcon Swag Bag.
- Added all Foxbatcon action figures are potential drops from the Foxbatcon Swag Bag.
- While running the Foxbat hunt mission the chance for them to drop tokens and Cheaply Made Ping Pong Guns has been greatly increased.
- Added preview images and updated tooltips for all Foxbatcon items.
- Removed the old T-Shirt costumes as they were granting the incorrect items. Created new ones that properly give out the tshirts to both genders. Players who've gotten these items prior won't be affected. Old versions of this costume have been renamed to include the word Vintage to differentiate them.
- Removed the old Foam Finger Aura. Created two versions of the aura. One for the left? hand and one for the right.
- Foam Finger auras can no longer be stacked. This was done as stacking them caused them to rapidly flicker. The old version is now named Vintage Foam Finger Aura.
- Old Foxbatcon tokens will no longer be used as we are updating all of the tokens used in game to use the currency bag. These tokens have been renamed to Vintage Foxbat Cred.
- Added a exchange store that will trade old tokens for Swag Bags or Stars. This vendor is located just next to the main vendor.
- Added a Currency and Title exchange store to the same vendor that allows players to exchange spare foxbatcon action figures for titles or extra currency. This store will also see new features next week!
Available Titles from the Exchange Vendor:
- Fanboy/Fangirl: Trade in 10 Foxbat Tshirt 1 costumes
- Fanatic: Trade in 10 Foxbat Tshirt 2 costumes
- Them's Fightin' Words: Trade in 10 Foxbat Pingpong Gun costumes
- Something's Fishy: Trade in 10 Foxbat Trout costumes
- We Are Number One: Trade in 5 Foam Finger Aura (Left?) and (Right) auras
- All Others Are Number Two, Or Worse: Trade in 10 Foam Finger Aura (Right) auras
- Lefty: Trade in 10 Foam Finger Aura (Left?) auras
- Sly as a Fox: Trade in a Foxbat Fenny action figure
- Classic Cartoon: Trade in a Cartoon Fenny action figure
- Fooled You!: Trade in a April Foxbat action figure
- Old School: Trade in a Classic Foxbat action figure
- High Budget: Trade in a Movie Foxbat action figure
- I'm a Squirrel: Trade in a Squirrel Boy action figure
- This is my Disguise: Trade in the 2 Disguised Foxbat action figures
- Backup: Trade in the 3 robot foxbat action figures
- Stunt Double: Trade in the 2 Stunt Double Foxbat action figures
- Cosplayer: Trade in the 7 Foxbat cosplayer action figures
- Rabid Fanboy/Fangirl: Trade in the 6 Foxbat Fanboy action figures
Added new perks for using the temporary devices found during the event:Cheaply Made Ping Pong Gun
- 10: Ping Pong
- 50: Ball Pit
- 250: Rapid Fire
- 1000: Deadly Contraption
- 5000: Wall of Fire
Cheaply Made Bubblegum Gun
- 10: Chew On This
- 50: Gum Chewer
- 250: Gumdrop
- 1000: Gooey
- 5000: Kick Butt and Chew Gum
Cheaply Made Seismic Ping Pong Ball
- 10: Seismic
- 50: Seismic Disaster
- 250: Ten Ton Weight
- 1000: Anvil
- 5000: Look Out!
Foam Finger Slap
- 10: Slap Fest
- 50: Slappy
- 250: Slapster
- 1000: Slapstick
- 5000: Smacked Down
One-Use Throwing Pins
- 10: Tacked On
- 50: Pin Up
- 250: Pin Collector
- 1000: Fan Fair
- 5000: Pincushion
Trout Slap
- 10: Stinky
- 50: Smelly
- 250: Slimy
- 1000: Gross
- 5000: Eww
Subscriber Reward
- Added Exploding and Joke Cigar costume as the April Gold Subscriber costume.
- The Tinfoil Hat Ray will return in the Gold Sub reward store this April alongside the Exploding Cigar costume.
- Eidolon will now summon his orbs and guardians in fixed random locations instead of using players for targeting. What this means is there are specific points on the map that he can use for placement of these attacks, instead of just going off of player locations.
- A ground splat will indicate where the orbs will be summoned and will give players a couple seconds to position themselves before the orb is actually summoned.
- Eidolon will now emit a wide range damage field based on the number of Shadow Crystals (healing orbs) that are under the effects of stun, paralyze, incapacitate or sleep. This damage deals partially flat damage and partially damage based on %hp. It cannot be mitigated by resistance or dodge, but can be partially shielded.
- Healing and DPS orbs now use different ground splat fx to help differentiate them beyond just color.
- Enervating Crystal (damage orb) damage now has a much greater area effect.
- Eidolon's healing orbs will now play a bright fx on them when healing Eidolon. When they are under the effects of control this fx will not be present.
- Eidolon will now get a green healing aura when being healed.
- Added voiceover for some of Eidolon's timed attacks.
- When defeated Eidolon will now have an outro sequence instead of just falling over.
- When defeated Eidolon will no longer immediately appear sitting on his throne.
- Eidolon now has a more sinister sitting pose.
- Increased Eidolon's success cooldown to 1 hour.
- Increased Eidolon's failure cooldown to 30 minutes.
- Players can now get back into Eidolon's open mission while it's on a successful cooldown.
- Added a ground tell in addition to the portal fx to Eidolon's portal guardian summon. Changed color to yellow to make it stand out.
- Increased Eidolon's token reward to 11 SCR and GCR.
- Decreased the Portal Breaker, Worm Wrecker and Assault the Battery open missions success cooldown to 5 minutes. Failure cooldown remains at 10 minutes.
- Increased the base health of the open mission bosses and eased up on their scaling with lower amounts of players (10 and under). High count player scaling remains roughly the same.
- Added Bleak Soul aura as a potential drop from Oubliette and in the GCR store.
- Added Destroyer Collar to the GCR store and as a potential drop from Eidolon.
- Added Life Essence's hitfx on the list of restricted FX for cosmic costumes.
Powers/DevicesAura of Ebon Destruction
- Changed the way this power picks the owner of the trigger damage. Damage players deal with the trigger effect will count as theirs, not the player who is using Aura of Ebon Destruction. Example: If player A is using AoED, and player B triggers the damage effect, the damage will count as player B's where previously it counted as player A's.
Terak Generator
- Increased the damage.
- Increased the maintain duration.
- Made the device colorable.
- Updated the FX to be less resource intensive and to fit player scaling better.
Void Possession
- Added small healing effect while maintaining this device.
- Updated tooltip so it's clear what the device actually does.
- Added preview image.
- Gave this device a new FX.
Cloak of Infinite Planes
- Added preview image and better tooltip for the Cloak of Infinite Planes device.
- Reduced the energy cost for this device as you progress through the combo.
Seismic Ping Pong Ball
- Fixed a bug where its effects were stuck at level 1.
- Increased damage.
- Lowered charge time to 1 second (from 2).
- Added Disorient effect.
Bubblegum Gun
- Fixed a bug where its effects were stuck at level 1.
Vanity Devices
- Added a mandatory half second cooldown to most vanity devices to address some undesirable effects.
- Fixed a bug where some Vanity Devices were not blocked by the Fun nullifier device.
- Added Exploding and Joke Cigar costume as the April Gold Subscriber costume.
- The Tinfoil Hat Ray will return in the Gold Sub reward store this April alongside the Exploding Cigar costume.
- Made the detail map on the Dinosaur gloves optional.
- Grond in Teleios Ascendant should no longer react to hit animations.
- On April 1st the Therakiel Blade? device (not to be confused with the regular version) will drop from Therakiel in the Therakiel's Temple lair for players who missed out on it last year. This is a guaranteed drop from the Therakiel Reward Box, which drops for all players when Therakiel is defeated.
- A mysterious vendor has appeared somewhere in the game who will take certain seemingly useless items and exchange them for something neat.
Again, Why are you adding TRASH in reward boxes? Reward Boxes you NEED to farm to get tokens from a VERY limited time event
This is not funny neither charming!
the rock being part of Halloween bags made sense because IT WAS A REFERENCE to Charlie Brown's Halloween Special
adding it to ANY reward bag is just a way to frustate and dissapoint your players
This is charming
Nice, this will prevent AFK Leeching in cosmics with AoED leechers
Is he drifting by any chance?
I think this is why. Green is the only value of rock we didn't have, and the rocks are "seemingly useless". Too bad no one probably held on to every rarity of Rock! GG.
Wait? Only Mime emote? No Juggler?
Wow thats an actually pretty good costume piece
This is a really nice aura for "stretchy" type heroes. Thank you!
Changed the way this power picks the owner of the trigger damage. Damage players deal with the trigger effect will count as theirs, not the player who is using Aura of Ebon Destruction. Example: If player A is using AoED, and player B triggers the damage effect, the damage will count as player B's where previously it counted as player A's.
Does this include pets, because that would suck. OTOH.. .that means less aggro for pet masters in maybe it doesn't suck.
Please fix it before I end up breaking my Laptop or something. -_-;
I bet its the amount of NPCs in rencen, I always get more game crush and memory leaks with those stupid fanboys around
The Ping-Pong Gun perks are not proc'ing.
Ah... I wish i had my Squirrel character ingame so I can get this title...
Sneaky, really sneaky
This is not a bad idea, but I think if you offer such packs in the future you should try something like this instead:
- 2 Themed Archetypes
- 1 Themed Loyal Sidekick
- A full set of Daring gear
- 4x XP boosters.
So for the 3k in Zen the buyer gets two premium AT's. A pet to help out, Gear to level up, and some XP boosts. Sure you'd get one less AT in this case. But you'd get other stuff to help out with leveling that AT in return. Which seems like a more attractive deal for Silvers.
Bummer. I'm going to miss his "I'm on the can, leave me alone!" pose.
*Cosmic grunting noises*
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More screenshots
perhaps the best device EARTH powerframe ever got
Oh my god, you are right!
Now my Pet master and Necromancer wont be as agro magnet as they used to be!
This is great news
Is that from the test or live server?
now i can get a pet rock too
problem is- thw 'white' rocks now have a yellow band but still have the white text.
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And the whole 'useless' thing and hint about it blending in with it's surroundings isn't helpful either.
I suggest bookmarking the Wiki article
Provides map and information about specific locations (my tip is to start from 1 and going up to 100 so you wont lose track)
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
So we get Vintage Cartoon Hands next year.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
Enjoy specific day exlusive stuff
You summon Foxbat and he runs aways
everyone who wants to get it better log in today or they will miss it for the rest of the year
. . . or is it?
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
or at least some plants to go with my rock collection. so I can make a rock garden.
can we have some plants for spring?
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Loc: -18 1147 2355
vendor is called normal rock,
Note: to purchase you also need crafting skill level.
100- pet rock
200 soft rock
300 thrown rock
400 attack rock
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Good luck!
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.