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make champions online more hybrid friendly

the reason i asked this is because a crapton of people in the cosmic section really burned my blood today. one persion demaned nothing but dps for eido and then we proceed to say having nothing but dps was a bad thing, and then it turned into a how many of them can rant on hybrid players indiscriminately wether they were good at their jobs or not all because of my favority thing (sarcasm) endgame. this game was all about creativity so why make game related content that hampers the creativity?

seriously not a good idea. sure i understand the need to make the content scale up to level 40 but making the content to were everyone flips their **** if they see that little lighting bolt hovering over the characters head or see it on the characters stats. i really think that choice is a terrible decision.

i for one would like to run a regeneration character but since regeneration as many people stated alot isn't good at tanking so i would go into hybrid so i could at least deal some extra damage and have a bit more healing. anyways i can back to this game in a few days saw i could reset my toon so i did heavy weapons and went to melee dps but when i saw how many people would flip their **** and go one how the hybrids ruin a lot of their precious cosmic runs all the time that really bothered me.


  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    The nature of cosmics is that they're team content. And in a team, players that fulfill specific, specialized roles are always going to outperform hybrids. No matter what.

    The bosses and enemies at most are only going to attack one or two targets at a time with their most devastating attacks. This is what the tanks are for. If there are extra mobs, off-tanks are the most efficient way to round up and control them. Otherwise, unmitigated chaos will likely at best, distract other players, and at worst, cause everyone else to die. Any less survivability or threat drawing would just cause all that damage to land on the hardest-hitting players, which are usually running in the DPS role. The hybrid role isn't the most viable for tanking in this situation.

    The general damage output of the boss means that those taking damage will likely need extra survivability. This is where healers come in, which are specifically tailored to output the highest possible healing and shields. Any less healing would face the risk of the tanks dying and instantly facing towards the DPS with their devastating attacks, and the support role offers up such a severe increase in healing strength and energy reliability that the hybrid role cannot match easily. The hybrid role isn't the most viable for healing in this situation.

    This leaves a specific group of players that are tasked with damaging the boss. These are people not taking damage, and not reliable normally for the survival of the group. However, specific battles in the game are tailored to test their skills and damage output, such as Teleiosaurus and Eidolon of Destruction, with timed damage checks that, if failed, will make the cosmic's run likely fail in some way. To more easily pass this check, those responsible for dealing damage are smart to run their build in a DPS role, which deals more damage than hybrid, meanwhile also mitigating their own threat draw and energy loss. The hybrid role isn't the most viable for damaging in these situations.

    To make any piece of content cater to the capabilities of a hybrid would be doing an utter disservice to the other roles - not because they wouldn't be able to handle it, but because it would not be a challenge in the slightest. There's no situation in the game currently that requires for team members to be good at all three exceptional survival, exceptional damage, and exceptional support, and if there was, there wouldn't even be the passive ability or toggle to support it! Even the stat choices and powers we have available fit into the three roles I just described!

    The game mechanics themselves are all built around this traditional trinity - enemies cannot target more than a specific group of enemies at a time, not without significant telegraphing, otherwise the battle is just unmitigated chaos that cannot be beaten reliably. Gravitar is probably the only fight that defies this rule even slightly, with randomly-targeted AoEs. Even then, she still will occasionally use those powerful attacks against her aggroed target, and even then people prefer to run the rampage with mostly DPS-role characters. Because her damage output is nothing compared to most cosmics now.

    So basically, roles are the nature of this game, right down to how enemy-attacks are calculated and how all the powers in the game were designed. Hybrids are specifically designed to provide baseline survivability, damage, and power to all builds for soloing content, and will always and forever be outperformed in team situations that require the build to perform its role.
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  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,539 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    That's why I think it's unfortunate that this game is getting turned into trinity-based nonsense.

    Build the hero you want! (As long as you're willing to put all your eggs into a single role's basket...)

    Luckily, since they chose to make cosmics open world bosses, you can tell those people to get ***ed, throw them on ignore, and there's nothing they can really do about it. Provided that you're aware of the mechanics of the fight, know that they're just looking for someone to blame for the overall failure, and that little hybrid icon is an easy thing to point the finger at and whine about.

    Personally, I'd like to see them make the role selection nothing more than a cosmetic feature, serving as a declaration of "I'm willing to perform this role." Demolish role bonuses/penalties completely, make the only passive slot a balanced slot. If tanks aren't putting out enough threat this way, buff challenge's threat generation. If healers aren't healing for enough, buff the healing power of relevant passives and forms.​​
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • blazeingdragoonblazeingdragoon Posts: 65 Arc User
    bluhman said:

    The nature of cosmics is that they're team content. And in a team, players that fulfill specific, specialized roles are always going to outperform hybrids. No matter what.

    The bosses and enemies at most are only going to attack one or two targets at a time with their most devastating attacks. This is what the tanks are for. If there are extra mobs, off-tanks are the most efficient way to round up and control them. Otherwise, unmitigated chaos will likely at best, distract other players, and at worst, cause everyone else to die. Any less survivability or threat drawing would just cause all that damage to land on the hardest-hitting players, which are usually running in the DPS role. The hybrid role isn't the most viable for tanking in this situation.

    The general damage output of the boss means that those taking damage will likely need extra survivability. This is where healers come in, which are specifically tailored to output the highest possible healing and shields. Any less healing would face the risk of the tanks dying and instantly facing towards the DPS with their devastating attacks, and the support role offers up such a severe increase in healing strength and energy reliability that the hybrid role cannot match easily. The hybrid role isn't the most viable for healing in this situation.

    This leaves a specific group of players that are tasked with damaging the boss. These are people not taking damage, and not reliable normally for the survival of the group. However, specific battles in the game are tailored to test their skills and damage output, such as Teleiosaurus and Eidolon of Destruction, with timed damage checks that, if failed, will make the cosmic's run likely fail in some way. To more easily pass this check, those responsible for dealing damage are smart to run their build in a DPS role, which deals more damage than hybrid, meanwhile also mitigating their own threat draw and energy loss. The hybrid role isn't the most viable for damaging in these situations.

    To make any piece of content cater to the capabilities of a hybrid would be doing an utter disservice to the other roles - not because they wouldn't be able to handle it, but because it would not be a challenge in the slightest. There's no situation in the game currently that requires for team members to be good at all three exceptional survival, exceptional damage, and exceptional support, and if there was, there wouldn't even be the passive ability or toggle to support it! Even the stat choices and powers we have available fit into the three roles I just described!

    The game mechanics themselves are all built around this traditional trinity - enemies cannot target more than a specific group of enemies at a time, not without significant telegraphing, otherwise the battle is just unmitigated chaos that cannot be beaten reliably. Gravitar is probably the only fight that defies this rule even slightly, with randomly-targeted AoEs. Even then, she still will occasionally use those powerful attacks against her aggroed target, and even then people prefer to run the rampage with mostly DPS-role characters. Because her damage output is nothing compared to most cosmics now.

    So basically, roles are the nature of this game, right down to how enemy-attacks are calculated and how all the powers in the game were designed. Hybrids are specifically designed to provide baseline survivability, damage, and power to all builds for soloing content, and will always and forever be outperformed in team situations that require the build to perform its role.

    while your making a ten page essay on each role and describing there is a few people that flip their minds when they see one mind you ONE hybrid. even though a well built hybrid can clearly out preform the crappy dps, especial when they have regen on to contantlly deal damage while the dps suffers the constant pattern of run to the boss proc a few abilities block and repeat till the cosmic kills then then they have to run back. and the last time i remember eido was a pain in the neck to run back too.
  • soulforgersoulforger Posts: 1,654 Arc User
    aesica said:

    Personally, I'd like to see them make the role selection nothing more than a cosmetic feature, serving as a declaration of "I'm willing to perform this role." Demolish role bonuses/penalties completely, make the only passive slot a balanced slot. If tanks aren't putting out enough threat this way, buff challenge's threat generation. If healers aren't healing for enough, buff the healing power of relevant passives and forms.​​

    I like this idea, it would fix some issues, but it would cause so much more. In truth, for this to happen the entire game would need to be rebalanced, EVERY enemy would have to be reworked simply put. So, while the idea is good, the execution would be complicated at best.

    Of course, imo, vast majority of mobs and enemies (if not all of them), could use a rebalance anyways.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User
    aesica said:

    That's why I think it's unfortunate that this game is getting turned into trinity-based nonsense.

    Build the hero you want! (As long as you're willing to put all your eggs into a single role's basket...)

    Luckily, since they chose to make cosmics open world bosses, you can tell those people to get ***ed, throw them on ignore, and there's nothing they can really do about it. Provided that you're aware of the mechanics of the fight, know that they're just looking for someone to blame for the overall failure, and that little hybrid icon is an easy thing to point the finger at and whine about.

    Personally, I'd like to see them make the role selection nothing more than a cosmetic feature, serving as a declaration of "I'm willing to perform this role." Demolish role bonuses/penalties completely, make the only passive slot a balanced slot. If tanks aren't putting out enough threat this way, buff challenge's threat generation. If healers aren't healing for enough, buff the healing power of relevant passives and forms.​​

    My apologies if you feel that way. The nature of trinity mechanics simply will outperform hybrids/mixes in all situations. Even if one were to remove the actual mechanics behind roles, there still would be people who just built characters more min/maxed than other players, and thus, better suited to this kind of mass-team content. That's just how it is - there's nothing that can be done to change it without fundamentally changing how the player themselves play, especially in a game that does give you this much choice. Having attended several successful Cosmic runs, there is precedence as to why most of the veterans recommend people just don't use Hybrid characters. Mostly for the same reason why this group of players regularly can succeed at cosmics.

    I personally am opposed to the idea of loss of role bonuses/penalties. Consider that most people who show up to cosmics as hybrids are 'semi-tanks', basically loosely-built 'DPS' style characters that instead use a defensive passive to facilitate easier combat inside alerts, solo missions, or other situations. That is the whole reason they're running in hybrid, because they can't run their build in a DPS role without losing their passive, despite the fact that, even without their defenses and any passive, they still would technically do more damage than they do in hybrid.

    The removal of role wouldn't make their build any better at handling cosmic content - they'd still do drastically less damage than people using a DPS passive, and they wouldn't have the armoring, dodge, or threat advantages required to actually survive as a tank, despite their Defense passive. If anything, the loss of role would likely exacerbate the problems we're already seeing, and simply make it more confusing for new players trying to figure out how to build for a role.

    My personal suggestion for fixing the problem would be to actually make the build-selecting system useful with a set of changes that would basically discourage running hybrid when the player needs to:
    • Delegate specific power slots to picking passives, and maybe even toggle. This way, all players are guaranteed to have more than one choice of passive for their character, allowing them to use build slots to switch between roles without cutting into potential choices for usable powers or active abilities. (i.e. switching between a soloing hybrid with a defense passive, and a DPS with offense passive for events, teams, and cosmics).
    • Disintegrate the ranged/melee distinction for DPS. This is another big reason I think people run in hybrid, because they might have a build that mixes different range attacks for combat. This seems even more likely what with the addition of strange melee-type attacks in the munitions set (Melee pistol attacks, maybe, but mines? Really? Those can be used for zoning on ranged characters!)
    • Introduce some kind of 'high-energy all-around' offense passive. The reason I say this is that a significant number of players who run Hybrid utilize AoPM, which provides survivability, energy generation, and decent damage boosts for an otherwise basic hybrid build. This can be problematic, since the AoPM hybrid offers way less stat bonuses to allies, and they obivously don't perform specifically strong in any singular area of combat. Some kind of offense passive that offers a fair boost to all damage, alongside some massive energy efficiency upgrades - sort of like a solo AoPM with more damage and less defense - could probably eclipse AoPM's 'dps' appeal without removing its legitimate support utility, while also not threatening the maximized damage that other DPS passives can do for specific playstyles.
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  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    The game is hybrid friendly. Hybrids are great for solo or disorganized content (for example, if you want to solo clear towers in High Noon). However, the general nature of a hybrid is that they're not specialized, and therefore at any given specialty they are worse than a specialist.
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User

    The game is hybrid friendly. Hybrids are great for solo or disorganized content (for example, if you want to solo clear towers in High Noon). However, the general nature of a hybrid is that they're not specialized, and therefore at any given specialty they are worse than a specialist.

    Pretty much this. If you want to participate in organized content, hybrid role is not the best to bring and the statement of having a hybrid being far better than a dedicated character in that role... well that's only true if you are talking about a player that doesn't know what they are doing. You are never going to do more DPS than a dedicated DPS (especially if you are using a defensive passive) your survival is not going to be as great as a tanks, and your healing and control is not going to be as good as a support character. That's just facts.

    This argument of Champions is not hybrid friendly is just plain farcical. Over 99% of the game is hybrid friendly, and can be solo'd without breaking a sweat. Team based content requires you being a team player, and achieving certain goals and criteria, and thinking you are a special snowflake that is some how more knowledgeable than the people that have spent a lot of time figuring every nuance out of the encounters in this game (especially the provably wrong bold claim that your hybrid out performs DPS) is just not good attitude to have in team based content.

    You've got plenty of solo content. Time to stop trying to pass around that falsity that this game isn't solo friendly.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
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  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User

    while your making a ten page essay on each role and describing there is a few people that flip their minds when they see one mind you ONE hybrid. even though a well built hybrid can clearly out preform the crappy dps, especial when they have regen on to contantlly deal damage while the dps suffers the constant pattern of run to the boss proc a few abilities block and repeat till the cosmic kills then then they have to run back. and the last time i remember eido was a pain in the neck to run back too.

    A well-built hybrid cannot out perform a well-built DPS, though. Also, a well-played character, regardless of role, can out peform a poorly-played character. The latter point is what determines whether a character dies a whole lot more than whether they were built well or not. I know for a fact some of the top-performing DPS characters I've seen both in cosmics as well as Teleios Ascendant runs don't have outstanding health or defenses at all. Heck their health is usually in the range of 5k to 7k in general. The players just know when to block and move to use that health best, is all.

    Most cosmics also aren't attacking the DPS constantly either, which means the situations where those fragile DPS do need to block are pretty sparse. This is offset by the much greater volume of time spent actually attacking the boss, as well as those rare times where you do need to pump out a ton of damage. This is exactly where the DPS contribute most and a hybrid would contribute significantly less.

    Eidolon is a great example of a cosmic where a hybrid wouldn't fit in well at all, including the tight time windows required to destroy crystals, his death-pillars and shattering-rain attacks (both of which are impossible to block or resist, and basically don't care what role you're in because you'll die if you get hit by them), and his basic attack pattern that consists of only single-target attacks and cones around the tank. The entirety of attacks dealt to DPS during this fight are ones that demand dodging or blocking, and if successfully dealt with, never deal fatal damage against even the most fragile heroes.
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  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,539 Arc User
    bluhman wrote: »
    I personally am opposed to the idea of loss of role bonuses/penalties. Consider that most people who show up to cosmics as hybrids are 'semi-tanks', basically loosely-built 'DPS' style characters that instead use a defensive passive to facilitate easier combat inside alerts, solo missions, or other situations. That is the whole reason they're running in hybrid, because they can't run their build in a DPS role without losing their passive, despite the fact that, even without their defenses and any passive, they still would technically do more damage than they do in hybrid.

    The removal of role wouldn't make their build any better at handling cosmic content - they'd still do drastically less damage than people using a DPS passive, and they wouldn't have the armoring, dodge, or threat advantages required to actually survive as a tank, despite their Defense passive. If anything, the loss of role would likely exacerbate the problems we're already seeing, and simply make it more confusing for new players trying to figure out how to build for a role.
    If you think about it, passives already kind of set the roles. Of course an offensive passive user is going to do more damage than someone with a defensive passive and vise versa. It's a choice between extra offense and extra defense. The problem with role bonuses is they get lumped on top of that and are almost like taking a second passive. Your passive lets you do extra damage and your dps role lets you do extra damage, and likewise, your role makes you more survivable on top of your defensive passive. The gap in effective hp between tanks and dps, as somebody pointed out in another thread, is already pretty massive, by a magnitude of something like 1,000%. By trimming away role bonuses, that rift is lessened and the game balance becomes a lot healthier overall.

    As for tanks struggling to survive under current content with the loss of role bonuses, that's not really a problem. There's really only a few things tuned for the currently over-the-top survivability gap between tanks and dps. Their numbers can be knocked down a bit and all is well.

    If anything, I'd say the removal of role bonuses makes things less confusing, even if only by a tiny amount. For one, the game leads new players to believe that hybrids can tank well enough, and for the earlier, easier stuff they usually can. While I'll agree that it's not hard to for them to learn that they should use the tank role for its bonuses, that's not even the part which might confuse them. The stuff that's actually confusing for aspiring tanks include the importance of proper specialization selections, putting Challenge on the right powers, selecting solid defensive abilities, and which gear/mods/etc they should plan for at 40. In comparison, role selection is as simple as:

    "Hey, you should use the tank role for more survivability."

    "Oh, okay thanks. Done."
    bluhman wrote: »
    My personal suggestion for fixing the problem would be to actually make the build-selecting system useful with a set of changes that would basically discourage running hybrid when the player needs to:

    Delegate specific power slots to picking passives, and maybe even toggle. This way, all players are guaranteed to have more than one choice of passive for their character, allowing them to use build slots to switch between roles without cutting into potential choices for usable powers or active abilities. (i.e. switching between a soloing hybrid with a defense passive, and a DPS with offense passive for events, teams, and cosmics).
    Disintegrate the ranged/melee distinction for DPS. This is another big reason I think people run in hybrid, because they might have a build that mixes different range attacks for combat. This seems even more likely what with the addition of strange melee-type attacks in the munitions set (Melee pistol attacks, maybe, but mines? Really? Those can be used for zoning on ranged characters!)
    Introduce some kind of 'high-energy all-around' offense passive. The reason I say this is that a significant number of players who run Hybrid utilize AoPM, which provides survivability, energy generation, and decent damage boosts for an otherwise basic hybrid build. This can be problematic, since the AoPM hybrid offers way less stat bonuses to allies, and they obivously don't perform specifically strong in any singular area of combat. Some kind of offense passive that offers a fair boost to all damage, alongside some massive energy efficiency upgrades - sort of like a solo AoPM with more damage and less defense - could probably eclipse AoPM's 'dps' appeal without removing its legitimate support utility, while also not threatening the maximized damage that other DPS passives can do for specific playstyles.
    Passives & Slots: If you're trying to say that passives should be offered separately from other power selections, meaning the player can pick an offensive, defensive, and hybrid passive, then switch them around, then I agree. However, there's still the issue of advantage points, since you're pretty much required to rank passives up to properly use them (with the exception of defiance, even if starting with only 1 stack against a strong foe seems...dangerous.) I'd say make them all rank 3 by default and abolish passive ranks. Then again, I'm not a fan of ranks existing in the first place since they collide with more interesting customization and choice, but that's for another topic.

    DPS AoPM: With role bonuses abolished, you get exactly that with AoPM, making the self-only version redundant.

    Ranged/Melee: I agree completely with the removal of this. It's pretty stupid that it even exists in the first place.​​
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    I love, love, love AoPM in hybrid role for my heroes. It is my favorite and most common passive . . . until I rebuild a level 40 toon to do Cosmics. In that case, it just isn't as good as a dedicated role/passive combo. Not by a longshot, as analyzed by Bluhman.

    On a few of my toons, I sacrificed a power (such as an AO or AD) to instead have a second passive. I then use builds to swap to AoPM when soloing. This would be my suggestion to folks that do not want to give up on hybrid builds at level 40.

    For example, my main is a Sorcery DPS build, who puts out around 3700 DPS (which isn't that high), but has some AoE heals and team rez. When doing QWZ solo, he switches to hybrid role and AoPM, since the added toughness (health and Guardicator specs) help so much.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    I would note that hybrids aren't the only marginal characters at Cosmics -- surplus tanks are fairly common and often less useful than hybrids, surplus support are less common but more than one copy of each aura is useless.
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    aesica said:


    That looks like a huge amount of work, for little or no gain. And it would create its own problems, like tanks with dps passives.
  • flyingfinnflyingfinn Posts: 8,408 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Like i give a Flying F*** what other people demand.
    I know some people know they're stuff. But when the person starts to dictate how others should or shouldn't play the game, f*** em.​​
    CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
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  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User

    Like i give a Flying F*** what other people demand.

    I know some people know they're stuff. But when the person starts to dictate how others should or shouldn't play the game, f*** em.​​

    The players I've seen making a big fuss about not agreeing with role requirements, I've never seen organize any endgame fight.

    So you are free to do as you want, in the end no other players has any actual control over what you do. But that goes both ways. If to many players with that attitude join in on fights which require specialized roles, insisting on using unoptimized builds. That just pushes the people who actually are willing to organize to look at groups of players that do want to do what is needed to actually win the fight.

    And that is what this is about. Some of the players that were organizing the Eidolion fight said "ok but if to many hybrids start joining this fight, and we start failing the damage checks because of that, I won't publicly invite people anymore", and now some of the hybrid proponents are making a big issue out of that.

    The first few months the Eidolon fight was almost exclusively completed with private runs, by only inviting people in some private channels, exactly for the reason of not trusting random players to do what is needed. I am glad it's now more public, but that doesn't suddenly mean the requirements have changed.
  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User

    Like i give a Flying F*** what other people demand.

    I know some people know they're stuff. But when the person starts to dictate how others should or shouldn't play the game, f*** em.​​

    Unwillingness to work as a team player is often why team based content fails.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
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  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,539 Arc User
    aiqa wrote: »
    That looks like a huge amount of work, for little or no gain. And it would create its own problems, like tanks with dps passives.
    From a player's perspective, it may not look like much, but having a smaller gap between tanks and non-tanks means you can add content which might challenge tanks without completely obliterating everyone else. And as long as the rules for passives still applied (can't use an offensive passive in the tank role) there'd be no "tanks with offensive passives" problem.

    As for the amount of work involved, usually changing values is among the easiest thing there is. This in particular would just mean zeroing out the role bonuses/penalties and adjusting the numbers for the handful of cosmics. Even mediocre-geared tanks completely overpower just about everything else.​​
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • It's also worth noting that the inability to do as much damage as a dps role is not in itself a problem. As long as you're hitting the necessary dps checks, you're good in that regard. Or maybe you brought arcane vitality or something, and pretend to be a healer. Or maybe you just do rez duty. I don't know. None of those require you to be in a specific role.

    And then you go off and solo something that would be very hard in a pure role. All in one build.

    Plus, if you're playing a FF, you can change roles. When you think about it, role changing is effectively a 15th power. Why aren't you taking advantage of it?
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  • championshewolfchampionshewolf Posts: 4,376 Arc User
    gradii said:

    I see a lot of people equate "Team play" with "trinity roles", this is a mistake based on a fallacy.

    Yes, you are making a mistake based on fallacy.
    Champions Online player since September of 2008, forumite since February of 2008.
    Silverspar on PRIMUS
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  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User

    Plus, if you're playing a FF, you can change roles. When you think about it, role changing is effectively a 15th power. Why aren't you taking advantage of it?

    Yes! This.
    So much this.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • bluhmanbluhman Posts: 2,411 Arc User

    It's also worth noting that the inability to do as much damage as a dps role is not in itself a problem. As long as you're hitting the necessary dps checks, you're good in that regard. Or maybe you brought arcane vitality or something, and pretend to be a healer. Or maybe you just do rez duty. I don't know. None of those require you to be in a specific role.

    And then you go off and solo something that would be very hard in a pure role. All in one build.

    Plus, if you're playing a FF, you can change roles. When you think about it, role changing is effectively a 15th power. Why aren't you taking advantage of it?

    Building for a role in-of itself doesn't consume all power slots. In fact, most of the builds I have are designed with a bit of solo-running sentimentality in mind; my DPS often have a baseline of defense and health to both make it a little easier to survive if I mess up in a cosmic, or decide to go hunting stuff in the Qliphothic zone. Even my healers have a set of attacks they use for defense debuff and attacking different numbers of targets.

    Thing is, a lot of that secondary function takes up all the space when I make builds, so there's no room left to really try and diversify with a second passive. This is what I'm talking about with the request for just having a pre-relegated selection of 'passive' slots in a player's build that can be used for multiple passives or toggles. I will say, though, this is why I select my passive absolute last when I make builds, because this allows for fast switching-out in case I do need to fulfill another role.

    Even then I'm not sure if that would really solve the heart of the problem, because a lot of what defines whether you excel or don't in a role is if your stats fit. This is also what I'm focusing on with hybrid AoPM builds that focus on their own stats, because they usually don't take presence - which is what's required to buff ally stats higher, and extra AoPM's do take up buff-slot space that other stronger primal auras could possibly stack with.
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  • kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,634 Arc User
    I see a lot of strong comments from players on content that they do not play. If this is you, then you should know that it makes you sound like you don't know what you're talking about.
  • orangeitisorangeitis Posts: 227 Arc User
    gradii said:

    I see a lot of people equate "Team play" with "trinity roles", this is a mistake based on a fallacy.

    It'd be nice if we had more than "CCer" as an alternative for the trinity though.
  • kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,634 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    It'd be nice if we had more than "CCer" as an alternative for the trinity though.

    For the overwhelming majority of the game there is no need for particular roles or anything approaching a trinity. The game is super hybrid friendly.

    The only fights where it's not are ones with effective DPS checks and those are Dino and Eidolon.

    Even if you play a Hybrid in your day-to-day, for just Dino+Eidolon, it's not a big deal to swap to either Tank role and help the Main Tank soak damage or swap to a DPS role and do a lot more damage yourself.

    It doesn't cost globals, power slots, change in playstyle, or anything of the sort. It's a small ask that is being totally blown out of proportion. Chill out.

    Let's make it clear that many of the Main Tanks, CCers, Offtanks, Healers, Debuffers, and DPS show up with Merc gear+r5s and do a great job.
  • servantrulesservantrules Posts: 313 Arc User
    The game's already hybrid friendly. Heck, I don't know of any other MMO that makes hybrids as viable in all in-game content as CO. The rest are always about extremes. That said, extreme builds (extreme toughness, extreme damage, extreme support, etc.) are naturally preferred in big fights because of maximizing results. But if you're a hybrid and built for the specific synergy you've worked on and are comfortable with, don't let calls in open world missions bar you from joining in. As long as you're not deliberately screwing things up (yes, there are those folks that still grief for their sick enjoyment), you'll do fine.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    As long as you know how to handle the mission (meaning you can handle the mechanics and you don't screw it up for everyone else) and don't care if you are the top scorer on the chart or on someone's parser then just go an do it. As long as there are a couple of tanks and healers (and ccers for kiga and ape) a group of nothing but hybrids should certainly be able to do all the cosmics.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    aesica said:

    From a player's perspective, it may not look like much, but having a smaller gap between tanks and non-tanks means you can add content which might challenge tanks without completely obliterating everyone else.

    You do that by making content that requires most roles. And we already have that.
    aesica said:

    And as long as the rules for passives still applied (can't use an offensive passive in the tank role) there'd be no "tanks with offensive passives" problem.

    aesica said:

    This in particular would just mean zeroing out the role bonuses/penalties and adjusting the numbers for the handful of cosmics.

    Maybe I don't understand what you are saying. But with 0 role bonus, how are tanks restricted to defensive passives. Even now you can tank just fine with an offense passive, but you usually won't want to because of the difference in survivability. If you narrow that survivability gap, and lower incoming damage, I don't see many reasons to stay with an defensive passive.

    Also, by setting role bonus to 0, I assume that means also setting the stat bonuses the same on all roles. Because without that, hybrid role is going to be hugely OP.
    aesica said:

    Even mediocre-geared tanks completely overpower just about everything else.​​

    What do you mean with tanks exactly (passive, role, stats, specs, threat stuff, etc)? Or with overpower (not dying, efficiency, etc)?

    Restricting to role. For solo content, hybrid role is already far better than tank role. Since you do higher damage in hybrid, and the small loss in health and resistance, is easily made up by the heal bonus.
  • This content has been removed.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    What, a Trinity game!?
    It's funny how people through the years keep being surprised that this is a trinity game. That said, hybrids can be useful in cosmic content. However, you need to be an actual hybrid, actually performing multiple roles with some level of relevance. If you have a defensive passive and you aren't in the line of fire then you aren't being a hybrid - you're just being dps.

    Hybrid, actually.

    On the other hand if you're Pantagruel's Life Drain build that puts out okay dps while also healing everyone around him, then you're an actual hybrid and could be considered an asset. For Cosmic fights, DPS/Healer is the only hybrid I've really seen be effective since it's difficult to be relevant as a tank in that fight if you're not actually tanking. It's actually more effective to be dual-spec dps/tank, meaning you have two passives and are built to be able to dps OR tank; in this case you're basically just a dps until the tanks die, at which point you can switch roles and hop into the tanking position if you can grab aggro fast enough. You could basically do the same thing with only a defensive passive, and then just suffer the lower dps while in dps role due to a lack of passive ( it's about 20%-30% less ).

    Selective participation!

    Now, another solution is to just not attend the fights with dps checks, i.e. Dino and Eido. Kiga and Ape don't actually require a strict contingent of dps to get the job done. You'll still be able to get your tokens and other drops, just not as fast as you would if you were willing to specialize. To mitigate this you could make a second, specialized dps character, and bring them to dino and eido. You would basically be getting lewt on two toons at half speed each.

    Also there's TA.

    Hybrids can be pretty great in TA, because you can off tank for some fights, and throw in some extra damage output for others where an offtank isn't needed. You can likely also maintank, just get a second offensive primary with some threat mods on it, since the fights in there aren't quite as demanding on survival as cosmics are.

    A bright horizon!

    Then we have the recent Snake Gulch event where your hybrid character would do pretty well. Not while attacking the boss mind you, but while defending the towers. There a mix of toughness and damage output can be very helpful. I'm hoping that future content uses this type of design more often as it's definitely the kind that I prefer over straight "One big boss" content.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    What, a Trinity game!?

    It's funny how people through the years keep being surprised that this is a trinity game. That said, hybrids can be useful in cosmic content. However, you need to be an actual hybrid, actually performing multiple roles with some level of relevance. If you have a defensive passive and you aren't in the line of fire then you aren't being a hybrid - you're just being dps.

    Hybrid, actually.

    On the other hand if you're Pantagruel's Life Drain build that puts out okay dps while also healing everyone around him, then you're an actual hybrid and could be considered an asset. For Cosmic fights, DPS/Healer is the only hybrid I've really seen be effective since it's difficult to be relevant as a tank in that fight if you're not actually tanking. It's actually more effective to be dual-spec dps/tank, meaning you have two passives and are built to be able to dps OR tank; in this case you're basically just a dps until the tanks die, at which point you can switch roles and hop into the tanking position if you can grab aggro fast enough. You could basically do the same thing with only a defensive passive, and then just suffer the lower dps while in dps role due to a lack of passive ( it's about 20%-30% less ).

    Selective participation!

    Now, another solution is to just not attend the fights with dps checks, i.e. Dino and Eido. Kiga and Ape don't actually require a strict contingent of dps to get the job done. You'll still be able to get your tokens and other drops, just not as fast as you would if you were willing to specialize. To mitigate this you could make a second, specialized dps character, and bring them to dino and eido. You would basically be getting lewt on two toons at half speed each.

    Also there's TA.

    Hybrids can be pretty great in TA, because you can off tank for some fights, and throw in some extra damage output for others where an offtank isn't needed. You can likely also maintank, just get a second offensive primary with some threat mods on it, since the fights in there aren't quite as demanding on survival as cosmics are.

    A bright horizon!

    Then we have the recent Snake Gulch event where your hybrid character would do pretty well. Not while attacking the boss mind you, but while defending the towers. There a mix of toughness and damage output can be very helpful. I'm hoping that future content uses this type of design more often as it's definitely the kind that I prefer over straight "One big boss" content.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    What, a Trinity game!?

    It's funny how people through the years keep being surprised that this is a trinity game. That said, hybrids can be useful in cosmic content. However, you need to be an actual hybrid, actually performing multiple roles with some level of relevance. If you have a defensive passive and you aren't in the line of fire then you aren't being a hybrid - you're just being dps.

    Hybrid, actually.

    On the other hand if you're Pantagruel's Life Drain build that puts out okay dps while also healing everyone around him, then you're an actual hybrid and could be considered an asset. For Cosmic fights, DPS/Healer is the only hybrid I've really seen be effective since it's difficult to be relevant as a tank in that fight if you're not actually tanking. It's actually more effective to be dual-spec dps/tank, meaning you have two passives and are built to be able to dps OR tank; in this case you're basically just a dps until the tanks die, at which point you can switch roles and hop into the tanking position if you can grab aggro fast enough. You could basically do the same thing with only a defensive passive, and then just suffer the lower dps while in dps role due to a lack of passive ( it's about 20%-30% less ).

    Selective participation!

    Now, another solution is to just not attend the fights with dps checks, i.e. Dino and Eido. Kiga and Ape don't actually require a strict contingent of dps to get the job done. You'll still be able to get your tokens and other drops, just not as fast as you would if you were willing to specialize. To mitigate this you could make a second, specialized dps character, and bring them to dino and eido. You would basically be getting lewt on two toons at half speed each.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    gradii said:

    The only part of the game which allows you to earn meaningful rewards anymore, and therefore the only part which matters, is the so called "Endgame" these days.

    Hybrids are great for, say, Qliphotic Warzone daily missions. The fundamental issue with hybrids is that large team content favors specialists. It also favors rather specific numbers of specialists, a hybrid is more valuable than a surplus tank.

    Now, it's possible for a mission to have roles that are best filled by a hybrid. That generally means 'requires damage, but also requires the ability to survive without support from healers or tanks'. If Mechanon in Snake Gulch had twelve towers instead of three, with reduced spawns on each of them, there's no way you'd be using a tank/healer/dps setup on each tower -- you'd use durable dps, such as a hybrid. I have no objection to creating that sort of content.
  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    the reason i asked this is because a crapton of people in the cosmic section really burned my blood today. one persion demaned nothing but dps for eido and then we proceed to say having nothing but dps was a bad thing, and then it turned into a how many of them can rant on hybrid players indiscriminately wether they were good at their jobs or not all because of my favority thing (sarcasm) endgame. this game was all about creativity so why make game related content that hampers the creativity?

    My solution to that is quite simple. Don't give a damn what some random player says in zone chat.

    Ask yourself these two simple questions:

    - Does the person ranting pay for your CO subscription?
    - Can the person ranting actually do anything other than rant?

    Laugh it off and continue to play the game the way you want to play. Also, that's what the block button is for. If someone is getting on your nerves --- block them and move on. He or she can rant to themselves in an echo chamber.

    Questions About AT Play? Visit Silverwolfx11's Updated AT Guides!
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    What, a Trinity game!?

    It's funny how people through the years keep being surprised that this is a trinity game. That said, hybrids can be useful in cosmic content. However, you need to be an actual hybrid, actually performing multiple roles with some level of relevance. If you have a defensive passive and you aren't in the line of fire then you aren't being a hybrid - you're just being dps.

    Hybrid, actually.

    On the other hand if you're Pantagruel's Life Drain build that puts out okay dps while also healing everyone around him, then you're an actual hybrid and could be considered an asset. For Cosmic fights, DPS/Healer is the only hybrid I've really seen be effective since it's difficult to be relevant as a tank in that fight if you're not actually tanking. It's actually more effective to be dual-spec dps/tank, meaning you have two passives and are built to be able to dps OR tank; in this case you're basically just a dps until the tanks die, at which point you can switch roles and hop into the tanking position if you can grab aggro fast enough. You could basically do the same thing with only a defensive passive, and then just suffer the lower dps while in dps role due to a lack of passive ( it's about 20%-30% less ).
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    On the other hand if you're Pantagruel's Life Drain build that puts out okay dps while also healing everyone around him, then you're an actual hybrid and could be considered an asset.

    Not really a good example, my life drain isn't a hybrid and only puts out dps because of aura of ebon destruction. Dual-passive setups are the most common reasonably effective hybrids, though unless you have two separate sets of gear you'll still be only mediocre at both.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    Selective participation!

    Now, another solution is to just not attend the fights with dps checks, i.e. Dino and Eido. Kiga and Ape don't actually require a strict contingent of dps to get the job done. You'll still be able to get your tokens and other drops, just not as fast as you would if you were willing to specialize. To mitigate this you could make a second, specialized dps character, and bring them to dino and eido. You would basically be getting lewt on two toons at half speed each.

    Also there's TA.

    Hybrids can be pretty great in TA, because you can off tank for some fights, and throw in some extra damage output for others where an offtank isn't needed. You can likely also maintank, just get a second offensive primary with some threat mods on it, since the fights in there aren't quite as demanding on survival as cosmics are.

    A bright horizon!

    Then we have the recent Snake Gulch event where your hybrid character would do pretty well. Not while attacking the boss mind you, but while defending the towers. There a mix of toughness and damage output can be very helpful. I'm hoping that future content uses this type of design more often as it's definitely the kind that I prefer over straight "One big boss" content.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    I had to split that post into 2 cause the forum didn't like it being one. Great forums u3u

    Not really a good example, my life drain isn't a hybrid and only puts out dps because of aura of ebon destruction. Dual-passive setups are the most common reasonably effective hybrids, though unless you have two separate sets of gear you'll still be only mediocre at both.

    Could've sworn I saw you in hybrid role with that. Still, it's one of the few examples of a hybrid build that actually functions in a hybrid capacity, both healing and contributing dps. Since it is effectively doing the job of a healer in a meaningful way, any dps it contributes can be considered "extra dps", rather than "poor dps that scales up the boss".
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    Universal MMO observation: there is always some twerp in Zone chat telling you're doing it wrong. They're too stupid to realise that heckling makes success less, not more, likely. Ignore them.

    Take note of the thoughtful stuff about builds and roles (see above), though, and mind the gap between Cosmics/Q Zone and the rest of the game.
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,539 Arc User
    aiqa wrote: »
    You do that by making content that requires most roles. And we already have that.
    I'm not sure what you mean there. What I mean is, in non-group content, having a narrower survivability gap between tanks and non-tanks means that you can still challenge the tanks somewhat without making it brutal murder on everyone else. Right now, that's not how the game works.
    aiqa wrote: »
    Maybe I don't understand what you are saying. But with 0 role bonus, how are tanks restricted to defensive passives. Even now you can tank just fine with an offense passive, but you usually won't want to because of the difference in survivability. If you narrow that survivability gap, and lower incoming damage, I don't see many reasons to stay with an defensive passive.
    That all depends on the difficultly of the content vs the gear of the player. In any mmo, generally when you outgear stuff, you can tank it as a dps or even healer. It's really only a problem if it happens in content intended to challenge endgame players, such as cosmics. In such a case, even with the removal of role bonuses, I can't imagine that a tank using an offensive passive would be perferred over one with the damage reduction from something like Defiance.
    aiqa wrote: »
    Also, by setting role bonus to 0, I assume that means also setting the stat bonuses the same on all roles. Because without that, hybrid role is going to be hugely OP.
    That's exactly what I mean.
    aiqa wrote: »
    What do you mean with tanks exactly (passive, role, stats, specs, threat stuff, etc)? Or with overpower (not dying, efficiency, etc)?
    Sorry, I suppose that was a pretty odd line. What I meant is that even mediocre-geared tanks are suitable for just about everything else besides cosmics. And by mediocre-geared can mean gear and mods specifically, but also specializations, less-than-ideal passives, or stats. Threat is a different story, because the threat difference between tanks and dps in this game is kind of lousy. It's pretty easy for an undergeared tank to lose threat to an overpowered dps which is kind of bad designwise, especially if the tank in question didn't make full use of Challenge on various attacks.​​
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • spinnytop said:

    What, a Trinity game!?

    It's funny how people through the years keep being surprised that this is a trinity game. That said, hybrids can be useful in cosmic content. However, you need to be an actual hybrid, actually performing multiple roles with some level of relevance. If you have a defensive passive and you aren't in the line of fire then you aren't being a hybrid - you're just being dps.

    Hybrid, actually.

    On the other hand if you're Pantagruel's Life Drain build that puts out okay dps while also healing everyone around him, then you're an actual hybrid and could be considered an asset. For Cosmic fights, DPS/Healer is the only hybrid I've really seen be effective since it's difficult to be relevant as a tank in that fight if you're not actually tanking. It's actually more effective to be dual-spec dps/tank, meaning you have two passives and are built to be able to dps OR tank; in this case you're basically just a dps until the tanks die, at which point you can switch roles and hop into the tanking position if you can grab aggro fast enough. You could basically do the same thing with only a defensive passive, and then just suffer the lower dps while in dps role due to a lack of passive ( it's about 20%-30% less ).
    I would add to this that it's not all about maximizing your effectiveness at cosmics and TA. If your hybrid build functions reasonably well at cosmics (if a bit behind the top builds) while giving you an edge in other content, then you're set, in balance terms.
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    aesica said:

    That all depends on the difficultly of the content vs the gear of the player. In any mmo, generally when you outgear stuff, you can tank it as a dps or even healer. It's really only a problem if it happens in content intended to challenge endgame players, such as cosmics. In such a case, even with the removal of role bonuses, I can't imagine that a tank using an offensive passive would be perferred over one with the damage reduction from something like Defiance.

    Why not? A sturdy dps build (with the proper stats, specs and powers) can already do that when blocking properly and with a few good healers, and if damage is properly split between multiple people. Out of the 4 cosmics, only Kiga is really dangerous for such a dps, since it's difficult to block all his attacks and most of his attacks do not split damage between the tanks.

    At the moment it's not really something people are trying to do, since it's more trouble than it's worth. But if the damage on cosmics is reduced a bit, it would be a very viable tactic.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    aiqa said:

    At the moment it's not really something people are trying to do, since it's more trouble than it's worth. But if the damage on cosmics is reduced a bit, it would be a very viable tactic.

    Other than threat, it's perfectly possible to tank most bosses with a matching offensive passive -- Ice Form for Kigatilik, Earth Form of Stormbringer for Qwyjibo, Enchanter, Seraphim, or Shadow Form for Eidelon.
  • kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,634 Arc User
    edited March 2017

    Other than threat, it's perfectly possible to tank most bosses with a matching offensive passive -- Ice Form for Kigatilik, Earth Form of Stormbringer for Qwyjibo, Enchanter, Seraphim, or Shadow Form for Eidelon.

    Confront mods have made building effective tanks in other roles totally possible. For threat in Hybrid, there's Bulwark from the Protector spec tree.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited March 2017
    I haven't really seen people doing that stuff at cosmics tho. Probably because the benefits of doing so are fairly low. Alternative Tanking is really more of a thing for other content o3o
    Post edited by spinnytop on
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    I haven't really seen people doing that stuff at cosmics tho.

    Not a lot of incentive to do so, other than 'because I can', as it gives you a hyper-specialized build that is only good in one fight, and even there isn't appreciably better than an ordinary build.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    What, a Trinity game!?

    It's funny how people through the years keep being surprised that this is a trinity game. That said, hybrids can be useful in cosmic content. However, you need to be an actual hybrid, actually performing multiple roles with some level of relevance. If you have a defensive passive and you aren't in the line of fire then you aren't being a hybrid - you're just being dps.

    Hybrid, actually.

    On the other hand if you're Pantagruel's Life Drain build that puts out okay dps while also healing everyone around him, then you're an actual hybrid and could be considered an asset. For Cosmic fights, DPS/Healer is the only hybrid I've really seen be effective since it's difficult to be relevant as a tank in that fight if you're not actually tanking. It's actually more effective to be dual-spec dps/tank, meaning you have two passives and are built to be able to dps OR tank; in this case you're basically just a dps until the tanks die, at which point you can switch roles and hop into the tanking position if you can grab aggro fast enough. You could basically do the same thing with only a defensive passive, and then just suffer the lower dps while in dps role due to a lack of passive ( it's about 20%-30% less ).

    Selective participation!

    Now, another solution is to just not attend the fights with dps checks, i.e. Dino and Eido. Kiga and Ape don't actually require a strict contingent of dps to get the job done. You'll still be able to get your tokens and other drops, just not as fast as you would if you were willing to specialize. To mitigate this you could make a second, specialized dps character, and bring them to dino and eido. You would basically be getting lewt on two toons at half speed each.

    Also there's TA.

    Hybrids can be pretty great in TA, because you can off tank for some fights, and throw in some extra damage output for others where an offtank isn't needed. You can likely also maintank, just get a second offensive primary with some threat mods on it, since the fights in there aren't quite as demanding on survival as cosmics are.

    A bright horizon!

    Then we have the recent Snake Gulch event where your hybrid character would do pretty well. Not while attacking the boss mind you, but while defending the towers. There a mix of toughness and damage output can be very helpful. I'm hoping that future content uses this type of design more often as it's definitely the kind that I prefer over straight "One big boss" content.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    What, a Trinity game!?

    It's funny how people through the years keep being surprised that this is a trinity game. That said, hybrids can be useful in cosmic content. However, you need to be an actual hybrid, actually performing multiple roles with some level of relevance. If you have a defensive passive and you aren't in the line of fire then you aren't being a hybrid - you're just being dps.

    Hybrid, actually.

    On the other hand if you're Pantagruel's Life Drain build that puts out okay dps while also healing everyone around him, then you're an actual hybrid and could be considered an asset. For Cosmic fights, DPS/Healer is the only hybrid I've really seen be effective since it's difficult to be relevant as a tank in that fight if you're not actually tanking. It's actually more effective to be dual-spec dps/tank, meaning you have two passives and are built to be able to dps OR tank; in this case you're basically just a dps until the tanks die, at which point you can switch roles and hop into the tanking position if you can grab aggro fast enough. You could basically do the same thing with only a defensive passive, and then just suffer the lower dps while in dps role due to a lack of passive ( it's about 20%-30% less ).

    Selective participation!

    Now, another solution is to just not attend the fights with dps checks, i.e. Dino and Eido. Kiga and Ape don't actually require a strict contingent of dps to get the job done. You'll still be able to get your tokens and other drops, just not as fast as you would if you were willing to specialize. To mitigate this you could make a second, specialized dps character, and bring them to dino and eido. You would basically be getting lewt on two toons at half speed each.

    Also there's TA.

    Hybrids can be pretty great in TA, because you can off tank for some fights, and throw in some extra damage output for others where an offtank isn't needed. You can likely also maintank, just get a second offensive primary with some threat mods on it, since the fights in there aren't quite as demanding on survival as cosmics are.

    A bright horizon!

    Then we have the recent Snake Gulch event where your hybrid character would do pretty well. Not while attacking the boss mind you, but while defending the towers. There a mix of toughness and damage output can be very helpful. I'm hoping that future content uses this type of design more often as it's definitely the kind that I prefer over straight "One big boss" content.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    What, a Trinity game!?

    It's funny how people through the years keep being surprised that this is a trinity game. That said, hybrids can be useful in cosmic content. However, you need to be an actual hybrid, actually performing multiple roles with some level of relevance. If you have a defensive passive and you aren't in the line of fire then you aren't being a hybrid - you're just being dps.

    Hybrid, actually.

    On the other hand if you're Pantagruel's Life Drain build that puts out okay dps while also healing everyone around him, then you're an actual hybrid and could be considered an asset. For Cosmic fights, DPS/Healer is the only hybrid I've really seen be effective since it's difficult to be relevant as a tank in that fight if you're not actually tanking. It's actually more effective to be dual-spec dps/tank, meaning you have two passives and are built to be able to dps OR tank; in this case you're basically just a dps until the tanks die, at which point you can switch roles and hop into the tanking position if you can grab aggro fast enough. You could basically do the same thing with only a defensive passive, and then just suffer the lower dps while in dps role due to a lack of passive ( it's about 20%-30% less ).

    Selective participation!

    Now, another solution is to just not attend the fights with dps checks, i.e. Dino and Eido. Kiga and Ape don't actually require a strict contingent of dps to get the job done. You'll still be able to get your tokens and other drops, just not as fast as you would if you were willing to specialize. To mitigate this you could make a second, specialized dps character, and bring them to dino and eido. You would basically be getting lewt on two toons at half speed each.

    Also there's TA.

    Hybrids can be pretty great in TA, because you can off tank for some fights, and throw in some extra damage output for others where an offtank isn't needed. You can likely also maintank, just get a second offensive primary with some threat mods on it, since the fights in there aren't quite as demanding on survival as cosmics are.

    A bright horizon!

    Then we have the recent Snake Gulch event where your hybrid character would do pretty well. Not while attacking the boss mind you, but while defending the towers. There a mix of toughness and damage output can be very helpful. I'm hoping that future content uses this type of design more often as it's definitely the kind that I prefer over straight "One big boss" content.
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