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Please make Maintained Plasma Beam version for non-PA builds

dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
edited October 2016 in Suggestions Box
Please, make second Plasma Beam version, like it was done with some Sorcery powers. It wouldn't work with Toggle PA Slot powers, but be maintained. Some non-PA builds using Plasma Beam, and they have difficulties after PB became a toggle. Since no need for matching PA power visuals, also make this stance for it:


  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited December 2016

    We still are wishing someone to un #JAM it, because it's reilly epiKK blah, when people's THEMEZ got runied for no sane reason. Same happened with Ebon Ruin btw., due shadow critter, which We can't even understand, as devs seem to like black magic.

    Post edited by dakrushmor on
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,539 Arc User
    I definitely agree with this. Plasma Beam is a fairly unique power in terms of mechanics and functionality, so there really isn't any alternative for people to fall back on like there is with other powers. I see no reason why Plasma Beam can't get the Reaper's Caress/Slash treatment--one version intended for use with PA's toggles, the other intended for more general use.
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    Plasma beam should probably be completely rebuilt, to be honest; it's an interesting but very problematic power.
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,539 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    ^ Yeah, it's got a few flaws:

    1) It should be aimable along the Z axis in addition to X and Y. I need to be able to hit something standing on stairs, after all.

    2) 1 hit every 1/10 of a second is an excessive number of function calls per second. Changing the tick speed to 0.25 or even 0.5 (adjust damage per tick accordingly) wouldn't make much of a difference in terms of gameplay for players, but when hitting the maximum of 5 foes, that's 50 function calls per second vs 20 (0.25) or 10 (0.5). The only thing this changes in terms of gameplay for players is that it makes the power more effective against targets with flat mitigation (invuln, idf)
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    aesica said:

    ^ Yeah, it's got a few flaws:
    1) It should be aimable along the Z axis in addition to X and Y. I need to be able to hit something standing on stairs, after all.
    2) 1 hit every 1/10 of a second is an excessive number of function calls per second. Changing the tick speed to 0.25 or even 0.5 (adjust damage per tick accordingly) wouldn't make much of a difference in terms of gameplay for players, but when hitting the maximum of 5 foes, that's 50 function calls per second vs 20 (0.25) or 10 (0.5). The only thing this changes in terms of gameplay for players is that it makes the power more effective against targets with flat mitigation (invuln, idf)

    Or make it hit 5 times per 0.5 s, just like Gatling Gun does, but then it will have problems with DUC.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User

    Or make it hit 5 times per 0.5 s, just like Gatling Gun does, but then it will have problems with DUC.

    Does it work with duc to start with? Don't think it used to, might since it was reworked. In any case, as far as I can tell the only reason for a high tic rate is so you can effectively sweep the beam, and you could likely get adequate sweeping over even a 0.5s tic rate.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    aesica said:

    ^ Yeah, it's got a few flaws:

    1) It should be aimable along the Z axis in addition to X and Y. I need to be able to hit something standing on stairs, after all.

    Not sure this is possible in general -- non-flight travel powers don't generally support changing your facing on the z axis, and plasma beam just fires in the direction your character is facing.
    aesica said:

    2) 1 hit every 1/10 of a second is an excessive number of function calls per second. Changing the tick speed to 0.25 or even 0.5 (adjust damage per tick accordingly) wouldn't make much of a difference in terms of gameplay for players

    My best guess for the point of the fast tic rate was to make it so you could sweep or strafe with the beam, but agree that a slower tic rate would probably be adequate.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    aesica said:

    I definitely agree with this. Plasma Beam is a fairly unique power in terms of mechanics and functionality, so there really isn't any alternative for people to fall back on like there is with other powers. I see no reason why Plasma Beam can't get the Reaper's Caress/Slash treatment--one version intended for use with PA's toggles, the other intended for more general use.

    ^ Not only these ones, but also:

    1. Sigil powers, Invoc. of Storm calling, Pyromancer's blades got Energy Projector versions for another damage types.
    2. When 2GM received its cost increase, there Burst Shot power was added.
    3. When Mind AT's ego sprites was converted into PBAoE, that AT got access to Mental Leech.

    As for plasmabeam, l can see one more version of it added, that wouldn't work with PA-Slot powers at all. Called power/energy/lazor beam, and being connected to Laser Swords, because PB has DoT advantage, that's only benefitting by laser swords. Also this stance was requested when PB got changed, but not implemented, l assume this stance messes with PA slot anims (clipping, etc...); but given that new PB won't work with slots, Device stance could be used though. Device stance doesn't have angling issues connected to character's chest depth/width.
    Post edited by dakrushmor on
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    l tested Device plasmabeam with minigun - and yes, with its stance - Minigun's breech clips with character's head in a creepy way. So that's reason of it's animation change. l believe it would make sense to add non-PA plasmabeam version, if PA version gets its potency decreased somewhat (currently it's 10% stronger than Concussor Beam, with very comfortable AoE, what renders Concussor useless by now; also PB + Minigun = pre-nerf Strafing Run without Cooldown). This way non-PA version may retain current level of damage.

    Also both PA & non-PA versions are likely going to get their tick rate decreased, as 0.1s tick rate is pretty resource-intensive.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited November 2016

    Potency has been changed - now @kaizerin do non-PA version of the same power! Many builds were screwed with such togglification, and if it's gonna deal SMG-Burst level damage together with #JAM, that'd be just... an atrocity.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    l would attach Maintained beam power to Laser Sword miniset. PA is not all about the toggles. There's nothing wrong when certain melee sets have AoE Ranged abilities: example - Shockwave in Might, Shuriken Storm in Unarmed, Earth Splitter in Heavy Weapon. Toggle PB delays other powers for a bit, thus is bad to use.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    Nah. They can't make it target better so there's no reason to make more versions of this crappy power.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    spinnytop said:

    Nah. They can't make it target better so there's no reason to make more versions of this crappy power.

    It's skillshot power, unique of that kind. Like Epidemic or Hurricane, downward angling is downside, but it can be used to hold Concentration at void. My Main uses PBR to shoot at direction above/below anyway.

    Point is to make technology DPS theme builds w/out using bullets viable.
  • criswolf09criswolf09 Posts: 761 Arc User
    So if you read the most recent PTS build today (November 8th, 2016) you'll see that another nerf hit Plasma Beam, as @aesica suggested, they changed the damage dealt by this power from ten times per second to every .25 seconds in the upcoming patch for this Thursday. I wish we get a Plasma Cannon or some sorts like a laser version of minigun but.
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  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    Plasma Cannon (charged, ranged, AoE, somewhere between Power Gauntlet and Force Detonation) and single power Plasma Beam and Eye Beam sound like a great idea.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    Single Eye Beam? Yes plz, it l would make it so - it could setup Burn Through too, and thus increase damage from superstrength themes. Also l would do it this way - to it get adv, that would convert it to (non-slot) toggle, just like Sparkstorm, think about Sorcery golems.

    Plasma Beam wouldn't look anyhow good with toggle adv, so just maintain, but with solid damage, compared to AoE powers of other frameworks, and also Plasma Burn advantage for Laser Sword builds. These single powers could be named Eye Laser and Wrist Laser respectively, to underline reference to laser swords.
  • aesicaaesica Posts: 2,539 Arc User
    edited November 2016

    So if you read the most recent PTS build today (November 8th, 2016) you'll see that another nerf hit Plasma Beam, as @aesica suggested, they changed the damage dealt by this power from ten times per second to every .25 seconds in the upcoming patch for this Thursday. I wish we get a Plasma Cannon or some sorts like a laser version of minigun but.

    I expected and hoped that the damage per tick would go up to compensate, so that the overall DPS would remain unchanged.

    Sorry. :(

    *Hangs head in shame*
    (Hopefully) Useful CO Resources: HeroCreator (character planner), Cosmic Timers/Alert Checklist, Blood Moon Map, Anniversary Cat Map, and more (eventually, anyway).
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    aesica said:

    I expected and hoped that the damage per tick would go up to compensate, so that the overall DPS would remain unchanged.
    Sorry. :(
    *Hangs head in shame*

    Reduce damage 2.5 times wud be friggin' blah, even SMG burst would hit stronger all 5 targets! This way powah shudda be called "pop beam", get its energy cost reduced 3x & #BYE4EVA from non-PA builds foreva.

    And all who wants energy weapon theme... You got options still - e.g. Buy Energy SMG primary offense from AH, there are still these :D
    Post edited by dakrushmor on
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    aesica said:

    I expected and hoped that the damage per tick would go up to compensate, so that the overall DPS would remain unchanged.

    Damage per tic did go up, just not by enough to retain the same dps.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    It seems Power Armor changes are still pending, huh... But if these going live without Non-PA PB version, l'm out of CO. No really, game devs one time already blasted all futuristic weaponry with Power Replacer removal. Now if it's gonna happen with only option for now - PB... it'll be hillarious junk
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    Suggestion: convert Plasma Beam back to the maintain, but not PA maintain (PA slots would be locked), and add 2 pt adv, that would convert it to PA Slot toggle. Also increase base damage by 20% of reduced one. This way players would get access to both Maintain for non-PA builds & Toggle for PA builds.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    Ok, ok, the deal is moved from the deadlock, so let'z hope our gadget (or electric, radioactive etc) builds get this option back viable once again:

  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited November 2016

    It's skillshot power

    Like Epidemic or Hurricane


    So if you read the most recent PTS build today (November 8th, 2016) you'll see that another nerf hit Plasma Beam, as @aesica suggested, they changed the damage dealt by this power from ten times per second to every .25 seconds in the upcoming patch for this Thursday. I wish we get a Plasma Cannon or some sorts like a laser version of minigun but.

    Don't worry you don't have to blame @aesica for that, evilpony was talking about doing that long before @aesica suggested it.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    l was hoped for complete PA rework before any nerfs, to devs could calculate everything properly, and reach a consensus with pretty much everyone in community, and probably Gadgeteer themes got at least one maintained AoE back, but these nerfs occured w/out any other option available to switch to them, with retaining builds thematic integrity.

    Just it's that hilarious that there was already one hi-tech weapon removal when Power Replace kicked the bucket, and now the Plasma Beam did same. Yeah, actions didn't change even a bit.

    What should l say? If l was subbed l would unsub right now, until Cryptic fixes my Main.
    Post edited by dakrushmor on
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    Plasma Beam seems to aim up (when you have a target locked) but not down. Go figure.

    With you on the dev fiddling around, though. Getting a bit boring, now. Another two retcons inbound, and to be honest I'm bored of it all.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    l somehow seem to cannot understand devs fully. Sometimes they do amazingly thorough and complicated job, like it's done with magic Sigils or currently with Dual Wrist Rocket Barrage on PTS (TM likely won't work with PA, although how many players used Tactical Missiles outside PA ever? And compare it with # of Plasma Beam users). But sometimes devs pull out some nasty stunt, sending whole themes right to hell deeps, like it was done with Plasma Beam or Ebon Ruin. One word - Cryptic.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Posts: 4,916 Arc User
    You should discuss that with evilpony in the thread for it if you feel it's been changed too drastically.
    My characters
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User

    You should discuss that with evilpony in the thread for it if you feel it's been changed too drastically.

    Link plz, because l can't find neither that post, nor that user.

    This dev team has a lot of amazing work done and to do, revamping laser sword powerset, however l think l'm not only who would like to see there some Ranged AoE, many melee sets contain ranged AoE moves, and best AoEs are maintains, everyone knows it. Many tankish toons have some of them, be it vortex, Shockwave for Might, Venomous Breath for Bestial or Shuriken Storm for MA, to quickly aggro Mook groups. And since Laser Sword set is going to be acceptable for Tanking too (and l believe it will, full-tech themed tanks would be awesome). And with 2 forms, that proc of plasma burns having one Ranged AoE, that has either innate or via advantage ability to apply those burns.

    [Plasma Beam]-like maintain would be a great addition in any way, because it looks just like bigger laser sword directed forward (new one could have some point-shaped end, instead of round one, to underline its LS relation), and being a skillshot power, a player also can "Swing" Plasma Beam, just like Lazor Sword. Devs definitely should think about this possibility, because it could fill many niches at once, and won't require much of work.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited November 2016

    By evilpony I mean Kaiserin....

    But Kaiserin especially stated at very end of the thread, that
    kaizerin said:

    not looking into making the toggle damage scale based on how many you have turned on or making duplicate versions that cannot be used together

    , so my opinion about Plasma Beam is likely going to be deleted from there, and also l put then approx. the instant it was up, and that post was deleted too, so l'm posting my opinions and arguments here. l'm hoping still Laser Sword set will get some kind of Ranged AoE Maintain for plasmaburns and aggroing, and it will be usable for my Main until Raygun Spray/Flamethrower/Thaumic Tempest etc... are up.
    Post edited by dakrushmor on
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User

    l'm hoping still Laser Sword set will get some kind of Ranged AoE Maintain for plasmaburns and aggroing, and it will be usable for my Main until Raygun Spray/Flamethrower/Thaumic Tempest etc... are up.

    Probably a better chance of Experimental Burst Ray being made non-sucky.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User

    Probably a better chance of Experimental Burst Ray being made non-sucky.

    Charge Ups are sucky by definition. l need AoE maintain, so every single DPS needs.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    kaizerin said:

    Notes: At level 1 it's very likely we may move a power down to T0 so the archetype can pick between a missile based power or a beam based power. The likely candidate is Plasma Beam.​​

    Basically after all those changes with Plasma Beam, counting that likely moving to Tier 0, devs technically just made a new power out of it. It's nothing like original Plasma Beam, that was prior to august 2016. That one supposed to be powerful "manual mode" Maintain, that restricted some PA stuff (like Chest Beam), that l used to have on my Main. New one looks like AoE version of Concussor Beam, and barely matches Minigun (with its AoE extension Adv Minigun better by all parameters), that is weaker than Concussor, but fires automatically allowing to use all Slot Toggles along with it, and with AoE radius reduced. It's nothing like that Plasma Beam that players used to have both inside and outside of PA Builds.

    Let'z talk first about AoE Maintains. These powers are mandatory for every single DPS, because charge ups for AoE blow hard. So assuming my Main is Ranged DPS, so on that character l should have some Ranged AoE Maintain. Plasma Beam was go-to option when l created that Main in march 2015. But now l got problems for maintaining their thematical integrity.
    1. Plasma Beam is unique thematically - because it's only power from Technology, that doesn't shoot arrows/bullets. While Targeting Computer works only with Technology, and only with Ranged attacks, and thematically TC is rather futuristic power, than present day one (quarry seems for those themes better). Yet no ranged maintains, those might be theme-wise for it well enough.
    2. Plasma Beam has unique targeting - it's only skillshot power in the game. That revamped "plasma beam" that we currently got, l think should receive normal targeting, rather than skillshot, because after those nerfs/changes, there really no point to use it not coupled other PA powers, like Minigun, and that one has normal targeting. While non-PA version could retain skillshot targeting.
    3. Plasma Beam is versatile power not only for hi-tech but also for other builds. People used it for Gadgeteering, but also for Electric builds, or even Magical builds, or Energy manipulation/projection builds. While for those themes apart other powers will perform better (e.g. Star Barrage for Magic or Raygun Spray for Gadgets), its "neutral" animation allows it to be acceptable choice for numerous characters.
    4. Plasma Beam has an Advantage, that could be very handy for new Laser Sword characters, but the fact, that it's toggle makes that rather dull option. While getting its non-PA power looks well appealing, and thematically very wise as well - Plasma Beam looks just like prolongated Laser Lance, and skillshot "mechanics" provides feeling of "swinging" that prolongated laser "sword".
    l want it for retaining my Main of course, but even if l all of sudden got Raygun Spray, that's better for Main, l still would want original Plasma Beam available back again, because of its outstanding versatility, and fitting many themes, it could provide decent substitute for AoE Maintain and fill many gaps in player's character themes.

    l'm also pretty sure that if Devs delayed Plasma Beam changes until nowadays PA/Laser Sword revamp, they wouldn't just nerf it and convert it into a toggle, but rather released a New Power, that would be toggle Hand Slot AoE. Like they doing right now with charge ups, like Chest Beam and Tactical Missiles. And the original Plasma Beam would be just phased out of PA, like these two charge up Powers, and not be nerfed, or nerfed not so drastically.
    Post edited by dakrushmor on
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    kaizerin said:

    Hand Cannon, Dual Barrage and Chest Laser will be the only new PA powers.​​


    Then some ranged AoE - into new Energy Weapons FW please, or it will be totally unfair. Since pretty much any other melee set has ranged moves. Might has Shockwave (and Hyper Voice), bestial has Venomous Breath (it's shared Supernatural, not just Infernal, just Toxic damage), MA powers have Shuriken Storms, Heavy Weapon has Earth splitter. Also chain options of Might, Toxic, Bleeding builds.

    Generally l believe all non-slot powers may get out of PA eventually, as DPS boosting mods work on certain Frameworks, thus one that boosts PA (there isn't yet) - let it boost Toggle builds only, and non-Toggles should be boosted.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    The deeper in forest - the fatter guerrillas. With all this brand-new tech now, if you put Plasma Beam in Pulse Beam Rifle build, it's not only nerfed & #JAM s, but also
    l think it's that's why: PA Lockout linger has 0.3 sec duration. While PBR pulses each 0.5 sec. Because of that PB icon grays out for these 0.3 s, and is active 0.2 s, thus the tray #BLINK s. Therefore, it's definitely no way back to Plasma Beam anymore, and non-bullet Maintain has to be done ASAP.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    It looks like: what could be easier, do following changes with Plasma Beam:
    1. Increase Plasma Beam base damage namely by 20%.
    2. Make Plasma Beam Maintained and not Hand Slot by default.
    3. Add 2 PT advantage "Automated Assault", that'd convert Plasma Beam to PA Slot Toggle power like as it is now.
    Utilize what's called "Multi Power" tech for this. Then maybe do anything of following:
    • Change its default (maintained) mode stance to Lightning Arc one.
    • Reduce maintain time back to 5 seconds, to match similar powers.
    • Extend its AoE radius to 5' for non-toggle mode.
    The only drawback from this strategy l see is that PA builds will have narrower visual of PB, because of R2, not R3, but for that:
    • Power Armor builds already launch 3 visuals simultaneously, together they're shiny enough.
    • Narrower beam better represents its reduced to 3' splash, and doesn't look too powerful for damage it inflicts.
    • Oddly enough, the beam width can be adjusted by Hand Size slider, and by that made R3-like width.
    And non-PA builds are ones that really deserves wider and brighter plasma beam.

    Come on, already even @aiqa agrees with that. Also if @aesica gets forced to leave game by all those overchanges, we may lose up-to-date hero planner once again. And it's unclear if someone will keep it updated, maybe there won't be volunteers for years!

    @kaizerin @crypticarkayne @splosions @ladygadfly STOP IGNORING THIS PROBLEM FINALLY!!!
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    And to finish that... l don't think there is any point keeping PB in 3-slot PA builds anymore. Concussor/Dual Barrage is stronger at single target. And for trash mobs - Chest + Shoulder toggle (that are AoE for sure) combo is totally enough. Plus also whole concussor/rocket 3- Slot combo is 100' range, while plasma beam can hit only 50'. The only situation where PB may be applicable is Ironclad/Duratok or Kenina/Frost bundles, and even then... PB can't aim down, so Iron/Dur can be aggroed, and Kenina/Frost - stay at 100' is less dangerous, plus player can dynamically direct Concussor on one, who has more health.

    So, plasma beam is basically oblivionned power. There's no niches, where it performs for best. It's useless now, as much as Vehicle Plasma Beam became useless after its nerf. And you see very few vehs with Plasma Beam ATM. Same l predict you will see very few players with PB, unless something else is made with it. l don't think devs goal is oblivionning powers - Eye Beam, opposite, is useful now, because it's just like Particle version of Minigun. The revamped frameworks also contain way less useless powers, than ones that wasn't yet.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    Also the new Laser Sword Energy unlock is probably better than [Overdrive] in all terms - an optimal PA build most likely includes Burn Through, that makes it proc. And that EU doesn't have windup time, unlike [Overdrive]. Both scales namely off of same stat. So maybe OD is oblivionned too - very sad.

    Only thing l'm glad of - it's that l don't have LTS. So if it gets to that l'm leaving this game - l won't regret that l dumped cash. l'm already don't grind neither Cosmics nor TA anymore, nor Vigilance, and do only Christmas daily onto one char.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    Post edited by dakrushmor on
This discussion has been closed.