I just recently re-subbed after being gone at least a year. I see you have made some changes and slowly have added some new content to the game. However, one of my biggest issues is Gold Champion Recognition. The only way presently to earn this is through large group cosmic missions. I tried to participate in the taking down of Kigatilik (sorry if spelled it wrong) and I waited over an hour to get a large enough group to form and it never happened. People would come, see there were not enough people and leave. If everyone had stayed we would have had enough people. But players do not have the patience.
If I log into a game I want to have fun. I do not find waiting over an hour for a group to never happen fun. The same thing with the Epic Telios. I've queued for the mission but there are never enough players queuing for the mission to start it. I know some people will say start your own group but that also takes time.
My solution to this problem is to create some solo Gold Champion Recognition Missions. Missions people can do at their own pace, enjoy, and earn Gold Champion Recognition. Devs waiting for an hour for a group to form is never fun.
I would love to tell you more issues but I know this thread would only deteriorate into something not helpful. So let's stick to Solo Gold Champion Recognition Mission Please.
Join the channel Cosmic HQ and Rampagers, you're more likely to hear announcements on them and can form your own groups.
Also helps if you are on the right time during the day, which sis counted on EST when the most of the players are on. It's the opposite timezone to me.
The trouble with Solo GCR missions is, who do you measure it against?
simple FF
Maxed out FF
If you do it for the first, the third will just farm it,
if you do it for the third the first and probably the seconds won't be able to do it.
It's not meant to be farmable, it's meant to be difficult max level content. Stuff you work for.
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And this is something I already addressed in my original post. What you are stating takes lots of time to put together a group and dealing with other people's requirements. Then not to mention being the "correct" time zone to maximize the number people in the game. What about people that have limited time to play or those people that are playing odd hours or those not in the "correct" time zone. Create a solo mission and limit the number of times the mission can be run in a day. Something has to be done for less than ideal situations. It's not like the game is overflowing with people to begin with.
I don't mind working. But give me some options to work with.
The average player. Things that Cryptic can find out if the do actually have the tools to datamine CO. If most players are rocking ATs and have less than 1k hours, that's who you make the content for.
Personally would like to see more inclusive content considering the small playerbase. Currency made to be farmed should have solo options because then you can just do it while waiting for other queues and you can just get the farming part done.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
Maybe they should make some slight modifications to Cislunar Mechanon and have it drop GCR. Soloing that particular mission is about as difficult as providing 1/5th the effort necessary to beat TA, and is certainly harder than providing 1/50th the effort to beat a cosmic.
Another suggestion: Have a GCR Alert. It would start strictly at level 40 and run at level. Depending how long they wanted to to take, they could base it on either the existing grabs or existing smashes. The big difference would be that instead of fighting one villain, the team fights a whole team of villains ie. have a VIPER alert where you fight Draconis, Freon, and ViperX all at once or a PSI alert where you fight Psimon, Medusa, and Mindslayer. They might want to create some smash bosses to get it up to an even 5 on 5, not to mention add healers on the villain side. That way some variety gets added and different teams will want to try different tactics. Also, the player gets to fight something where he/she isn't 1/5th as powerful as the mighty Kevin Poe,
*Yes, there were versions of these bosses since forever, but they've been completely revamped so it's fairer to say they are completely new bosses from a development standpoint.
Do we need more GCR based content, sure, we need more dungeons and cosmics to take care of, but expecting them to hand out GCR for something that is meant for the people that do these things is kind of silly at this point. No, it's not an unfair system either. If you don't want to do the content why should you get rewarded for it? And it's not like people don't already sell what drops to begin with that they don't need.
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No, we don't need it, although you might want it. With "Shadow Of Destruction", the "endgame" players are about to be thrown the biggest bone any group of players have had in the years I've been playing this game, and to be honest they should be happy with that, and certainly not start expecting more shiny stuff in the near future.
There is still an absence of proper endgame for the immediate post-40/"average" level player, and this should be highest on the developer priority list. Since UNITY was downgraded, and Rampages made pointless for the non-GCR player, there is an urgent need for something to do with a level 40 character which is playable either a) solo or b) within an Alert framework, with quick, automatic teaming and no waiting around. If this was SCR based (and the SCR store separated out, so not made to feel as if second best) then there'd be a whole lot less whingeing about GCR.
I do not think asking for solo GCR content is unreasonable. Especially, when it's nothing more than a grind that is created so players don't gobble up the content. The Devs could create solo content and group content and give players the option of playing one or the other. With the solo content providing less GCR. I would pick earning some GCR versus wasting an hour and a half and not getting anything.
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Hopefully the next major content addition addresses that.
You want some solo GCR content? Well, step 1 - start considering the implications of that type of content, specifically the negative implications... and yes, you need to start acknowledging that the negative implications exist otherwise you won't be able to think realistically about how to solve for them. Then think of specific ways that content could be designed to minimize those implications, or avoid them altogether.
You can tell me all day long that there are no negative implications and you'll just be wasting your time. I'm not the one you have to convince, and neither is shewolf or anyone else here. The ones you have to convince are the devs, and all the ethical and business essays in the world won't convince them - what will convince them is a good solid idea for how it could be done.
Time to show that you actually want this and that you're not just here to accuse everyone who disagrees with you of being an elitist tryhard. This statement is aimed at people in general who keep saying they want this, not anyone specifically.
PS - if your response is "that's their job, not mine", well part of their job is deciding what should and shouldn't be put into the game too. If you're going to say that you should take no part because it's not your job, then maybe you should go all the way with that.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
- SCR Heroics Gear:The new zone offers several dailies that give SCR. Not too mention Alert Dailies, Adventure Packs and Steel Crusade. Some of the new Q-zone dailies can be soloed....not easily but they can.
- Legions Gear: By my rough calculation a full set of legions gear costs about $35 bucks (USD). Buy 30 keys.. sell them for 125 a piece on the auction house. Get your full set of Legions in a day or two. I've never done it because I'm cheap and stingy.
- Mercenary Gear: The price for Mercenary Gear has been significantly lowered. Farm questionite or buy questionite boxes from the exchange.
- Cheap Purple Secondaries: These cost minimal amounts of SCR and are comparable (compare the number values) to the expensive secondaries in the questionite store. One of the hugest gifts the devs have ever given us.
So no. The dev team didn't leave those who like to alt or don't like teaming out in the cold. I have 10 outfitted 40's who are rocking Mercenary and Heroics. I have one fully kitted out Justice Gear guy... but the grind was so intense I'll never do it again.
I alt all the time.. I don't consider myself as having a main as anyone who's seen me online with one of my many alts can attest. And I frequently let my sub lapse and go for months playing just AT's and my one FF slot.
I don't feel left out at all..... in many games these alternate paths wouldn't be allowed to exist. You'd be forced to hard core farm for the end game gear. And once you got that gear a new level would be introduced that made the gear you spent weeks farming for obsolete.
The CO devs don't play those kinds of head games with us.
Other Gearing Alternatives:
* Questionite Primaires (Armadillo, Samurai, & Cyber) plus Purple Secondaries an easy and cheap way to gear any alt. Works for the vast majority of content.
*Vikorins gear is comprable to Heroics and can be bought quite cheaply on the Exchange when it shows up.
* The new Qliphothic Blue Gear that will be dropped by mobs in the new Zone. It's has values comprable to Vikorin's (i.e a little better than heroics). If it stays bind on equip, I predict we'll see these on the exchange for low prices.
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Making so much group content for the hardcore players in a low pop game is stupid. There isn't even an option for solo challenging content, which is what the OP is asking for.
No one is asking for hard content to go away, they're asking for options. There aren't that many players in this game and so much focus on GCR content and prizes but only having that created for a handful of people with our anemic development is beyond baffling.
"Every time they made everything more accessible and easier for players to attain, what happened?"
CO has had a whole hell of a lot of other issues in the past 7 years. Stuff like being completely abandoned for awhile. Being gutted for STO. Having an endless stream of abandoned projects. Being shuffled around to all sorts of dev teams. Being built upon a hot mess of code that still causes issues. Idiotic business decisions. Stigma for not being some other hero game. Having no long term vision or goals for the game.
But, yeah, I guess we can pretend being "too easy" (as if CO was ever terribly hard) is the only reason why anyone would ever leave CO if it makes you feel better.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
The OP is asking for Solo GCR missions.
ON Alert we lost a load of people who didn't like the changes.
The year or so after that when we got lockboxes, vehicles and minevents(to get out more lockboxes) We had people leaving messages, "I'll be playing this game. Send me a message when we get soemthign which isn't lockboxes and vehicles."
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People who have oodles of time(whether because of no job/responsibilities or because of just awesome finances): "This doesn't take that long/nothing's wrong. Y'all just need to invest more time(now granted this doesn't mean everyday buut..)"
Casual Players(anti-thesis to the above)"Some solo content for GCR...".
This is literally just two sides yelling at a brick wall(the wall being the other side) and nothing moving. Luckily I am in the middle(barely) of these two extremes and can see both sides.
Team content: I love it, 'cept the whole if you don't have something you have to wait for a varied amount of time I may/may not have(sometimes >20min on a good day, sometimes greater.) CO doesn't have much to team for, so I think this part is okay.
Solo GCR content(small-scale teams and the like) great for a group of friends who want to just be them/get GCR that way(or if that's too much, maybe some SCR?).
42 40s, LTSer.
The problem with solo content is that it's tough to make it actually require skill, as opposed to just a test of how powerful your build is. There are some exceptions (there's some legit tricks to Multifarian Resistance and Demonflame, though an uber build certainly still helps), but something like Cislunar Mechanon is really just a durability test.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Still, solo missions that can be done once per day, that award something like 1 GCR seem fine to me.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
I'd argue NO PVP or abndoned PVP would even rank above that. No content in any content that pushes the story forward with any real momentum in any foreseeable timeframe, except recently. No new zones, etc.
"Too easy" for most players probably doesn't even rank.
I've heard players make that comment -- i.e they got bored because it was too easy. They also got bored because they had nothing to do but alerts spam.
Again, that's changed recently. It's just going to take some time for the stigma of past mistakes wear off. Can a game this old make a turn around?
I'm not sure. But if the devs are willing to try - I'm willing to stick around.
Back to the OP's point. ... we already have plenty of ways to circumvent needing GCR for gear. Those things cost either A) Time or Money. just about the solutions to any problem you can encounter in life. YMMV.
"How hard should it be?" is an interesting question.
Is soloing a lair to hard to be a GCR bench mark?
PVP is starving without rewards
1. Please give us Daily PVP missions that reward Questionite.
2. Please give us an exchange rate between Acclaim and Recognition so that PVP has access to all "On Alert" PVE rewards.
As far as people leaving cause they got bored with the game cause it's too easy? It has happened, quite a lot. You know those really good players you call "the elites"? The game lost a bunch of them over time because they got bored with a game they had completely mastered. Adding this kind of content into the game is a move designed to get some of them back, and retain future ones. I don't know if this is some big secret, but - there are a lot of people who play games to master them and then feel good about how they mastered them. The game can't hope to grow if it only tries to be compelling to creatives, it needs the gamers for that.
The people who play CO entirely for "creative" reasons are easy to please. They don't need new zones or lairs to conquer, you just give them new costume pieces and they're largely happy. People who play the game because they like the easy content? Sure, some of them might be upset because they don't get new reskinned content of the same gameplay, but there is loads of content for them in the game. Anyone who is a combo of the two again doesn't have much of a reason to become unhappy and leave.
It's the players who have been craving some gameplay substance that this game has been ignoring for a long time, that's why they're putting time into improving that part of the game.
Now I think a lot of people gloss over the fact that I like the idea of solo GCR content and would like to see it in game, and from what I know of shewolf, she would enjoy that kind of content as well... she would love to brag about how she stomped the living pee out of it. We just know the obstacles and, just like the devs, can't see a way around them.
I agree, but if they can't figure out a satisfactory way to do it then that's that, and if you're not willing to help figure something out then there's really nothing you can say to change that. "Should" is the easy part. I mean, think rationally for a moment... it makes sense that they have discussed the idea and experimented with some ideas, and the conclusion they came to every time was "This is not good enough". We might be past the point where saying they "should" try it is meaningful... because they may have tried already. Keep in mind, trying doesn't always mean we see something on the PTS, they test things internally too.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
(I really am not that impressed with just costume pieces with all of the tons of options we have in game already. At a certain point I was happy enough with what we got, and seeing as how NEW content is what we've been lacking for years ... yeah new costume pieces stopped impressing me years ago. The tailor revamp to me was MEH. But that's an aside)
I also think every time you poke Caliga or Vexx in Ren Cen they should explode and shower the surrounding area with GCR tokens.
This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
Remember, the way to get more of something is to use the examples currently in game. Disuse communicates disinterest ^_^
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Yes, but is the "disinterest" in the rewards, or how tedious and (honestly) overtuned the content is?
Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.
Supporter of the Titan Project.
Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.
Supporter of the Titan Project.
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No, sorry. Can't take any of these "GCR must be grinded for with other people" comments seriously. Warzone is supposed to be end-game group content and most missions give zero GCR. The most powerful devices are easily purchased for cash. Ultimate are only added via lockboxes anymore. But having soloable GCR content is a horrible, evil thing to do that cannot be allowed because Reasons.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
Teams (lack of).
Also: "relatively easy" said by person who has run that content more than 50 times (unconvincing).
Everyone who wants this has been diligently soloing in the QWZ for their 1 GRC per day right?
Arf. That's a fun idea.
You wouldn't get so much whinging about GCR if the SCR system wasn't so horribly borken. Fix the Rampages, UNITY missions and old queues for old Lairs, please, and give people a ladder to climb, not a chasm to jump across.
In any case, the big problem with solo gold content is that it's rather hard to come up with content that is tactics-required and still doable for a wide range of builds; either certain (usually tanky) builds can faceroll it, or a bunch of builds can't do it at all.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
You see group content getting priority....the latest being Open Missions....because it keeps the largest number of players engaged. If you want to be more convincing I'd suggest starting with something that aligns with the dev's goals and working backwards to what you want.
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You do realize this is a game, right? Games are supposed to be fun, so why shouldn't things be available to as many people as possible? What benefit is there to saying "we should exclude people from things?"
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
It's fine with costume pieces I guess (I've never understood the exclusivity attitude some seem to have, but I get that it exists) but there's no reason to shut most of the population out of everything related to GCR. STO doesn't shut people out, so why does CO?
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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The biggest challenge with regards to solo content offering GCR is how to make such solo content challenging enough to the player so that they can't just breeze through it to earn easy GCR points. When it comes to finding that balance, it's extremely hard to do since making every mob elite class a la QWZ would potentially just make it insufferable difficult for players with casual builds.