What a title!
This post is just what it looks like: a simple reference to the current issues regarding spreading poisons using Rabies (Bite) and Virulent Propagation (Infernal Blast).
We're starting with Infernal Blast:
Infernal Blast - General Observations
- Targets chosen for the spread is entirely random, as opposed to proximity-based.
- Not being proximity is okay for Infernal Blast, a ranged power, albeit ineffective.
- Target cap for the poison spread proc is 3.
- Target cap is for balance reasons stated at the bottom of the post, but worth mention.
Infernal Blast - Deadly Poison
- Deadly Poison is confirmed to be able to spread.
- Deadly Poison is refreshed on the main target, forced by the innate power ability to refresh any poisons.
- Deadly Poison can reapply to already poisoned targets via spread, but will not refresh their current stacks. (Perhaps intentional)
Infernal Blast - Debilitating Poison
- Debil. Poison is confirmed to be unable to spread.
- Debil. Poison is refreshed on the main target, forced by the innate power ability to refresh any poisons.
Infernal Blast - Noxious Poison
- Noxi. Poison is confirmed to be somewhat able to spread.
- Noxi. Poison seems littered with strange issues involving spreading and refreshing.
- It is difficult to understand the issues with this poison, a total mechanical rewrite or review is advised.
Infernal Blast - Festering Poison
- Fester. Poison is confirmed to be unable to spread.
- Fester. Poison is refreshed on the main target, forced by the innate power ability to refresh any poisons.
Up next is Bite:
Bite - General Observations
- Targets chosen for the spread is entirely random, as opposed to proximity-based.
- Not being proximity is potentially bothersome for Bite, a melee power, making it very ineffective.
- Target cap for the poison spread proc is 5.
- Target cap is for balance reasons stated at the bottom of the post, but worth mention.
Bite - Deadly Poison
- Deadly Poison is confirmed to be able to spread.
- Deadly Poison is refreshed on the main target.
- Deadly Poison can reapply to already poisoned targets via spread, but will not refresh their current stacks. (Perhaps intentional)
Bite - Debilitating Poison
- Debil. Poison is confirmed to be unable to spread.
- Debil. Poison is confirmed to be unable to refresh.
Bite - Noxious Poison
- Noxi. Poison is confirmed to be somewhat able to spread.
- Noxi. Poison seems littered with strange issues involving spreading and refreshing.
- It is difficult to understand the issues with this poison, a total mechanical rewrite or review is advised.
Bite - Festering Poison
- Fester. Poison is confirmed to be unable to spread.
- Fester. Poison is confirmed to be unable to refresh.
Regarding the target caps
As noted above in this post, Bite can potentially spread poisons to 5 targets, whilst Infernal Blast spreads to 3 targets. this appears to be an intentional move to balance each power, concerning that Infernal Blast is a 100 feet blast attack, whilst Bite is a 10 feet charged attack. As such, I don't regard this so much a bug with the power, but moreso a mechanical difference between the two attacks. It is worth shedding light upon, as the target cap on these procs are entirely hidden, but can influence gameplay visibly. I don't believe that this is in any need of changed, except perhaps considering some added wording to both tooltips/descriptions, at best.
That concludes my analysis. Citation may be needed for some of these notes, but they are based on in-game testing.
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