Ok... So I'm looking to rebuild my Regen Tank from the ground up... Heavily considering redoing her power concept a bit as well... Currently running CON/Ego/Pre, Sentinel/Protector, with TK/TP powers... Her build as is has become an energy nightmare and it's just increadibly frustrating... I'd like to keep her in the TK Melee power build however...
PowerHouse (Link to this build)Name: ChronaArchetype: FreeformSuper Stats:Level 6: Constitution (Primary)Level 10: Ego (Secondary)Level 15: Dexterity (Secondary)Talents:Level 1: The VoidLevel 6: Survival TrainingLevel 9: Field Ops TrainingLevel 12: Sniper TrainingLevel 15: AsceticLevel 18: ShooterLevel 21: AcrobatPowers:Level 1: Kinetic DartsLevel 1: Ego Weaponry (Rank 2, Siphoning Strikes)Level 6: Ego Blade Dash (Crippling Challenge)Level 8: Regeneration (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 11: Energy Shield (Laser Knight)Level 14: Ego Surge (Nimble Mind)Level 17: Resurgence (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 20: Ego ReverberationLevel 23: Mental Discipline (Rank 2, Rank 3)Level 26:Level 29:Level 32:Level 35:Level 38:Travel Powers:Level 6: SuperspeedLevel 35: TeleportationSpecializations:Constitution: Tough (3/3)Constitution: Resilient (2/2)Constitution: Quick Healing (3/3)Constitution: Adrenaline Rush (2/2)Sentinel: Eternal Spring (2/2)Sentinel: Sentinel Aura (3/3)Sentinel: Moment of Need (3/3)Sentinel: Genesis (2/2)Protector: Fortified Gear (3/3)Protector: Bulwark (2/2)Protector: Debilitating Challenge (2/2)Protector: Resolute (3/3)I intend to maximize her health and self-healing potential while giving her a reliable amount of defense as well. I'm not sure what to take for her AoE Threat (possibly Ego Sprites again, but I'm not really sure about keeping any of her Telepathy powers)
If ur having energy issues, one option is switching to FotT for the toggle and gearing more Dex, and/or getting Fuel My Fire. Tough and Quick Healing aren't very good; ya could drop them w/o much impact; prob would get Armored too.
I'd prob get EBA for the spike dmg as well. Other option is Mental Storm w/ CS- its dmg isn't great anymore, but its Ego debuff still is.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
Although, it does break theme a bit.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
Honestly I'd like to add Fuel My Fire to her build, but the spec relies heavily on End to be of much use.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
A few more things:
1) If you have room, consider adding nailed to the ground to ego blade dash. Really useful for knocking down the occasional flying enemy that would otherwise be hovering out of reach. It's rare you'll need it, but it's really useful when you do.
2) You have sentinel, so consider picking up a stun (ideally short cd aoe) and go with sentinel mastery for even more self-healing. You'll have to experiment with which ones work though, because some (such as ego storm + adv, which would be perfect) won't trigger sentinel mastery. Maybe it counts as something other than a stun? Maybe mental storm or telekinetic maelstrom? Either way, if ego sprite damage is capable of triggering the healing effect stuns provide via sentinel mastery, then you'll have some pretty amazing self healing vs large packs.
3) Will ego sprites alone be enough to provide meaningful aoe threat? Waaay back when I started this game, I used it and there was some annoying-as-hell bug where blocking right after using it would cause it to not be applied to enemies. Hopefully that doesn't still exist.
4) Rank 2 in ego surge will buy you 3 extra seconds of uptime with the power and more damage overall. That's a lot more healing per use with siphoning strikes.
5) You shouldn't need R3 in resurgence unless the bonus it gives to regeneration is enough to warrant it. Unless you're using it at extremely low hp levels (like 5%) you'll just be overhealing. For awhile, I wanted to use the laser sword powerset, but since it lacks any kind of real energy unlock (that I'm aware of) CoAP was what I used. It was great when I could stand in it, but overall, I found it to be really frustrating to use on a melee character. Especially vs anything that moves around and/or knocks.
Oh, a few more things:
1) Eternal Spring is weird and doesn't always seem to work with everything. Make sure it works with your healing powers of choice before you commit to it.
2) "Quick healing" in the con tree is crap from what I remember. (pretty much all of the regen-based specializations are) I'd suggest trade it in for armored and unyielding.
Regeneration gives you passive healing, but Ego Reverberation would nearly double the healing you receive from Siphoning Strikes, because of the increase in damage. You'd need to run in Hybrid role, but you could get Bulwark from the Protector tree. The threat multiplier isn't as big as you'd get from Tank role, but you'd be multiplying a much larger base amount of threat due to all the extra damage your offensive passive would be giving you. You'd also get a little DR, which is always nice.
I considered using Constitution as my primary super stat too. The thing is though, going with Strength or Ego instead would give you a big boost to defense. Dividing the damage you receive is basically the same as multiplying how much you heal, right? With as high as your healing can get from Siphoning Strikes, I just don't think the extra healing from Adrenaline Rush can compete with an increase in the worth of the healing you're already getting. Strength and Constitution both also have specializations to improve your critical severity, further improving your Siphoning Strikes.
Laser Knight interacts strangely with Siphoning Strikes. It decreases damage you take, which makes all healing you receive count for more, but it decreases your damage, which decreases the healing you receive from Siphoning Strikes. I'm not sure if the net effect is an increase or decrease in survivability.
Thinking about it, she might not even really need an AoE threat power due to her passive threat from Sentinel Aura's healing. But it's still a good idea to make sure she can tag enemies in AoE with more threat to insure they stay on her. I'll take that into consideration I'm aware, I'm probably taking Conviction as her self-heal... I get a pretty substantial amount from it currently... with crap gear too... but you might be right, Armored might be more valuable... unyielding doesn't provide nearly enough knock resist to make a noticeable difference in my experience, but I'd say that's more a fault with how knock resist works than the spec itself.
Sentinel Mastery can work fine. If ur in melee already then I'd prob take TClap w/ CS for that. TK Maelstorm and Mental Storm are also good, but do have longer cds so ya won't have as good uptime w/ them.
There's a nice selection of potentially good masteries for ya here- Protector, Con, Sentinel, Warden.. I wouldn't say any of them is a bad choice for a melee tank, but it will come down to ur playstyle and priorities. I assume ya mean ID Mastery here? Its an interesting take (I have a TK blader that runs CoS in Tank Role, and its pretty funny for casual tanking or off-tanking), but I'm not sure I'd go this route for high-end stuff, as it may tie you a bit too heavily into more rng-based health recovery. Ya kinda have to choose one method or the other at some point, and I'd prob take Regen's higher consistency in a pinch.
Also, Con PSS doesn't have a severity bonus (I guess ya meant Ego PSS). And Adren Rush can actually be pretty nice, but I find its better w/ high crit builds using maintains more than anything else.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
While yes, STR or EGO PSS would provide more defense, my intent with this build is to make a tank who's primary source of survival is self healing. Due to the fact that her resistance will inevitably be on the low end for a tank I'm pushing her HP to the extreme end of the spectrum making it highly unlikely that she will be 1-shot.
Against most trash mobs Regen, Sentinel Aura, and Adrenaline rush will keep my health topped up continually, Siphoning Strikes is primarily for pushing my self-healing up to the point where most bosses will have trouble reducing my health. The combined effect of all my healing sources should in theory provide enough continual healing to make her build work out in current end-game content. And if she still needs a healer for tanking things like Teleios or Cosmics, then that's ok. Odds are I'd end up running her as an Off-tank in TA anyways since I get the distinct feeling that all the adds are just going to make a beeline to her anyways...
I actually use Laser Knight on my build for Myriad who uses Siphoning Strikes & Shadowform, I actually don't think Laser Knight impacts the healing component of Siphoning Strikes to be honest. I've been seeing heals from Siphoning Strikes on Myriad that were higher than the damage she dealt, by a significant margin...
On the subject of gap closers, I'm not sure if this will violate your theme, but void shift is really good compared to ego blade dash--stun > root. The stun may even proc sentinel mastery--I don't actually know because I always follow up with thunderclap, which definitely does. One of its advantages lets you aoe-apply fear to everything nearby. Super handy and it's a very stylish power. Also, because the current dev team has some obsession with furries, pounce from the dogman powerset is arguably one of the best gap closers right now. I believe it's one of the least expensive energywise in the game and also, one of its advantages will give you even more self healing when hit (which is pretty much always as a tank) and stacks 1% crit (up to 5% maximum) each time you use it. Earlier, I was trying to find something more appropriate for my celestial-ish ranged support character, so I tried out the two I mentioned in hopes of getting her away from thunderclap. Both will proc sentinel mastery even if you just tap them. Unfortunately, thunderclap is king in terms of cooldowns so if you do want sentinel mastery, thunderclap is pretty much a go-to.
One other random thought: I know bountiful chi resurgence has the annoying drawback of 10% reduced damage (a stupid penalty) but as one of the few HoTs in the game, it should synergize with sentinel's rejuvenated, giving you a constant stream of both health and energy regeneration. I'm unsure if rejuvenated scales with anything though. Still, it might be worth checking out if you still find yourself having energy problems.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
I guess this should probably count as a bug, right along with how not every maintain power works with overdrive, not every healing crit works with eternal spring, etc. Oh well, seemed like a good idea at the time.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
So yeah, we can add those two to the short list.
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!