TLDR Summary: Make it so that the higher your form stack count goes, the harder it is to maintain the stack. Make it so that failing to maintain the stack doesn't reset you to zero. And make it so that ranking up your form makes it easier to maintain high stack levels.
The actual suggested mechanics:
1: Make it so that, when a form's stacks expire, the form loses two stacks and resets its duration to that appropriate for the new stack level. (Instead of the current behavior of losing the entire stack.)
2: Make form durations vary based on both ranks and numbers of stacks.
For example, consider the following potential durations for rank one enrage based on number of stacks:
- ∞
- 20s
- 20s
- 15s
- 15s
- 11s
- 8s
- 6s
Yes, these are numbers I pretty much just pulled out of a hat; if you want to suggest different numbers, feel free. But I'm going to use these numbers for the rest of this post.
Someone relying on a 14s cooldown Eruption for stacking enrage would end up oscillating between four and six stacks. Someone spamming Annihilate could easily get to eight stacks, but wouldn't stay there for long if their attack sequence got interrupted (such as, for example, by having to block some cosmic's AoE) - but also wouldn't find themselves reset to zero when that happens. In fact, going from eight stacks down to one would take a total of 52 seconds: 6 seconds to drop from eight stacks down to six, then 11 seconds to drop down to four stacks, 15 more seconds to drop to two stacks, and lastly another 20 seconds to drop to one stack.
Rank two would move the durations to one step longer: eight stacks would last 8 seconds, all the way down to two stacks lasting forever. Maybe even make r2 give you a 50% chance to only lose one stack when its duration expires instead of two.
Rank three would again move the durations one stop longer. (And potentially make that a 100% chance to only lose one stack on the form expiring.)
Obviously, you'd want to apply the same sort of mechanics to Concentration, Chilled Form, Aspect of the Infernal, Aspect of the Bestial, all of the Focus forms, and maybe even Defiance.
Equally obviously, this should not be applied to Manipulator. For a better idea on how to handle that form power, see
this suggestion thread.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
There is also a big difference in what certain sets and setups need in terms of adv points.
With tgm+burst shot you can have have a fully viable single target + aoe attack rotation, without needing any additional buffs/debuff/form/eu maintenance, with only 2 powers and 6 adv points.
The new HW and Bestial (and many other sets) require far more than that.
So having forms require adv points (not that the tgm example would need concentration ranked anyway) is just going to be a "meh whatever" for some builds and a big problem for others.
Rant out of the way... onto the actual suggestion... and to actually be constructive.
The idea has potential. Despite their destructive behaviour they did make some valid points though about this set up restricting builds to rather specific power choices to reliably maintain stacks. However the core function of only losing a couple stacks is something that can definitely be worked with. Even your suggestion for ranks is a good idea, to be perfectly honest.
Honestly though I do like the concept behind the varied stack durations... and actually I think that concept could work. I certainly would require different numbers than what you've proposed though, that is a certainty. (I've noticed over the years that there are some who do not comprehend the concept of "hypothetical examples" and will take any number you list as a hard solid proposal, I argued with one for days about my numbers in an old suggestion only being examples, and they kept trying to destroy my suggestion based on those numbers. That said... these might be some more viable numbers:)
1. ∞
2. 40s
3. 35s
4. 30s
5. 25s
6. 20s
7. 15s
8. 10s
It's safe to say that the first couple stacks are hardly of any real benefit so letting them last for significantly longer times than the last few is of little consequence. These numbers would also result in R3 having an 8-stack duration equal to the current nerfed system (20s). It's basically taking the current round of form nerfs and adjusting them to be more of a balance than a straight nerf.
I might, however, suggest pairing that sort of change with making the number of stacks lost go as 3/2/1 depending on form rank instead of 2/1.5/1 - otherwise even at r1 enrage it'd take over a minute and a half to decay back to one stack when you're legitimately out of combat, which is probably a bit much.
Here's how I'd deal with forms and their stacks:
Rank 1: 1 base stack, 20 second duration
Rank 2: 4 base stacks, 40 second duration
Rank 3: 8 base stacks, duration irrelevant because all stacks are always active
This means that most people would have exactly what they do now since nobody ranks past 1. By this, I mean something they have to build up and which lasts for 20 seconds. (this also allows the enrage nerf to feel like less of a middle finger) Taking additional ranks would allow players to deal with less stacking and maintenance if they desire, or to opt out of stack-juggling mechanics entirely. Basically, rank 2 and 3 become far more appealing than they are now without actually making them feel like mandatory advantage point sinks.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained