Heroic Gear.. 150 SCR per item. It takes weeks to gain enough SCR to buy one. People say "don't bother with heroics, get justice". But if Heroic gear is so "don't bother", then why do they take weeks to afford?.
SCR costume pieces.. 975 SCR !!. Who in the world has that amount of SCR to throw around on a single costume piece, it would take months to get that... for something that doesn't even improve your hero - its a costume piece.
I just want to know the reasoning behind these prices. And don't give us the usual BS-replies by saying "currency managing".
People were fine with the somewhat easily obtainable heroic gear, you spend a few days on 2-3 characters and you had a full set of gear that actually improved your champion somewhat... and you didn't have to check into a mental institution after the grind.
Today is my last day as a gold-sub, its been canceled due to the reasons that the game literally shits on the players efforts to obtain things, but i'm trying to find a reason TO re-sub.. i'm trying to make the game change for the better and make the devs see reasoning.
Personally I like they give more options like Devices and unlocks that doesn't require sheer Luck of chance to get a drop, I've only managed to get a handful of unlocks during my 4 years here now, so yeah, as for Heroics, that's because they were too easy to get, You can still get them, very casual like by playing UNITY and Adventure Packs, Dailies even, no rush, go at your own pace.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Grinding for a full set of Heroics is doable in two-weeks. I know because I did it. It's also really, really boring. The key is rampages - do rampages until your eyes bleed. If it happens to be a Sky Command or Gravitar week, then you are in luck.
But then again, if you're going to grind like that, then you might as well just go for Jusitce Gear. It's a little more RNG based --- but doable.
disrespectfully and when asking a simple question about something that doens't make sense.. and getting ignored.
I've asked in mail, ingame petition and not ONE reply on why they made all these stupid non-sense changes to the game, except for the sole purpose of making it less appealing to new players.
There was NO reason to increase the prices on Heroic gear, and there is no reason for a simple cosmetic to cost almost a 1000SCR.
And we've yet to receive an explanation to why they removed the loot from the cosmic worldbosses. These are valid questions and i see no reason to why they shouldn't be answered. How do you think the world of gaming would look if all developers and publishers constantly made decisions that went against the players logical reasoning, and never cared to explain why..
I think there would be alot of developers and publishers going out of business.
If this game isn't about gear and developing your characters potential in pve, then why even bother having the gear so hard to attain when it doens't really matter?. If the game is all about creating new characters and fooling around with builds, then why doesn't our accounts have a combined currencypool ?.
Have you ever seen an explanation to the increase in Heroic cost?, or why they removed Cosmic boss loot?.
I've played ALOT of game in my life, and Champions Online is the ONLY game that punishes a player for their efforts,
and its the only game where it requires a grind that leaves you ready for the mental crash for some item that isn't really that much of an upgrade to your character..
There is not a single item in the game where the juice is worth the squeeze.. there are no carrots. If the game isn't suppose to be item-oriented, then why make them so much harder to obtain... there's no logic.
The only reason i can think of, is MONEY.... they're making the game less playerfriendly, to make money.
I can only conclude that the "ALOT of games" you mention are mostly board games. (Except obviously not Monopoly...)
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
and actually get one or more items, or you luck-out, but atleast the game didn't punish you for trying repeatedly... not until MC was released did they have a dungeon with a 7day lockout.
But UBRS was the endgame back then and there was no limit to have many times per day you could run it, as long as you had the time and will to farm it for the items you needed... and they dropped, and they increased your characters effectiveness.
Rampage... does the complete opposite. It has a minute chance to drop the component, but for every try, you get less chance to have it drop because it diminishes... hence it punishes the players efforts in obtaining the items... and thats BAD. A game is suppose to encourage players to farm... not make them want to quit.
In WoW Vanilla... Worldbosses dropped good stuff, bad stuff. In Champions Online the cosmic worldbosses dropped good stuff or bad stuff - until they totally removed the loot table and thus removing the reason to kill them at all.
OR have you seen any party of raid forming up lately to kill Grond in Desert or Qwyjibo on Monster Island for loot lately?. Because before they removed the loot, i would see a party up everytime they respawned... eager to kill for that loot - yet they removed it... and i never saw an explanation or logical reason to why.
When it all comes down to the cookie, you don't make the game chase players away by taking the item-grind to insane levels when they are already perfect, not unless you want to chase away all the "casual play for fun" players..
I don't consider myself casual, i'm willing to put in EFFORT to gain upgrades or items.. i played Rift over 1600 hours the first year i played it, grinded and farmed my way up to main dps and main tank for the guild and i was server and guild-first to 60, and all that because it was worth it.. Rift had a carrot, Rift had rewards and didn't discourage effort...
Champions Online on the other hand, where ever i turn, i get told in game that there is no effective grind, it doesn't matter how much effort you put into the game... you are TIME LOCKED because there is only so much you are allowed per day.
Even Adventures are locked to max 4 per day, and their rewards are CRAP... a handful of questionite and some items for gold.
They need to revert the cost-changes to Heroic gear. Like other players have said, it was fine as it was, and they need to remove the diminishing return on Rampages that is punishing players efforts in gearing up.
And for god's sake.... 975 SCR for a cosmetic items... what were they smoking when they set that price... LSD?.
paraphrasing kaiserin
This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
Thats the point of video games they are meant to be enjoyable.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
and thus some of us simply accepted it and some of us did not and there was much wailing and gnashing.
Pure logic.
So when people are saying that its easier to get Justice then Heroic gear, its illogical to keep Heroic at these prices.
Legion is paid for end game gear with more customization than heroics. Justice and Onslaught is endgame.
Lets do some math. Look at dailies for Onslaught gear compared Silver Rec ones:
1. Onslaught is defeating one OV and doing one OV run yourself for about 30 minutes a day in two missions plus the 5 days. You can get a full set of the Onslaught gear in a month.
2. Heroic gear needs 150 SCR each for a total of 450. Do the ABP alert and custom alert for 10 Silver Rec total which can take up to an hour depending on low game population. That's about 45 days.
Justice can be farmed in less than a week. So if anyone says that Silver Rec and Heroic needs to be this hard to get, you tell them they are a moron and berate them to no end. Especially if they are a dev.
On the plus side, merc gear isn't vendor trash anymore! On the minus side, they did that by making it utterly impractical to buy either merc or heroic gear via in-game currency.
Sane prices would be no more than maybe 20k Q for a merc gear piece, and 60 SCR for heroic. At their current prices... well, I'm not buying this stuff anymore; if I actually had 150k Q or 450 SCR on hand... nope, there are better things to spend it on than a set of bottom rung gear that's only marginally better than what you can find while leveling.
And that is assuming your farming goes well. Most folks need two or more rotations of rampages to get a full set.
My main gripe is actually the recognition prices for costume parts and travel powers. Just so, so much grinding for just one unlock.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
I think thats the logic behind it
This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
2) If Heroics are the endgame, then there is no reason for Justice, Onslaught or Legion to even have stats OR be in the game if they aren't better.. because endgame is always the best. And if Heroics aren't the best, its not considered endgame.
And when it takes longer to get Heroics then Justice and Mercenary - i would love to see the reasoning behind that.
42 40s, LTSer.
Alot of players, me including, are totally fine with the term "The juice is worth the squeeze". I don't want to spend weeks grinding for an item that is barely any upgrade contentwise.
Currently Telios is the endgame content and i am perfectly fine with if i can't run it on my alts because they aren't in full Justice,
but then it shouldn't take me 45 days to get full Heroic, ESPECIALLY NOT when it takes 2 weeks to get full Justice.
I'm sure even you can see the error in that.
And ontop of this, the diminishing return on Rampage loot = punishing player efforts , there is no other way to explain it.
If F&I pops one day, a player should be able to farm it until he has the 6 components required for the 3 pieces... simple as that,
he/she should not have to either resort to 6 alts and lady luck ... EFFORT should be the decisive factor.
Now, on the "conspiracy theory" side of things.
An addition that I find is often overlooked is adding Heroic Gear to the Hero Games Acclaim vendor. While constructed PvP is pretty dead in Champions Online (right now), the devs decided to add Heroic Gear to this store. Why, you might ask? Well, look at all of the sweeping fixes, nerfs, buffs and changes made to many of the "unbalanced" powers and builds in the game. It appears that the devs are looking to make a more equal PvP experience (against all odds). While this process would take some time and trial-and-error, I find it likely that there will eventually be some sort of "PvP Renaissance" which recent developments support. All of these seemingly odd events point towards this, and making Heroic Gear attainable through different means could be a sign of supporting differing playstyles; whether you want to grind Alerts, or do Missions, or even do Constructed PvP, you have that choice.
Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
To play into that conspiracy-ish :P.
If this game is being balanced to PvP?. That's bad. God awful bad. Oh, those pve instances will be there but boy will those powers your using cause you to slog through em!. Why? Well, generally PvP is about one-upping the next guy right? Okay, so you find the(or so you think) combo for PvP. Others notice and will either:
- Whine to the devs about that combo being broken(usually making up some absurd BS story about how it's used way to much for PvE(when really, its' a PvP only issue. This is usually backed by personal opinions mixed in with math that is usually not accurate/backed up by someone actually dealing in powers).
- Adapt and one-up the other guy using said build(I want to give the benefit of the doubt to PvPers and say this is actually more common, but a group of very prominent and loud soar-losers do the above.)
If A.) gets abused then PvE'rs are hurt, however if a power is actually OP(followed by a Developer of the game's math who is paid to look at powers/power numbers, and has no specific tie to one set or another). It might get ignored/hidden because of B.)(Or worse yet, a power that isn't OP could be hit because A) complains about B.)).This is all, of course, if this game is getting adjusted with PvP first .
42 40s, LTSer.
SCR acquisition was increased by about 50%... FIFTY PERCENT... thats it...
Heroics cost was icnreased by about 420%... thats absurd... 50% acuisition increase does not warrent 600% cost increase...
Unlock costs were increased by 2785%.... NEARLY THREE THOUSAND PERCENT!!!!! Did they go insane? There is nothing that can ever justify that increase... NOTHING...
A 50% acquisition increase warrents no more than a 100% cost increase...
Fun with math:
If you do 5 rampages a day, you get 15 SCR per day. In 10 days you'll have 1 heroic piece, and buying that heroic piece will in no way slow you down from getting a Justice Piece.
Do both your alert dailies on each of those days as well, knock that up to 25, you get your heroic piece in 6 days.
If you do 10 rampages a day, you get 30 SCR per day. In 5 days youll have 1 heroic piece.
Do both your alert dailies on each of those days as well, knock that up to 40, you get your heroic piece in 4 days.
12 days from now you could have full Heroic gear, as well as some of the tokens to get some Justice Gear. The less play time or dedication that you have to attaining this goal, the longer it will take.
Does that look like something you don't wanna do? Then don't. This game doesn't bar you from doing anything if your "iLvl" isn't high enough, so all grinds are 100% voluntary with no downsides to not engaging in them. You wouldn't accept it if it was given to you. I can tell because people have typed it up for you to read - being typed by official hands wouldn't change what was typed or your response to it. So don't worry about it, just remain firm in your belief that it's wrongbad.
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That said, honestly while I don't agree with the severity of the cost increase for Heroics I don't completely disagree with the new 150 SCR price point. I do however vehemently disagree with the 975 Recog price tag on unlocks.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
And yes the AH prices for those pieces, at least the ones that are available, have gotten worse.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
42 40s, LTSer.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Just accept that it's not going to change.
I don't like that the devs have no enthusiasm for making epic-level single player content, but I've accepted that it's not going to happen.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Heroic should've remained a relatively quick and easy thing to obtain because it's essentially the endgame's entry point into max level content. Sort of. Nearly all MMOs I'm aware of have some sort of endgame content drip mechanic in place: Run this only n times per day, only earn n tokens required to redeem gear per day/week, etc. I think it's actually pretty generous that CO offers diminishing returns rather than giving players a hard cutoff after n runs. I disagree with having a slim chance at getting the drops players need, though. I also play STO, and way back in the early days, we a similar crap system, where each piece of space/ground set gear was earned in certain queued content, but with a very low drop chance. So we'd run that crap until our eyes bled, each time praying to RNGsus for that lucky drop. Thankfully, that system has been gone for years now.
The solution is so grossly simple it isn't even funny: Make heroic gear be bind on pickup instead of bind on equip. I actually have no idea why it currently is bind on equip.
Anyway, basically the same paradigm still exists. Leveling to 40 via alerts is still encouraged because it's so much easier and faster than standard wow-style quest grinds. Only instead of picking up the now-ridiculously priced heroic gear at 40, the path of least resistance leads to primary pieces from the scaling 11k questionite gear sets or heirlooms. These should tide players over until they get their justice/etc pieces.
All the devs accomplished with their heroic gear price hike was the effective removal of heroic gear from the endgame-gear equation. Well, the secondaries are only 5 SCR so they're fine, but the primaries being 150 SCR per is a complete joke and utter waste of time.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
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