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FC.31.20151210a.37 - Mardi Gras Mask / Specialist Update



  • boonguhpanboonguhpan Posts: 19 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    I was giving an example of what could possibly maintain 2gm. i didnt watch your video. now i watched it. you have 578 ego (LOL)

    As far as I can tell, your biggest beef is that the damage was reduced from the greatly overperforming state on live, to which the only answer is: deal with it, your crutch got nerfed.

    NO. My biggest beef is when people are giving actual evidence and issues pertaining to a change, people like you just log in to write contrarian crap. Do you remember when you claimed you did more damage on test (which is what drew me into this thing)? Before you edited that part out of course. Now you claim you dont use 2gm on live, so now you do more damage on test because you decided to use 2gm. How you presented that as an argument is beyond me.

    you want my builds?
    LIVE: http://imgur.com/a/FoF4I

    TEST: http://imgur.com/a/hMikx

    much more optimized for max damage. of course you personally dont care about these nerfs. you were already running a high energy/non-optimal build. how many more times do you want me to present theses points to you?
  • jonsillsjonsills Posts: 6,334 Arc User
    What's all this about 2GM users not stacking EGO?

    You know, the stat that actually improves your ranged damage?

    Would you build a punchmaster without the highest possible STR? A healer without PRE? A Martial Artist with baseline DEX? Then why on Earth-2 would you want to run a gunbunny without stacking EGO to the metaphorical ceiling?
    "Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"

    - David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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  • boonguhpanboonguhpan Posts: 19 Arc User
    jonsills said:

    What's all this about 2GM users not stacking EGO?

    You know, the stat that actually improves your ranged damage?

    Would you build a punchmaster without the highest possible STR? A healer without PRE? A Martial Artist with baseline DEX? Then why on Earth-2 would you want to run a gunbunny without stacking EGO to the metaphorical ceiling?

    jon, a while ago they implemented diminishing returns, so going over 350ish ego isnt worth the damage return than putting points into your secondary stats.
  • kyastralkyastral Posts: 342 Arc User
    spinnytop said:

    By the way? When a power is used less, that's actually taking away from build diversity(I don't usually hear of a loss of a power helping a theme or build..have to ask around on that one..).

    Keep in mind that when that power is used less, other powers are being used more ( that power slot doesn't just go empty, it gets filled with something else). When that power was a power that was used more than others, that means that build diversity will in fact go up.

    Hmm... good point. However, I don't think true build diversity will happen untill the devs introduce more powers that steer away from the fast and the furious dps.

    We're not losing a power, not sure where you got that idea. 2 Gun Mojo will still very much be in the game. However, the number of people using it purely because it has the best damage will go down... the number of people using it for a theme will stay the same, because their theme is still the same - if it really is a theme issue, they'll happily swap around some numbers to make the power useable, since what they care about is theme, not numbers, right? I'm not concerned about the former group, because they'll just find a new "best dps" power and then they'll stop whining. And let's be honest, there's a lot of the former group trying to hide in the latter. It's neat when your theme build just happens to be a carbon copy of the game's best dps build isn't it? :smiley:

    I have to admit, I like 2gm the way it is now because I can build powers around it to make a character a soloist and a team player with a theme. I've never been the type of player that worries about "the largest damage output" possible; contributing and completing the mission is more important to me. 2gm on live allows me to at least get in a few good single target shots before the "high damage dealers" take over. My 2gm toons use the dex/ego/recovery build, and even with a high recovery 2gm is harder to use on test. Change is good, but hard to deal with if you have to start over, as I will. Ah well, I guess my 2gm characters are ready for an extended vacation. :)
  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,884 Arc User
    In short, I think the issue is:

    - Lowering the strength of an over-tuned power = promotes build diversity.
    - Making a power notably more difficult to accommodate (costly and higher tier) = counter-productive to promoting diversity.

    The TGM changes are a mix of these, and its a bit frustrating.

    Want to allow TGM to be a small AoE and/or have a heal component? That's cool, but don't force players to adopt these when they take the power and have them pay more for it, imo. They sound like options.. like in many other games you'd get a new weapon and ya can now attach a mod on it to make it have a new property- so why not make them options (special advs for CO atm; power replacers too, if the devs were still privy to those) and adjust the cost of each added option appropriately.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • thebuckeyethebuckeye Posts: 818 Arc User
    deadman20 said:

    I agree here, though my suggestion for animation would be Old-Gunslinger rather than that of the Second Strike of Bullet Beatdown. It does seem too bland to fit in with what is normally really flashy moves. If anything the current animation of Burst Shot is better left to a "Quickdraw" ability.

    Actually, it might be better to rename the power to Quickdraw, give it a bit more power and a slight cooldown and just make a new power with our suggested animations with different mechanics that would be better fitting for a low-tier ability. Burst Shot currently just seems... I dunno... odd for what it is?

    Hmm, to recap what I'm suggesting here:

    Burst Shot

    -Becomes Renamed to "Quick Draw."

    -Keeps its current animation.

    -Is bumped up to Tier 2.

    -Is granted a bit more power and a small cooldown to better qualify as a Tier 2 power.

    New Power

    -Gets named Burst Shot to fill in for the suggested Quick Draw.

    -Uses an "Old Gunslinger" or "Second Strike Bullet Beatdown" animation. (3-shot burstfire that comes from only a single pistol)

    -Introduces somewhat different mechanics from the current Burst Shot which would be adjusted to be Quick Draw. Hopefully to be more fitting as a T0 Power for Munitions/Dual Pistols.

    An additional idea to add to this a 0-point Advantage that allows Burst Shot (or Quick Draw if they rename it) to use a single pistol instead of dual pistols.

    Also Bug: The Armor Penetration Debuff is being flagged as "Slashing and Physical Damage" shouldn't it be Piercing and Crushing...
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    NO. My biggest beef is when people are giving actual evidence and issues pertaining to a change, people like you just log in to write contrarian crap. Do you remember when you claimed you did more damage on test (which is what drew me into this thing)? Before you edited that part out of course. Now you claim you dont use 2gm on live, so now you do more damage on test because you decided to use 2gm. How you presented that as an argument is beyond me.

    you want my builds?
    LIVE: http://imgur.com/a/FoF4I

    TEST: http://imgur.com/a/hMikx

    much more optimized for max damage. of course you personally dont care about these nerfs. you were already running a high energy/non-optimal build. how many more times do you want me to present theses points to you?

    If you want actual evidence, feel free to watch my video again. No smoke and mirrors there, just pure fact.

    Oh look, your build happens to be the type with enough Con in it to have 10k hit points. Well well, what's that? You want super high dps, high mobility, easy energy management, AND high survivability all in one build? Not anymore mister, in a balanced game you'll no longer be able to have all of the above, and there's not a single thing wrong with that :smiley:

    Yes, you won't be able to sustain that damage that you could on live. Guess what? You weren't supposed to, and that's being fixed now. You may have like your ez build, but that doesn't mean that you're entitled to it. They might slightly lower the energy cost of 2 Gun Mojo, but don't get your heart set on it returning to the ez power it was before.

    Want the good news? 2 Gun Mojo is actually a better power now than it was before. Don't worry, when you get over it you'll see that ( or, more likely, you'll just run to the next fotm "best dps power" since that's clearly what you care about ).
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    kyastral said:

    Change is good, but hard to deal with if you have to start over, as I will. Ah well, I guess my 2gm characters are ready for an extended vacation. :)

    Nothing you said really explains why either of these sentences makes sense... but hey, nobody really cares which of your characters you play so go for it.
  • squirrelloidsquirrelloid Posts: 876 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    *manipulator change brutalizes controllers, like 3 people care*

    *2gm change mildly inconveniences str-con ranged builds that should never have existed in the first place, everyone says the sky is falling* Oh noes, you might need to actually slot cost reduction mods instead of cdr, the horrors. Or, you know, choose actual ranged dps SS.
    flowcyto said:

    In short, I think the issue is:

    - Lowering the strength of an over-tuned power = promotes build diversity.
    - Making a power notably more difficult to accommodate (costly and higher tier) = counter-productive to promoting diversity.

    The TGM changes are a mix of these, and its a bit frustrating.

    Want to allow TGM to be a small AoE and/or have a heal component? That's cool, but don't force players to adopt these when they take the power and have them pay more for it, imo. They sound like options.. like in many other games you'd get a new weapon and ya can now attach a mod on it to make it have a new property- so why not make them options (special advs for CO atm; power replacers too, if the devs were still privy to those) and adjust the cost of each added option appropriately.

    It promotes build diversity if it stops a whole bunch of people from using the same FotM build because that build can't manage its energy enough anymore. A power being higher tier has virtually zero impact on level 40 builds, so I wouldn't even worry about that. (ADs and AOs and a bunch of utility powers are tier 1-2 anyway, it's easy to rebuild at 40 to fit virtually any attack powers you want into a build).

    What's going to reduce build diversity is the MA EU being MA-specific, because that creates incentives not to splash other powerset attacks with MA. (Certainly my Shred/Tiger Claw character is considering taking an MA power instead of Shred, although stupidly enough it'll probably be the SB combo instead of Viper Strike, because that's where shredded is).
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  • bazodeebazodee Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    spinnytop said:

    I was giving an example of what could possibly maintain 2gm. i didnt watch your video. now i watched it. you have 578 ego (LOL)

    How about you post your "optimized build" and let's really take an in depth look at where all that amazing damage was coming from. I'm sure it wasn't some sort of str-primary build that stacks tons of Con, because you couldn't possibly be arguing that having that kind of DPS mixed with that kind of survivability and easy energy management is even remotely balanced. I'm also sure that your build had plenty of energy management implemented and wasn't just taking advantage of the low cost of 2gun mojo.

    As far as I can tell, your biggest beef is that the damage was reduced from the greatly overperforming state on live, to which the only answer is: deal with it, your crutch got nerfed.

    As for the video, I showed how easily you can maintain 2gun mojo. Yes, lol, stacking a bunch of ego, taking KI, and Concentration, that's asking so much of you.
    Well, yes, because what you have just indicated and others have alluded to is that to mitigate energy issues with 2gunmojo one must load the toon up with a heavy dose of EGO.

    Re builds, does that even make sense? It's a serious question. It sounds very much like a very cylindrical view of using 2GM - use it but only in this way, using this formula. Way for build diversity! I don't think so.

    Edit: <...> all that other stuff doesn't matter.. just fluff

    My dodge based toon, does pretty well damage wise, does well with survivability and I have loads of fun watching him go pew pew pew all with an EGO of 10 - he doesn't need to have the highest dmg just enough.

    Stop treating all 2gm users as uber dmg beasts, we are not (that sounds like a "can't we all get along" call - ugh!).

    btw, 2Gun is a waaay awesome animation :D
    Post edited by bazodee on
    I don't like Sigs, but I'll leave this here anyway. At least I'm not to trying to hypnotise you with moving things!
  • thebuckeyethebuckeye Posts: 818 Arc User
    okay, after playing around with the new Reaper's Caress changes, I would like to suggest that you tweek Scything Blade...because outside of The Blade AT that's going to be forced to take the power, it won't see much use.

    My idea is to change its Bleed proc to Shredded, but leave the Swallow Tail Cut advantage alone...
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    K, ~300 in each super stat.


    I still don't see the problem. Your energy builder might actually get to activate now and then( probably right at the end of the video lel ). Heck, if they lowered the cost by 1 or 2 points then you could leave your energy builder off - heck, I was still wearing my Speed utility primary, with the Efficiency utility primary that might just shave enough cost off.

    I mean shoot, on live I can't just spam my damage attack, I occasionally gotta do a thing to make sure my energy keeps coming... it looks like 2 gun mojo still won't have to do that, and will still outdps me.

    So, I posted like 3 videos so far proving what I said... anyone else wanna make some pudding? Lyn said she might post a parse of her build spamming 2gm, that should be exciting.
  • chaelkchaelk Posts: 7,746 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    jonsills wrote: »
    What's all this about 2GM users not stacking EGO?

    You know, the stat that actually improves your ranged damage?

    Would you build a punchmaster without the highest possible STR? A healer without PRE? A Martial Artist with baseline DEX? Then why on Earth-2 would you want to run a gunbunny without stacking EGO to the metaphorical ceiling?

    what? you mean use something apart from INT with Quarry?
    Due to Audacity, which means you benefit from stacking Int instead of Ego.Because Audacity increases your Int and Ego by a percentage of your Int.

    Plus INT's spec tree gives you bonuses to your stat .
    I'm still seeing in game, when someone asks what stats to get, being told Get Int for ranged.
    Probably why I only have Quarry on archers and INt on 1 FF and AT's.
    NO you don't need to load a whole pile of Ego to run it.
    You just don't need a whole pile of Int.
    My equilibrium is nearly at max with Rec of about 128(on the one I tested)
    anyone want to count back , how many pages since a Dev comment​​
    Stuffing up Freeform builds since Mid 2011

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  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User

    *2gm change mildly inconveniences str-con ranged builds that should never have existed in the first place, everyone says the sky is falling* Oh noes, you might need to actually slot cost reduction mods instead of cdr, the horrors. Or, you know, choose actual ranged dps SS.

    Hey, there ya go.

    "But what about my ranged tank that uses 2GM?" I guess you will have to do something that requires more than Str PSS/Con SSS with guardicator and one power.

    Now if only Lead Tempest could get more changes, so it wasn't the most common endlessly-spammed AoE in game.


    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • boonguhpanboonguhpan Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    spinnytop said:

    NO. My biggest beef is when people are giving actual evidence and issues pertaining to a change, people like you just log in to write contrarian crap. Do you remember when you claimed you did more damage on test (which is what drew me into this thing)? Before you edited that part out of course. Now you claim you dont use 2gm on live, so now you do more damage on test because you decided to use 2gm. How you presented that as an argument is beyond me.

    you want my builds?
    LIVE: http://imgur.com/a/FoF4I

    TEST: http://imgur.com/a/hMikx

    much more optimized for max damage. of course you personally dont care about these nerfs. you were already running a high energy/non-optimal build. how many more times do you want me to present theses points to you?

    If you want actual evidence, feel free to watch my video again. No smoke and mirrors there, just pure fact.

    Oh look, your build happens to be the type with enough Con in it to have 10k hit points. Well well, what's that? You want super high dps, high mobility, easy energy management, AND high survivability all in one build? Not anymore mister, in a balanced game you'll no longer be able to have all of the above, and there's not a single thing wrong with that :smiley:

    Yes, you won't be able to sustain that damage that you could on live. Guess what? You weren't supposed to, and that's being fixed now. You may have like your ez build, but that doesn't mean that you're entitled to it. They might slightly lower the energy cost of 2 Gun Mojo, but don't get your heart set on it returning to the ez power it was before.

    Want the good news? 2 Gun Mojo is actually a better power now than it was before. Don't worry, when you get over it you'll see that ( or, more likely, you'll just run to the next fotm "best dps power" since that's clearly what you care about ).
    what the hell do you keep blathering on about? why are you arguing points that i dont even mention? did i EVER say i thought a nerf to 2gm was unwarranted? what are you continuously arguing? people voiced concerns about energy cost due to their builds, you said you had "no problems, you did more damage on test now, what kind of builds are you people running?" i called you out because you definitely do not do more damage on test.

    now you are saying i want to have an uber build that wants to do uber damage and survive.

    are you insane? when did i ever argue i want that? do you just post a video then claim you are right, without reading anything other people write? are you arguing with points i've made? why do you keep making videos? what are you proving?!

    i posted my build to show you what the optimized build was, did i ever say im upset that the live build is no longer viable? I'm a flavor of the month chaser now? I only care about FOTM builds? WHEN DID I EVER SAY ANYTHING REMOTELY LIKE THAT.

    i now see, no matter what points i make to you, it's a useless endeavor. you argue your own topics, ignore and delete any points you made that were incorrect. i only blame myself for arguing with you.
    i concede. you win. 2 gun mojo is now a better power than it is on live.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    If your build was optimized for the old version of 2GM, it won't be optimized for the new version.

    I had a couple toons optimized to use Ascension (as healers) before it was changed. After the change, one dropped the power, and the other was completely redesigned to use the new version.

    Looks like that will just happen again, with a large number of players.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
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  • flowcytoflowcyto Posts: 12,884 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    *manipulator change brutalizes controllers, like 3 people care*

    *2gm change mildly inconveniences str-con ranged builds that should never have existed in the first place, everyone says the sky is falling* Oh noes, you might need to actually slot cost reduction mods instead of cdr, the horrors. Or, you know, choose actual ranged dps SS.

    flowcyto said:

    In short, I think the issue is:

    - Lowering the strength of an over-tuned power = promotes build diversity.
    - Making a power notably more difficult to accommodate (costly and higher tier) = counter-productive to promoting diversity.

    The TGM changes are a mix of these, and its a bit frustrating.

    Want to allow TGM to be a small AoE and/or have a heal component? That's cool, but don't force players to adopt these when they take the power and have them pay more for it, imo. They sound like options.. like in many other games you'd get a new weapon and ya can now attach a mod on it to make it have a new property- so why not make them options (special advs for CO atm; power replacers too, if the devs were still privy to those) and adjust the cost of each added option appropriately.

    It promotes build diversity if it stops a whole bunch of people from using the same FotM build because that build can't manage its energy enough anymore.
    Yes, that was covered in my 1st point. However, you still missed the principle I was arguing in my 2nd point. You'd stop FotM builds by simply not making TGM as powerful when a stand-alone power. I fail to see why a ~250% base energy hike must also be added on top to discourage people from cherry-picking a power.

    I suspect the energy hike was because they changed TGMs innate properties, but then I'd argue that's not good design to force that on an established power, and even then a increase in cost to that extent is a bit obscene.

    People didn't take TGM before just cause it was cheap; they took it cause it was amazing dps for its cost and T0 position. Chain Lightning is also a cheap power that any build can get easily. Do you see people overusing it?

    As far as Manip: I was against its reduction at the time too. But Kaiz also mentioned that they might be looking into making all toggles scale up in duration somehow like Enrage does. If that's going to happen then I'm fine w/ that. My main issue w/ Manip isn't really the duration but the numerous hold powers that can't proc it (mostly special advs). If there's anything that can be very annoying when making creative builds w/ Manip, its that.
    <CO stuff> .: Petco :. // A basic FF building guide (see 1st reply) // PSA on Power Activation Delay // Ayonachan's Gift Horse (misc stat data)
    - Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
  • quasimojo1quasimojo1 Posts: 642 Arc User
    I forgot about this. It's fairly old data, but probably still pretty relevant, at least with respect to 2GM.

    Attack Popularity vs Gravitar (combat log analytics)
    LTS since 2009. Author of ACT parser module for CO. Founder of Rampagers. Resident curmudgeon.

    "Without data, you're just another person with an opinion." -- W. Edwards Deming
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User

    now you are saying i want to have an uber build that wants to do uber damage and survive.

    I said that because I saw the numbers you posted and I know what Con does. You didn't need to say it, your build said it for you. Hell, maybe you don't even realize that's what you're doing, you've just been so used to the survivability being a given that you never considered it might be something you actually have to make concessions to have.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    gradii said:

    I,,, am cautiously pleased with these 2GM changes and new powers...

    They at least fit Manhunter's intended theme a lot better.

    So.. cautiously optimistic. Provided the cost increase on 2GM isn't too stupid levels.

    Check the cost it is kinda stupid. about a 3 times increase.
    Not 3, more like 2.5. I can see them lowering it a bit, but I have a feeling it's going to stay at over double the cost.
  • glortorglortor Posts: 331 Arc User
    Thank you for listening to me about the things you listened to me about. Feels great to be onto something and give viable ideas.
    Looking forward to changes in Celestial.
  • xcelsior41xcelsior41 Posts: 1,056 Arc User
    glortor said:

    Thank you for listening to me about the things you listened to me about. Feels great to be onto something and give viable ideas.
    Looking forward to changes in Celestial.

    Woahwaoh What the hell are you doing to celestial.
    Buffing everything to stupid high levels and nerfing everything to piss poor levels yields the same results, but not the same community reactions.

    42 40s, LTSer.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User

    I forgot about this. It's fairly old data, but probably still pretty relevant, at least with respect to 2GM.

    Attack Popularity vs Gravitar (combat log analytics)

    Funny thing is, 2GM is actually kinda bad vs Gravitar, because she's got bonus resistance to ranged physical.
  • dakrushmordakrushmor Posts: 592 Arc User

    Release Notes for FC.31.20151210a.37

    - New Power: Steadfast This is an energy unlock for the martial arts framework. It gives you energy whenever you land a critical hit with a martial arts ability. The energy return scales off of dexterity and recovery.


    It's awesome. Bye Molecular Self-Assembly from mah speedster! Along w energy builder! Now only think l need is: fix block/control spontaneous wear off Thundering Kicks dodge buff (l propose easiest way to do that is rename linger from "Thundering Kicks" to "Thundering Kicks Dodge" or like that to avoid it's dispelling by code flaw), and it'll be fine. Hope it'll be another power revision within next few weeks (unarmed framework has some stuff, that really needs to be adjusted).
    How about old energy unlock mechanic from MA (rush). Maybe convert it to attack buff or something alike, while martial AT get this EU.
  • bringmeaslabbringmeaslab Posts: 188 Arc User
    Playing with these 2GM changes more across multiple characters, I think the energy cost is the only thing that's going to break any builds for me. (And, right now, that pretty much breaks all four of mine.) The tier change sucks for leveling thematic pistol characters, but on 40s it just means re-arranging a couple of powers. 2GM being a narrow AoE now is kind of weird, but, as long as it remains flagged as ST for specs and stuff, it doesn't really change the build synergy of the power. The damage being scaled back and the loss of the defense debuff will probably hurt my tank's threat gen, but I think that's a nerf we all saw coming.
  • cheesesloppycheesesloppy Posts: 245 Arc User
    I think it's pretty clear that PTS 2GMJ needs its energy cost reduced. Maaaybe a 5% damage increase or something along those lines.

    Other than that it's a powerful ability that has much more utility. Furious is really cool, guuuys.
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