The battle villains debuff probably persists through death for token gathering purposes. Onslaught is in westside to show off to new players. Both of these things are important mechanics. These solutions screw over actually getting people involved and earning tokens.
What about moving telios to the ravenwood academy area? Or by the fountain near the ramp leading to westside? Close enough that new players can see sh-- going down, far enough away not to get accidentally pwd by bugs. Even if they do die, the respawns are farther away and less likely to be camped. In addition, give respawn circles a dome stopping enemies, including onslaught villains, from entering, targeting, or attacking anyone inside. Conversely, no one I side can attack out either.
Level 6 players don't need to see masses of level 30-40 players battling and killing them. Stick the vendor out by the TV station, there's like 3 missions there, at level ~14 and after 25 and at 37, plenty early enough to expose them, and they'll get a second look when they get their nemesis and a 3rd look when opening VB crisis.
Moving the early quests is neither feasible nor practical. You'd have to move Kodiak (and thus the MCPD station there), the restauranteur quest, and the respawn circle.
Alternatively, move the supervillain store/quest giver up to Ravenwood, and make players below level 10 ineligible to participate (and therefore ineligible to get pwned).
Has potential, but needs a lot of additional work.
5:56 PM server time. Zone #1
Just ran Medusa through the destroy Onslaught Targets mission unimpeded except for the mission NPCs.
That is, I did not see a single player to challenge me in the whole mission chain.
BUG: Demo_record breaks collecting rewards, even after it is disabled. I have to log out and back in to collect whatever is being dropped. It might go away after the anniversary event though, things get weird with event content and demo_record.
The battle villains debuff probably persists through death for token gathering purposes. Onslaught is in westside to show off to new players. Both of these things are important mechanics. These solutions screw over actually getting people involved and earning tokens.
All that is required is two statuses -- the "currently battling" and the "recently battling".
Hey, remember Steel Crusade? Out there in the middle of nowhere? That thing no one cares about. That new players probably never see? Hey, how about city center in general, that place that no one is ever at? People don't even go around City Center much during the blood moon outside of Nimbus Farm. The farther away from RenCen stuff is, the less likely you'll see anyone around.
People are ALWAYS in Westside's Little Italy. Onslaught stuff won't be forgotten and ignored like Steel crusade when it's right there where people are at anyway. New people will actually see this stuff and may want to participate. It's kind of important that the devs choose a place where as many people as possible will see it and Little Italy is one of the few places that this is possible. Level 6 players DO need to see this stuff to know it exists. Or would you rather it get the Steel Crusade treatment of obscurity and neglect?
At level 10, what happens? Alerts. Even if people don't do them, levelling is so fast not many people stick around for the full tour. Lol! No one is ever in VB unless they're spending a day at the mall. There are all of five people that are ever in the zone and they are the same five people that are always in VB. You are seriously overestimating interest in doing missions.
One debuff status already has bugs. Two debuff statuses that now have to flip back and forth can have double the bugs.
Has potential, but needs a lot of additional work.
Onslaught fight is killing all the purple guys, people can't complete the Little Italy quest at level 6 and they don't know about changing zones.
There's a perfectly good unused park with a nice fountain and a university with 100% NO USE on route to all Westside adventures that could have been the first contact point for this quest. Back alley that overlaps open world low level quests just shows bad decision making.
There's a park just two blocks away that has no mission content connected with them. There's another lot a block away with a nice tree, that also has no overlapping mission content. Mercy hospital has no mission content. The Vehicle garage in Ren Cen that nobody will ever see because they go to Kodiak first has no mission content. Could have used any of these locations.
Hey, remember Steel Crusade? Out there in the middle of nowhere? That thing no one cares about. That new players probably never see? Hey, how about city center in general, that place that no one is ever at? People don't even go around City Center much during the blood moon outside of Nimbus Farm. The farther away from RenCen stuff is, the less likely you'll see anyone around.
People are ALWAYS in Westside's Little Italy. Onslaught stuff won't be forgotten and ignored like Steel crusade when it's right there where people are at anyway. New people will actually see this stuff and may want to participate. It's kind of important that the devs choose a place where as many people as possible will see it and Little Italy is one of the few places that this is possible. Level 6 players DO need to see this stuff to know it exists. Or would you rather it get the Steel Crusade treatment of obscurity and neglect?
At level 10, what happens? Alerts. Even if people don't do them, levelling is so fast not many people stick around for the full tour. Lol! No one is ever in VB unless they're spending a day at the mall. There are all of five people that are ever in the zone and they are the same five people that are always in VB. You are seriously overestimating interest in doing missions.
One debuff status already has bugs. Two debuff statuses that now have to flip back and forth can have double the bugs.
Nerf alert rewards.
Buff mission rewards.
Problem solved. People do what is worth doing. Rewards are so badly skewed towards playing alerts that it is unsurprising people sit in RC and do nothing but.
And I'd rather they never see it and play the game than quit because they get roflstomped in the level 6 level area and spawncamped repeatedly.
Like it, but it could do with some additional work.
It would probably be a good idea to move the vendor up towards Ravenswood academy, it is getting kinda crazy down by the police station. Or move it north of the prison. At least then you'll have people completing a few missions before they work their way towards the prison around level 13 or 14.
I remember when 2 min alerts were the XP alerts. Then they got nerfed by the XP alerts taking much longer. No one was compelled to do mission then. Pretty sure mission XP is more than alert XP. Or at least that's what people keep saying. Most alerts don't really give out anything terribly interesting outside of some XP and globals. The costume bits from Rampages are practically worthless while the VB ones are actually worth selling. Doing smush alerts all day isn't going to get all that much money compared to non-alert methods, yet people do alerts anyway.
People do what is easy. Alerts don't require a whole lot of effort to get into. It's all the gameplay part without the terrible story "writing". What is so great about wandering around, picking up quests that aren't read, going to the circles on the Minimap, and slaughtering everything / picking up the shiny object?
I suggested moving the event from Little Italy to the park or a place were new people could see the fights without getting slaughtered because they do need to see that stuff. Even just making the spawn point an invlun area would be better than completely hiding stuff to do from new players.
If we're going to go with things that make player rage quit, then it only takes 4 more levels before alerts can be done and new level 10s can get roflstomped there instead. Before that, it's the Kevin Poe fight that people keep saying is horrid. Making people rage quit at level 6 is probably doing them a favor. Now they don't have to wait so long before leaving.
Yep, I was having serious issues keeping up with any villains as my melee hero. You can't nail them to the ground, knock them or pull them.. so they just jump around. I was ended up working incredibly hard to reach ground zero of their mega-attacks. Yay! Melee wins again!
I was really hoping they would neuter villain movement for exactly this reason. Someone with millions of HP doesn't also need to be able to kite o3o
I used a free token to get Medusa and immediately had someone in a vehicle at max range with stealth target me.
your sign above your head gets in the way of targeting.
auto target goes for the nearest mob.
I got rid of them by ducking under things and getting them with the ranged attacks.
2 targets killed before I got killed.
target a little guy in the barrucade, bomb the lot, then target the defender.
I didn't actually type half of what you quoted under my name u3u as you can see by the fact that when I quoted you it didn't get quoted, somethin be wrong wit yo post
Problem solved. People do what is worth doing. Rewards are so badly skewed towards playing alerts that it is unsurprising people sit in RC and do nothing but.
They're actually not. A lot of us just think missions are boring and we'd rather just do quick and dirty combat. People have actually tested, and the fastest method to level is a mix of both... I'm just not concerned with leveling as fast as possible, so I just do Grab alerts to level because they're the most fun to me.
6:41 server time, Zone #2 still no players, but that is ok because the robots beat Gravitars butt at the second target. 36 characters to go.
People are avoiding you because nobody likes you.
Every time I logged on to do some supervillain stuff there were plenty of people on. So either you're lying, or people really are avoiding you because you smell bad.
Every time I logged on to do some supervillain stuff there were plenty of people on. So either you're lying, or people really are avoiding you because you smell bad.
Or he didn't go looking for a fight. If you don't go through the current scrum zone (generally west side) you may not get very many attackers.
Like it, but it could do with some additional work.
I like GROND.
Fighting against the Onslaught villains isn't my kind of cake.
It's just faceplanting.(but i do have couple of builds that survive, should i say awesomly, against the Onslaught Villains).
Or you could just find a herd of them, tag them and lay on a ground while Tokens keep dropping.
And getting 1.2million falldmg is...silly. 1.2 MILLION POINTS OF DAMAGE FROM FALLING DOWN . As GROND.
Post edited by flyingfinn on
CHAMPIONS ONLINE:Join Date: Apr 2008
And playing by myself since Aug 2009 Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
I get that this sort of thing can be tough to balance. Maybe a custom alert thing with a defined number of hero players and villains would have been better as @kaizerin suggested, but may I suggest for the moment, a stacking Damage Debuff on villains within a certain distance of one another that only affect the damage they deal to heroes?
Problem is that it's not really simple enough to say "X villains together are problematic". Four villains when you've got four heroes is a problem; four villains when you've got twelve heroes is much less so, and two against twelve should probably buff the villains.
Yup.. this is what people are overlooking. At one point there were 4 Gronds and a Gravitar causing problems in Zone 3. Since there weren't that many heroes around it was a mess. But.. eventually the number of heroes battling the villains increased.
Soon the villains were defeated and tokens were granted. In my opinion, it's not working any diferrently than any other giant monster battles in the game. If you don't have enough people vs. the current threat, then you don't win. Makes perfect sense to me.
As far as the newbie question. Outside of a few buggy aura powers, new players are perfectly safe. I didn't witness any new player gripes or rage quitting over Onslaught. Some new players had questions, but most just zipped around remaining unharmed as they did their mission objectives.
The real issue seemed to be low level NPC's getting wiped out in AOE's. This is a problem especially in the "Little Italy" area. As there are objectives there for lower level mission arcs.
For me, I usually hate pvp and I like Onslaught. It's honestly more like an open world Rampage than pvp. Except, you can't really lose and there's no lockout mechanic. I still wish the Onslaught gear had been left as primary gear. As it would have been a lot easier to get than Justice gear currently is.
As far as the newbie question. Outside of a few buggy aura powers, new players are perfectly safe. I didn't witness any new player gripes or rage quitting over Onslaught. Some new players had questions, but most just zipped around remaining unharmed as they did their mission objectives.
Even if newbies don't get wiped (and ones using Seraphim do), it's still a mass of VFX and screen stutters. That's a terrible greeting to new players.
Well after a week of not being well at all ( blinking food poisoning ) :V I am finally getting to give this a go but I aint happy about this CDR nerf I am reading about -_-"
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Like it, but it could do with some additional work.
Frankly, it's good to get a major update at all, and kudos for the devs getting creative and creating a whole new event out of a few become devices and quests.
Has potential, but needs a lot of additional work.
Fun to play. Woefully incomplete. Rewards are not fixed, the system is completely unclear on how to get said rewards, nothing is account wide, and everything that came with it (Drifter Store auras) are character bound.
Cryptic, this game thrives on rewarding players for having many different characters. This isn't a single character per account game.
Well after a week of not being well at all ( blinking food poisoning ) :V I am finally getting to give this a go but I aint happy about this CDR nerf I am reading about -_-"
I look forward to telling you to stop crying and git gud in Conquer HQ! \( owo )/
Yup.. this is what people are overlooking. At one point there were 4 Gronds and a Gravitar causing problems in Zone 3.
Last night at one point we had about 10 supervillains pounding the same street in west side, over half of them Gronds. There were 2 or 3 gravitars... the merry-go-round was outstanding!
Has potential, but needs a lot of additional work.
Hey, we all knew this would happen, but let the spawn camping begin! This is certainly the fun new super hero game I want to experience right after I compete the tutorial
I'd rather have revelations era PvP back to be honest.
I still don't see this Onslaught stuff lasting more than a month or so from now. Once the initial buzz wears off, there'll be no where near enough people participating anymore and the items on the vendor will just become impossibly priced artifacts. Which sucks, because none of the stuff on the vendor is even all that great to begin with, so I sure won't be bothered to go around kill trading tediously just to get it.
Has potential, but needs a lot of additional work.
Despite its serious flaws, this Onslaught thing definitely has its enjoyable moments. I almost tossed my cookies this morning while fighting 3 gravitars though. Also, Medusa players are the worst people in the world... just putting that out there. Only Grond is worthy of my respect!
Has potential, but needs a lot of additional work.
Well... don't play Medusa, and I won;t make broad judgements about your character! :P
But, my feelings were hurt too.... when I was repeated spawn camped by Medusa players today. That pink rain of death! Not again!!! I'm guessing some (Medusa) players don't realize you aren't worth any villain bucks when you revive... or they just don't care.
If only we could have seen this coming... I mean, it's not as if anyone around here had years and years of examples that would make it apparent that spawn camping would be an issue in any sort of pvp-like content o3o
Players should just unflag after they die. Why you pts people didn't suggest this? u3u *claps hands together* chop chop!
If only we could have seen this coming... I mean, it's not as if anyone around here had years and years of examples that would make it apparent that spawn camping would be an issue in any sort of pvp-like content o3o
Players should just unflag after they die. Why you pts people didn't suggest this? u3u *claps hands together* chop chop!
I think we did suggest it. Multiple times. Guess they needed to see people rage quitting to understand the PvP dynamic.
Well... don't play Medusa, and I won;t make broad judgements about your character! :P
But, my feelings were hurt too.... when I was repeated spawn camped by Medusa players today. That pink rain of death! Not again!!! I'm guessing some (Medusa) players don't realize you aren't worth any villain bucks when you revive... or they just don't care.
Yeah. After being killed to two dozen times, I decided to just lay there. I think the other heroes started to take the hint and we ended up with a great big pile of dead bodies laying still, a few capes flapping in the breeze. And still a few heroes were popping up.
I'm not afraid of death, take pride in the fact, that several of my heroes have the Dead Man Walking perk, but that felt truly excessive.
In the end I had to switch instance to avoid the whole mess. :: shrug ::
If only we could have seen this coming... I mean, it's not as if anyone around here had years and years of examples that would make it apparent that spawn camping would be an issue in any sort of pvp-like content o3o
Players should just unflag after they die. Why you pts people didn't suggest this? u3u *claps hands together* chop chop!
I think we did suggest it. Multiple times. Guess they needed to see people rage quitting to understand the PvP dynamic.
It's almost like they are unable to understand how gamers think and would behave. Almost like they're not gamers themselves....
Has potential, but needs a lot of additional work.
The devs should really limit the number of Supervillains in each Zone. Three would probably be alright.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
If only we could have seen this coming... I mean, it's not as if anyone around here had years and years of examples that would make it apparent that spawn camping would be an issue in any sort of pvp-like content o3o
Players should just unflag after they die. Why you pts people didn't suggest this? u3u *claps hands together* chop chop!
The MCP Protectors were actually very good at helping to prevent this kind of thing. They were mobile and had fantastic range. But we players complained about them being too "police state like" and they were replaced by immobile and bugged turrets.
So it's sort of our fault.
I'm hoping they put the MCPD Protectors back. That will solve some issues of camping right there. Getting one shot by a mobile MCPD drone with fantastic range - will teach a few folks a well deserved lesson.
Like it, but it could do with some additional work.
I have noticed an all new problem. Some {I won't say all by any stretch] villain players are waiting til their villain device is half counted down before activating it and attacking players, to prevent players from having the time needed to defeat them, thus denying them most of the Guardian tokens.
The half an hour timer on one needs to reset to the top on activation so such players can be fairly fought in the time allotted.
Fighting against the Onslaught villains isn't my kind of cake.
It's just faceplanting.(but i do have couple of builds that survive, should i say awesomly, against the Onslaught Villains).
Or you could just find a herd of them, tag them and lay on a ground while Tokens keep dropping.
And getting 1.2million falldmg is...silly. 1.2 MILLION POINTS OF DAMAGE FROM FALLING DOWN . As GROND.
Does that really work? If it does, I can play dead with the best of them.
hey I didn't shoot you when you were standing on the building watching or the other people who were. OK I did say BOO to one of them and they ran off.
got to shoot Nepht, ok stab her.
Moving the early quests is neither feasible nor practical. You'd have to move Kodiak (and thus the MCPD station there), the restauranteur quest, and the respawn circle.
Alternatively, move the supervillain store/quest giver up to Ravenwood, and make players below level 10 ineligible to participate (and therefore ineligible to get pwned).
The impenetrable dome, otoh, is a great idea.
But it was not an option.
People are broken. - Lum the Mad
Just ran Medusa through the destroy Onslaught Targets mission unimpeded except for the mission NPCs.
That is, I did not see a single player to challenge me in the whole mission chain.
BUG: Demo_record breaks collecting rewards, even after it is disabled. I have to log out and back in to collect whatever is being dropped. It might go away after the anniversary event though, things get weird with event content and demo_record.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
People are ALWAYS in Westside's Little Italy. Onslaught stuff won't be forgotten and ignored like Steel crusade when it's right there where people are at anyway. New people will actually see this stuff and may want to participate. It's kind of important that the devs choose a place where as many people as possible will see it and Little Italy is one of the few places that this is possible. Level 6 players DO need to see this stuff to know it exists. Or would you rather it get the Steel Crusade treatment of obscurity and neglect?
At level 10, what happens? Alerts. Even if people don't do them, levelling is so fast not many people stick around for the full tour. Lol! No one is ever in VB unless they're spending a day at the mall. There are all of five people that are ever in the zone and they are the same five people that are always in VB. You are seriously overestimating interest in doing missions.
One debuff status already has bugs. Two debuff statuses that now have to flip back and forth can have double the bugs.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
There's a perfectly good unused park with a nice fountain and a university with 100% NO USE on route to all Westside adventures that could have been the first contact point for this quest. Back alley that overlaps open world low level quests just shows bad decision making.
There's a park just two blocks away that has no mission content connected with them.
There's another lot a block away with a nice tree, that also has no overlapping mission content.
Mercy hospital has no mission content.
The Vehicle garage in Ren Cen that nobody will ever see because they go to Kodiak first has no mission content.
Could have used any of these locations.
Buff mission rewards.
Problem solved. People do what is worth doing. Rewards are so badly skewed towards playing alerts that it is unsurprising people sit in RC and do nothing but.
And I'd rather they never see it and play the game than quit because they get roflstomped in the level 6 level area and spawncamped repeatedly.
People do what is easy. Alerts don't require a whole lot of effort to get into. It's all the gameplay part without the terrible story "writing". What is so great about wandering around, picking up quests that aren't read, going to the circles on the Minimap, and slaughtering everything / picking up the shiny object?
I suggested moving the event from Little Italy to the park or a place were new people could see the fights without getting slaughtered because they do need to see that stuff. Even just making the spawn point an invlun area would be better than completely hiding stuff to do from new players.
If we're going to go with things that make player rage quit, then it only takes 4 more levels before alerts can be done and new level 10s can get roflstomped there instead. Before that, it's the Kevin Poe fight that people keep saying is horrid. Making people rage quit at level 6 is probably doing them a favor. Now they don't have to wait so long before leaving.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
I used a free token to get Medusa and immediately had someone in a vehicle at max range with stealth target me.
your sign above your head gets in the way of targeting.
auto target goes for the nearest mob.
I got rid of them by ducking under things and getting them with the ranged attacks.
2 targets killed before I got killed.
target a little guy in the barrucade, bomb the lot, then target the defender.
I didn't actually type half of what you quoted under my name u3u as you can see by the fact that when I quoted you it didn't get quoted, somethin be wrong wit yo post
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Every time I logged on to do some supervillain stuff there were plenty of people on. So either you're lying, or people really are avoiding you because you smell bad.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Fighting against the Onslaught villains isn't my kind of cake.
It's just faceplanting.(but i do have couple of builds that survive, should i say awesomly, against the Onslaught Villains).
Or you could just find a herd of them, tag them and lay on a ground while Tokens keep dropping.
And getting 1.2million falldmg is...silly. 1.2 MILLION POINTS OF DAMAGE FROM FALLING DOWN . As GROND.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Soon the villains were defeated and tokens were granted. In my opinion, it's not working any diferrently than any other giant monster battles in the game. If you don't have enough people vs. the current threat, then you don't win. Makes perfect sense to me.
As far as the newbie question. Outside of a few buggy aura powers, new players are perfectly safe. I didn't witness any new player gripes or rage quitting over Onslaught. Some new players had questions, but most just zipped around remaining unharmed as they did their mission objectives.
The real issue seemed to be low level NPC's getting wiped out in AOE's. This is a problem especially in the "Little Italy" area. As there are objectives there for lower level mission arcs.
For me, I usually hate pvp and I like Onslaught. It's honestly more like an open world Rampage than pvp. Except, you can't really lose and there's no lockout mechanic. I still wish the Onslaught gear had been left as primary gear. As it would have been a lot easier to get than Justice gear currently is.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Cryptic, this game thrives on rewarding players for having many different characters. This isn't a single character per account game.
Last night at one point we had about 10 supervillains pounding the same street in west side, over half of them Gronds. There were 2 or 3 gravitars... the merry-go-round was outstanding!
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
This is certainly the fun new super hero game I want to experience right after I compete the tutorial
I still don't see this Onslaught stuff lasting more than a month or so from now. Once the initial buzz wears off, there'll be no where near enough people participating anymore and the items on the vendor will just become impossibly priced artifacts. Which sucks, because none of the stuff on the vendor is even all that great to begin with, so I sure won't be bothered to go around kill trading tediously just to get it.
Snark never dies.
My Characters on PRIMUS
[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
But, my feelings were hurt too.... when I was repeated spawn camped by Medusa players today. That pink rain of death! Not again!!! I'm guessing some (Medusa) players don't realize you aren't worth any villain bucks when you revive... or they just don't care.
Players should just unflag after they die. Why you pts people didn't suggest this? u3u *claps hands together* chop chop!
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
I'm not afraid of death, take pride in the fact, that several of my heroes have the Dead Man Walking perk, but that felt truly excessive.
In the end I had to switch instance to avoid the whole mess. :: shrug ::
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Almost like they're not gamers themselves....
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
All the others are "meh villains".
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
:: shoves fingers into ears, closes eyes and waits for the blinding flash ::
MLP forums have the best Spiderman pics
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
So it's sort of our fault.
I'm hoping they put the MCPD Protectors back. That will solve some issues of camping right there. Getting one shot by a mobile MCPD drone with fantastic range - will teach a few folks a well deserved lesson.
The half an hour timer on one needs to reset to the top on activation so such players can be fairly fought in the time allotted.
got to shoot Nepht, ok stab her.
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Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained