Feedback: Encounter Power: Vengeances' Pursuit
- Haven't really had the chance to test this myself but I read a lot of comments. On paper this Encounter is pretty much sub-par compared to the perks which we get from Master Infiltrator. I have a couple of suggestions that, in my opinion, would make this skill a bit more attractive. Since this is a "pursuit" ability, why not make it so that it also acts as a gap closer like Deft Strike, but in a different manner? I was thinking that the initial melee slash (out of stealth) could act like the GF's Lunging Strike, and that this would count as a dodge. The dagger throw follow up would then slow the opponent down after which. This adds better control and utility to the skill. The Stealth version of this ability would throw the dagger first and Daze the opponent, and after which, the follow up melee would make the player lunge towards his target, slashing those around him. The lunging mechanic would again count as a dodge for a bit more utility.
These suggestions are coming from a player who merely likes to craft builds. I haven't tested this yet but on paper it would make the encounter feel a bit more special without it being too overpowered.
Do not move Impossible to catch!!! If you do that, than Master Infiltrator won't be a very viable choice. ITC is what makes the original path appealing.
Honestly I never use ITC anymore I learned I like all out DPS + Stealth better. Shadow Strike, Lashing Blade, and Impact Shot. Works like a charm. I like Shadow Strike better because it offers 2x stealth time, which is about 20 secs without any enhancements, way more duration than ITC at max rank. Another reason is that the enemy can still attack you with ITC and with shadow strike you're just completely invisible, and if played smart you can always avoid all damage completely.
I just suggesting polishing the Whisperknife path up a bit. Making it just as viable as Master infiltrator.
Arc, proud officer of Novus Ordo
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Another reason is that the enemy can still attack you with ITC and with shadow strike you're just completely invisible, and if played smart you can always avoid all damage completely.
We use ITC to survive in key moments of fights, for example when a boss drops a powerful AOE. Stealth has a different role. We use stealth to gain damage and to lose aggro on adds. A rogue generates so much threat on a boss that boss will still see you even if stealthed and AOE will ofc hit you. Also, ITC has a tactical advantage too: it allows you to remain on target. No need to Dodge away when aoe comes.
( In PvP it is a different story. You can get away with almost anything against most players since most of them can be easily mindgamed )
So yeah, Whisperknife has to be sick good to make TRs even consider losing ITC.
We use ITC to survive in key moments of fights, for example when a boss drops a powerful AOE. Stealth has a different role. We use stealth to gain damage and to lose aggro on adds. A rogue generates so much threat on a boss that boss will still see you even if stealthed and AOE will ofc hit you. Also, ITC has a tactical advantage too: it allows you to remain on target. No need to Dodge away when aoe comes.
( In PvP it is a different story. You can get away with almost anything against most players since most of them can be easily mindgamed )
So yeah, Whisperknife has to be sick good to make TRs even consider losing ITC.
This. I barely can imagine my rogue without ITC in PvE. I ALWAYS stand in aoe with ITC, I'd lost a lot of dps if I were try to dodge EVERY aoe or heavy boss attack. I could dropped this for PvP "troll-stealth-Disheartening-Strike" playstyle, but for
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
So the Pursuit power is getting some changes to make it a bit more attractive. Namely that it will always start with the throwing dagger to mark the target for pursuit. While marked, said target deals less damage to you and your allies. When you activate the followup, you break CC, and teleport to the target with the AoE slash. If the followup is used from stealth, you break CC, and teleport to the target with a single target short duration stun. (Note, the thrown daggers' from stealth benefit is that it does not break stealth)
These changes should help it be more useful in both PvE/PvP. They should make it to preview server relatively soonish.
So the Pursuit power is getting some changes to make it a bit more attractive. Namely that it will always start with the throwing dagger to mark the target for pursuit. While marked, said target deals less damage to you and your allies. When you activate the followup, you break CC, and teleport to the target with the AoE slash. If the followup is used from stealth, you break CC, and teleport to the target with a single target short duration stun. (Note, the thrown daggers' from stealth benefit is that it does not break stealth)
These changes should help it be more useful in both PvE/PvP. They should make it to preview server relatively soonish.
The deal breaker for me is the loss of 15% movement speed. This is essential for pvp and also very useful for pve as well.
The new paragon path seems like a perma pvp only spec. its not good in pve. you lose the class feature that refills your stealth bar and adds damage when you use a daily.
The new lantern Artifact makes this spec very weak. With the changes to soulforge, a loss of 3% deflect, no impossible to catch, and very slow movement speed, if your caught out of stealth your as good as dead.
Another big issue I have is the relevance of a D.O.T move when everyone will be running high Regen. With the new boons and a few artifacts its possible to add another 950 regen at no cost. This means that a big portion of the damage done from the d.o.t will be negated. Burst damage is still king in pvp
So the Pursuit power is getting some changes to make it a bit more attractive. Namely that it will always start with the throwing dagger to mark the target for pursuit. While marked, said target deals less damage to you and your allies. When you activate the followup, you break CC, and teleport to the target with the AoE slash. If the followup is used from stealth, you break CC, and teleport to the target with a single target short duration stun. (Note, the thrown daggers' from stealth benefit is that it does not break stealth)
These changes should help it be more useful in both PvE/PvP. They should make it to preview server relatively soonish.
It's a lovely change! Sounds good in paper.
heatcliftMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited November 2013
Bug : Vengeance Pursuit [encounter]
on this encounter : After slashing my target, and then i reactivate this power, but what happen, i see foe nearby target is like slashed but not taking any damage, and only the target that taking slow effect and combat advantage. but on tooltip said briefly slowing them, and making them grant combat advantage to me and my allies.
Feedback: Good Thinking to make this new paragon for ranged attack, i love it. but please change range on at will power to 60' range,give daily power more chance to crit[i sad seeing this new daily when damaging just only 5k damage (not crit attack), and hard to get crit (another power is easy enough to get crit)], and give Razor Action [class feature] more damage [ i sad too, seeing this class feature just damaging 37damage per second for 4 second even i have 12k GearScore]
but its fair that ItC is not in the paragon. Could you imagine how hard they would be to kill? This paragon is essentially a buff to perma TRs damage in pvp. So if/when stealth ends your giving them a chance to potentially be immune to damage (ItC at very end of stealth bar) while being able to dish it out. Right after they can re-enter stealth again...all the while gaining health from regen
Devs, this paragon is VERY niche. Its not fair to TRs as it feels we still don't have options. We were hoping for a more mainstream option. This spec facilitates perma stealth play style and most TRs don't even play like this.
I wanted something that all TRs would be open to. Coming as an executioner TR, this is like almost playing an entirely new class. I feel like the other classes are getting buffs and a bunch of goodies while we get nothing. Almost everyone I have spoken to says they wont use this spec and only one has said he will "try" it. Consider this a failure and scrap the idea
I was thinking you guys would do something cool like sword specialization. More dps but less burst damage.. something cool and fun that at least TRs would consider and try out
horizonshardMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 29Arc User
Devs, this paragon is VERY niche. Its not fair to TRs as it feels we still don't have options. We were hoping for a more mainstream option. This spec facilitates perma stealth play style and most TRs don't even play like this.
I wanted something that all TRs would be open to. Coming as an executioner TR, this is like almost playing an entirely new class. I feel like the other classes are getting buffs and a bunch of goodies while we get nothing. Almost everyone I have spoken to says they wont use this spec and only one has said he will "try" it. Consider this a failure and scrap the idea
I will use this paragon. It fits my playstyle very well. If they scrapped this idea, I would be very disappointed. Even if only a handful of people use this paragon, if those people have fun with it, then it's worth releasing. It sounds like most rogues would still be hung up on losing Impossible to Catch, no matter what the new paragon brought to the table.
The only thing I'm concerned about is if the two knives thrown during the Hateful Knives daily are able to crit. Currently they don't seem to be able to do so.
So the Pursuit power is getting some changes to make it a bit more attractive. Namely that it will always start with the throwing dagger to mark the target for pursuit. While marked, said target deals less damage to you and your allies. When you activate the followup, you break CC, and teleport to the target with the AoE slash. If the followup is used from stealth, you break CC, and teleport to the target with a single target short duration stun. (Note, the thrown daggers' from stealth benefit is that it does not break stealth)
These changes should help it be more useful in both PvE/PvP. They should make it to preview server relatively soonish.
Any ETA on when it'd be possible to test this? I checked preview yesterday and it seems the power is still using the old version.
Feedback: Class Feature: Razor Action
- It lacks presence. It would be great if we could better see and hear the daggers being flinged.
Feedback: Daily Power: Hateful Knives
- For a Daily it doesn't feel too powerful. Although it's really convenient when feated. Would it be possible to have its DPS or CC increased a bit? It feels lackluster in comparison to Shocking Execution. If not there's also the option of buffing the feat related to it. But all I can say is that it'd be awesome if this Daily got a buff.
I tried out the new features again on preview. Used the new at will and cloud of steel. IMO, this new paragon feels very slow. I did the Sharandar dailies and due to the speed of the at will plus it is DoT damage, the gameplay wasn't that great. I will try in pvp but even if perma stealthed there is no advantage to the at will because it isn't burst. Player's regen will tick for more than this is doing. has anyone else tried it? I can't imagine dropping duelist flurry or cloud of steel for this. I like ItC but it is not needed if there is something worthwhile to replace it. Currently the encounter we gain doesn't add anything to the table. Any ideas for different builds with this spec?
Hello guy's.
For the rogue community and..why not for all NW community , since this will affect us all.
I see that nobody had open this topic..and why should they ?( specialy if they are rogues).
I want to put on the Table the New paragon At will: Disheartening Strike : 5169 -6162 damage (with feats more damage by 5 %)
You trow a dagg to enemy's head dealing damage over time (dot) and reduce enemy damage. +the feat that decrease even more the damage of ur enemy.
Basicaly this is like Cloud of steel (the range dagg) But the range is 40' + other effects that il mention down :
Why Broken ? well :
1) U have Unlimitated strikes ( like cloud of steel hiting 10000000000000 daggs..not 8.
It's been 12 dags and nerfed since to strong) now we have a *new* cloud of steel With bit shorter range , But infinite spamming daggs..and more damage.
2) The damage PER HIT is big enough : 1000 no crit...2000 + crit. ..Not including Dot.
3) After u hit Once , You apply a dot effect on ur target that stacks x 6 times ( meaning ur doing 6 dots.(damage over time (burning effect)
Only hiting Once + dot effect x6 on a Boss/Mob : First hit 2000 damage and since first Hit was a crit The dot that follow was crit..wich stacks x6 times so in total i made like 14 000+ damage.
This ONLY from 1 Normal Hit and dot.(+ having perma stealth set= lower damage)
Since this skill have no charges , you can effectly Hit nonstop and keep the dot effect permanent On the Target.
Yes , this will make every rogue OP (?more ?) But specialy Now Permanent Stealth rogues will dominate the arena .
Now the Permanent Stealth rogues Finaly have NonBreaking Stealth Hits Kill Oportunity (while remain In permanent stealth).
As a Permanent stealth rogue my self , i may say ...This is game breaking.
Now i can refill my stealth with bait and switch/shadow strike Do Only 1 Hit with Disheartening strike..that follows OP Dot , refill Stealth , repeat Disheartening and target is death ( if u dont like to wait..just SPam disheartening to apply DOT effects and the Normal Damage per Hit.
My FeadBack is : Make max 5-8 Charges On this Skill (like cloud of steel) and remove the Dot Stack.
Even without Dot...U basicaly can Spam Dishearting NONSTOP On ur target..remaining in Stealth.
This is like Cloud of steel..but infinite loads + Epic Dot.
I yet to look On other at-wills (like ranger at will..that dose what..14 000 crit ??Mhmm)
U guys are aware that Cloud of Steel was OP with 12 shoots...
Disheartening alone (without dot) it's an infinite spam skill. Trow Dagg style : ( 15-20 hits and target dies while you remain in Permanent stealth)....This without Dot.
With Dot U can just Spam x 3 times Disheart and u can take down easy a 44 000 HP Sentinel GWF.
This In Stealth ( oh yes..when i did the 14 000 damage i was out of stealth..Immagine what gives Stealth ..with max Cha...) ( in stealth u do more damage due combat avantage = high charisma/feats)
Please reconsider.
DO not keep it quiet..just bcs ur a rogue and u have Oportunity to be a Invizibile Killing machine.
The other feats are k.
yogokouMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
From what I'm reading it seems you have a not actually tested this very well, because I completely disagree. No one will use Dish. Strike in PVP as a main at-will for the simple reason you cannot attack with it mid-air. And yes you are correct, I have not seen this posted else-where. So you are forced to be on the ground, immobile (because of the long animation) at 40ft range, throwing the dagger. I do not foresee killing many opponents this way, for obvious reasons. I am a perma stealth PVP rogue and I would never use it over CoS simply for the range+mobility advantage.
On the topic of damage. I hit simple mobs with 800-950(1700-1950 critical) with Dish. Strike. I hit them for 750-850 (1450-1600) critical with CoS, as I am looking through the combat log right now. I would say considering the attack speed of each skill, CoS provides equal if not more DPS, just in burst instead of sustained (I have the feat that makes Dish. Strike increase your damage).
Not to mention what you have to sacrifice to get Dish. Strike in the first place.
You know, for some reason I'm not getting the same results as you based on my testing for Dish Strike. Same as Yogokou, what I've been getting per use was 1600 - 2000. Not to mention the cast time is a little too long to be useful for PVP. You're standing there throwing knives, prone to CC. Even if you're a permastealth TR or not clearly this At-Will isn't that much of a solid choice for PVP as mobility is a key for squishy classes. Whether you are in stealth or not, you have to keep moving or else you're a sitting duck for a good GF/GWF who'd just send you prone for trying to spam them with knives. Not to mention the DoT is ticking for really, really low values. Like 20 - 30 or so per tick. I find that the DoT is much more useful for taking other rogues out of stealth much faster.
So yes. Perhaps you need to do a little more testing with your rogue.
yeah, this skill is not OP. The damage tick and casting animation is really slow. Also the DoT is based on if the original crits. So if you are spamming (if possible) the at will the dot is constantly being re calculated. Cloud of Steel is alot better and it also feels better when playing if that makes sense.
"we all love this game and want it to thrive"
l3g10nna1reMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 372Arc User
edited November 2013
Hey there,
This is a suggestion to the Developer who is responsible for TR Development
Can you perhaps see about adding a Third Dodge to our stamina meter please i/e cost per roll cut?
yeah, this skill is not OP. The damage tick and casting animation is really slow. Also the DoT is based on if the original crits. So if you are spamming (if possible) the at will the dot is constantly being re calculated. Cloud of Steel is alot better and it also feels better when playing if that makes sense.
This is quite true. If the initial throw crits, then every tick of the dot will be critical. I played few matches with this in preview, and it seriously is not op. Though you could play pretty good support if you use this as it will pretty much negate regen. Myself, I like to play pretty defensively but I'm in no means permastealth, so I like the burst of CoS better and I will always use duelists flurry as my another at-will because of deadly momentum and it is just simply the best for my playstyle. I thought of dot-build though, PotB, DF and DS(disheartening strike) and it could be pretty effective, but as of now I refuse to use path of the blade until it is fixed (can't score a critical and isn't affected by deflect, don't know about DR and it can't proc weapon enchants).
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited November 2013
As a TR player (4 so far), adding a dodge to TRs is a bad idea. As much as I'd appreciate it in hectic PvE, it's not necessary and you can feat to take advantage of your existing stamina, etc. A third roll would also bring too much advantage to Twilight Adept, which refills stealth when you dodge.
In PvP, the CW's three dodges is one of the things that the player can take advantage of to not get hacked to bits by melee classes. Allowing any other class to keep up to their dodges would unfairly take this away from them, and CWs are already a favoured target of the TR.
Giving the TR a third dodge would be unbalancing.
As a TR player (4 so far), adding a dodge to TRs is a bad idea. As much as I'd appreciate it in hectic PvE, it's not necessary and you can feat to take advantage of your existing stamina, etc. A third roll would also bring too much advantage to Twilight Adept, which refills stealth when you dodge.
In PvP, the CW's three dodges is one of the things that the player can take advantage of to not get hacked to bits by melee classes. Allowing any other class to keep up to their dodges would unfairly take this away from them, and CWs are already a favoured target of the TR.
Giving the TR a third dodge would be unbalancing.
Each to there own, I disagree but im purely on the PVE side PVP has to many trolls/Idiots that i block nearly as many users as i do gold spammers,
in comparison 5 seconds sprint vrs 3 teleports etc etc see not reason why we should see if we can get 3 rolls for TR and 3 Side steps for DC
PVP is a major reason why so many good skills get changed, which is pathetic, but hey ho
but as of now I refuse to use path of the blade until it is fixed (can't score a critical and isn't affected by deflect, don't know about DR and it can't proc weapon enchants).
It was already confirmed that theres nothing to fix. The way it is now is intended. It would be too powerful if it critical striked AND was affected by weapon enchants. Which I agree with.
With the loss of Impossible to catch in new paragon path, disheartning should be required or no defense no damage...u know how important and useful impossible to catch is right?
And as for perma stealths, there is no shadow strike so no perma stealth with disheartening,,,,u didnot know this?? :O Looks like u were lying about having a rogue...or just not ur main...
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited November 2013
What you do lose is Gloaming Cut, which is a big part of PvE permastealth, at any rate.
Ok, does the Quick reply edito not work on Win7Pro with Chrome?
Some things are meant to remain lost.
thuldyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 17Arc User
edited November 2013
I honestly get the feeling some of the forum comments and generalisations regarding the performance of the Whisperknife Paragon are more armchair theoretical than practical testing. So far it seems underwhelming but I am keen to see what some of the more seasoned TR build makers can crank out of this path.
The feats boosting Encounters or at-will power contributions to DPS are in the second tier of the respective paragon paths so at most you can dabble in one other than your primary choice. No new feats boost the length of stealth so those trying to optimise a perma- stealth Rogue will likely need to take Dazzling Blades and consume two of the three encounter slots just on SS and BnS to extend stealth. As a comparison I can use a Scavenger's set and Shadow Strike alone to maintain perma-stealth with Gloaming Cut feats without investing in extreme Recovery or Intellect. Not so with Whisperknife.
Has anyone managed a high DPS perma stealth build variant in their testing as yet please?
- Haven't really had the chance to test this myself but I read a lot of comments. On paper this Encounter is pretty much sub-par compared to the perks which we get from Master Infiltrator. I have a couple of suggestions that, in my opinion, would make this skill a bit more attractive. Since this is a "pursuit" ability, why not make it so that it also acts as a gap closer like Deft Strike, but in a different manner? I was thinking that the initial melee slash (out of stealth) could act like the GF's Lunging Strike, and that this would count as a dodge. The dagger throw follow up would then slow the opponent down after which. This adds better control and utility to the skill. The Stealth version of this ability would throw the dagger first and Daze the opponent, and after which, the follow up melee would make the player lunge towards his target, slashing those around him. The lunging mechanic would again count as a dodge for a bit more utility.
These suggestions are coming from a player who merely likes to craft builds. I haven't tested this yet but on paper it would make the encounter feel a bit more special without it being too overpowered.
What do you guys think?
Honestly I never use ITC anymore I learned I like all out DPS + Stealth better. Shadow Strike, Lashing Blade, and Impact Shot. Works like a charm. I like Shadow Strike better because it offers 2x stealth time, which is about 20 secs without any enhancements, way more duration than ITC at max rank. Another reason is that the enemy can still attack you with ITC and with shadow strike you're just completely invisible, and if played smart you can always avoid all damage completely.
I just suggesting polishing the Whisperknife path up a bit. Making it just as viable as Master infiltrator.
( In PvP it is a different story. You can get away with almost anything against most players since most of them can be easily mindgamed
So yeah, Whisperknife has to be sick good to make TRs even consider losing ITC.
This. I barely can imagine my rogue without ITC in PvE. I ALWAYS stand in aoe with ITC, I'd lost a lot of dps if I were try to dodge EVERY aoe or heavy boss attack. I could dropped this for PvP "troll-stealth-Disheartening-Strike" playstyle, but for
These changes should help it be more useful in both PvE/PvP. They should make it to preview server relatively soonish.
I like this
The new paragon path seems like a perma pvp only spec. its not good in pve. you lose the class feature that refills your stealth bar and adds damage when you use a daily.
The new lantern Artifact makes this spec very weak. With the changes to soulforge, a loss of 3% deflect, no impossible to catch, and very slow movement speed, if your caught out of stealth your as good as dead.
Another big issue I have is the relevance of a D.O.T move when everyone will be running high Regen. With the new boons and a few artifacts its possible to add another 950 regen at no cost. This means that a big portion of the damage done from the d.o.t will be negated. Burst damage is still king in pvp
It's a lovely change! Sounds good in paper.
on this encounter : After slashing my target, and then i reactivate this power, but what happen, i see foe nearby target is like slashed but not taking any damage, and only the target that taking slow effect and combat advantage. but on tooltip said briefly slowing them, and making them grant combat advantage to me and my allies.
Feedback: Good Thinking to make this new paragon for ranged attack, i love it. but please change range on at will power to 60' range,give daily power more chance to crit[i sad seeing this new daily when damaging just only 5k damage (not crit attack), and hard to get crit (another power is easy enough to get crit)], and give Razor Action [class feature] more damage [ i sad too, seeing this class feature just damaging 37damage per second for 4 second even i have 12k GearScore]
Devs, this paragon is VERY niche. Its not fair to TRs as it feels we still don't have options. We were hoping for a more mainstream option. This spec facilitates perma stealth play style and most TRs don't even play like this.
I wanted something that all TRs would be open to. Coming as an executioner TR, this is like almost playing an entirely new class. I feel like the other classes are getting buffs and a bunch of goodies while we get nothing. Almost everyone I have spoken to says they wont use this spec and only one has said he will "try" it. Consider this a failure and scrap the idea
I was thinking you guys would do something cool like sword specialization. More dps but less burst damage.. something cool and fun that at least TRs would consider and try out
I will use this paragon. It fits my playstyle very well. If they scrapped this idea, I would be very disappointed. Even if only a handful of people use this paragon, if those people have fun with it, then it's worth releasing. It sounds like most rogues would still be hung up on losing Impossible to Catch, no matter what the new paragon brought to the table.
The only thing I'm concerned about is if the two knives thrown during the Hateful Knives daily are able to crit. Currently they don't seem to be able to do so.
Any ETA on when it'd be possible to test this? I checked preview yesterday and it seems the power is still using the old version.
Feedback: Class Feature: Razor Action
- It lacks presence. It would be great if we could better see and hear the daggers being flinged.
Feedback: Daily Power: Hateful Knives
- For a Daily it doesn't feel too powerful. Although it's really convenient when feated. Would it be possible to have its DPS or CC increased a bit? It feels lackluster in comparison to Shocking Execution. If not there's also the option of buffing the feat related to it. But all I can say is that it'd be awesome if this Daily got a buff.
I tried out the new features again on preview. Used the new at will and cloud of steel. IMO, this new paragon feels very slow. I did the Sharandar dailies and due to the speed of the at will plus it is DoT damage, the gameplay wasn't that great. I will try in pvp but even if perma stealthed there is no advantage to the at will because it isn't burst. Player's regen will tick for more than this is doing. has anyone else tried it? I can't imagine dropping duelist flurry or cloud of steel for this. I like ItC but it is not needed if there is something worthwhile to replace it. Currently the encounter we gain doesn't add anything to the table. Any ideas for different builds with this spec?
For the rogue community and..why not for all NW community , since this will affect us all.
I see that nobody had open this topic..and why should they ?( specialy if they are rogues).
I want to put on the Table the New paragon At will: Disheartening Strike : 5169 -6162 damage (with feats more damage by 5 %)
You trow a dagg to enemy's head dealing damage over time (dot) and reduce enemy damage. +the feat that decrease even more the damage of ur enemy.
Basicaly this is like Cloud of steel (the range dagg) But the range is 40' + other effects that il mention down :
Why Broken ? well :
1) U have Unlimitated strikes ( like cloud of steel hiting 10000000000000 daggs..not 8.
It's been 12 dags and nerfed since to strong) now we have a *new* cloud of steel With bit shorter range , But infinite spamming daggs..and more damage.
2) The damage PER HIT is big enough : 1000 no crit...2000 + crit. ..Not including Dot.
3) After u hit Once , You apply a dot effect on ur target that stacks x 6 times ( meaning ur doing 6 dots.(damage over time (burning effect)
Only hiting Once + dot effect x6 on a Boss/Mob : First hit 2000 damage and since first Hit was a crit The dot that follow was crit..wich stacks x6 times so in total i made like 14 000+ damage.
This ONLY from 1 Normal Hit and dot.(+ having perma stealth set= lower damage)
Since this skill have no charges , you can effectly Hit nonstop and keep the dot effect permanent On the Target.
Yes , this will make every rogue OP (?more ?) But specialy Now Permanent Stealth rogues will dominate the arena .
Now the Permanent Stealth rogues Finaly have NonBreaking Stealth Hits Kill Oportunity (while remain In permanent stealth).
As a Permanent stealth rogue my self , i may say ...This is game breaking.
Now i can refill my stealth with bait and switch/shadow strike Do Only 1 Hit with Disheartening strike..that follows OP Dot , refill Stealth , repeat Disheartening and target is death ( if u dont like to wait..just SPam disheartening to apply DOT effects and the Normal Damage per Hit.
My FeadBack is : Make max 5-8 Charges On this Skill (like cloud of steel) and remove the Dot Stack.
Even without Dot...U basicaly can Spam Dishearting NONSTOP On ur target..remaining in Stealth.
This is like Cloud of steel..but infinite loads + Epic Dot.
I yet to look On other at-wills (like ranger at will..that dose what..14 000 crit ??Mhmm)
U guys are aware that Cloud of Steel was OP with 12 shoots...
Disheartening alone (without dot) it's an infinite spam skill. Trow Dagg style : ( 15-20 hits and target dies while you remain in Permanent stealth)....This without Dot.
With Dot U can just Spam x 3 times Disheart and u can take down easy a 44 000 HP Sentinel GWF.
This In Stealth ( oh yes..when i did the 14 000 damage i was out of stealth..Immagine what gives Stealth ..with max Cha...) ( in stealth u do more damage due combat avantage = high charisma/feats)
Please reconsider.
DO not keep it quiet..just bcs ur a rogue and u have Oportunity to be a Invizibile Killing machine.
The other feats are k.
On the topic of damage. I hit simple mobs with 800-950(1700-1950 critical) with Dish. Strike. I hit them for 750-850 (1450-1600) critical with CoS, as I am looking through the combat log right now. I would say considering the attack speed of each skill, CoS provides equal if not more DPS, just in burst instead of sustained (I have the feat that makes Dish. Strike increase your damage).
Not to mention what you have to sacrifice to get Dish. Strike in the first place.
So yes. Perhaps you need to do a little more testing with your rogue.
Hey there,
This is a suggestion to the Developer who is responsible for TR Development
Can you perhaps see about adding a Third Dodge to our stamina meter please i/e cost per roll cut?
many thanks
This is quite true. If the initial throw crits, then every tick of the dot will be critical. I played few matches with this in preview, and it seriously is not op. Though you could play pretty good support if you use this as it will pretty much negate regen. Myself, I like to play pretty defensively but I'm in no means permastealth, so I like the burst of CoS better and I will always use duelists flurry as my another at-will because of deadly momentum and it is just simply the best for my playstyle. I thought of dot-build though, PotB, DF and DS(disheartening strike) and it could be pretty effective, but as of now I refuse to use path of the blade until it is fixed (can't score a critical and isn't affected by deflect, don't know about DR and it can't proc weapon enchants).
In PvP, the CW's three dodges is one of the things that the player can take advantage of to not get hacked to bits by melee classes. Allowing any other class to keep up to their dodges would unfairly take this away from them, and CWs are already a favoured target of the TR.
Giving the TR a third dodge would be unbalancing.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Each to there own, I disagree but im purely on the PVE side PVP has to many trolls/Idiots that i block nearly as many users as i do gold spammers,
in comparison 5 seconds sprint vrs 3 teleports etc etc see not reason why we should see if we can get 3 rolls for TR and 3 Side steps for DC
PVP is a major reason why so many good skills get changed, which is pathetic, but hey ho
It was already confirmed that theres nothing to fix. The way it is now is intended. It would be too powerful if it critical striked AND was affected by weapon enchants. Which I agree with.
And as for perma stealths, there is no shadow strike so no perma stealth with disheartening,,,,u didnot know this?? :O Looks like u were lying about having a rogue...or just not ur main...
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
The feats boosting Encounters or at-will power contributions to DPS are in the second tier of the respective paragon paths so at most you can dabble in one other than your primary choice. No new feats boost the length of stealth so those trying to optimise a perma- stealth Rogue will likely need to take Dazzling Blades and consume two of the three encounter slots just on SS and BnS to extend stealth. As a comparison I can use a Scavenger's set and Shadow Strike alone to maintain perma-stealth with Gloaming Cut feats without investing in extreme Recovery or Intellect. Not so with Whisperknife.
Has anyone managed a high DPS perma stealth build variant in their testing as yet please?