Hey, long time, all. Just popping in to see if anything's improved, and happy to see a few familiar faces. But looks like things actually got worse... so, er, see you again in a quarter or three when I poke to see again. ;) (I've moved on to making a webcomic with CGI, and it's so much more rewarding. Heh.…
What user content really needs is a predictive algorithm, like other large database warehouses (Amazon, for example). Like, 'hey, you marked Bla and Bla very highly, you might like Bler' Sadly it'll never happen.
I don't think that's true. Clearly, the model of 'it should be free because authors are providing an asset to the game' just doesn't work. PWE manifestly doesn't see Foundry as an asset to the game, only ad copy that might make the game look good but isn't worth investing in any further. If PWE ACTUALLY thought Foundry was…
After giving up on Foundry I wandered off and discovered that free(ish) CGI is actually quite good nowadays. I have no idea how far what Cryptic uses is from stuff like Daz or whatnot, but there is LOADS of content out there that could make for cool NW content.
Yeah, for a long time I was also against the idea of attempts to monetize Foundry. At this point, I think it's the only chance we have of ever seeing Foundry coming back from the hospice.
They should have rewards work more like STO, and I'm frankly astonished they never did that. Notably, rewards scaling by time it takes to do a quest. So that if you make a 1 hour quest, the rewards are 3-4x a 15 minute quest. (3x, maybe, to take into account time to switch between 15 minute quests) As it is, PW have…
The problem with constantly changing limits (or other assets) is that it means for every mission you make, you have a constant drain of time every patch to update and rework it to fit the changes. Constantly. Frankly, at this point, the overhead of trying to keep the three missions I managed to produce is so high, I not…
People keep basing their judgements of authors and players based on how it is now. But things are really messed up, now -- it's hard to get plays or even for people to find your missions, it's hard to find stuff you like, and rewards are minimal for everyone involved. You need the vision and understanding of what it could…
Well, it's pay as you go. The more authors pay, the more they do. It's a pretty direct cause and effect. And it's clear to me that PW just doesn't value Foundry much. So while we KNOW it benefits them, well, brick wall. So you could also see it a different way, really -- the reward of Foundry authorship is in making stuff.…
Well, I think some people are more hopeful (or deluded, depending on how cynical you want to be) about how well Foundry can work now. If you had asked me right after the game released, I would have strongly disagreed with monetizing Foundry.
At this point, I'm with the OP. It's a terrible idea to monetize Foundry such that people have to PAY to help the game out. But the thing is, PW is clearly utterly incapable of understanding the value of diffuse benefits like Foundry. They don't see anything that doesn't have a price tag directly tied to it as valuable or…
I don't care about timing of content so much. The problem is that this is a complete confirmation of what we've suspected for a long time -- that they literally can't/won't conceive of the benefit of diffuse improvements that benefit morale and the OVERALL quality of the game. If you are looking for discrete, small items…
Yep, pretty much exactly what I've been saying. The money people are too small-minded to see the value of diffuse content, only very specific ROI stuff that can be measured exactly. Which means NW is utterly not a game I will be supporting, because THAT is a recipe for horrible microtransactions and nothing else. No…
I've successfully completed about a half dozen surveys and gotten nothing for it. My advice is that your time is better served doing just about anything else.
The chasm cliffs are good for HUGE spaces (they are something like 1700 feet tall, which is, what, more than a fifth of a mile? Woopa) The red color might be good for some stuff.
Nothing easily map-wide. I don't mind not having the waves, because arguably underwater you don't SEE that. But I could have sworn there used to be some Bloom assets that were in Backdrop or something, can't seem to find it.
The problem is the distortion area is WAY too small. The underwater area I have is a huge rolling space underwater. Plus, you know... in a way the distortion doesn't make sense. Water is only distorted when you're looking down into it, really. Being deep underwater and wandering around, arguably there shouldn't be…
Examples of new look, last one showing map: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/1912034_10203859319457349_9021727352083859226_o.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/t31.0-8/10548666_10203859328337571_115357559021097125_o.jpg…
Well, I've gravitated back to using water planes rather than going under ground plane. I lose the blur and distortion effect, but 'blue fog' handles the general effect well enough. I wish the blue fog had a somewhat more vivid blue, it looks a little white-ish, but whatever. The other advantages are: more control over…
I have a galeb duhr. I like having astral seal in divine mode, not just to top myself off but to keep my galeb alive -- there are some solo stuff that can tear him to pebbles, and giving him survivability gives ME survivability. If I know we can handle the content more easily, I swap out astral seal for something more…
Any thoughts on how to make the map... relevant? Working below the ground plane means pretty much everything you place is going to be hidden by the ground map. And while I COULD say 'don't look at the map,' it seems like an ugly 'fix.' I'm unlikely to have the budget to recreate, say, the stuff below ground with stuff…
Well, some games have great swimming. GW2 has some amazing underwater zones. And I was around for the 20 year old games. Losing levels was HORRIBLE. Oy. 'Oops, I went afk for a sec, a giant stepped on me, and now I need to redo my entire spellbook NF&*($%&(TGN'