I'd just like to petition for the developers to actually TEST their own coding, before deploying changes to the live server, and improve their testing process before making future changes.
Why? Just think about the Bottle Lightning quest bug that was introduced. Bug report at:
I think it has become abundantly clear to us players that the developers do not have any proper standards when it comes to testing and deployment of code changes to the live server. Given their history of breaking something whenever they try to fix something, it gives me the impression that the developers lack a good process in testing and assuring the changes are proper before they release the changes.
Bug fixes, patching, etc involves a process, and usually goes as such:
(1) Identify the problem, by replicating it in the office/test/live environment.
(2) Find the root cause of the problem, through code analysis.
(3) Make the necessary code changes to fix the problem.
(4) Deploy the code changes in the office/test environment, with source code management.
(5) Test if the problem has been fixed with a proper test case.
(6) Test if the problem affects other related parts of the application (integration testing).
(7) Deploy the code changes to the live environment during a schedule downtime/maintenance.
Now the developers give the impression that they are skipping (5) and (6) altogether. You do not make code changes and not test them; this is simply BAD programming. In the Bottled Lightning case, it could have simply been tested by having a couple of developers go to the Rothe Valley zone, and interact with a Bottle while having another tester stand nearby. Despite the simplicity of this test case, it was clearly not done!
Sure, you can tell me it's more complicated than that, that you have multiple files to deploy, that the coding was correct and tested, just not deployed correctly, that something else that was patched caused the quest to not update, etc. But it all boils down to the testing process, and developers, your testing process is clearly bugged. Please fix it first. Thank you.
Waiting for fanboys to post about how hard it would be for that to happen and how it is a free to play game and we should be happy they update at all. Gee I wonder how other games do it.
I only do fetch quests on dragons most days so my sigil output is severely crippled by this bug.
Please test moar bettur next tym!
I so hate any time the free2play argument is brought up as if they didn't make that decision to make more money. They wouldn't do it otherwise, though I think they'd make more if things were changed.
Anyway yes, testing is really poor in this game and really really lets it down. If it was a rare occurrence, fine bugs happen. Yet it's not, far from it.
That means that they do just enough to get by.
Who cares if your job is to push a button on a wall.
One day you will fall asleep and not push that button and people will die!
I don't know, just feels like they aren't really even trying anymore.
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