Each character's bank space in your account should basically be merged. Each new character should add 2 new rows to the now common bank space. You could still buy extra bank slots as you can now of course. Probably the simplest and easiest fix, same space as before, easier access.
A premade that wins all the time will not face undergeared pugs under the elo system,it is designed to always give you a 50/50 win chance in every pairing. This is happening between elo ranking hasn't fully kicked in yet, and due to unavailability of proper opponent at that time. Also the premade will be gaining minimal,…
I'm thinking that matchmaking forms teams based on Elo averages now to save time i.e. 2 guys with good ranking, 2 averages and a newbie VS 3 man premade and two newbies, or something like that. I've been getting hit with top premades after a 4-5 win streak everytime, so from my experience it definitely works to a degree.…
The amount of leavers has been reduced close to zero so far, players stay engaged during the course of a pvp match. That's a big positive. Don't think it will continue though after the early impression dies off.
Kweassa, I will never get over how you are trying to school players that have many times your experience and access to resources (to test stuff). Glass cannon dps rogues were non-competitive, doing only a small % of semi-perma rogues damage because of their reduced lifespan; they could not 1v1 other classes. And if you…
Easiest way: GF aggroes the hellfire magus and takes them to the left, everyone else hits the dragon and moves right. Everyone ignores hellfire magus for the whole fight (if you don't kill them they don't respawn). They have 3 attacks, a straight line laser (can move sideways to avoid, or block), a small targeted fireball…
No need for apologies, we're all internet veterans here (lol). The vines issue was in fact confirmed to be a bug by the devs, it was either on preview forum or bug forum when it was reported (kinda bored to look it up), it was also identified before the module went live (from the preview server). There is an upcoming patch…
Why do you keep repeating "unavoidable" when people have already given ways to avoid it. Undodgeable isn't unavoidable. You keep arguing theories trying to form a logical argument but then you fail at these details. I wasn't implying grasping roots when I mentioned other undodgeable powers, this is a bug that hopefully…
Since I disagree with mostly everything and none of the points I made earlier seem to be taken into consideration, I will respond to each point of your eloquate post, although I will be somewhat repeating myself. The existence is in fact the only true indicator of intent, and more so the outcome of that intent. Shocking…
I don't think anyone considers this a bug. This is a cry for nerf/balance discussion. If anyone thought it was a bug, he/she would simply post in the bug forum. No use discussing it here. The topic has been raised more than once and as you said the skill has been reworked in the past, which makes it pretty clear it is…
My assumption still stands then,regarding your auto-win button. You say you are most skilled than all TRs out there in general - not 100%(which I cannot have an opinion on) and you want their one method of killing you taken away. I will still argue that more such methods are needed, by your logic. I'm confident SE has…
I agree with some of your post Shadow5930, you are wrong in some points, a ranged class having the ability to root and kill the squishiest class in the game because that class' power to escape isn't working due to a bug, is not the same as an undodgeable daily, and everyone complained about that, not only TRs. The fact…
To the OP, you got hit because the SE targeted you before your Bloodbath went off, not because SE is undodgeable. Anything that goes off before your Bloodbath takes off (it has a ~0.5 sec activation) will hit you. If a Ranger roots you and you activate Bloodbath, the roots will pull you back to the spot and cancel your…
Posting from mobile and haven't check your stats yet, but with a Wood Elf you will need ~2200-2300 recovery with Skulker to maintain perma stealth. You have a max INT of 19 compared to 21 of a Human in 3xblade's guide (campfire bonus included). EDIT: Nvm, saw your stats, but I stil think you need a bit more recovery
Good video and decent loot. Although no one's looking into how fast overgeared parties can speed run T2s, but how can fresh 60s with minimum gear finish those dungeons.
Almost all of their patches feature bug fixes, since they are willing to push known bugs from preview into live server anyway. TRs can still throw knives when jumping, it was altered so their jump length was reduced after throwing a knife after people started asking for general nerfs in the TR's direction, for balancing…
I'm still waiting for you to back up this with some evidence, until then there is no reason for anyone to act on your opinion. EDIT: Forgot to add, are you willing to bet the developers knew what they were doing in the first place, or is this mechanic an unwanted by-product of their code? The later seems pretty far-fetched…
@abeliever Your reading perception is clouded by your wishful thinking. I never implied "bunny hopping", as you name it, provides an advantage. Only that jumping, provides specific advantages when used properly. Sometimes you need to jump and cast in a direction. Sometimes you need to walk left or right. Sometimes you need…
It could be a Savage Axe transmutation skin from a past Call to Arms limited event (Orc Assault). http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Savage_Axe_of_the_Many_Arrows
Dismounting for 2 seconds then re-mounting is not an effective cut on resources, and I'd rather save the 4 extra clicks when I'm returning the quests. It is much faster and much less annoying as it is now.
Greed only is good for parties with more than one of the same class. People think that greed only is somehow more fair to everyone, but it only makes a difference if there are two or more of the same class in one party. Since everyone likes to stack CW/GWF to fast clear access, that's why premade groups insist on greed…
Cryptic is a company and they decide how to manage their workforce and work hours. Players have no control over this. Pushing out a new free expansion every 3 months is amazing, but letting serious bugs find their way to live after being reported 5 weeks earlier in preview server is unacceptable. If you consider that the…
Again, thanks for taking the time to make all these videos, and putting them out on public, even if naturally they will be cherry-picked. I'm not a fan of WP because it is much more static/slow compared to MI (loss of movement speed and slow animation powers irritate me), even though I occasionally hop on preview to try…