Yeah I finally got it to stop. took like 5 tires and wiping/replacing some NPC's. -sigh- Btw forgot to ask, if anyone is willing to be more accessible for my constant stream of questions feel free to add me in-game Jenna Swiftstrike@vulpixy01
Thanks all for the help. Now if I can get the bloody thing to stop crashing on me maybe I can make some progress... It's crashing on a part I've done successfully before so I'm not really sure what's going on.
Oh yeah I remember reading about the drow assassin trick. Might go with that one since it seems like it'll work the best for what I want to do. How long does it take for the guards to kill the assassin? How far down should I set the "offscreen fight" and will it make any noise? The area in question is outdoors so it'll…