Hello all! I'm working on my first foundry and I've run into a little problem. In my story you have to quell a group of rowdy villagers. You have 2 options for dealing with them: Diplomacy to make the group calm down and walk away, or intimidate which leads to a fight. After the fight I wanted the NPC's to show back up on the floor in "injured" stances where you can talk to them and they say they won't cause any more trouble. I'd like either option to send you back to the main quest-giver on the map.
How would I set that up? I know how to make the friendly npc's disappear and be replaced by the enemy ones, but not how to make them show back up. Also, I'd like this whole thing to count as one objected called "deal with the troublemakers" or something like that, instead of it being several objectives. Is this possible? If so, can someone explain how to do it? Preferably with instructions so easy a caveman could follow them haha.
Thanks in advance
There are workarounds though. The main trick is making neither the fight or the diplomacy part of the story, and have them both have the same outcome.
I'll explain myself. You could have it so you talk to the npc, then convince him, then continue with your quest; or talk to the npc, fight them, then talk to them again (with the hurt npc) and then continue with your quest. In both options you finally just continue with your quest, and things coulf be the same from there (unless you want other stuff to change depending on if you choose to fight him or talk to him, further in the quest)
The less complicated way, would be, having the first talk to the npc being part of the story, no matter if you choose to fight or convince him, and then outside of any objectives, have the enemies spawn after a certain dialogue, something like this:
-hey there want to fight or not?
b) NOT
a)you spawn the enemies.
b)put another npc, with the "diplomacy" dialogue.
neither of these are part of the story, so you can choose to do one or another, but for having one of them being needed to continue, you ca have both of the options give the player an item (the same item) and the next story obective to need that item. So even though neither of the options are real story objectives, you need to do one of them to get the item and continue.
I hope I was clear, let me know if you need a more in depth explanation.
1) Set up an offscreen area (under the terrain on an outdoor map, or in an inaccessible nearby room on an indoor map)
2) Put the Drow in the middle, & 2 Hard difficulty Guard Encounters on either side.
3) Put up walls between the Drow & each Guard encounter. Make these walls appear immediately and DISAPPEAR When the character completes one of two means of dealing with said troublemakers. One wall disappears when you use diplomacy, the other when you beat the troublemakers (using the encounter "component complete" as the trigger)
4) Whether they talk them down or beat them up, one of the walls will come down, & the guards will kill the drow. When he is dead, the "deal with the troublemakers" objective will complete, & you can continue.
Encounter Matrix | Advanced Foundry Topics
Btw forgot to ask, if anyone is willing to be more accessible for my constant stream of questions feel free to add me in-game
Jenna Swiftstrike@vulpixy01