They could just let people with Foundry skills make pvp maps, then have Devs rate them personally and become 'featured'. Dev selection will add them to the Domination rotation. Since they aren't pve combat maps or story quests, rating them should be less time consuming then playing a full quest.
I have an idea to change this power to, throw your Sword in an impaling manner at the enemy...rooting the enemy for the duration that your character (automaticly) lunge jumps to the impaled sword to pick it up. I nominate using the TR's Impact Shot overhand throw animation
So it's buggered on all fronts? Has nobody made it work in on a higher level? Now I'm thinking about Trample the fallen for Iron Vanguard, using the slows to increase damage and allied opportunity for the combat advantage. You lose the benefit if you don't use Weapon master Strike with Flanking Manouvres, knocking enemies…
The road from 60-70 is long, however you get an artifact if you reach level 70, and another artifact if you finish Spinward Rise, the last new area. HR can be fun to play, but it takes a few levels before it picks up when it really differentiates playstyles with the feats. I'de suggest to just finish the normal areas…
My intention, since Strumslinger is featuring quests again, I want to submit this. I think it's polished enough in regards to any glaring errors, but creativly ...would anyone who's played my quest have an opinion if I should expand this quest in any way? (One thing that lingers in my mind, is that the cleanup phase feels…
What I don't like is that shield needs almost constant uptime, making late dungeon running a stale thing. Not to mention having to drop shield to use encounters, with a buggy and delayed shield mechanic.
I think I absorbed all the comments to this quest and made improvements and spellchecks, though I lost the opportunity to rereview's eldarts PM. The forum migration seems to have wiped personal messages. Though the great fire you see has some flames which appear away from the barracks, I'll allow that little part in…
Suggestion Topic: Block and Control Effects GF shield has a delay, which makes it terribly dangerous once you get CC'd to get stuck there as following attacks get in the gap of activation. Holding shift doesn't work to return back to block, or fails often. You have to tap it. Please make block return immediately when…
Suggestion Topic: Expanding Guarding Functionality Spec: All Unbraced Guarding I wondered, should GF always have an extra passive DR rating from the front when the shield is equipped, in combat and not attacking? Looking at the animation, shield is never dropped when in combat, it's always facing the front. This would not…
Event Salvager, producing a token of equilavent value from a lockbox, that you trade into a lockbox item at a new event npc vendor. No more hassles! Could be nicely wrapped up with an actual event connecting to that vendor.
Regular dragons? Knights Challenge, Kneebreaker, Lunge. Shield Warrior's Wrath, Guarded Assault, Fighters Recovery, Crushing Surge, Tide of Iron Knights Challenge gives me more damage against the dragon, reduces damage done to allies and forces it to face me. Whenever it attacks me(especially the dragon breath), I reflect…
How ideal bug/feedback communication is done. It is difficult to tell when things are acknowledged by the dev team, whether its bugs or feedback. Though I see more of it happening since I always check devtracker. We as players can't see when specific bug fixes get bumped up to a later patch update unless you tell us. Thus…
You will find the people who have the most trouble with solo content, aren't using a complimentary companion. Companions no longer suck, and they help tremendously. Put the Iouns away, and use something that covers for the weakness in your class.
The role GWF had besides damage dealing was offtank. It was never supposed to take the main tank's role, but to supplement it. It is in that, that the GWF is failing in lategame due to the ridiculous damage numbers mobs can do. The problem is when sprinting is an insufficient mechanic, especially with unavoidable damage.…
I don't like what GF's have become for endgame dungeons, theres no creativity left in how you can play. Having shield up the entire time, and using encounters which increase your stamina. It's dreadfully boring. Shield up, stab stab, walk backwards ENCOUNTER, shield up stab stab. Can't go anywhere without a shield up. I…
Failing a lair is by default the players fault. Now then, let's examine where you failed, and how you can improve? Post class, paragon, featpath and encounter rotations.
Ramp up your damage bonuses, mark all targets then BOOM..have that massive group of enemies hit with it. It's amazing when used right. Anvil can't compare when you have 12 targets going after you.
The content from 60-70 is soloable by all classes, the 5+ heroics by some good players as well. If you had powerful epic hear, you'll hit hard but be vulnerable. If you don't have good epic gear for that class, using the quest rewards provided supplemented with green drops, and you have higher survivability. Use your…