If ninja looting in pugs is the new meta game in dungeons this game is in far worse shape than even the harshest critics claim it to be. As far as loot from DD chests being BoP, it could work if adjustments were made to loot tables and drop rates for both the chest and boss drops. The loot tables and drop rates currently…
If the chest drops set items you get to choose from the 3 available sets. Delve chests in T2 dungeons have a 10% chance to drop a T2 set so you still have rng to deal with. The only change is that when it drops you'll get the set you wanted.
I'm on Mindflayer and last night there were less than 300 people in Protector's Enclave. The argument could be made that the game is not dying but already dead.
You don't need to wait for DD to run CN for your upgrades, ancient gear drops from the bosses. The DD chest in CN is the same as the chest in any T2 dungeon.
An encounter being made to be less useful does not make other encounters more viable. It means you don’t really have a viable option so you may as well use whatever. Viability - You use that word but I do not think it means what you think it means.
Yes, you fight for many things on this forum. None of them are correct. What I really see you saying in all your posts is that if another player/team has a fighting chance against you, it's wrong and needs to be fixed.
True but you mentioned how things are smoother and faster with a tank. Just being doable and tricky is not smooth nor is it efficient (doesn't mean it wouldn't be fun). All I'm saying is that if the Trickster Rogue class were as OP as some people are claiming, a party of any 5 rogues would trivialize all content. This is…
If rogues were truly as OP as some claim, the ideal group comp for PVE or PVP would be 5 rogues. The fact that other classes being present allows a rogue to do his part for the team goes a long way to dispel the myth of how OP they are.
The bad joke is what's being done to the Trickster Rogue class. I play a cleric and even I feel these nerfs are uncalled for and plain wrong. The balance issue in PVP does not have anything to do with classes. The issue is gear, enchants and the matchmaking system (or rather the lack of matchmaking). Everyone is clumped…
These nerfs need to stop. I play a cleric and I feel bad for all of the rogues if this goes live. If the goal is to balance PVP then make changes that apply to players while in the PVP arena. The TR nerfs in this patch will not balance PVP they will simply strip rogues of their purpose in PVE. This is no slippery slope at…
You hit the nail on the head diogene0. Joining normal DV queue solo usually puts me in a group with players who don't have the gear score to queue for a T1 and have no idea on how to play their class.
Was doing Karrundax with a mix of guild mates and friends the other day. The group got a message that one of the members, who was a CW, left the group. The CW who we thought had left (really strange because this person wouldn't do that without saying something) got a message saying he was kicked. Maybe you were kicked by…
Those who are complaining, why not create a guild just for players who wish to experience Gauntlgrym but who do not wish to be in a guild. You'll then be eligible to enjoy the new content and you'll help make it available to other's like you.
Just finished a 5v3 match. So the 3 of us were used as punching bags and got nothing for it. This is gonna do great things for PVP...like kill it dead.